Quantum Mechanics, And The Future Looking at Physics – from the Inside Out

Black Holes,

And The Future

Looking at Physics – from the Inside Out


Frank W. Andres

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Black Holes and Science: So – several things. Black Holes are a key thing to study in modern physics. Well, there is a Black Hole in our Brain. There is a Hydrogen ion with a Black Hole – In our Brain that is in charge –‘looking out’. So: A Black Hole is actually doing – the studying. But in addition, Black Holes are in a sense at the Center – of physics. The most essential Thing in ‘physics’! We have found that every Hydrogen atom with its Black Hole – is Theee Gravity particle. It is Thee Force that is missing in physics. Einstein manufactured SpaceTime to explain why Gravity is not right in front of us. We have a different hypothesis: We claim that Gravity is ‘hidden’ in tiny Black Holes. Hidden – right before your eyes!

It just so happens: We are the best people on Earth equipped to criticize physics at this moment. We are unable to deduce. So we are not ‘snowed’ by mathematics. And physics is mainly a mathematical discipline at the present time. We were a math major for three years. We understand what math is about – how it works – it is a science of patterns – we get this. We also understand that when a discipline simply gives itself over to one device such as the use of mathematics – it is pretty much devoting its attention to what one half of the Brain can do. Another side is absolutely – left out. Not even considered. Not even acknowledged that it exists! At least in the discipline of physics. As for other disciplines the same is generally True. Well, in history one can still obtain A’s with four pluses on papers because the right side of the Brain can very well devise intelligent syntheses. And when it comes to the sciences – we suspect that someone in the universities knows -that – that side of Brain exists and is important: Well, many of our friends who are dominant in the right side of the Brain – seem to have ended up as engineers! But when it comes to the ‘real’ sciences of chemistry and physics – well, the right side of the Brain simply does not exist.

We on the other hand: Are fully equipped when it comes to that side of the Brain. We understand how it works. We know how to take its strengths – its teachings – and go straight to the throat of quantum mechanics – for example. People do not understand quantum mechanics. This is because it is wrong. Quantum Gravity really doesn’t exist. This is because it is entirely flawed. The Fact is: The New Physics must begin with one word: ‘Consciousness.’ This is a word of which all scientists seem to have been afraid – afraid that one day it might appear. Yet it exists – in every particle – in the Cosmos. Doesn’t this sound as if it might be very fundamental – not just to the discipline of physics – but to All of Existence – to all of the disciplines – in general?

The Rise of Quantum Mechanics

So: Max Planck proposed the existence of a fundamental constant in Nature: Now known as Planck’s constant and denoted by the letter h. Planck was very soon thinking about communicating with alien civilizations. Well, we are thinking about communicating with the alien world of the non-microscopic. Perhaps Planck’s constant will resonate in that conversation

Niels Bohr’s idea of quantized electron orbits helped make sense of the Light emitted and absorbed by Hydrogen, but seemed to be pulled out of a hat, and didn’t really work for elements other than Hydrogen. This is because as we say: Hydrogen is special.

There is a reason – that physicists become confused about particles and waves: The word ‘quantum’ referring to some definite amount of stuff, can give the impression that quantum mechanics describes a world that is fundamentally discrete and pixelated, like when you zoom in closely on a computer monitor or TV screen. It is actually the opposite: Quantum mechanics describes the world as a smooth wave function. But in the right circumstances, where when individual parts of the wave function are tied down in a certain way, the wave takes the form of a combination of distinct vibrational modes. When we observe such a system, we see those discrete possibilities. That is true for orbits of electrons, and it will also explain why quantum fields look like sets of individual particles. In quantum mechanics, the world is fundamentally wavy: Its apparent quantum discreteness comes from the particular way those waves are able to vibrate. These were the ideas of Louis De Broglie.

Erwin Schroedinger came next – who in 1926 put forth a dynamical understanding of wave functions, including the equation they obey – later named after him. It is Schroedinger who completely confuses particle with wave. The Schroedinger equation was a hit. But no one really stopped to think.

Every version of quantum mechanics (and there are plenty) employs a wave function or something equivalent, and posits that the wave function obeys Schroedinger’s equation, at least most of the time. Physicits think that they can safely predict: Schroedinger’s mistakes will simply be the ingredients in just about any theory they can take seriously. We on the other hand believe that the World is in need – of a particle theory – not a wave theory. Waves merely move information. We need a theory for the real actors – for the real Powers of the Cosmic Stage.

It is important to write the words – that physicists are using. One must carefully consider words physicists use in their science. Words can cleverly disguise the fact that much is not known. In physics – mathematics is used to deal with ‘waves’. These entities are called ‘waves’ but words are supposed to attach conceptual meaning to the mathematics the words are next to. So: The word ‘Mode’ is used when a physicist is describing a wave. In metaphysics the word ‘mode’ – which is basically from the discipline of philosophy – in which this word is really seldom used – its definition is: A manifestation, form or manner of arrangement; in general use, a particular form or manifestation of some undetermined substance, or some permanent aspect or attribute of such a substance.

The word ‘mode’ actually comes from physics in this case – when where the discipline considers the field of music. Here is some clarification of this physics concept. Consider a string with its ends held fixed, such as on a guitar or violin. Even though any one point can move up or down as it likes, the overall behavior of the string is constrained by its being tied down at either end. As a result, the string only vibrates at certain special wavelengths, or combinations thereof; that’s why the strings on musical instruments emit clear notes rather than an indistinct noise. These special vibrations are called the modes of the string. The essential ‘quantum’ Nature of the subatomic work, in the picture these words are intended to evoke – come about not because reality is actually subdivided into distinct chunks but because there are natural vibrational modes for the waves out of which physical systems are made.

Let us consider- now – how the word ‘mode’ is used in physics texts:

Waves reside within ‘regions’. Waves possess ‘substances’ which can be denominated ‘modes’ – these are areas that vibrate at certain wave lengths. The modes inside one field become entangled with modes in another field – that is – waves become overlapped which they must do to transfer information – from one to another – from modes inside one wave to modes in another. This means: Waves are composed of Energy. Well all things are composed of Energy. This Energy may be dilute, spread over large areas of space and not in the least be discernable. Energy may be concentrated into particles. All Energy possesses Consciousness. The more concentrated such Energy is – the more Power – the more action – it might be able to impart to the world about it. So: Particles possess fields – which are called ‘waves’ and these ‘waves’ can become overlapped and used to transfer information from one particle to another. The more Power a particle possesses the more information it is able to transmit to a neighbor in the form of orders that a less Powerful recipient automatically obeys.

Particles and Waves

So: Very fundamental to the concept of quantum mechanics is the word – ‘Wave.’ But the word ‘Wave’- can have no fundamental meaning, no fundamental reason for existence, no way of being utilized as a concept in mathematical exercise – if there is no such thing as ‘Consciousness’. The Cosmos is filled with particles. These particles are wherein Consciousness resides. Particles, in turn, utilize waves to communicate with the world around them. There is a Hydrogen ion in charge of your Brain. All of physics starts with one thing: I think – therefore I am! No – actually this cry should be – I – am ‘Looking Out!’ If something in physics does not make sense – just remember: The answer in every case comes from the act of remembering – simply remembering how your Brain works. Physics is involved in your every act of – ‘Looking Out!’ Your Brain perceives. What do think is doing this perceiving? Your Hydrogen ion perceives by means of a wave that is attached to it. That ion is then equipped with the ability to think. This ability to think is equipped with a memory to assist in this act. There are certain acts that are a bit automatic. Memory can be a bit mechanical for most particles. Yet the potential is always there for – Decisions. Even in a Life that is ruled by instinct – that Life endures because particles can perceive, think and then take Action! Humans pride themselves on possessing the ability to create new thoughts. Yet most of our Lives are routinized. Much is out of our control – controlled by particles within us that are we are not aware of – particles that are capable within their own jurisdiction to perceive, think, and then act. Every one of our cells has two Hydrogen ions in charge – one within the cell in the centrosome and the other in the cell wall for external communications and intercellular interaction. Plants don’t even have one ion in charge. They operate every moment by means of clusters of cells working together for extended minutes. The octopus is an example of an animal which has one ion in charge – yet each of its arms may act independently each with its own single ion dictating the action.

Now let us jump to phenomena that are considered central to the discipline of physics. Like say: Black Holes. First of all: We are working with 12 different disciplines. And using these we utilize induction – a method of making syntheses – like putting pieces of a puzzle together. One is unable to gain absolute certainty with this ability – and a physical ability it indeed is – an ability possessed by only one third of the population. Each person is dominant in one of the two hemispheres in his or her Brain.

Each person possesses a Hydrogen ion that is in control of his or her Brain. This ion – like all Hydrogen ions – possesses a tiny Black Hole. The Science of Black Holes is missing empirical verification of mathematical nonsense. This is sad and unnecessary – as every human being is an expert when it comes to Black Holes. You are ‘looking out’ from the center of One! Oh yes: Supposedly there is a hologram sort of operation going on wherein information that a Black Hole possesses is expressed in detail on the two-dimensional surface of its event horizon! What sort of information are you talking about? You think you know what this information looks like, where it is located? In your Brain: The ion which is in charge – possesses Consciousness! It possesses a language. It is able to communicate by means of waves with other particles. What do you mean when you say that all the information in a Black Hole is somehow etched into the surface of its event horizon? The damn thing is filled with Hydrogen atoms which are communicating with each other! The Black Hole that is in your Brain is obviously communicating with the world around it. How does a Black Hole operate? Are physicists lacking information that every person on Earth has personal knowledge about?

So – let us calm down: The Copenhagen approach to quantum mechanics says that when a particle is measured – the wave that it generates every microsecond – collapses – until it resides at a point – that the particle is at – at the moment it is measured – which is understandable if one realizes that the particle must move to generate its wave. The reason that it is so important for physics to know both the location of a particle and its velocity is supposedly so that calculations regarding particle impacts upon the world around it can be made. Schroedinger’s equation, the mathematical engine of quantum mechanics, dictates how the shape of a probability wave evolves in Time. Give a physcist an initial wave shape and he or she can use that equation to draw a picture of what the wave will look like in a minute or an hour or any other moment. This is the ‘information’ that physicists are talking about.

This is not the ‘information’ we are talking about. A particle generates a wave in order to transmit and receive ‘another’ – a different type of – information. At all times physicists are attempting to avoid the fact that particles possess Consciousness. Yet how can progress be made if physicists totally ignore the messages that particles are transmitting and receiving from each other. Well, one might proffer that the information that is sent back and forth is the result of mechanical automatic methods – hence particle motion and position pretty much give you all the information you really need. Well, if you are going to use particles in a brute force manner as modern men and women do with electrons in a light bulb well, maybe – but if we are going to tap into the Power and Energies that we need to power the Earth – to find new Sources of Energy that may be hidden – then we need to deal directly with these Sources of Consciousness, learn their language – work with them instead of just moving them around in senseless countless masses of movement. After all we are 99.9 percent certain that Hydrogen ions were smart enough to have – Created Life.

The whole purpose of particle waves is to move instructions and other information from particle to particle – and we are going to ignore this? We are only going – to look at their position and movements?

Empty Space and Degrees of Freedom

Empty Space. ‘Empty’ space is not really ‘empty’. Places are full of ‘quantum degrees of freedom’. ‘Empty’ space is a richly textured place, full of quantum degrees of freedom. ‘Quantum degrees of freedom’ is a very abstract term referring to various points within a place within so-called ‘empty’ space – points that are actually each filled with vibrating fields. Presumably these vibrating ‘fields’ are filled with Energy – that is not visible to a viewer by any means.

So: Places within Space are presumably ‘empty’ but in actuality these are filled with Energy which is not visually or otherwise discernable to the scientist. It is these places that are filled with Energy – and so at this point it is not certain if the scientist thinks the fields or the places in which the fields are located – are what cause physical things to happen – that cause physical things that are – visual. At this point no consideration of where, what, why, or any other aspect of any particle is displayed either in any text or any equations that might be offered to the reader. We are simply left with fields – actually just places – of interest. We are left studying – Places of Interest. All of which of course slips easily into a discussion and physics of merely two things: Time and Space. Everything has surreptitiously slipped into a completely Cartesian consideration. All of this is very convenient of course – it would be very embarrassing if someone not thoroughly schooled in a physicist’s manner of thinking might innocently ask: But why – does anything happen? Without particles – there are simply no actors present – to take that action.

Degrees of Freedom. When physicists refer to the different numbers they use to specify something – such as a particle’s position or momentum – they call these a system’s ‘degrees of freedom.’ In Newtonian mechanics, to tell a person the complete state of a bunch of particles, one would have to tell him or her the position and momentum of every one of them, so: The degrees of freedom are all of these positions and moments. Acceleration is not a degree of freedom, since it can be calculated once we know the forces acting on the system. The essence of a degree of freedom is that it doesn’t depend on anything else.

When one switches to quantum mechanics and starts thinking about Schroedinger’s wave functions, things become a little different. To make a wave function for a single particle, think of every location where the particle could possibly be found – were a person to observe it. Then to each location the physicist must assign an amplitude, a complex number with the property that the square of each number is the probability of finding the particle there. There is a constraint that the squares of all these numbers add up to precisely one, since the total probability that the particle is found somewhere must equal one.

Notice that we didn’t mention ‘velocity’ or ‘momentum’ here. That is because we don’t have to separately specify the momentum in quantum mechanics, as we did in classical mechanics. The probability of measuring any particular velocity is completely determined by the wave function for all the possible positions. Velocity is not a separate degree of freedom, independent of position. The basic reason why is that the wave function is, well, a wave. Unlike for a classical particle, we don’t have a single position and a single momentum, we have a function of all possible positions, and that function typically oscillates up and down. The rate of these oscillations determines what we are likely to see if we were to measure the velocity or momentum.

Physicists work extremely well – without particles.

Black Holes and Gravity

OK we are also working to come up with ideas concerning Gravity and Black Holes:

Energy existed throughout the universe microseconds after the Big Bang. This Energy possessed all four types of Forces: The Strong, Weak, Electro-magnetic, and Gravity. The Cosmic Microwave Background which various instruments now can detect – shows that there was 50 times as much Energy originally in the universe before the Big Bang – than exists now. We hypothesize that this Energy was initially absorbed into the tiny Black Holes which are known to have filled the universe shortly after its Creation. We hypothesize that these ultimately became the nuclei of Hydrogen atoms. Only 1/50ths of this Energy is allowed to seep from these nuclei into the wider Cosmos. Hydrogen atoms are continually being transformed into Helium atoms in every star. So: The missing Energy must be hidden within the tiny Black Holes that reside within the Hydrogen and Helium atoms that comprise 99,3 percent of the atoms in the Cosmos. The dimunitive amount of Energy that seeps out of these particles – explains why Gravity is so weak generally, why and where the initial Energy disappeared to, and why the Gravity particle has been so difficult to find.

Now let us jump to phenomena that are considered central to the discipline of physics. Like we say: Black Holes! First of all : We are working with 12 different disciplines. And using these we utilize induction a method of making syntheses – like putting pieces of a puzzle together. One is unable to gain absolute certainty with this ability – and a physical ability it indeed is – an ability possessed by only one third of the population. Each person is dominant in one of his or her two hemispheres in his or her Brain.

Each person possesses a Hydrogen ion that is control of his or her Brain. This ion – like all Hydrogen ions – possesses a Black Hole. The Science of Black Holes is missing empirical verification of mathematical nonsense. This is sad and unnecessary – as every human being is an expert when it comes to Black Holes. You are ‘looking out’ from the center of One! Oh yes: As we say – supposedly there is a hologram sort of operation going on wherein information that a Black Hole possesses is expressed in detail on the two-dimensional surface of its event horizon! What sort of information are you talking about? You think you know what this information looks like, where it is located? The ion possesses Consciousness! It possesses a language. It is able to communicate by means of waves with other particles. What do you mean when you say that all the information in a Black Hole is somehow etched into the surface of its event horizon? The damn thing is communcating with everything around it! We ask again: Are you physicists lacking information that every person on Earth has personal knowledge about?

So: Black Holes and Gravity. News bulletin: In 2016 – researchers over at the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave observatories announced the first direct detection of gravitational waves, created when Black Holes a billion light years away spiraled into each other.

Black Holes and Entropy

So: The second Law of thermodynamics states that a body must increase in entropy over time. Well, this is commonsense. If nothing is building something up – then over time it will simply breakdown if left by itself. Another way of saying this – well, in our words – well, we simply have our own – second Law!: Only Consciousness can organize and maintain. Without the continual presence of Consciousness there can be only increasing chaos. See: Right There – we have a totally brand new physics! A physics that acknowledges the presence – no! the absolute necessity of there existing Consciousness – everywhere – all of the time.

But Black Holes seem to counteract thjs Law. After all: They are supposedly composed entirely of what tremendous Forces of Gravity can smash together over an eternity of Time. So: A mass within the Black Hole – must be becoming greater all of the time. OK: So there are two clues that physicists ae simply missing things here. First: If things are increasing in organization – that is – they are losing entropy – then our second Law states with finality that Consciousness must be present and involved. Second: If Black Holes seem to be increasing in mass – look again – they simply may have existed since Consciousness created them at the time of the Big Bang. For instance: It seems probable that every Hydrogen atom possesses a tiny Black Hole that was present at the first moments of the universe’s birth. A corollary to both of these statements might be: Black Holes that are increasing in size right now may actually be an increasing aggregate of existing Black Holes. Also: Obviously now it would appear that – Gravity possesses Consciousness.

Consider an idea you will often hear: ‘Atoms are mostly empty space.’ This idea comes from a stubborn insistence on thinking of an electron as a tiny classical dot zipping around inside of a wave function, rather than the electron actually being Thee wave function. We are here duplicating some words of some idiot – words that are provoking us to action.

Sorry!: Obviously an electron is not a wave function. So what is an electron? Well, both the nucleus of – well we shall posit an Hydrogen atom as being the primary particle in question. So – Hydrogen atom: Both nucleus and electron in this particle possess waves, that is fields around them. In this way the nucleus can ‘talk’ to the electron. The electron has a field such it can talk with its nucleus and interact with other atoms. In a more conceptual sense – the electron is actually a part of the nucleus’s wave. The nucleus’s wave is used to convey information with a particle it desires to interact with. And exactly how may a nucleus interact in a physical way with another particle? How may it ‘move’ the world around it.? This movement of the world will require more than mere talking. The electron is there to make movement of the world around the nucleus – possible! The nucleus simply is telling its electron to move its rear over and be a part of another atom. We are talking about a lot of stuff happening here – that is not conveyed or summarized simply in any one wave function!

So: Superpositions. Well, One cannot observe the location of a particle and its velocity at the same time. So: We simply take a lot of ‘pictures’ of it – sometimes the location, sometimes the velocity and then we simply record all of our observations on one sheet of paper which thereby and therewith has encapsulated a summary of observed particle positions and velocities. Not certainly an exhaustive list – yet enough points to give us a satisfactory idea of this particle and its motion. Physicist then think: Well, People can now understand why we fellows and gals feel that we do not need a wave function for each of the particles involved – we simply think that we physicists require only one function wherein whereat these wave overlap and are sharing information. Boy: When one really sits down and writes all of this out – all of this exercise begins to seem very dubious. .

Again: Black Holes and Gravity. News bulletin: In 2016 – researchers at the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave observatories announced the first direct detection of gravitational waves, created when Black Holes over a billion light years away – spiraled into each other.

But the planets in our solar system are much smaller, and move more slowly than those Black Holes, which were each more than thirty times the mass of the sun. As a result, the emitted gravitational waves from our planetary neighbors are very weak indeed. The power emitted in gravitational waves by the orbiting Earth amounts to about 200 watts – equivalent to the output of a few lightbulbs, and completely insignificant compared to other influences such as solar radiation and tidal forces. Tidal forces are not caused by lunar gravity?

So: Are photons carried along by electromagnetic waves – or vice-versa? Our hypothesis is: Moving particles generate waves. So why would Light particles take off by themselves into outer space? Perhaps they are sent by Hydrogen atoms – for example- to communicate with atoms far far away. Perhaps they have encrypted messages for when they impact other particles. They certainly have Energy. They cause plants to grow.


Uncertainty and Entanglement

Okay: So we think we have quantum mechanics pretty well under control now except for two sections found in most text books – one called ‘Uncertainty’ and the other ‘Entanglement.’ If we just assert our hypothesis concerning particles and fields and how the former utilize the latter in moving instructions, orders, information among them – then everything sorts out very easily. We think for these two subjects the same is True. When it comes to complementarity and Uncertainty – well, all the examples in books we have read are talking about like two electrons and how it is impossible locate where particles are and fields are. Well, the fact is we don’t need to know where a particle is located or its motion – we just need to understand that the information we are seeking is not like those two things. The information we need to know is what how when where information is conveyed from a nucleus of an atom to its electrons and to other atoms. Knowing the location of things does not help us at all. We need to know the language these entities are using and what instructions are conveyed and obeyed. And as far as entanglement is concerned: Texts are always talking about A and B as both being electrons – that each has a field – their fields become ‘entangled’. Incredible amounts of information is supposedly exchanged at great distances. All of this is happening – when fields ae actually designed to move information between nuclei and their electrons and other atoms. Whether one’s quarks are up or down or whatever has nothing to do with the information that is moved between particles and their electrons.

Also – very simply: Electrons don’t talk to each other. Their fields are never entangled. That is why they are located in quantified locations within the shells of an atom. They communicate only with their nuclei and with nuclei that they will call a new home. Such communication is perfunctory and calls for a low level of Consciousness. Electrons are able to receive orders and respond – they don’t have the level of Consciousness necessary to do more than that. Hydrogen nuclei are very intelligent. Helium atoms are created by Hydrogen ones they possess two Black Holes which circulate around ech other and so are cut off the world around them. All other atoms are Created by Hydrogen atoms with help from the Higgs field. All of the rest of the Periodic Table possesses Consciousness of a secondary type – a higher level than electrons – but still -very poor – like soldiers – compared to the Hydrogen nuclei commanders. As we keep saying – when one concentrates on information – like particle position and movement: One is neglecting what is most important here – the information shared among nuclei and electrons.

The Science of ‘Looking Out’

As we say: There is a Hydrogen ion in charge of your Brain. All of physics starts with this one thing: You are ‘Looking Out!’ If something in physics does not make sense – just remember that the answer in every case comes from the act of remembering – of what your Brain probably did – a moment ago!. Physics is involved in your every act of – ‘Looking Out!’ Your Brain perceives. What do think is doing this perceiving? Your Hydrogen ion perceives by means of a wave that is attached to it. That ion is then equipped with the ability to think. This ability to think is equipped with a memory to assist in this act. There are certain acts that are a bit automatic. Memory can be a bit mechanical for most particles. Yet the potential is always there for – Decisions. Even in Life that is ruled by instinct – Life endures because particles can perceive, think and then take Action! Humans pride themselves on possessing the ability to create new thoughts. Yet most of our Lives are routinized. Much is out of our control – controlled by particles within us that are we are not aware of – particles that capable within their own jurisdiction to perceive, think, and then act. Every one of our cells has two Hydrogen ions in charge – one within the cell in the centrosome and the other in the cell wall for external communications and intercellular interaction. Plants don’t even have one ion in charge. It operates every moment by means of clusters of cells working together for extended minutes together. The octopus is an example of an animal which has one ion in charge – yet each of its arms may act independently each with its own ion dictating the action.


So we have a magnet. We place it under a sheet of paper like our Granny did when we were six. She placed iron filings on the paper and then showed us how the filings displayed a certain pattern. We could see: The magnet possessed a field. It appears as if this field was Powerful enough to configure the filings. You and we now know differently: The Power is obviously in the magnet. A field obviously exists but it is merely conveying instructions from the particles in the magnet to the individual filings as to how each should align itself upon the paper – vis-à-vis the position of the magnet. It is at moments like this when we were children that we receive wrong information about the non-microscopic world.

So: In classical Newton physics the emphasis is upon information – the type that exists for objects around us. This in the end constitutes mainly the idea of ‘measurement’. If you can measure amounts of water, and degrees of heat one can make a boiler and move the world. In quantum mechanics physicists think they have a 600 page book of Magic – 600 pages of mathematical formulas that tell one exactly how one can use particles to move the world. One problem: A problem that involves something that one cannot measure. This is the measurement at this minute at a non-microscopic level – well, physicists are looking for the wrong – type – of information. When you think: No one has a ruler next to your head. This is because measurement of neural activity gives no idea of the ideas that might spew forth from such an organ at any second. An entity with Consciousness simply is working with a different kind of information. It is a type that tells one how one might move the world – not how the world might move you,. This is a level – a kind of information – that physicists have never thought to seek. Not from a particle!

So: Let us talk a little about what we are actually doing. Before quantum mechanics – the world had been used to working meeting demands like those required by industrial revolution. When quantum mechanics struck – we were no longer working with simply boiling water and moving locomotives. We were working with I-phones, making chips full of transistors that were smaller and smaller wherein and wherewith speed could be accelerated – more could be done with more and more transistors in one place in close connection. Now – we cannot get smaller. Sorry! So – are we still aiming for more speed? What is our aim now that that strategy has been exhausted? We need Power – whatever that might mean. We still need to get a lot done. When we were moving locomotives – well, we worked in aggregates – lots of atoms at once – heated them all at once – got them to work in lockstep – all those particles issuing the same orders in their wave functions their electrons trotting off to impact the world around them in the same way. Now we are working at a non-microscopic level. We are not trying to get electricity to move faster and faster in smaller and smaller devices. Electricity works with 1s and 0s – a very cumbersome way of thinking. What if we could persuade a lot of particles to do stuff directly without electricity involved at all.

There is no such thing as the position of the electron. There is only the particle’s wave function. Same idiot speaking. But – again -: we rejoin: There is a particle – it moves – in so moving it generates a wave. The wave may not be used yet. It is used only if information is to be sent. By whom? By the actor that we are supposed to ignore: The particle!

The particle precedes the existence of the wave! It generates the wave, it utilizes the wave. And we are supposed to ignore this particle! What have physicists been doing for the past 100 years?! One becomes furious at so little that has been done – at so great an expense!

Let us underscore one thing we have said before:

At this point: No consideration of where, what, why, or any other aspect of any particle is displayed either in any text or any equations that might be offered to the reader. We are simply left with fields – actually just places – of interest – which of course slip easily into a discussion and physics of merely two things: Time and Space. Good Work Einstein! Everything has surreptitiously slipped into a completely Cartesian consideration. All of this is very convenient of course – it would be very embarrassing if someone not thoroughly schooled in a physicist’s manner of thinking might innocently ask: But why – does anything happen? Without particles – there are simply no actors present – to take that action

Thank you – and Good Night!



Al-Khalili, Jim, Blackholes, and Time Machines, Second Edition

(Boca Raton, Florida: CP.C Press, 2012), 184 pp.

Al-Khalili, Jim, The World According to Physics (Princeton: Princeton

University Press, 2020), 313 pp.

Ananthaswamy, Anil, The Edge of Physics – A Journey to Earth’s

Extremes to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe (New York:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010), 322 pp.

Carroll, Sean, The Biggest Ideas in the Universe – Space, Time, and

Motion (New York: Dutton, 2022), 296 pp.

Carroll, Sean, Something Deeply Hidden – Quantum Worlds and the

Emergence of Spacetime (New York: Dutton, 2020), 347 pp.

Greene, Brian, The Hidden Reality – Parallel Universes and the Deep

Laws of the Cosmos (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011), 370 pp.

Lin, Thomas, Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire – The Biggest Ideas in

Science (Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2018) 308 pp.

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