16 Omicron was awakened by rays of Light which shot through the hole at the bottom of the stairs and illuminated the entire corridor… penetrating even the recession in the…
Quantum Mechanics…Spooky at a Distance?Quantum Mechanics was developed in the early twentieth century.It possesses so many problems that physics has not been able to progresssatisfactorily for one hundred years. Our…
15 Omicron was awakened by rays of Light which shot through the hole at the bottom of the stairs and illuminated the entire corridor… penetrating even the recession in the…
14 The troops were fed and ready to move out at six o’clock the next morning. This day would be a test of strength. If the troops stayed united and…
What is Time? What is the Fifth Dimension? Ideas concerning relativity have been around for a hundred years…They no longer seem to be adequate…to explain phenomena…in the Cosmos. RELATIVITY What…
13 Omicron’s eyes opened automatically at 5:00 a.m. He heard the rustling of government issued pants outside and knew that the sergeants were in the first stages of waking soldiers…
12 It was 12:30 when the last man emerged from the pipe….FlashLights confirmed that their calculations had been correct…they had emerged into some sort of building…among many that were available…
Every Atom has an I!?byFrank W. Andres The scientists is proud of his objectivity…his reliance upon meticulous empirical verificationto obtain Truth…But who is doing the validating? Who is scrutinizing the…
11 Aura sat before the communication screen and wrung her hands. Sylvia and Jason, who were staying in one of the visitor clusters of Chimp Savvy Band, were watching, too.…
10 The only indication Omicron had that it was morning was the blast of the bugle. The sky was dark with clouds. Rain still flowed downwards in sheets. Omicron and…