The Big Bang- A Fresh Approach


A Fresh Approach


Frank W. Andres

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Building a New Quantum Theory

We have come up with a new conception for how the universe was formed. In the Process of doing this – we feel we have found the Source of Consciousness. The Source of Gravity. We have found the Source of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. We have come up with an entirely new theory of quantum mechanics. Now finally – we feel: We are in position to zero in on possible new Sources of Energy for a world that has only a few days left of oil. All of this is exciting. Let us begin!

When it comes to building a new quantum theory – we think one must begin – at the beginning: The Big Bang. That was when things were simple. The usual Big Bang story is that something exploded. Explosions are like fireworks they blow out in all directions. But there are two problems with this hypothesis: First – the universe was composed of a soup. It was too thick to explode. Second – it was flat. It was more like a flair from a large invisible body – like a gargantuan Sun -or something. It was flat so there was and still is blank blackness – above and beneath – places where lots of things might be going on – in Darkness. This is a tantalizing sentence – its implications left for future minibooks. At first this soup possessed the Energy of billions and trillions of nuclear bombs per square inch. It was a universal firestorm – with nowhere to go.

So: Initially – things were incredibly hot. There was incredible Pressure. There was only Energy. Then in micro-fractions of a second – a hot roiling, soup formed droplets of Energy – which with the aid of the Higgs boson and field – Energy became packaged into particles – Energy became a new consistency of soup – full of elementary particles: quarks, anti-quarks, gluons, and electrons. .In this first initial micro-second of space and time something else appeared – which are essential to our quantum mechanical story: Countless numbers of tiny Black Holes. Particles : Quarks, anti-Quarks, gluons, and electrons formed first. Matter had to exist before they could be sucked up into tiny dots of Gravity. It was at this moment we hypothesize that a universe filled with tiny Black Holes that were Created at the very beginning began to consume many of these newly packaged particles.. These particles were caught up, compacted, squeezed to the size of the Cosmic minimum – Planck’s constant. Tiny galaxies of particles were suck up – into countless tiny Black Holes. After a while: Heat and pressure dropped a bit and these tiny Black Holes stopped sucking up particles. We hypothesize that it was at this time that particles – quarks, anti-quarks and gluons were packaged by the Higgs boson and field to create new particles that were too large for the tiny Black Holes to consume.

When the quarks, anti-quarks, gluons, and electrons that had not been sucked up into those tiny Black Holes – were unable to spread any further despite the ever-growing universe, a phase transition occurred. The Cosmic liquid began to congeal into droplets, each one trapping clusters of quarks, anti-quarks, gluons, along with the tiny Black Holes inside, not electrons or photons – they were not susceptable to the Strong Force. The quarks, anti-quarks and gluons seem to have nestled next to Black Holes – because of Gravitational attraction of the Blackholes? – for Cosmic sort of protection? There were three quarks, three anti-quarks, and gluons along with a Black Hole in each droplet. These new particles would eventually become nuclei of hydrogen atoms. As we have said: Several kinds of particles were left outside of these new particles – Photons, electrons, and a few other particles. In the end, only two types of droplets remained: Protons and neutrons. In one moment quarks and gluons suddenly found themselves trapped forever. Once the typical distance between particles became the size of protons the strong nuclear forces between quarks stopped weakening and refused to relax their grip. As we said – in the end, only two types of droplets remained: Protons and neutrons – each with a tiny Black Hole at its center. As we say: Protons and neutrons in this way found their way into what would become proto-nuclei – for what would eventually become Hydrogen atoms. After atomic nuclei and electrons had traveled the universe separately for 380,000 years – they began combining to form atoms.

Now trapped forever inside these droplets: Quarks, anti-quarks and gluons still dash around at speeds at or near the speed of Llght, colliding again and again. The bedlam of the Big Bang is caught within – never to escape or fade away. At the center of this bedlam was always – hidden – a tiny Black Hole. The Energy in our bodies and in all ordinary things is a tiny remnant of the past, a memory of the universe’s violent birth. How much of this was hidden – remains hidden to this day – in the almost infinite recesses – of those tiny – Black Holes?

Protons possessed fields which allowed them to communicate with other protons with their fields.. Communication was nice – even necessary. But an electron allowed – Impact! The bundle that was a proton – now could exert Force upon the World around it. The proton bundle possessed a charge – the electron an opposite charge. With charge came the Force that made Impact possible – using another particle of Energy – the photon.

With this model of conjecture concerning the first seconds of the Big Bang – we now can start to build – a new theory of quantum mechanics.

Physics and the Right Side of the Brain

Right hemispheric dominant – Inductive science is different from left hemispheric science. The left side of the Brain supposedly is so very careful to make certain that hypotheses are verified experimentally. Until they aren’t. Relativity is supposedly backed up with all sorts of proof experimentally. String theory and multiverses are frankly admitted to be logical mathematical constructs. There is little empirical backing for much of the recent work that has been done in physics.

The right side of the Brain works differently. First – it is incapable of any deduction. Its Power is to build syntheses. So a hypothesis is not entertained unless it is the product of a least three different disciplines. And then there is one further necessity: All ideas must fit into one Grand Synthesis – that one inductive person is building in his or her Brain

Physicists are using mathematics – literally tons of it – to investigate physical concepts. But that is only half of a Brain. Our half will now start working. It must do as much work conceptually as those guys and gals do with mathematical equations. We shall not be using mathematics at all. Our job is partly to translate all that mathematics of physicists into concepts – which we then can process in an inductive manner – in a synthesizing manner – utilizing 12 different disciplines. Right now money is running out to finance new particle colliders. We can bring voluminous knowledge to bear – by simply calling upon information gleaned from all the disciplines in the curriculum.

The I and the Human Body

The human body is our laboratory! We are able to conduct bonified experiments – merely through the process of – ‘looking out.’ We are ninety-nine percent certain that there is a Hydrogen ion in charge of your body. We are ninety-nine percent certain that all particles possess Consciousness. That Hydrogen ion in charge of your body is your I. We think that Hydrogen will be very important to the Future of the world. There is a Hydrogen ion ‘looking out’ from your Brain. We can learn a whole lot about Hydrogen – this Powerful potentially important atom – simply by examining our own I. How does this I. communicate with – interact with the human body?

All perception in the Brain – is funneled towards this I . Descartes was aware of this. He hypothesized that this site of Consciousness was located in the Pineal area of the Brain. We have investigated this hypothesis: It appears to have great promise. The Pineal area is a vacant area. All sorts of neural conduits seem to be converging at exactly that site.

We have described how information is moved within the human brain before. We shall review what we know right here – right now

It appears that every neuron in the human brain is used in ways that take an apparatus made for and used in different ways in the past – these ways have been superseded by processes that are designed with one goal in mind: to speed information from perception areas to the center of Consciousness as fast as possible.

We are reading a book from the library by Matt Strassler entitled: Waves in an Impossible Sea – How Everyday Life Emerges from the Cosmic Ocean. This book has helped us develop an entire theory of waves now and how when they become ‘entangled’ – they actually are just overlapped – and move information from one point to another without the waves moving. This happens right now with guitars, for example. But we hypothesize that this is how information is moved in the Brain.

All particles have fields that are attached to them. When fields attached to different particles overlap: They become ‘entangled’ – and information can then be moved from one particle field to the other. This occurs regularly with phenomena that we are aware of. A guitar: A hand strums a guitar string – vibrations are moved in a wave. Molecules of air are vibrated. Vibrations in the air hit an ear drum. Information that is Imprinted in waves in air – is transferred to induce vibrations in the ear drum. All these waves are entangled and information is moved through fields one field to the next. If electricity is involved in these perceptual processes – it is not to use/convey information. That would restrict messages to mere on and off signals which obviously would be inadequate to move massive amounts of perceptual information in microseconds of Time. If charge is involved it is used to attract information from its source in perceptional areas to the Hydrogen ion in charge. Electrons are simply not moving in perceptual neurons. Information is.

We hypothesize how the neurons in the human Brain work. It is noteworthy how quickly information moves within the Brain. There are billions of neurons. However it appears that vast distances in the Brain – are ‘jumped’ in microseconds – as if there were Freeways that are not constricted by local routes. Here we are talking about information moving from perceptual areas of the Brain directly to the I .

The activation and control of muscles in the body seem to be controlled more in an ‘electrical’ manner – on and off. However when it comes to perception – it is obvious that more than on and off is involved. There is the fact of the volumes of information that is moved. Second there is the fact of the speed involved. Both together cry out for an explanation of such a phenomenon.

So: The seat of Consciousness for a human is located in the Pineal area of the Brain. All sensory information is speeded to this destination. In any given length of neuron there is a stretch between nuclei of the neurons. These nuclei seem not to be involved in this movement of information at all. In any given segment of the neuron – in cross -section there is the center of the neuron where sodium and calcium ions have space to move. Particles must move before a field connected to them is allowed to spread out. In this case the fields spread from the center of the neuron towards the edge. Right next to the edge – the wall – of the neuron – there is a small interstix – a small space – in which waves – fields may move into this tiny space – but ions are kept out. In providing this small space – the neuron has fashioned a sort of neural Freeway – through which corridor – information is able to speed from perceptual center – to the I .

Fields are dilute films of Consciousness – which are suitable only for movement of messages and instructions from one particle to the field of another particle. In the case of the neuron – only the field is utilized. Messages, instructions, well, actually – perceptual information is moved in volumes speedily by means of this Freeway composed entirely of fields – with particles in the perceptual areas at the beginning of this transmission – sending the information in this case – not the particles within the neurons along the routes. The fields within the tiny corridors along the walls of the neurons are overlapped. Information moves – nothing else – within this corridor.

We are calling this overlapping of fields and consequent transmission of information: Entanglement. There is supposedly evidence – well, one experiment – that indicates that particles are able to transmit and receive information over long distances. This is what physicists are talking about when they refer to the word: Entanglement. Without entering that argument – we would only proffer our hypothesis that our conception of ‘Entanglement’ occurs all the time as part of the routine carrying our of business – among particles.

Some New Ideas

Hydrogen – The Miracle Atom

Hydrogen atoms are very important to this minibook. We hypothesize that they are Theee Gravity particle. We also hypothesize that each possesses a Black Hole – which means that each Hydrogen atom possesses a tremendous amount of potential Power. Well, we have first-hand knowledge about Hydrogen atoms. There is a Hydrogen ion in charge of our Brain – in charge of our human body. Thus we can learn a lot – just from examining one thing. Our I !!

The main fact that is driving most of the breakthroughs in our minibook here – are related to one of our hypotheses: The existence in every Hydrogen atom – of a Black Hole. First we have to work through some other ideas.

We should acknowledge right here right now – that our number one goal in doing all this thinking is simply this: There are only so many days of oil left. We need new sources of Energy. It is likely that some solutions will involve Hydrogen. It is the source of all Light. It also has a Black Hole. It is the source of Gravity. These things must be established by induction not deduction – as the latter is hampered by the fact of too little data – from too few particle events in/at/from a collider.

As we have said: The first Hydrogen atoms were formed around Black Holes. These Hydrogen atoms then became the protons that are in the nuclei of all atoms. A proton is like a bag which encloses several fundamental particles: two up quarks, a down quark, plus an ever-changing number of gluons (bosons) plus every quark has an anti-quark – all of these are moving at the speed of light within this bag – violently – continually. All is held within this ‘bag’ by the Strong Force.

The secret of Hydrogen is that each possesses a tiny Black Hole. The key to unlocking Energy to allow human Life to continue indefinitely is related to our ability to work with the Black Holes in Hydrogen atoms.

Right here we must confront the mysteries of Black Holes. We need to enumerate all the facts we know about them. And we can supplement this information with our experience of ‘looking out’ from the center of one.

Every Hydrogen atom possesses a tiny Black Hole. It is like every Hydrogen atom has at least one dimension locked up inside of it. This hypothesis has been expanded now that we realize that every proton and hence neutron – well, every atom in the Cosmos must possess tiny Black Holes at its center. The thing is: Only Hydrogen is able to communicate with the world around it – using this center of Consciousness – in a Powerful manner. It possesses only one electron that is slightly askew. Gravity from the Black Hole is allowed to leak. Consciousness from the Black Hole is allowed to exert Power upon the world around it. This means: The Hydrogen atom is Theee Gravity Particle. It is Thee I Particle.

Well, all Energy possesses Consciousness – so all particles possess an I . It is just that a tiny Black Hole endows Hydrogen with a Consciousness – with a Power – that can rule a world.

So: At the time of the Big Bang – not all quarks, anti-quarks, and gluons – were pulled into tiny Black Holes. Cosmic goop cooled rapidly enough that some particles were left over to create the first atoms. The first atoms all had a nucleus with a tiny Black Hole plus three quarks, three anti-quarks, and gluons – in them. The first atoms were Hydrogen atoms. But then this means that all protons possess these quarks , gluons, and a tiny Black Hole. This also means that all elements that possessed protons in the Future – possessed all of these same things. This also means that things made from protons – like neutrons- also possess the same things. As we say: It would appear that Hydrogen is the only atom from which Gravity ‘leaks’ completely from the Black Holes all the way – to the outside world.

All protons must have a Black Hole in them. But the rest of the Periodic Table is weak not Powerful like Hydrogen. The strong nuclear Force isn’t the original source of the Energy in the nucleus of an atom.. It just maintains it, guaranteeing that the proton in a Hydrogen atom, for example, remains intact and that its rest mass never changes.

Particles and Fields

Notice: When we were considering the neural Freeway – it is information – not charge, electrons, or other particles – that were moved in this neural Freeway. The trick here is: The basic relationship between particle and field.

All Energy possesses Consciousness. Energy can be formed into either matter or bosons. If its form is that of bosons it is able to be compacted. Bosonic fields are able to have waves of large amplitude while fermionic fields cannot. Their mathematics is additive. Photons end up being a laser. If atoms are placed on top of each other their electrons are in shells they would have to extend these electrons out out even further which would take Energy, Tiny Black Holes formed when matter was composed of quarks and gluons that could be compressed very close together. The Black Hole in your Brain possesses some of the earliest forms of mass that existed in the universe.

The tightest Energy and matter may be compacted is: In a Black Hole. If compacted – the Power of Consciousness is compounded. Again: Think of a laser. All atoms possess protons which possess tiny Black Holes which possess compacted Consciousness. In Hydrogen atoms: The Power of the tiny Black Holes’ Energy and Consciousness is allowed to leak out and interact with other particles. This is expressed either in the form of Gravity which attracts other particles – or it may result in communication with other particles.

The Power of the fields of Hydrogen atoms to communicate with other objects – falls off with increased distance from those objects. That is: The messages moved in the fields attached to the Hydrogen atoms grow weaker with distance. This is True of all atoms – actually of all particles. Of all the atoms: Hydrogen is the most Powerful. This leads to a hierarchy of atoms.

So: Let us talk about particles in general. It would seem we are progressing a bit backwards here: We started with the I – it is our empirical base – all of our knowledge will move conceptually from this one basic fact: We – are ‘looking out’!.

Light doesn’t seem to have a field. If scientists would look carefully at particles: They would understand that Light is generating its own medium as it moves through space by means of its field which it uses to communicate with other objects in outer space. This field is so limited – it is literally wrapped around the beam of Light: Light must actually literally hit something to communicate with it.

Hydrogen and Gravity

Witness: The size of the planets in our solar system is related to how much Hydrogen is in/on each planet. There had to be a certain amount of Gravity in/on a planet for it to form. Gravity must be related to that Black Hole in each Hydrogen atom. There is the whole issue of Gravity: Newton boldly proposed that Gravity is universal. By which he meant generally that all objects attract all other objects. No one has bothered to check that out since that time. Well, for one thing 99.3 percent of all atoms in the Cosmos are either Hydrogen or Helium. Helium obviously is inert – it packs no external power at all. This seems to be related to the fact that it possesses two proton, two neutrons and two electrons. So even though it does possess two tiny Black Holes – Forces of Gravity are cut off by all the ofuscation in the way. The same is True for the rest of the Periodic Table – all of which possess one Black Hole in every proton and neutron – but have more obstacles in the way for Gravity to fight through. Not that much Gravity is able to tunnel through as it is: As is the case – with Hydrogen.

So: We are left with Hydrogen to make generalizations about. So: If Hydrogen is the Gravity particle well, we will accept that. As we say: It is the rest of the periodic table – we have an issue with. Are we certain that the rest simply do not exert much gravitational pull? Well, we just learned last week that they have found underground water on Mars. We propose: The size of planets in our solar system are related to the amount of water that is present on each planet. Well, more generally – planet size is related to how much Hydrogen that exists on each – that is, Hydrogen that exists on a planet – in all of its various forms and molecules it is in. Jupiter is largest and is practically all Hydrogen and Helium. Even the moon possesses enough water to account for the tides the moon generates here on Earth.

Of all the atoms on Earth – only 2 percent are Hydrogen. Simply put: Gravity on Earth is generated by its oceans.

So: We are reading this book about the ‘Cosmic Ocean’. We really think this is more than an analogy. The oceans on Earth are instructive. They are made of Hydrogen – well, water possesses Hydrogen and oxygen and a lot of both. Water is the source of all Gravity on Earth – just as Hydrogen is the source of all Gravity in the universe.

in the case of Gravity – we are talking about merely concentrated Energy. The Energy in this case is not conveying information – it is simply concentrating and inflicting Power upon other particles. What is the difference? Witness!: Electricity can kill a person. Electricity possesses a field which can also convey information. In the Brain there is electrical spark. But information is not conveyed by on and off patterns of electrical charge. Volumes of information are moved in fractions of a second and moved from one side of the Brain to the Hydrogen ion in charge. Messages – patterns of information – necessarily must be ‘fabricated’ from/in a pattern of Energy. Messages must be conveyed by means of information – flowing – over – a dilute spreading of Energy – well, waves are able to move across bodies of water without moving the water. Messages move over thin spreadings of Energy without moving the Energy. These patterns must necessarily then possess a ‘language’ – a Cosmic language of sorts.

In organic Life – each molecule is encrusted in Hydrogen atoms. These Hydrogen atoms allow pieces of Life to identity and combine with other pieces of Life. All of Life was made by Hydrogen ions – simply from Tinker Toy shapes of sugar. Hydrogen is always the most powerful Force on Earth or the Cosmos. Since molecules of Life are all made of sugar and thus are all basically the same – organic molecules are identified by shapes not composition. Molecules encrusted with Hydrogen atoms are able to identity various molecules which allows interaction among organic molecules to occur. Life has all of these Hydrogen atoms because Hydrogen ions Created Life and because Hydrogen atoms help Life to continue. Every second of every day: Each Hydrogen atom contains a Black Hole – each contains large Powerful hidden amounts of Consciousness.

Hydrogen and Black Holes

Calculations indicate that spinning Black Holes can spew out particles. OK: So Black Holes can relate with the World around them. After months of calculations, Stephen Hawking found that even nonrotating Black Holes create and can emit particles – that particle – anti – particle thing – where he showed that in a particle – anti-particle pairing – one of the pair can be shut out of a Black Hole. In this way a Black Hole can lose energy. So Entropy conceptually – when it comes to Black Holes – does exist. Have they forgotten about all that information that is lost every second in a Black hole? Is this degradation not an increase in entropy?

The thing is – as it turns out: Hawking devoted his entire life to Black Holes. Some would say that that was a waste. As it turns out: He was studying exactly the right subject. There is a tiny Black Hole in the Hydrogen ion that is in our Brain – that is ’looking out’. Also there is Light. Light is related to two conundrums: It is going at the speed of Light apparently through no medium. And a Black Hole emits no Light. Fusion within stars Creates Light. Black Holes devour Light. So: We go back to the beginning: What is the real work of Light? What is it actually doing? Well, it tuns out that there is Light involved in every chemical reaction. One does not see it. It is the Force that nuclei use to move electrons and impact the world around them.

Again: What generates the Light we see? Every time there is a shift in the Energy of electrons: Light appears. Like there is a little Force left over from that movement. If what we are reading is True: Then both Gravity and Light come from the same Source – Hydrogen atoms – which is a shock!! In a way: These processes are opposites to each other. One is striking out – attempting to contact other particles somewhere the hell else. The other is sucking all Light and communication in. Somehow a little of that Gravity is ‘leaking’ out and influencing ‘bodies’ around it. So Light is striking out trying to communicate and Gravity is pulling in – isolating itself in a Dark corner – all from the same source: Hydrogen!

So: Physicists are pretty sure that microscopic Black Holes existed in the chaotic conditions immediately after the Big Bang. These Holes abruptly disappeared. Hawking has produced the mathematics that would have these Holes explode and then evaporate and disappear. We think that these Holes spun through another scenario instead. Each of these tiny Black Holes provided a tiny grain – around which every existing Hydrogen atom in the universe was built. So: Hawking was looking and thinking about Black Holes ‘out there’ – when surprise!! – there were countless numbers of them in his everyday life – all around him!

So: How are all of these tiny Black Holes related to the gigantic Black Holes in the universe we typically hear about. Well, when a star dies, implodes, and becomes a neutron star – its mass can become very tiny because the fields of all the particles in effect just fold up and allow particles to reside very close together. The same happens in a massive Black Hole. The same happened at a particular moment in the first micro-seconds of the Big Bang – when things were too hot with too much pressure. The first particles were formed from a goop composed of solid Energy – and many were instantly pulled into dots of concentrated compacted matter.

Today: An imploding star might form a Black Hole horizon. The region of space inside it could pinch itself off from our universe. More likely: A tiny Black Hole became attached to a developing Hydrogen atom. The Black Hole in a Hydrogen atom is so tiny that it might not have been noticed – ever – if scientists were not looking for it. So: The region of Gravitational pulling – could pinch itself off from the universe and ultimately bring Consciousness into this new tiny dot – like a tiny Brain. But the concept of wormhole that has evolved recently has arisen as a possible explanation for how the Consciousness in a Black Hole is able to impact the world around it.

So – the Large Hadron Collider – in Geneva, Switzerland: So they are smashing two Hydrogen atoms together in this monstrous device. It is simply a very large circle which is placed 300 feet below territory spanning large areas of two countries. So our question: We maintain that Hydrogen atoms have a tiny Black Hole in them. Why haven’t any been found? Well, first: They are so tiny. A tremendous amount of Energy must be used to discover them. Second: Black Holes probably are not susceptible to being broken up – even in the event of an unlikely collision. And in addition – of course: Physicists just simply are not looking for them. Experiments might be devised that might be more successful – if they begin looking for such a thing.

So the smaller an object is – the more Energy one needs to investigate it in a collider. We would imagine that a tiny Black Hole is as about as small as one can get. As we say: We probably can’t smash one. But we may gain indirect evidence that one is in the nucleus of a Hydrogen atom – if we start looking for such evidence.


Putting Pieces of the Puzzle Together

Moving towards a Particle-Centric Perspective

Physics at the present time is a Field-Centric discipline. Particles are seen as being merely: More densely compacted fields. Once sufficient Energy to produce a new type of particle is obtained – then its field will possess more Power to do stuff – and in turn that particle will possess more rest mass. The fact is: Things must be the other way around! Somehow new particles are given larger masses which allows stronger fields to form. The Higgs boson is important here – even if it exists only a few microseconds. The generation of new particles takes place in a certain environment. It is in conjunction with a scalding Hydrogen-Helium plasma. Whatever is happening – electrons are doing it. One cannot really blame physicists for being distracted. They are always looking at fields and electrons. They really don’t see the need for particles much at all. Particles for them are just more waves – just an extended part of the fields that are really doing the work. Whereas we know: Fields are merely thin sheets of Energy that they are swimming in – that the Higgs boson and field – assist in creating – along with particles with larger mass – and fill out the Periodic Table with new elements.

The particles within the proton do not need rest mass – the strong force keeps them where they are. Electrons are different. The force keeping them in place is weak so that electrons need a rest mass to keep them in the proper shell within the atom. What these words mean is this: Physicists are able to obtain only certain measurements of particle-wave activity – most of what they do receive is relate to waves – not particles. But minimum information regarding particles may be received by deduction from the wave data. One is able to deduce what the rest mass of a particle is – from that they are able to calculate the Forces involved. It is the way information is received – that distracts physicists’ attention away from particles onto fields which actually have little Energy at all.

Physicists simply say: Whatever is happening – electrons are doing it. As we say: One cannot really blame physicists for being distracted. They are always looking at fields and electrons. They really don’t see the need for particles much at all. Particles for them are just more waves – just an extended part of the fields – that are really doing the work. Whereas we know: Fields are merely thin sheets of Energy that are used for one thing only – the transfer – of information and instructions.

Even if there were no Higgs field, so that quark and anti-quark rest masses were zero, protons’ and neutrons’ rest masses would still be substantial, hardly shifted from what they are today. In other words, protons with rest mass can be built entirely from particles that have none. This is possible whenever a trapping force is combined with

the relativity formula. What these words say is: If a scientist takes two formulas: E =- mc^2 and E = fh – all crucial information about a particle that is related to this field is readily obtained. One can easily putt putt along without even being aware that every particle – possesses Consciousness!

By keeping the proton’s contents trapped and in rapid motion, the strong nuclear force both maintains the proton and bears responsibility for most of its rest mass. What these words mean is: One simple formula is able to account for all that a proton brings to the table. Only a small portion of the proton’s net mass arises directly from the rest masses of the particles within. This gives us an explicit example of rest mass being gained. This gives a reader an explicit example of how a scientist is able to compute everything about physical phenomenon without really knowing anything about the particles involved.

The Higgs field helps gives quarks and anti-quarks their rest masses, but ordinary objects obtain their rest mass through the efforts of the Strong nuclear Force. Again: Information about fields supposedly will give one all the information he or she requires to calculate any physical phenomena,.

It is so interesting – well, shocking – to learn that physicists are not really concerned about particles at all. Particles are difficult to locate, measure, think about. Consequently all physicists have come to focus on one thing – there is only one thing they seem to care about: That is ‘fields’. Fields seem to be the only things they can actually measure and in this way they are actually the only way they can obtain some information about things – fields have certain logical relationships with particles – so fields can tell us things about particles – in a second hand sort of manner. So fields are of paramount importance for physicists – so it is no wonder that Hydrogen atoms could have been sitting in front of them for thousands of years and they never noticed that each one possesses a Black Hole!

An obvious problem in all of this is: A field’s average value may be doing one thing – while the waves – that is the patterns of communication moving from one point to another in a field – may be telling a second particle to do another.

So: Where we think that physicists are becoming confused is – they for theoretical reasons well actually because of a paucity of data – they are looking at fields instead of particles. When they look at fields they have no idea what they are doing. What are fields? They are dilute sheets of Energy that merely move information between particles. Each particle possesses a field – these fields overlap – become ‘entangled’ and information is allowed to move from one particle to another. So: Physicists’ eyes are fixed upon fields because they are the only things they have data for. The obvious similarity is to the idiot who is looking for his keys under the lamp post. Why not somewhere else which is more probable. Because the Light is better there. They look at fields which are much less important than particles because particles have no information attached to them – immediately available to us. Physicists believe: What little information fields do possess – can lead to deductions as to what particles are, and what particles actually do. In the process they miss the fact that each particle possesses Consciousness. Each particle is able to perceive, think and act and act with memory. None of this latter is in any quantum mathematics book.

To Be or not to Be: To move – is to exist. A wave – a field does not exist until a particle moves! Movement requires Energy. Energy denotes that the mover possesses one special thing: Consciousness..

OK – we are going to just state something that seems crazy – but now that we understand things: It must be True. When one places iron filings on a piece of paper as our Granny did for us a hundred years ago – the magnetic Power comes from the magnetic particles – the impact is a pattern on the paper – as a result of communication of particle to particle – and not from the Force of a magnetic field. All atomic interactions on Earth are conducted – are possible – only – through particle to particle interactions facilitated by means of – their fields – overlapping and transferring information.

But physicists maintain that even though the fields may not possess Power: In the end – it is as if they actually did. Particle one says: Do this – and so particle two: Does that. Is this not like assuming that the field is what is producing the resultant movement? With Granny’s filings: Who is to say that the fields do not produce the observed patterns? How does a field produce a pattern? Magic. All Magic resides in Consciousness. How does this knowledge change anything?

Well!: We say. There is a language involved. There is a hierarchy involved. But then they say: Well – If orders are always the same – what difference does it make – if particles decide or fields have Power? Well the difference is: With this knowledge – physicists can use language to produce changes that are different from what is usually done. Is there is any hope of learning this language? Do we see any evidence of this language’s existence? Have we examined fields in detail to see if language is actually embedded in them?

Is there any way to make visual – the properties of a field? Magnet and filings. Where is the field? One can see the resultant pattern. How does one physically examine a field?

All of this sounds good until one stops and realizes that what is missing. And it is this: Physicists have no idea what the difference between particles ad waves is: They have no idea what each does. In effect what physicists are saying is: They have no idea what they are doing. It is time to start afresh and realize that things are very small and moving very fast: We need new ways of dealing with quantum phenomena.

Like this: All particles possess Consciousness. This Consciousness allows them to perceive, think, think with memory – and then act. When it comes to action: Electrons are part of a particle’s enabling apparatus. Electrons impart unto particles: The ability to transform ideas into action into implementation – this ability imparts changes in/to the world around the particle. Nuclei talk by means of fields to fields possessed by electrons. Rearrangements in the number and positioning of electrons takes place in accordance with instructions from the first particle coordinated with ideas of he second particle. Both particles work together to form a new molecule.

A particle is indeed made of waves: But one step removed. Maybe it is actually one step – maybe two steps – higher! That step – those steps – is/are crucial and critical. It represents a difference in level of Consciousness. A distinctive jump that separates entities that can command from others – that are soldiers and can only obey commands.

Well, obviously we are becoming too anthropomorphic!

Well, the fact is: Hydrogen ions – Created Life!

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

The vast majority of the protons and neutrons in our bodies were born nearly fourteen billion years ago. They received their energy-of-being directly from the ultimate Source and so there – did we. There is a secret embedded in these words: Energy must necessarily be constantly supplied and resupplied. Well, we have to be careful here. The Energy that exists in the universe is constant. Energy is Eternal. It is just that we humans need for Energy to be in a certain place at a certain time. And so much Energy – thought conserved – is dissipated – gone to places unknown. We could say this Energy has left our universe. It is more accurate to say that our universe is expanding when Energy moves at the speed of Light to areas beyond the universe we can see.

Much Energy is conserved in our universe. Much is hidden. So: Humans need to have new Sources of Energy. The most important question physicists should/must be asking is: New Energy? – from where, how, from what? The answers to most of these questions – we have found – is related to two words: Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

Physicists proudly announce that they can confidently give you fact and figures regarding approximately – 5 percent of the universe. They hypothesize that there is an additional 25 percent – that is something – they call: Dark Matter. The rest they confidently assert: Is something they call – Dark Energy.

Swell: What physicists then are saying is: They know practically nothing about their profession!

OK – so we can jump ahead right here. We assert that Dark Matter is obviously the quarks, anti-quarks and gluons from those first Big Bang microseconds – buried in those tiny Black Holes in the protons – in every atom. But we have already claimed these for use as the Gravity particle! OK – their being the Gravity particle is on the right track when it comes to looking for something that is attracting other matter – like Gravity does. Dark Matter does act as if it is pulling things in – like Gravity does. Yeh – but!!?? We think we know what has happened here. Please see below.

But first:

OK – then how about the 75 percent of everything that physicists think is – Dark Energy?

OK – so this is tricky. We have already said that tiny Black Holes may be the answer for Dark Matter – how could they possibly be the answer – for Dark Energy too? After all – aren’t these things really really opposites!

Well, we have run into opposites before. How about that electromagnetic wave – that has caused so much Industrial revolution?

Is there not one part that is ‘electro’ – the part that Powers a Light beam as it travels Light years across the universe? Is there not a magnetic – part – which – is along for the ride. And yet does it not do exactly the opposite? Does it not pull – while the other pushes – propels?! We think we have a counterpart to the electromagnetic phenomena here – in Dark Energy. It is just that it has been hidden – from physicists who have been preoccupied by/with fields. So: Beams of Gravitons – are like beams of Light. They possess both a propelling Force and a magnetic-like, Gravitational Force. The Dark Energy part of these tiny Black Holes – has been hidden – just as the dark Matter part they play – has been hidden from the sight and instruments of physicists – on Earth.

Simply: We hypothesize that tiny Black Holes are: Well, The Wonder Particle!!! Forget God Particle. These poor things have too much to do as it is. Let us recount: Well, First – we know from personal experience – that Hydrogen is the I particle. As a Consequence: – we know from our own personal experience – that every tiny Black Hole at the center of every proton is a Source of Consciousness. Second: These tiny Black Holes also make the Hydrogen atom be: The Gravity Particle. Third: They account for all the Dark Matter that is missing. And: They also account for all the Dark Energy that is propelling the universe outwards.

So – as Promised: Let us look at this Dark Matter well, matter – more closely. We are asserting that tiny Black Holes are the Source for both Gravity from known Sources – and as well as being the Source for the Gravitational Exertion of Dark Matter. This we feel is the result of physicists’ mathematical calculations. When they calculate the Gravitational pull of existing stars and galaxies – they are neglecting the fact that there exist in fact – tiny Black Holes in every Hydrogen atom which possess a tremendous amount of compacted hidden matter. In this way: Tiny Black Holes account for both normal Gravity and the Gravitational pull of a hidden Dark Matter.

The thing is: Expansion of the universe accelerated 5 billion years ago. This is when Dark Energy became conspicuous. We suppose it was there all along.

The vast majority of our protons and neutrons were born in those first microseconds of the Big Bang. Just after Black Holes stopped sucking particles in to it. They received their Energy-of-being directly from the ultimate Source and as did we. There is a secret embedded in these words – Energy must necessarily be constantly supplied and resupplied. What keeps electrons moving moving moving?

Again – the answer is related to those tiny Black Holes at the center of every atom.

The Energy that resides hidden in those countless tiny black Holes: Is there for the taking – if we would just apply ourselves: There is a universe’s worth of this Energy at our disposal.

The Energy that we are using every day came from the Sun. From the Light that has shined down on us and our animal predecessors through millions of years. That Energy ultimately comes from Hydrogen nuclear explosions which convert Hydrogen into Helium.

Now we have information that can give us Energy – that was produced – by the Big Bang – itself!! Well, let us make one thing clear: All Energy is eternal. All that exists was Created at the moment of the Big Bang. What is left: is all a matter of conversion of one kind of Energy to another. And a matter of conversion of matter and Energy back and forth – as they are interchangeable. Witness: E=mc^2!

Hydrogen ions possess Consciousness. Hydrogen ions Created Life. – in gradients – in clusters of ions – in primeval oceans. We have written extensively about this in other minibooks. If we can learn their language: We can put Hydrogen ions to work Creating stuff – for us – now! And we can do it for Free! Right here: We have an infinite supply of renewable Energy at our disposal. We will just do as the electrons do – swiftly bow to and fro: Well, they seem to be moving forever – with no apparent Source of Energy – moving in accordance of the rhythms – the musical strands of waves – of Dark Energy – exuded by tiny Black Holes – hidden in the center of every atom!

People who have read our other minibooks will quickly ask: But hold it! We are talking about using Hydrogen as a Source of Dark Energy. And have we neglected to noted elsewhere in this minibook that Hydrogen accounts for only 2 percent of the atoms on Earth. And are they not only in two places?: The oceans and in Life. And is not Hydrogen also the Gravity Particle? We must be careful not to use up the Gravity that allows us to stand.

OK. It will take us a few years to learn the Cosmic language used by Hydrogen ions. And learn to work with them. In that time we can develop ways to get to Jupiter which is composed mostly of Hydrogen and Helium. Well, It has so much Hydrogen – that is why it is so huge. And we can devise ways to build immense tanker rockets which can transport liquid Hydrogen back to the vicinity of the Earth where it can be used. Free Energy is no longer free. But we think clever engineers on Earth – can make this work.

The Higgs Boson

One is amazed at how Life with its astounding menagerie of various animals and plants – somehow seems to be able to always – concoct something that is presentable to the world around them. We mean: Life is the product of a mixture of accident and plan. When Hydrogen ions concocted Life – they laid out certain basic relationships among physical entities, with a certain basic strategy as to how to assemble the constituents of water and carbon dioxide like Tinker Toys. And then they just let things go: Evolution took over. Much of the latter was accident. Yet products which have resulted – have been surprisingly nicely done. Somehow – some way – there always seemed to be a Force nearby which would/could quickly Create a presentable package for this new wiggily piece of Life.

Is there not the same process – phenomenon – present at the Cosmic level? Well, there was the Big Bang. There was a Cosmic explosion with mass destruction and debris. Something swooped in instantly and sort of cleaned up the mess. Instantly: Quarks, anti-quarks, and gluons were Created.. They were the first bits of Energy to be wrapped for presentation to the Cosmos.

Well: From the first – there were the Higgs boson and a Higgs field. From the first: There were things. And there were ways to get things done. From the first instants – there were Forces at hand – readily able to make certain that in an event of an explosion – things – well, debris – would be wrapped immediately – nicely – exquisitely – in Christmas-type packages.

So: It was with the appearance of the ‘weak’ Force – that it became apparent that some sort of Higgs boson and its field – were necessary – to ‘clean up’ – ‘accidents’ that might result from Cosmic activity. Pion and muon decays provided the major clue about the weak Forces of elementary particles that would lead directly to the Higgs boson.

Let us recount: There were the ‘radioactive’ transmutations between all the particles that were discovered during he 1950s and 1960s that involved the ‘weak’ Force. During the 1950s and 1960s the cyclotron was invented. Particles were routinely smashed into each other and new particles were found in the debris. We have always questioned whether these were actually new ’particles – or were they somehow merely really ‘cleaned up’ presentably-made packages of basically insignificant debris – trash? That is: Are these merely causalities – collateral damage — of a ‘war’ that is continually being fought – at the Cosmic level. It was in this mass of confusion that the ‘weak’ Force was first encountered.

When it comes to the Higgs boson – well, no one seems to care about the particle – it is the Higgs field that is paramount here. As we say: This preoccupation with fields seems to be ubiquitous for physicists. Everyone says that the Higgs particle is the “god’ particle’ it gives mass to particles. Well. Now all physicists know about it – and it has taken the last hundred years to discover it: The ‘resting mass’ of particles is related to a ‘stiffening ‘ of the fields attached to the particles which have been given mass. The ‘stiffening’ of fields – is part of the package-making ability of this boson and its field.

Now it should be obvious: The Higg’s field’s ‘stiffening’ and making packages of debris that has already been made does not cause one particle to become another particle – this change in particles occurs just at certain times in a star’s evolution and it is the Hydrogen atoms which initiate all change. That is – the Higgs boson and field seem to operate primarily within fusion explosions of stars. They work with Hydrogen ions to induce increase rest mass in particles which in turn generates fields that can do more work in communicating messages and orders. The Higgs boson and its fields are never the initiators of anything. Even after Cosmic wave incidents – they merely swoop in to help clean up the mess.

Does the Higgs field have a medium? Maybe it is like Light and like Gravity. These generate their own fields which are the media for particle communication and are nestled closely to the major particle – they are along for the ride.

So many questions concerning the Higgs particle and field are answered when it is remembered that these normally operate only in an atmosphere of intense heat and pressure with the Powerful assistance and intelligence – of Hydrogen atoms – always nearby.

Energy and Consciousness


Consciousness: All chemical reactions are driven by Consciousness Energy in physics is precisely defined. But it is more difficult to explain. This is because it can do different things. Every ‘inch’ of Energy possesses Consciousness which can perceive think and act. Every particle can impact the world around it. Wherever Energy exists – it is available to be put to ‘work’ by particles nearby to impact the world around the particle. There are all sorts of different types of ‘work’ that this Energy may be applied to do.

You can now see how important the concept of Consciousness is to this whole enterprise now. Physicists are now concentrating on the be tail that wags the dog. They are most interested in fields rather than the Consciousness the decisions the particles that are being made that are involved in the course of a day’s work. One can see that little further progress can made without the concept of Consciousness.

The thing is: When it comes to the second Law of Thermodynamics – only Consciousness can build up – all else in the universe leads to loss and dissipation. All Action occurs in stars. Hydrogen is slowly turning into Helium

We hypothesize that the Consciousness in Hydrogen ions in these stars is going back and forth – from one individual Consciousness – to all – and back again. When a discipline neglects Consciousness – that discipline has lost half of its explanation of things.

So: Hawking: As we say – he is famous supposedly for showing mathematically that a Black Hole is actually conforming to the second Law of Thermodynamics. Somehow a particle and its anti-particle become separated on both sides of an event horizon and as a consequence it loses mass. QED.

Well, there are two reasons that Black Holes don’t even have to worry about such deviations from Cosmic Law: First: Some were formed in the first milliseconds of the Big Bang and have not acquired mass since. Also: All have Consciousness and Consciousness is the only phenomenon in the Cosmos that builds – all else leads to entropy. Every Hydrogen atom contains an I which can do stuff!!! For example: Clusters of Hydrogen ions Created Life.

Now it is clear why/how Consciousness is kept out of the story. First the How: Physics is now a science of about ‘fields’: Not particles. We mean: Fields are just carriers of messages between particles – but physicists are convinced that particles are just intense extra concentrated parts of waves and fields. It is the fields that are the important actors in physics and therefore in chemistry.

Well, we would never attempt to guess why scientists have intentionally avoided the topic of Consciousness. We can simply and Truly tell you what the consequences have been.

When one avoids the topic of Consciousness – one avoids complete lines of thinking. Energy is never Created. All Energy is Consciousness. Only Consciousness can Create the new. Clusters of Hydrogen ions Created Life! Only Consciousness Builds. All else is in the process of falling into Entropy disorganization – absence of Light.

In physics there is a Law: The Law of the conservation of Energy. Energy is never lost – it is merely converted to other forms of energy until such energy is dissipated and spread out into the eternties. Consequently Energy must always be in the process of being generated – to replace the Energy that is sent out into outer space. Energy is created only by Hydrogen atoms. E =- mc^2 is happening now in every star. E = fh happened only in a few microseconds during the Big Bang. The first is the relativity formula – which converts Energy to matter and the reverse. If one knows stuff about a field – he or she can quickly calculate information about a particle. Once one has the Energy in a particle one can use the relationship between Energy and rest mass of a particle – a rest mass that was Created in the first micro-seconds of the Big Bang – well, if one has the particle’s rest mass -what more could one ask for – concerning a particle?

The Energy demands of a human body are about 60 watts – the same as a single old-style incondescent bulb. This energy for daily consumption, obtained from food, is minuscule compared to the Energy stored in a humans’ rest mass – that is, which is stored mainly within one’s protons and neutrons.

To provide the 60 watts of Power that you would need – the relativity formula tells us: We would have to convert the rest masses of a trillion protons and neutrons every second. This might seem like a lot. But it is tiny compared to our body’s stash of protons and neutrons – which number: 10^29 – which is a hundred thousand trillion trillions. If it takes a trillion protons to power a 60-watt bulb for one second, the Energy stored in our body could keep that Light bulb lit for about ten billion years, If released at once: The resulting explosion would be equivalent to a gigaton – one billion tons – of TNT explosive. The destruction of rest mass drives this explosion. One can calmly state facts like this. But what are we missing? We shall save these ideas for our conclusion.


Like so many things in this book, the Planck mass is both huge and tiny. It’s the rest mass of 10^18 protons or 10^23 electrons, gigantic numbers that nevertheless don’t add up to much by human standard – just the rest mass of a typical grain of sand. Still, that corresponds to the energy of three tons of TNT explosive, which would be a lot if it were trapped in a single elementary particle. With a rest mass equal to the Planck mass, such a particle would form a Black Hole with a diameter a hundrd billion billion times smaller than that of a proton. This miniscule size is called: The ‘Planck length’.

So: Light is really – not just Light: It is a Force routinely relied upon by nuclei to work with electrons and impact the world around them. So which is more important: Light or Consciousness? Light seems to be a sort of a lubricant – not really a god particle or anything like that. It sort of helps chemical reactions to occur. The Source of god – of Consciousness – seems to be found mainly in Hydrogen atoms. There seems to be a tiny Black Hole in every Hydrogen nuclei. If that is True then there should be a Black Hole in every proton – period. Thus the rest of the Periodic Table possesses Black Holes also – but that Consciousness is blurred or made less effective because of all the protons, neutrons, and electrons buzzing around these nuclei. Of course physicists are not aware of – much less concerned about – any of this. Their focus is totally fixed upon fields – not particles.

So: Hadrons like the proton and neutron are composed of quarks. These can never be released. Information about the innards of hadrons is received indirectly. Hence there could be a tiny Black Hole in each and there would be no way of knowing that such a thing exists. Whatever means is used to detect quarks simply cannot discern the existence of a Black Hole. It simply does not emit any evidence of its existence. Still it seems to be the Source of Gravity.

We can look to empirical evidence: There is a Hydrogen ion in our Brain and indeed something is ‘looking out’. Which means such a Hole must be able to ‘leak’.

Also very seldom has the university with its 12 disciplines noticed the Cosmic I . Actually something more sinister seems to be at play here: it would seem that this topic is simply always carefully avoided. Philosophy is the only discipline which has looked the Cosmic I straight-way in the eye. Biology when it is considering the ramifications of Darwin’s evolution may broach the topic of Consciousness. But in general such talk concerning the I – is almost illegal it would seem. It is just not allowed – in polite company. Yet it is apparent now that the topic of Consciousness is almost an essential topic for discussion in all the disciplines – if progress is to be made in intellectual and scientific thought generally. Indeed – If humanity is to be able – to survive!

In all of this – the most important telling information can be received: Merely by ‘looking out’. And then somehow as almost an afterthought – we realize: Yes! There is -something inside of my head – ‘looking out’. That realization is the first step towards solving all of the world’s major problems, puzzles, and meeting all the World’s great challenges.

As we say: There is one Hydrogen ion in charge of one human body. If we accept the hypothesis that there is one Hydrogen ion ‘looking out’ from our Brain which is in charge of our body – then surprising things may be said about human Life: Well first – that ion is in charge of around one hundred trillion cells. Each cell has approximately 10^17 atoms. This means that our Hydrogen ion is in charge of approximately 10 ^28 atoms. Every cell in Life is made of sugar which means that each cell in the human body is composed of essentially three elements – hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. Over one – third of these are Hydrogen atoms or about 4 x 10 ^27 other Hydrogen atoms.

Each cell has two Hydrogen ions in charge. If two people meet and fall in Love and feel as if they are bonded for an eternity: They have beaten so many odds to be in charge of human bodies to begin with. This will never happen again. From our experience we can say things that are likely – for example – each hydrogen ion seems to possesses its own personality. The brain adds much but still there seems to be differentiation among atoms. They may seem to be identical: However it is probable that they are more like snowflakes – each one is unique. We feel it is possible for two I s – to bond forever. There is no way to prove this. All we have is human experience. As we say: This human experience is already – something very special: It is Consciousness that has overcome great odds. Such triumph should not be sullied. People should not be killed in war or in any other sort of conflict. Each flick of Consciousness is precious – groups of Creative Hydrogen ion Consciousnesses should be utilized to facilitate progress here on earth. Such overcoming of probabilities must not be wasted.

The slim probability that a hydrogen ion may be in our Brain – – ‘looking out’ – in charge of my body – brings to mind other possibilities that we haven’t entertained before. Perhaps the everyday experience of being a Hydrogen ion is a pretty spectacular thing . Given the fact that little Life actually exists in the universe. Just being a Hydrogen ion may be a pretty spectacular thing in a star – Hydrogen ions are able to exist in mass – In such a mass Hydrogen ions possess Consciousness that goes back and forth between one individual to all becoming one Gigantic I . Perhaps the same sort of thing happens in a human body. Some are in charge some are not. But all are in communication with each other. The rest of the periodic table Is just sort of left out.

So the Hydrogen ion in charge is a spectacular unlikely miracle. Well, what we have here is quite likely True. The more we learn the more Light is shed everywhere. We must just concentrate upon making contributions to science and showing that leaving half of things out – simply results in very slow progress.

It’s not so much that Life is precious – it is the fact that each person aLive has an I – that has overcome unconscionable odds to be in the commanding position they are – we need to sanctify, honor that miracle and not just go around killing people and making their Lives miserable.

All people are I s – and they are all miracles. We need to work to see that their Lives are worth living – are at least a beneficial experience.

We have hit the jackpot of sorts. So there must be a goal we are leaning towards. Finding that one I – or group of I s – that we can be with through the remainder of the eternities..

We naturally think that Life is a good thing. Perhaps for most Hydrogen ions it isn’t so great. Perhaps just running around blowing up in the Cosmos is a lot more rewarding than being One with others. On Earth most Hydrogen atoms and ions are slaves lost in the deep recesses of different recesses of a frost sort of Life that is generally brutal and disgusting.

So the books say: Electrons define the entire world of chemistry and biology, the world that our eyes can see and about which our brains can think. Electrons are essentially ‘us.’ These sentences capture the essential blindness of current physics.

Atomic nuclei are most important – they possess Consciousness. Fields and electrons are used by particles to communicate with and impact the world around them. If we are to find a new source of Energy for the future of the World – it must be framed around a particle of some sort. Electricity, for example, requires billions and billions of electrons a second to Light a Light bulb. If we could on the other hand simply work with particles – with atomic ions – well, Hydrogen ions created Life! We will have Power. We will have intellect working with us – for us.

In books we are reading: Physics is becoming pathetic. Physicists are crying for funds to do more research. Well, the fact is: The United States has an enormous debt problem. These books keep saying things like: Research in science is a ‘no-brainer’ – it always pays back more than it costs. Well, unfortunately the US is asking right now: What have you done for US lately? There has been close to Nothing for 60 years. So: One-fourth of each of these books ends up like when we were in consulting firms – we would constantly be trying to get more work – and we know the type of specious thinking one puts in those kinds of proposals and the last part of most of these books is simply ends up to be: One large proposal for grants to do more research.

The authors of these books say that accelerators, colliders are themselves the answer to the clean Energy problem. Not only will would they help discover facts, particles that might help the situation – they themselves can help by physically generating electricity themselves and by helping to get rid of spent nuclear fuel and radiation. All of this seems to be part of a desperate sort of grasping at solutions that consulting firms often make to sell a bill of goods. These rants and pleas – seem very unlikely to persuade anyone.

You know: People are furious at the United States because they were building an American Large Hadron Collider and then stopped. Well, the US is simply running out of money – we do have enough to be the leader of the World. But also we think that people at the top – just sort of suspected that the field of physics was contaminated: With Ego and Hubris. There must be a more intelligent way to spend money and build the Future!




Hawking, Stephen, Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design {New York:

Bantam Books, 2010}, 198 pp.

Kaku, Michio, The God Equation – The Quest for a Theory of Everything

(New York: Doubleday, 2021), 225 pp.

Lederman, Leon, Christopher Hill, Beyond the God Particle {New York:

Prometheus Books, 2013), 325 pp.

Lowe, Stuart, Chris North, Cosmos – The Infographic Book of Space

(London: Aurum Press Ltd., 2015), 224 pp.

Ottaviasni, Jim, Leland Myrick, Hawking {New York: First Second, 2019),

298 pp.

Penrose, Roger, Cycles of Time – An Extraordinary New View of the

Universe (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010), 288 pp.

Rovelli, Carlo, White Holes (New York: Riverhead Books, 2023), 158 pp.

Strassler, Matt, Waves in an Impossible Sea – How Everyday Life

Emerges from the Cosmic Ocean (New York: Basic Books, 2024),

373 pp.

Tucker, Wallace H., Chandra’s Cosmos – Dark Matter, Black Holes, and

Other Wonders Revealed by NASA’s X-Ray Observatory

(Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 2017), 266 pp.

Watson, Bruce, Light – A Radiant History frp, Creation to the Quantum

Age {New York: Bloomsbury, 2016), 282 pp.


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