Meditations – Cartesian and Andresalovichean Ruminations


Frank W. Andres

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These are ‘letters’ from both sides of the Brain. Well, Descartes as everybody knows – wrote his thoughts centuries ago. Well, he left one side of the Brain out. So we will attempt to correct that omission here. We have a Creative Cluster and I and my son, Will, are a part of a small but swarthy band. Well, swart to the extent that we be ‘heavy’ dudes and dudes – thought-wise. Well, Will and I within that proud group are known affectionately as: ‘The Flying Andresaloviches’. This fact might satisfactorily address any questions that might reside at this point.

In 1641 – one of the smartest of all left hemispheric persons in the history of the world (Rene Descartes) wrote a book. It was one in a series of books he wrote during this period – but it is the one which most philosophers think of today – when they consider the work of this great man. At the time that it was written : It – was simply one of the most important books ever written. It led ultimately to Industrial Revolution. But in one respect – it failed. As we say: One half of the human Brain – is missing!

Descartes first discards all belief in things that are not certain. He then turns to establish what can be known – for sure.

His first consideration is: That the existence of God – must be demonstrated. Actually God is not required here – at all. ‘God’ – the one with a beard – has been Created by something that is a precursor – to ‘God’: That something is – Consciousness – well, human Consciousness. Quite simply: There is the I.

It is the I: That always warrants – first and primary consideration.

The I

Descartes began with what he felt was one unassailable fact: I think – therefore I am. As we have pointed out in previous minibooks – this statement is not a tautology as many have maintained. The two words: ‘I think’ – point to one concretely proven fact: The fact?: The existence of – the I.Consciousness in this case – is an empirically proven fact.

What does it take – for a fact to be proven experimentally?

Well, first – it must be pointed out here – in this paragraph – that this author (Andresalovich) is utilizing only half of a Brain. Descartes is supplying the other half. It is this author’s hope that by using both sides of the Brain in one exercise – some one proof of something – anything – might result. Thus: We are attempting to prove that any one thing is experimentally proved to be True. Like Descartes – we are not fussy. We simply will take anything. Once we have that one certainty – everything else in the world – must necessarily follow

Experiment. Laboratory Bench. All deduction must begin with experimentally proven ‘fact’. Deduction is simply equations. Descartes’ world – is a world of equivalences. It is a world of mathematics: There is never any ‘new’ information involved here – at least not – from an equation. New information must come from somewhere else.

We assert: All ‘proven’ fact must come from the right side of the Brain. First there must be hypothesis. First: there was Theee Idea! In the following pages we shall consider – how the right side of the Brain accomplishes this amazing – and most necessary step.

Second: Hypotheses are extended to experiments – to see if these Ideas work in the real world – in four dimensions – well, five dimensions when one includes ‘Energy’. We need to receive the same desired results time and again. It is worthy of note – right here – that even repeated with results from experiments – nothing is ever proven to be True – with absolute certainty. This is ultimately because: All breakthroughs must begin with the right side of the Brain – which works in accordance with a process of thought that can never yield – absolute certainty. One can see right here: Descartes search for absolute clarity and distinctness – is in trouble – right to start with. All conclusions – right or left Brain must begin with inductive thought – which can never yield Absolute Certainty.

Decartes believed that that one experimentally proved ‘fact’ was obvious: I think. Well, he – was convinced that something inside of his head – was thinking. As all existentialist thinkers have pointed out: There is always one step before this statement. What we are saying is: The second step – the ‘I’ in this statement – always possesses a first step – this first step is – an I.

This first I is – usually overlooked. This first I – whoever whatever this might be – possesses: Consciousness. This first I – is simply ‘looking out’. This is an empirical observation – which is the only observation we may make concerning this subject. This observation is ‘empirical’ – in what sense? Well, my Consciousness is satisfied that it – itself – exists. Well, beyond this: Such Consciousness – must exist. Because there are always two steps involved: First, it is established that – something is ‘looking out’. That is – first we note that there is indeed an I – ’looking out’. Then second we just merely pause and enjoy – concentrate our intense examination upon – the fact – that I am – actually – empirically – ‘looking out’.

Let us pause here for a second. This last statement may seem – trivial. How many have simply noted this fact – and not recognized an obvious underlying fact: When we undertake this intense thorough examine of our ‘looking out’ – we are actually undertaking an empirical examination – a genuine experiment of sorts. Such empirical examination must actually prove that our assertion that our Consciousness exists – is True. Consciousness exists – because I just happen to notice that my existence must necessarily be True. Otherwise my I – must be extinguished!

I ultimately do not know what this I is. I shall never know. I can only experience what this I does. It is ‘looking out’.

If we are right hemispheric dominant – we may use induction to obtain additional Truth concerning our Consciousness. We can utilize 12 disciplines and Create a synthesis – a web of thought – including ideas from all disciplines and make an educated guess as to what this Consciousness may be made of. In the following pages we shall be calling upon the breakthroughs we have made – all of our previous books and minibooks. From all that we know in our inductive manner – we can conjecture that this phenomenon of Consciousness must be related to Energy. Energy is a thing. It is also an experience. There is a part of us that is Energy. We cannot physically inspect our Consciousness itself to understand what it is. We can only write down what we are experiencing – as we ‘look out’ from the center of this Consciousness. The experience of being Energy thus – is: The experience of ‘looking out’.

What we learn from all of this when it comes to Consciousness is: There must be two things – there is the observer and the observed. The observer can only be observed in the act of observing – what is actually observing can never be ascertained. Also its behavior in the act of observing also can never be intensely inspected. In the end – as a result of inductive synthesis: We are only able to subsequently step back and state what this Consciousness must actually be consisted of.

After years of work – the right side of our Brain can finally say with 99.99 percent certainty: Our Consciousness must be the workings of Energy that is confined within a Hydrogen ion – that is located in our Brain – and is in control of our body..

Einstein said that E = mc^2. We say that E = I !!! That is – from the basis of our experience – we can go on and hypothesize with less certainty that: All Energy – must possess Consciousness! All particles are packets of Energy – thus, all particles also must possess Consciousness. Such Consciousness must be either compacted and Powerful or to different degrees dilute – and less Powerful. The most powerful packets of Power – which are Hydrogen atoms – are able to perceive, think, and act – think with the aid of memory – and enact Change upon the world about them. Other particles and fields possess lower rankings of Power. Other atoms are soldiers and can react to orders and implement them – and nothing else. Fields – well, they are so dilute in Energy – that they are able to do only one thing – move information and instructions – from A – to – B.

Descartes says that the left side of the Brain says: I think therefore I am. The right side of the Brain retorts – no this should be: I think – therefore I write. This written record is Proof of the I ‘s existence. I think therefore I am – well, this statement shows that something has happened. The second establishes that a thing called Consciousness has come up with ideas and has made a concrete record of such ideas. This record is Proof of the existence of same Consciousness – but as we have said elsewhere: The right side of the Brain can never achieve absolute certainty.

So Decartes: We shall examine his mode of thinking and then contrast that with a right hemispheric approach. A good place to start is with Descartes’ ‘Meditations’. That will be followed by Franky’s ‘Meditations’ wherein concerns of the right side of the Brain are addressed.

Descartes’ Meditations

Mediation #1. Descartes is utilizing deduction to seek Truth as he is obviously left hemispheric dominant in his Brain. He is filling the page with equivalences as all deductive people do. As a consequence – to obtain any substance to work with: Decartes requires ‘real’ facts, data to work with – from which all deductions may be made. He has obviously decided to obtain such facts from an examination of his own mind. As many philosophers have always done – he has decided to gain facts by means of examining the operations of his Brain – from the inside out! Descartes is not aware but: He is like all humans – he possesses a Hydrogen ion in charge of his Brain and his entire body. This Hydrogen ion is able to perceive, think, and act – its thought is supplemented by memory located both within the Brain and an innate memory located within the ion itself. He shall utilize this ion to obtain knowledge from investigation of his Brain. As the ion investigates this Brain: It moves from data which is most clear and distinct to data that is less so. He realizes that a place that we really need to start is: With his ideas concerning God. As we have said: Actually this step is not really necessary. A better place to begin is with a perons’s own Consciousness – with his or her – own I.

Mediation #2. Well, Descartes inspects his Brain and comes to the conclusion that it is easier to ascertain the nature of his mind than any other part of his body. He may be fooling himself here. One really needs to be right hemispheric dominant to take 12 disciplines and realize that what is ‘looking out’ of his eyes – is a Hydrogen ion. So: Using this mind that he really has little knowledge of at all – he notices that his Brain is attached to a body. This body has face, hands, arms, and whole frame of parts. He establishes a fact that seems to be a ‘clear’ and ‘distinct’ idea: He establishes that he is indeed – a thinking ‘thing’.

He must at this point establish that he is not dreaming. So at the end of the meditation: He realizes that he must assume that he is awake and that he must begin his exploration of himself and the world around him with the one thing he knows ‘for sure’ – he thinks that he at least knows that he possesses a mind – well, as we say, in the end it appears that he knows very little about even that.

Notice that we use the word: ‘So’ – a lot. There may be objection that we are not really proving things – when we deliberately use such a vague word to advance our thought. Of course our reply is: The right of the Brain – is not utilizing deduction at all – it actually is physiologically incapable of doing do. Instead the right side of the Brain uses another technique to record its discoveries: That of the Story. Well, one discipline that displays the ultimate Power of the right side of the Brain of course is: History. Which is – the story of Life on Earth. History contains all the Content of Life’s activities – whereas mathematics displays all the Forms of thought. These disciplines thus are representative of polar extremes in thought. They utilize the ultimate tools of each side of the Brain. It must be stressed that these abilities are physiological abilities. A person is either right or left hemispheric dominant in his or her Brain. One cannot be both. Each Brain has one alpha charge or the other. One can never possess more than half – of the Truth of things.

Meditation #3. So: Descartes realizes that he cannot really trust his perceptions of stars, earth, sky – his only certainty is 2 + 3 = 5.

He seems to be left (pun alert!) with a Brain full of mathematics. There is not real content here at all! As we say – the right side of the Brain seems to be required to fill the Forms in his mind – required to fill his Forms with what we would call: History. As we say: Mathematics is a world of all the forms that may be used by the left side of the Brain in making deductions – creating Truth by means of analysis. History is the world of induction – of synthesis – of theses – a world that is able to fill the Forms of the mind with Content of Life.

Descartes has ‘clear’ and ‘distinct’ ideas concerning God. His God seems to be: Eternal, infinite, unchangeable, omniscient, omnipotent, the Creator of everything save himself. But as we know: The left side of the Brain has a criminal history of conjuring fantastic palaces of imaginative Forms that in the end have no relation to reality. They work by themselves – and their hubris often leaves us with little – usually after we have spent much precious time and money. We can expect no more than what that sordid history promises – from fantastic ideas concerning God.

As for parts of the body and objects outside of the body – at some point Descartes needs to realize that the Universities require different disciplines which can study all objects and animals external to us in detail and then the right side of the Brain may work with the left side to Create great syntheses of understanding about Everything!

Meditation #4. So: It is now apparent that Descartes is staying away from his senses. He finds certainty only in his thoughts – which are filled with mathematics and Form. We have already seen that any ideas he might have about God – are probably bogus. He is left with a Brain full of mathematics. Descartes concludes that this Meditation is his most important and most Powerful. He believes that all of his left hemispheric Powers are consistent with his ideas of God and probably come from God. Well, they do come from Consciousness. But from only one side of the Brain. Q.E.D.

Meditation #5. Do objects exist without – in both senses – Descartes’ mind. Things have an increased probability of existing and yielding Truth if they are measured:

‘In this volume I have deduced the causes – which I believe to be quite evident – of … many phenomena from principles which are known to all and admitted by all, namely the shape, size, position and motion of particles of matter. And anyone who considers all this will readily be convinced that there are no powers in stones and plants that are so mysterious, and no marvels attributed to ‘sympathetic’ and ‘antipathetic’ influences that are so astonishing, that they cannot be explained in this way. In short there is nothing in the whole of nature…which is incapable of being deductively explained on the basis of these self-same principles.’ (Principles of Philosophy, Pt IV, art. 187).

Once objects are measured: Mathematics may be applied and conclusions reached which may have a high level of certainty. It worries Descartes that he can conceive of a figure like a triangle that may not ever exist on Earth. It is right that he should worry. He is as bad as an ecclesiastical personage – when he encounters problems: He seems to immediately look to a faith in God for distinctness and clarity. This presumably is a God that is ensconced somewhere in some mathematical multiverse of 10 dimensions! Descartes does possess a modesty that many of his successors have not. He acknowledges that most of the Truth in the World about him – is shrouded in doubts.

All of this seems to leave Descartes in some sort of limbo: His strategy to deductively attack upon the world seems is on one hand destined to pay great dividends. On the other hand: So much is in the hands of the senses – whose contribution to Truth and Knowledge – must always be suspect..

Meditation #6. So: We have thought about things a lot. There is only one thing left to do. We need only to ask one final question: Does any of this – exist? (For us peering at the World from the right side of the Brain – this is received to mean – that if we of the ‘right side; might be allowed expression at this point – we will do so – with howls of hilarity! We are sorry but we mean: All this work and even at this point – after having cleared the shrubbery of all confusion and doubt – we are left with one certainty: We don’t even know – for certain – that we exist! Thjs is – a sad state of affairs! ) When it some to existence: We have eliminated dreams. How about imagination? How about the green genie in the corner?

Well, it seems that Nature has attempted to teach Descartes what is real and not. Well, he concludes that even with this help we are left in a land of: Maybe Yes – maybe No. This applies to objects outside of his body and even his body itself. Everything outside of his mind – is once removed. There is always doubt.

The number of cells in the human body vary from between ten and one hundred trillion – related to different ages of human bodies, we suppose – each cell has two Hydrogen ions in charge of the activities within. Every atom in each cell possesses Consciousness although many have their Consciousness completely or partially blocked by electrons and by molecular combination. Also Hydrogen atoms possess 50 times the Power in their consciousness as the carbon and other atoms created by the Higgs field. But what a responsibility it is – maybe even what an immense Power it must be – to be in charge of so much. Perhaps one day it will be a relief to be relieved of such responsibility and worry.

Descartes and Existentialism

Descartes seems to be more of an Existentialist than has been thought: After all – he is – examining the workings – of the I. But he did not take the final step necessary to be a Nietzsche or a Kierkegaard – to be on that slippery slope desperately hanging on to keep from falling forever into a type of insanity or becoming a God himself. Descartes goes to the point that he is aware that he possesses a genius deductive ability: He is proud of it – he has confidence in it. As long as he possesses that ability he is certain that he is alive – that he does in fact exist. He is not like Nietzsche – he does not stop to consider that he is looking out!!!! He is the center of the world – the Cosmos. He does not stop to think: Does everyone else feel this way but somehow does not notice it? How can everyone in this room believe that they are the center of the universe? If they just stopped and really thought – they would realize that each person is like a small God!!!!! What one person is experiencing – all humans in the world – are experiencing!!!! This is Crazy!!!! Descartes doesn’t go that far. He simply stops – he simply makes a God – out of the deductive process!

Two Sides of the Brain

So – we can state two things that Descartes does not: First he does not state that his Consciousness is able to perceive, think, and act – with the assistance of memory. Second he does not state as Plato does – that his Consciousness has innate abilities and preoccupations: Will, Love, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. He simply is not enamored of the fact that he is in fact ‘looking out’. He is too much infatuated by the fact that he is a genius and is able to deduce things that other people are not. Well, we are grateful that he started the Enlightenment which relatively quickly led to, allowed, stirred many minds to action – Powering the world to Industrial Revolution. Thank you Mr. Descartes

Two sides of the Brain.. Patterns of similarity are first discerned by the right side of the Brain. The right side existed first in humans. Then the left was added only 60,000 years ago in the frozen climes of the Arctic where humans had migrated up up up from Africa and the middle East up into the north north northern parts of Asia. It is here that the left side of the Brain which always was present in minuscle amounts when it began – to increase in numbers until today it accounts for two-thirds of the human population. The left side existed in certain species of predecessors to apes such as the Macaab monkey – which has been identified as being able to use both sides of the Brain in different individuals. Also in humans when there is a pair of identical twins – there is one of each side of the Brain. This is an obvious source for the first left hemispheric dominant person. Being such – would enable one to be of exceptional stature and worth in a frozen environment in which the right side was severely hampered. The first Warrior chiefs and shamans may have been such individuals. Subsequently the abilities of the right side of the Brain have been is neglected, unnoticed except as being identified as being stupid.. Yet the abilities of this side of the Brain are crucial to the progress of intellectual thought.

Andresalovichean Meditations

Meditation #1, We are not entirely certain which meditations belong where – but here are some ideas: We are aware of an entity ‘looking out’. It is in charge of a lumbering mass of atoms called a human body. The right side of the Brain detects similarity. It also Creates Syntheses. It comes up with concepts. Which become verbal words. It comes up with ideas of causal relationships among objects. We see one thing happening – we automatically expect another things to happen. This leads to hypothesis. Whenever we see this one thing happening – we come to automatically expect that – something will happen – After. This is all part of a physiological ability – that we right hemispheric dominant people innately possess These espyings of patterns of similarity – in the dynamic interactions of objects external to our minds – lead to chains of visual sightings and subsequent visual expectations. This leads to extended hypotheses – theses – stories – if you prefer – as to what has happened, why these things have happened and thence onward into expectations as to what may occur in the Future. All of this comes from a neglected side of the human Brain.

So the right side of the Brain: One of us has received a 235 I.Q. on the only test that measures abilities of the right side of the Brain – it is a performance test – the Wechsler-Bellevue Block Test. Thus Everything in this minibook – is based on personal experience. The left side of the Brain does one thing: State equivalences. The right side does one thing: Notice similarities. All concepts in thought concerning the World – come from the right side of the Brain. All concepts concerning the physiological construction of the left side of the Brain – are contributed by left hemispheric dominant individuals. These physiological constructions result in thought patterns that somehow have proved to be of worth – in the human striving – to seek and find Truth! As we say: Right and left hemispheric dominance is in different individuals. One person can never possess both.

Witness how the different sides of the Brain – work individually – and then work together. For example: Just look at words – each is based on a concept – which first emerged from a right side of a Brain. We see a chair – immediately we remember another chair we have already seen. Two things looking the same. Out of billion different things – our minds automatically discern similarity among two things. Instantly automatically. When we see a third thing that is similar – we are inclined to attach a ‘name’ to it. This first meditation is devoted to the Creation of objects of note. These objects receive an importance do to similarity – to the extent – to the end – that they become endowed with – a name.

Meditation #2. But there has to be another step before an entire village will adopt our proposal for denomination of a object in our lives. There is similarity among shapes of objects in our vision. There must be also a similarity in: Function – before a name for an object will be adopted. What do we mean by this word ‘function’ ? Well, the essence here is: Cause and effect. Chains of causation. Again similarity is the key ability – that innate ability – which bequeathed us ‘chairs’. But the first step has yielded : ‘Chairs’ – with no function. We notice that we see ‘chair’ – then we see one sitting on such a structure. We see another chair and another person sitting on it. When we see chair – we then begin to anticipate. We begin to expect! Expect a second visual image. That of a person coming to sit on this chair. Boom then Boom. Similarities in patterns of occurrences among activities occurring around among objects that have previously been given names on the basis of similarity among objects. We are able to generalize. We are able to make a hypothesis: A chair raises the floor. It allows a person to sit and reflect or eat. Chains of cause and effect lead to the naming of objects. This leads to a verbal language. This is a first step.

Written language is a second step: It is a left hemispheric invention. But it necessarily was preceded by the verbal language which was the invention of the right side of the Brain and as seen above – with its genius ability when it is present to discern similarity – among objects – and movements among between objects. When this happens – we see one thing- we see one action – we then automatically look for something to come – After!

Mediation #3. When the left side of the Brain works: It is the opposite – one sees a movement among objects and instinctively with the aid of genius looks for – Before. Aristotle called this the search for: First Cause. We Look for the Cause of patterns. The right side of the Brain as we have seen with Aristotle – who seems to have been right hemispheric dominant in his Brain – he is able to conduct a very primitive and largely ineffectual way of ‘deduction’ of its own. Aristotle simply asked – what is the first cause in a given chain of causation? As we just said above – one just simply starts with one part of the chain and asks: What came Before – then what came – Before that? These questions continue until there are no more questions to be asked. When a first cause has been detected one realizes as Aristotle did: One has the entire sequence of interaction by the testicles so to speak. One has a hypothesis – a thesis as it were – for why certain things happen. This sort of examination is the essence of historical writing. This is how theses – are born. This sort of thinking simply prepares the way for the entrance of the second side of the Brain – it is right here that both sides of the Brain may start working feverishly and most productively – together!

Meditation #4. Well, it is up to the right side of the Brain to Create syntheses – so we shall take on that responsibility right here right now – since we are the only ones to properly do so. We have seen how the left side of the Brain works. Then the right side. Let us use our Powers of synthesis and lay out a plan – a story – for how both sides of the Brain might – work together. The Beatles. Stanley Laural and Oliver Hardy. Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. Too often people with right and left hemispheric dominance in their Brains – have working separately – isolated from each other in space and time. This has delayed progress immensely. Once in a while this isolation is breached and breathtaking results ensue.

Meditation #5. Emotions, passions, a primal language. Uniification of mind and body. Temporary state. Solitary partilcles. The hope for dual unification of two individuals for an eternity. Individuals with different neural physiological abilities – may now work together to confront and conquer the world’ most pressing problems!

Meditation #6. Indictment. Criminal Irresponsibility. So much Progress lost. So much ability neglected. So much ability wasted. So much time and money misspent. Children’s lives squandered. We draw a line in the sand here – now. No more criminal behavior on the part of those who should know better – should act better.

Instauratio Magna

We are convinced that we would not be able to do anything of worth without a person equipped physiologically from us – as you are. And you left hemispheric dominant people – are not just mere some type of muses or something. Somehow your Great Brain leads the way. Combines with our abilities such that the final products are all ours.

There was one man – Sir Francis Bacon – who understood that in his time and in science in general – there was a whole side of things that was missing. In the end all must be included in one great work – one great Synthesis. One Instauratio Magna. This work was begun in his Novum Organum. His Great Work then added to his many of his other ideas would result in the following important ingredients:

First, he called for a survey of all the sciences – that is, an integration of all the disciplines.

Second, he called for a new scientific method based upon the strategy of analogy – that is, upon the perception of similarity in all things.

Third, he asserted that all disciplines needed to be integrated, utilizing the examination of cause and effect.

These three steps would then result in a fourth step – which would be a new philosophy – the commencement of a work for future generations to do – which would integrate all disciplines, all knowledge into one final complete Synthesis of everything.

What Bacon was missing in all of this was: The why, the who, in all of this. What he did not realize was: In the generation, Creation of all of this knowledge – there actually would be different physiologies involved. That is, before there could be an integration of all knowledge – there had to be the inclusion – the integration of all abilities. This integration was begun by the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel discerned that there must be two different types of thought involved. There was an analytical type of thought and an inductive type. Hegel’s abstract ideas had to be transformed into physiology. Mental activity was translated into physiological abilities –- by the work of Roger Sperry at Cal Tech who examined the Brains of schizophrenics whose Brains had been severed into two parts He established that each hemisphere of the Brain possesses its own abilities, what those abilities are, and which intelligence tests measured the abilities of each. What remains to be done is to determine how these different abilities might be able to work together to Create intellectual thought, how individuals with different abilities might be identifiesd, then educated each in its own way, and then how instruction might continue with the integration of individuals of both types as they learn to work together to attack the great challenges of a modern world.


OK – so we get it: Consciousness.

At the outset we stated our objective to be one thing. We needed to discover one thing – that is undoubtedly True. Well, there is the I . And yes – that is it! There is the fact for certain: That I possess a Consciousnesss – which if it did not exist – this minibook would never have been written.

Consciousness. This is a word that is just simply not allowed In the conversations of polite society right now. Yet we maintain with all the vigor at our disposal – that this topic must be addressed in its whole form right here – right now – even if is only in complete secrecy. Meanwhile other things might progress in the open – in schools – without controversy: Identification of different intellectual abilities, each ability possessing its own educational strategies and treatments, and finally, individuals each with different abilities learning to work to together. This must begin now – starting at kindergarten.

So much scientific and economic progress has been made in just three hundred years. Things are so perfect right now. But three hundred years ago – even 150 years ago – this world did not exist! But now we must acknowledge that this speed has abruptly bought us to: The Future. We are there. Right here. Right now. We must go directly to the next steps: Stop world population explosion, find new sources of Energy, cure Cancer, develop automated cities, all – everyone – working in Creative Clusters of Innovation and thought. All people in the world – must be integrated into one supreme intellectual and economic effort. Together – we all – must work together – to build – the Future!!!!



Cottingham, John, Descartes. Part of the Great Philosophers Series,

Ray Monk and Frederic Raphael, Consulting Editors (New York:

Routledge, 1997), 58 pp.

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