

Frank W. Andres

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Light. The Earth is bathed in Light daily. Thus: Vision is equipped to utilize Light as Life strives for survival. If there is no Light: Then the Earth is frozen. So Light is also a Source of Heat. A third product of Light is : Food. Light feeds plants. Plants feed the rest of Life. Much of Life eats the other. In this way all Life is made of and from: Light.

But lastly and seemingly and surprisingly most importantly: Light is also: Photon. And the photon is a boson. It accounts for all movement on at a visual scale. Yes: This is surprising. We see no Light in every movement. Yet it is at the scene of every proton and electron interaction. Light – photons – are the Source of all: Force. For all movement. Light thus is literally in every object and movement. So Light is like God.

But – well, Again: There is one last surprise. Light – in the end is not – most important. The strange thing is: Gravity is the Source of Consciousness. And the Source of all Consciousness resides in your Brain. Every Hydrogen atom possesses a tiny Black Hole. It is this tiny Black Hole that rules the Cosmos. Photons provide the Power to do things. But behind all movement is Mind – is Consciousness.

Gravity rules the universe. Energy is concentrated in tiny Black Holes. Concentrated Energy is Consciousness. The universe is like one large Brain. There is Fate and Destiny influencing your Life – every day.

How Light is Made


What intrigues us is that Hydrogen seems to be involved with the generation of Light in stars. But it also seems to possess a Black Hole which absorbs all Light. The reason for this is: Hydrogen formed around countless tiny Black Holes in the first microseconds of the Big Bang. So this Black Hole thing is a relic of ancient ancient history. The generation of Light on the other hand is happening now – every day. Amazingly both are carried on – all at once.

In a star: The mathematics is relentless, and the concepts, though starting with basic chemistry, quicky expand into calculus, quantum mechanics and wave functions. The sun is an atomic furnace fusing Hydrogen into Helium releasing Light as a byproduct. So Light is an incidental part of what a star does? No. Light is photons. Photons are bosons. They provide the Force that makes the impact of Hydrogen nuclei upon the world around them – possible. Photons are involved in every interaction and reaction that Hydrogen atoms and ions are involved in.

So – in a star: Preheat the oven to twenty million degrees Kelvin. Take two nuclei of Hydrogen, each consisting of a single proton. Mold with the pressure found only at the core of a star. Let the temperature and pressure overcome the protons’ mutual repulsion forcing them to collide. There doesn’t seem to be a Strong Force anywhere around. Well, there is only one proton in most of the nuclei. Let protons then fuse into deuterons – heavy Hydrogen – there is the Strong Force at this step – releasing a neutrino plus one electron and its quantum-based opposite, a positron. Electron and positron soon collide, destroying each other and emitting a single photon – Light,. But the photon is just the beginning. To keep the reaction going, add carbon, whose catalytic properties enable the formation of Helium. On through reaction after reaction, let protons, positrons, and electrons smash, releasing more photons, fusing into more complex nuclei. Serve by sending photons to Earth – each second the sun converts four million tons of mass into pure Energy. The photons made in the process can spend up to a million years ricocheting through the furnace, a journey scientists call a ‘random walk.’ Once reaching the sun’s surface, photons zip to Earth in just over eight minutes.

Einstein and Idea Experiments

All his life – Einstein performed Idea experiments. Light and Einstein. Einstein was interested in more than Light – of course. He made significant breakthroughs. He also paraded forth a lot of nonsense. Most of this nonsense was related to Light. His most famous declarations concerning Light – and the Time and Space Light traverses – seem to have been simply conjured from air. What would the world look like – if he could ride on a beam of Light? If a person could run after a Light wave with the same speed as Light – you would have a wave arrangement which would be completely independent of Time.

We say: Time would stop. There would be no movement. There would only be an I – without memory. No recollection of any movement at all. It is impossible to cogently address these problems without the concept of Consciousness. Only things that move at the Cosmic speed limit – well, we have that backwards – only things without mass can move at the Cosmic speed limit – which just happens to be also the – speed of Light. So does this mean that electrons do not really move at that speed? Yes – they must move a tiny bit slower. When one moves at that speed – Time stops. Is there any empirical verification of this? Just from an existential philosophical viewpoint: A particle without Time – is a particle without memory – if there is no memory there is no memory of things past – there is simply – no movement. All movement stops when a particle reaches the Cosmic speed lmit. So Time does stop – but only in this existential, philosophical sense.

So Einstein knew that such a thing was impossible yet he would spend the next decade pondering the ride. Viewed from a beam of Light, clocks would seem frozen, the Light from their moving hands never reaching the retreating passenger. And yet, like someone in a slow elevator, Light’s rider would barely know he was moving. All the staid laws of Newton’s universe would be upset. Upset by the crazy illusions of a person who has never taken a basic philosophy class. What does a person learn in any basic philosophy class – about Space and Time?

Space and Time

Einstein’s Nobel prize for the photoelectric effect was earned -. although the work by Ersnt Mach had done most of the work already. The rest that he is famous for: Seems to be more products of hubris than accomplishment.

There are many problems with Space-Time. Well, first of all: Coordinates belong on a sheet of paper. They are not real things. All of this comes from philosophy which these people are just too busy to read. So you try to place four dimensions on a piece of paper. We notice that physicists are having problems reconciling Einstein’s ideas with the rest of the Standard Model. Well – see here!?: Here is the first sign of problem right here. You can’t place four dimensions on one piece of paper. Space is static – it is one place in time. It is like a painting. Dead. It is simply: Now. Time is a sequence of times. All of this cannot be on one sheet of paper. There is one other obvious problem which they are not even aware of: There is a fifth dimension!!!!!! Every determinantal formula such as F = ma – possesses five dimensions. In these cases the = sign is really a transformation sign. Think of a nuclear explosion.

So the fifth dimension: What do we do with that? These people are hopelessly lost in their mathematics. Our job is to provide the Entire Right Side of the Brain!

Space has another problem: It isn’t real. As we say it exists only on a piece of paper. It is used to describe characteristics of objects in the room around one. It is used to measure objects. Such that mathematical operations may be conducted. It is like drawing a picture of an object. The picture can useful but it is not the object being depicted. Space is a Cartesean area on a paper that is used to depict a figure that is analogous to a real object in such a manner that mathematical operations may be conducted and valid conclusions drawn without using the object itself. The relationship between the drawing and that which is depicted is an idea. The drawing is an analogy – It is not a real thing. So when one says that Space compresses – one misspeaks. Things may happen to an object which may be represented on the piece of paper. But making changes to the drawing does not immediately impact the object being depicted.

Then there is Time. So one reads: Time stops. What the …!!! Now a philosopher understands that Time does one thing – it measures the movement of things. Time cannot stop – it cannot go forwards or backwards. There is Consciousness. Consciousness can perceive, think and act and act with memory. Consciousness only perceives the present. The present is the only Time that exists. We have memory. We have recollection of past events. From this recollection we can do a lot of stuff. We know what objects are on the basis of their similarity with other things we have seen in the past. All of this is: A product of memory.

We know causation. We know of the relationships among these objects that we recognize: Based on the similarities in the sequence of movements among them. From all of this we are able to take memory and project into possible futures. All of this – except the Present – is artificial – it is all – simply – Memory. So: Space exists only if we can recognize objects. Time does not exist at all. It is an illusion created by memory. The ether of Space and Time that Einstein has created – simply does not exist as a real thing. It never travels beyond the world of the idea. Physicists make these mistakes for two reasons. They have not read philosophy. And: They are left hemispheric dominant in their Brain. One simply cannot deduce what we are saying. One requires 12 additional disciplines to say anything like we just said. This requires induction – not deduction. It simply requires a different half of the Brain. A half that is not allowed into the halls of a university.

And then Einstein said: A particle goes faster and faster until it becomes Energy – and then Time stops. Whoa! Let us review what we just said: We have 12 disciplines to work with. From philosophy we know that there is Consciousness – and this can perceive, think, and act – and think with memory. If one possesses pure Consciousness – without any memory – well. without memory: As we said – one is living only in an eternal Present. There are no objects. There are things – but nothing you have seen before – so no knowledge – – you cannot identify anything – there are no names for things. There is also: No movement. One only lives in a present without a past to compare what one sees right now with.. So: No movement. And if there is no movement – there is no Time. Time’s only function is to measure movement

So- it happened!: well, we were reading – and an author was talking about neutrinos and how as they zip through space they change identify from an electron-neutrino to a muon- neutrino – to a tau-neutrino – and/but sometimes Time is reversed! What he means is: The sequence of neutrino appearance is reversed – not Time! Physicists need to learn from philosophers and be very exact in their use of words – such as the words – Space and Time. One can’t just use words like that to impress people. They have very strict meanings.! Time never never never moves backwards!I It only exists because of Consciousness which possesses memory. What does exist is the Present. All else is related to memory. There is only the: Fond remembrance of past events – or the projection forward of such memories – into the unknown – from that known past. If there is no memory: There is only a Present and no more. The Present is the only thing: That exists.

Consequently: Memory works in a very specific manner. You can only remember things that have happened. You cannot remember things that might happen in the Future. Such sloppiness in thinking leads to wastes of Time – and money. We need new Sources of Energy.

OK – now this speed of Light thing: One must be thinking particles – quanta of Light – when one measures the speed of Light. One must know where these separate quanta are at different times and not look at clocks when one says time is speeding up or slowing down – one looks at the Earth. Is it speeding up and slowing down? The answer is: The Earth never varies its motion – so Time does not change either. Time is always a comparison of something we know like the rotation of the Earth – and we compare that – with some other motion – such as a person running.. But this minibook we are writing – is about other problems that exist in physicists’ thought

There seems to be a problem with identifying one quantum of Light. Light seems to be one continuous wave. Except when it hits something. Then: Spat!! Obviously this continuous flow of Light must have varying amounts of concentration within it. We believe that particles possess heavier concentrations of Energy. This translates into greater concentrations of Consciousness. These concentrations contrast with the thin fields of energy attached to them. In the case of Light – these attached fields are rolled up right next to the flow of quanta. The quanta are in a flow – but there must be small interstices of space between them: Spaces that speed of light machines are not picking up. Which leads one to the following sort of quandary: How could Light travel at the same speed regardless of its direction or source? Such a constant speed defies common sense. Such a speed defies Laws of Nature! So Einstein proposed his solution to the paradox: Time must be mutable. The constant speed of Light made Time ‘relative.’ If Light is a constant then Time cannot be. Time as perceived by a stationary observer ticks more slowly for moving bodies. Two planes with clocks circle opposite the Earth in different directions and compare with a stationary clock. There are three clocks: One on each plane and one on the ground. The clocks duplicate the Time the Earth takes to rotate on its axes. When the planes circle and then land – all three clocks should all be the same. Because the rotation of the Earth has not changed in any way.!!!! The problem is that the Earth has moved during the time the planes were circling. Time is always related to some motion that is fixed and cannot be changed to compare another motion with. Time is always constant because the Earth always turns the same – even when clocks may change for some reason. All of this is basic philosophy. It just appears that people stop thinking when things they are studying become too small or go too fast. Induction is required to find Truth. Equations no longer work well. One needs input experience from 12 other disciplines. When one creates a synthesis – a hypothesis – one can never reach certainty but can approach a high level of probability of things being True.


Well, Professor Matt Strassler in his book about ‘Waves in an Impossible Sea’ – goes on and on about relativity and how it has been an issue since the Ancient Greeks. So: We guess he goes through all this because he is perplexed that people are giving Einstein such a hard time for his ideas concerning the topic. The fact is: Einstein simply was not given the Noble Prize for his ideas concerning relativity – this is a fact – and we think this omission was worthy! He certainly seems confused at times. We have gone into these confused ideas in detail elsewhere. OK for example – we shall just state this and move on: When it comes to the speed of Light and clocks and all that – Einstein is plain wrong. And this book on Cosmic Oceans is driving its own nails into that coffin by its emphasis upon ‘waves’ – which shows us that physicists don’t really think about particles at all – just fields.

Einstein – Gravity – Space Time. This whole question of Space-Time. We are beginning to think that most of this conundrum is a semantics thing. Einstein saw the need for something – so: He simply invented it! Physicists are looking for an aether – well, sound is related to air – waves in the ocean are related to water – perhaps Space-Time is merely a substitute in language for the ‘aether’ all physicists are looking for. Waves of Light seem to be moving very quickly in no known substance.

The Cosmic speed limit: ‘c’. Well the speed of light is one example of this. It turns out that other phenomena also travel at this speed and of course less. But we have to agree that this ‘speed limit’ is an empirical thing. It is not something that has been deduced to be True. Tomorrow we may just simply discover something that travels faster. It appears that if a particle possesses a rest mass of zero – it will travel at the Cosmic speed limit. Can anything move faster? There is no intrinsic reason for this speed to be the fastest.

Photons have zero rest mass, and the fact that they travel at the speed of ‘c’ confirms this. But they have nonzero gravitational mass, which is why they are affected by Gravity. So Light is not bent by a Space-Time warping but by the effect – the impact – of bodies interacting with Gravity.

General relativity: There is the equivalence principle – that acceleration in one frame is indistinguishable from gravity in another frame. If one is on a merry-go-round – the centrifugal force one feels is equivalent to what being pulled about by Gravity would feel like. So Space-Time becomes warped because an object with mass warps the Space-Time around it – so one thinks he or she is experiencing Gravity – but he or she is merely falling into a hole created by a curve in Space-Time.

There is an alternative explanation which would make a lot more sense and be compatible with Cosmic Law: There is a Source of Gravity like tiny Black Holes in every Hydrogen atom which aggregated can exert pull upon objects. On Earth Hydrogen exists only two places: In water – that is the oceans – and in Life – which was created in oceans.

Such an explanation would yield particles, fields, and Forces which would be compatible with the Standard Model and would lead directly to a Theory of Everything.

So – what happened? How could a person as intelligent as Einstein come up with such crazy hypotheses?

Well, let us take a small detour and consider the Cosmic I.

So: Suppose Einstein’s idiocy is somehow connected with the fact that he noticed his Cosmic I.. What we are referring to is: When we were infants our mother worked with us until we had developed a Social I – so we could fit in with people, not become obnoxious – and not have a brutal short life. We soon forget what we knew from the beginning – the fact that: I am ‘looking out’. I am the center of the World – No! The Universe!!

It is time for Consciousness to make its appearance in science. There simply will be no more major breakthroughs until we accept the fact of its existence. So Einstein suddenly became aware of his Cosmic I – and soon was toying with the idea that if one did not have memory – Time and Space would change. Time would disappear. Space would be an assortment of completely new things every second. Light which moves at the fastest speed ever seen on earth – would just look the same when all movement stops. Space and Time would not exist in ways that it had existed before. Time and Space actually would become clay that he could mold to his own wishes. This ‘warping’ of his perception of the World – would somehow release Gravity. Suddenly: Einstein was in a weird place. With no Time – with no meaning. And this bizarre world that he created caused him to think all of this through. Somehow when particles go too fast – they stop being particles and become pure Energy. Left and right hand muons begin to flash back and forth – although their spins remain the same. Einstein is in this Consciousness Land without memory. And all sorts of things come to his mind.

It is time to welcome Consciousness into the room. And begin to think about Everything – again! Nietzsche and Kierkegaard have warned us of the hubris and craziness an encounter with our Cosmic I can bring.

Light and Consciousness

So: Is Light Spiritual? Is God Light? We think not. Light is photons. Among bosons – photons are some of the weaker ones. God is Consciousness. All Energy is Consciousness. The more compact and concentrated Energy is – the more Powerful is its Consciousness. The god particle is not the Higgs boson. More likely the god particle – is the proton. This is because the proton possesses something that most physicists will never even look for. Every proton possesses a tiny Black Hole.

Within microseconds of the Big Bang – the universe was filled with countless tiny Black Holes – which subsequently disappeared. There were arguably as many tiny Black Holes as there are Hydrogen atoms today. It is quite possible that Hydrogen atoms in the universe formed around these tiny Black Holes.

You are ‘looking out’ from the center of one of these tiny Black Holes. But deduction does not take one to that knowledge. Only induction – the right side of the Brain is able to make that discovery. Knowledge of this Black Hole comes only from synthesis. It comes mostly from the discipline of Philosophy

You are ‘looking out’ from the center of one of these tiny Black Holes. You in this way – have personal detailed knowledge – as to what it is like to ‘look out’ from the center of an atom. What it is like to ‘look out’ from the center – of a tiny Black Hole! Well from the center of a Black Hole – in general!

Because it is eternal, there is no end to Light. Photons, unlike other subatomic particles, have no mass and therefore do not decay. Whether begat by God or an indifferent Cosmos, the first photons of creation are still out there – somewhere. Which leads to questions: So the universe is slowly losing Energy? Light will travel outwards forever? What is Light doing in this instance – exactly. Light has so much work to do in each atom every day. Then it is sent outwards forever – towards what – for what reason? To communicate with other particles?

Well, in principle – deduction requires empirical knowledge from experiment. And every person has personal knowledge concerning the Black Hole that resides in his or her Brain. However there are two problems with this Source of knowledge. As we say: First our mothers have diverted our attention. We were born with a Cosmic I, that is ‘looking out’. But our mothers very quickly have created in us – Social I. She has given us an I that allows one to live a normal Life among other human Beings. Nietzsche and Kierkegaard have warned us of the dangers of the Cosmic I. If an exceptionally intelligent person should notice his or her Cosmic I – he could either go insane – or suddenly observe that he or she may be possibly a god him- or herself.

The fact is: There is a miracle here. There is real Magic. In fact the Cosmic I is Theee real source of all real Magic. Somehow primitive people were more aware of fundamental Truths regarding humanity than physicists are today. For the fact is: Every person on Earth – is ‘looking out’. Every person on Earth is – the center of the universe. Indeed – this is – Magic!!! So we haven’t noticed such a thing primarily because of our mother.

Also very seldom has the university with its 12 disciplines noticed the Cosmic I. Philosophy has. Biology when it is considering the ramifications of Darwin’s evolution may broach the topic of Consciousness. But in general such talk concerning the I is almost illegal it would seem. It is just not allowed – in polite company. Yet it is apparent now that the topic of Consciousness is almost an essential topic for discussion in all the disciplines – if progress is to be made in intellectual and scientific thought generally. Indeed – If humanity is to be able – to survive!


So: Einstein has said some pretty outlandish things. And there has been little one could do about it. Afterall – this is physics we are talking about. Engineers-to-be have to take physics . But they are Engineering majors so they are protected if they receive ‘C’s in physics and chemistry classes. If one desires to be a physics major – one learns very quickly one needs to be a wizard in/with mathematics. Because that is what physics has evolved to be: Primarily pages and pages of mathematics. When it comes to creative work – physics like the rest of the university curriculum reserves professorships for those who are dominant in the left side of their Brain.

Light is God’s reflection? God’s divine messenger? Quantum theory works on paper, yet still it is incomplete. Wielding ‘c’ like a wand, Einstein had toppled Newton, quantized physics, and destroyed the constancy of mass, energy, space, time.

Light always moves at 186,000 miles per second. Light possesses no mass. Thus it has no ‘rest mass’. Light always moves at ‘c’ regardless of the motion of the perceiver. This is because a photon cannot be stopped and its position compared with other things. So the fact that Light is always the same is really meaningless. You can’t use it for anything important. But they say that GPS cannot be done correctly without this fact. I think it is like all things quantum mechanics – all of it is True until it isn’t. Smart phones are made more powerful because components are made smaller and smaller – until they can’t be made any smaller. Then don’t worry – we have quantum mechanics all in equations. But one glance tells you: They don’t even know what a particle or wave is or what they do. They have in the past simply told us: just Trust us. We’ll have all the equations when we need them. Until that day comes – and Nada!

There is a reason Einstein did not receive a Nobel Prize for relativity. This was because important people simply felt that his ideas were wrong. But everyone accepted what he was saying as being True. Why not? What difference does any of it mean anyway. Everything is too small too fast – we’ll just say what he says if True – what harm is there in doing that?

The World is at a crossroards right now! There are only days of oil left. Two-thirds of the world is underdeveloped. Population is exploding. Automobiles have ruined the Earth. We have run out of Time. We must run fast now merely to salvage what little we have left.

It is Time for both sides of the Brain – to be identified, developed, and taught to work together. Things have gotten – very very serious!



Hawking, Stephen, Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design {New York:

Bantam Books, 2010}, 198 pp.

Lederman, Leon, Christopher Hill, Beyond the God Particle {New York:

Prometheus Books, 2013), 325 pp.

Ottaviasni, Jim, Leland Myrick, Hawking {New York: First Second, 2019),

298 pp.

Strassler, Matt, Waves in an Impossible Sea – How Everyday Life

Emerges from the Cosmic Ocean (New York: Basic Books, 2024),

373 pp.

Watson, Bruce, Light – A Radiant History frp, Creation to the Quantum

Age {New York: Bloomsbury, 2016), 282 pp.

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