9 Nov….The Famous Andres Election Sherlock Homes Study Series

9 Nov….The Famous Andres Election Sherlock Homes Study Series

Election Year….2020

What Happened

Again…This Time?

Okay…there is one fact we must put up front…there are two times as many Democrats as Republicans in the US…..but experience shows us that one half of the Democrats seldom vote…so our two party system has been working okay with a little help from those at the top…in the past…the elections have been close enough…that it seemed as if our democratic form of government…well, it is actually a republic…this apparatus at least had the appearance of working….

But something happened this time…tje sky fell in…Americans voted this time…in great numbers…which can only mean that Democrats all turned out…for one of the few times in history….This seems to have stunned those at the top…for they seem to have been working on strategies…. based on past trends….

Okay let us pretend we are writing a detective story…well, many people have pointed out…that Sherlock Holmes stories were not really deductive exercises as they were purported to be…Instead they were inductive…that is clues were given as one read along…and one slowly put pieces of the puzzle together…one built a synthesis…one did not deduce a conclusion…

In fact it has been pointed out…that the best way to write such a story… is to start at the end…write down the results you would seek to obtain…and then write the story backwards….

For example…the 2020 electrion….

Well, first…the Big Boys…..

When I was eight years old, my Grandpop Andres would have me stay over night once in a while….and when I did, he placed me in his office in the Andres mansion in Alhambra….sat me down at a desk….where all the accounting books and business papers were kept…and gave me lots of paper to draw on…while he sat in a barber’s chair that he had at one side of the long rectangular room that ran along one side…the length…of the massive dining room with it massive chandelier…next door…with glass paned doors that ran along this length…so he would feel a part of what was going on in other parts of the massive house….

Then while I was doodling…he would begin to rant…and rave…and tell me all the secrets…about how our wonderful country is actually run…and believe me…he knew…he ended up…in Who’s Who…in Califronia...

He was not really allowed to tell other people about any of this…so he talked in a code…of sorts…I remember everything he told me…although I didn’t really understand the significance of any of this…until later in my life…

The long and short of all this was this…There are twenty families that run the United States…[It all started with Peter Skylar…way back at the founding of our country…all of this history is in one of my minibooks on the website…about the role of the Dutch in the American Revolution and how there were 100 Masonic Lodges in the American colonies…with Benjamin Franklin at the head…as the Great PooPah….The Dutch of course hated the English…they were supposed to have been neutral during the War…but they secretly funneled money to the colonies at critical times…the Dutch also were at the forefront in the Masonic movement and used that structure in their own country to help run things….When you see a painting of the writing of the American Constitution…you are looking at the head Lodge of the Masons in the colonies…located in Philadelphia….with Franklin…not George Washington…in charge….Alexander Hamilton who in the earliest days…was in charge of domestic affairs… was married to one of Skylar’s daughters….John Jay who was in charge international affairs was married…to another of Skylar’s daughters…James Madison who was a Virginian and an important reason that colony ended up ratifying the Constitution….was living in New York in close contact with Skylar….Skylar was the general who won the three most important wars of the Revolution near Saratoga… next to where the Dutch conclave of leaders lived then… and still live today….Benedict Arnold was instrumental in winning those wars…he became a traitor later because he was not given credit for what he did…Skylar insisted upon secrecy at every step…no written communications…George Washington was proclaimed to be the most important military person…although his major job was not to lose…any battles….]

So the long and short of all this…is this….a small cluster of Dutch and allied people have run the US from its inception…in secrecy…but like Augustus Caesar and the Medici famihy in Florence…they have led…as enlightened despots…They really do give up their lives and fortunes for this country…and we would not be number one in the world….without them…An enlightened despot has the brains to know what to do…and the power and wealth…to do it..and the will to devote all his or her energies to accomplishing these great things….for others…They could just sit back and do nothing like aristocrats….but every minute of every day…they are exerting every effort to make and keep this nation great….

And now…we are at a crossroads….

It is a critical time…which calls for desperate measures…

The twentieth century was the richest time in the history of the world… and the U.S. was the richest, most powerful nation…With Saudi Arabia’s help, gasoline only cost 25 cents a gallon during the 1950s and 60s in America…

because of this, metropolitan areas spread out…into what wold be called ‘suburbs’….It was truly a wonderful time to be alive in America…well, there was a downside which was related to an intensely materialistic and alienated existence…but in many people’s minds this was a paradise lost…which must at all costs be…regained…Yet…cheap oil was gone in 1973 when Iran led an oil embargo with its allies…and gasoline in the U.S. rose to one dollar a gallon…and then after 2000, rose again to three or four dollars a gallon…

this led to a cessation of growth of the suburbs with the loss of one-third of the banks in the U.S. during the 1990s…a delayed response…and again later to the Great Recession around 2008-9….which has left the U.S. 25 trillion dollars.. in debt…at the present time…Automation has accounted for eighty percent of its loss in manufacturing and other high powered jobs….resulting in a large erosion…of the middle class…along with the forementioned loss in suburbs and homeownership by citizens….The U.S.hHas become more and more a nation of the rich…and the nearly poor…

Our economy must be rebuilt…The first step is to pay off our humongous debt, which kept us from having another Great Depression…

that means that right now…the U.S. Government budget must switch from a trillion dollar a year deficit…to a trillion dollar a year surplus…in the face of a yearly expense of 87 percent of the world’s military budget…which reflects our responsibility as the world’s leader….This means that for the next twenty years probably more…the U.S. Government must be a shadow of what it has been in the past…things like Social Security, Medicare, health care, the mail..and a host of other things we take for granted…must be privatized…or otherwise be made local in nature….California and New York are well positioned to handle much of these things themselves…states like South Dakota and other ‘Trump’ states…are not….

So what did the Big Boys want from this election…Well,, Hillary Clinton was supposed to win the last election…She was the most qualified person to be a candidate for Presdident in the history of our country…yet the electorate chose the least qualified person who has ever run…who became the worst President we have ever had….Not that it matters…the President is always unqualified to run such a large operation…People in business always have to have way more qualifications to possess a job than the President does….in fact it always ends up to be more of a popularity contest than an assessment of qualifications….A CEO of one business is paid $10s of millions of dollars a year for running only one business…which of course is more than enough to handle…the President on the other hand is paid $400,000 a year to supervise all the corporations…. run the whole economy plus the entire government bureaucracy which touches every aspect of the nation’s life…obviously some other people are doing all of this…those same people have their hand in every state government’s operation,…and in addition all the large cities in the nation….and they do it…all in secrecy….

This is not a conspiracy…If there ere another way…they would do it…they have been very successful doing it….

So the first goal of the Big Boys in this election was apparently to get out the vote…they have been trying to get people to vote in great numbers for decades…then this year it happened…they were shocked…and in the end it seems to have disrupted all of their plans…as we shall see…

A second goal of the Big Boys was to get Biden elected…it is probable that they promised Trump that he would have to be President for only four years…of course there were months before the first election that he had to be committed to campaigning…but he is in his seventies and his brother who was about the same age as he….has died recently…He probably has not taken care of himself and is probably already suffering from what will kill him ….There is the possibility of course that he might end up in jail…but he is like a mobster…he will go to jail only if it serves a purpose…most of what he has done illegally was done at the command of the Big Boys…for example, he has members of the Russian mob in Trump Tower…If he goes to jail…it will be a n environment like Mira-Largo…mobsters are part of the shadow government that exists…they do things that business people cannot do…things that are illegal, immoral, or unAmerican…but have to be done for businesses to succeed and the U.S. to maintain its leadership in the world….But you say…a mobster should not be President….Well, the fact is…if you go to a high society party..there are two sides of the room…business people on one side…and what I call ‘suckers’ like the parasitic gorwth at the base of an orange tree…or ‘rats’ as my grandfather called them…are on the other side…business people do not…not I say cross that line…yes the mob is on the other side…but also all politicians, judges, and yes, all entertainers….

Biden…well, the Democrats..must come into power because they are the party that must get rid of national government participation in social security, medicare, health insurance, the post office..the parks…on and on and on…all of this will be privatized or otherwise operated at the local level…as I say…there will be simply no money for any of this for the next twenty plus years…also there will be no grants to Universities for research…University work will have to be supplemented somehow…corporations simply do not generally create new ideas or products…how many years have we had Coca-Cola…Three Muskateers…on and on and on…all old stuff…or copies of old stuff,…it is simply not profitable in general for corporations which are pretty much monopolies… to create new and wondrous things….So California is leading the way as the equivalent of the fifth largest economy in the world….which has the money and smarts to try and build the future….the rest of the nation probably will wait and follow…

So the Democrats had to win…because Republicans would not dare get rid of entitlements…Just like when Nixon was President…China was the enemy which the right wing hated…so he had to go to China and establish relationships because a Democrat just simply would not be allowed to do that…same with entitlements…if Republicans took these away…there would be riots in the streets…

Third…the final had to be close…but this seemed to be a cinch…because it is easy in the past electrons for decades…as I say…there are two times as many Democrats as Republicans routinely in elections…but one half of the Democrats are either too busy or too uninterested to vote… so elections are always close…sometimes the Big Boys come in at the last moment and make some surreptitious improvement in the vote…but generally not much is reqjuired…This time was different…Everyone showed up to vote which was a shock I am sure to the Big Boys…Because if they left things the way they were headed…then Democrats would end up with 75 million some votes…and Trump with 40 million, just like last election…There just are not many more Republican voters…I mean, they stand for the one percent…who are wealthy…So big turnout…then it should have been a landslide victory for the Democratics…but as far as other countries are concerned the U.S. doesn’t have a democracy any morre…there is only one viable party…as I say, the other is the party of the one percent…wealthy people supplemented occasionally by a right wing that doesn’t care what the Republicans do generally…just as long as that party entertains their concerns…and at least attempts to express interest in them…in the end as seen with Nixon and Reagan…much money is spent by the right wing with little return for their energy and money….So people voted in droves…So something had to be done…

Where will 35 million Trump votes come from…well, I have an idea…later

Also it would be nice if the election really encouraged people to vote next time…and that would be accomplished if there were an ending like a movie…with Trump looking like he has won the election and then pow! at the very end a miracle occurs and a big block of votes comes in and wins the election for Biden at the last minute…It appears that the Big Boys came upon several of the strategies they used this time…in the last general election…there were the same four states that were close this time that were close last time…and this time all four for some reason delayed counting their mail in ballets until the very end…which if ordered by the Big Boys would be voter fraud…even if the result would be the same…it might not have changed the result of the election…but if people find out about it…well, it is more than risky…we would lose our democratic process..no one would turst the process again…

So where did 35 million Grump votes come from…well, one can only guess…it is probable that any investigation of voter fraud will uncover nothing…but it was strange that California did not show up on any channel during the election tallies…it was somehow lumped at the earliest stage with Oregon and Washington…as blue states that obviously will be Biden territory..so no analysis or even mention wws made…I mean, South Dakota which has only 3 electoral votes…its election returns were shown in detial by county as they came in…there was nothing like that done for the fifth largest economy in the world….maybe the Trump votes for California were doubled or tripled and dumped nto the total without any one noticing or caring…

The strange thing is that a lot of what Trump kept saying was actually true…there was voter fraud….there was a lot of fake news concerning the pandemic…I mean, the minute Biden won…restrictions on our nation’s restaurants were partially lifted and a vaccine suddenly appeared to be found…although it will be the spring before it is available…all of this is to help the nation come together and overcome differences…we have to rebuild everything with oil and jobs gone…energy must be increased ten times…nuclear plants will be built as quickly as possible… 300 in the shortest possible time…global warming is important..but it just will lead to rising waters which means cities must move a few miles as 80 percent of the nation’s cities are near rivers and ocaeans…but energy, population exploision, and new jobs for everyone are top priority andt this century is already 20 years gone…

One last thought…it is apparent to me that the Old Guard of the Big Boys is gone…with David Rockefeller at the top..It is now obvious a new generation in charge…which seems to be blatant and brash…taking great chances with things that could lead tom ‘blowing their cover’…the secrecy of those in charge is essential to the well being of our nation…and more caution must be taken to maintain that…I realize that the situation in some cases is getting very desperate and some drastic, risky action seems to be required…..

We need to solve major problems…we need a two party system…we need to give people creative work that will help move them from a materiailistic centered life to lives filled with joy and happiness…getting along with less but with more culture and satisfaction from self expression and contribution…

I have some suggestions for all these things….in my book that is being published by Amazon right now…entitled Omicdron Blue…it is time for all of us…to put aside our differences…and start working toether in Creative Cusgters to build…the future….

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