THE I- Building a Cosmic Theology


Building a Cosmic Theology


Frank W. Andres

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The I.

What is this I ? We know a few things about this – because we have abilities that most scientists do not possess. These abilities are inadvertently screened out. But these abilities allow us to create syntheses. We can take 12 disciplines – pose questions concerning certain topics from 12 different directions – and from the answers obtain Truth. This Truth as opposed to analytical, deductive thought – does not yield certainty – only probability. Yet the probability of our Truth being True is somewhere near 99.99 percent. So what do we know using these abilities?

Well: In the Beginning – there was the I . We know its attributes: Will, Love, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. We know what it is: It is a Hydrogen ion. It possesses Consciousness. The Hydrogen ion possesses a Black Hole. It possesses a tremendous amount of Energy. This Energy is perceived by us – as Consciousness. This Consciousness possesses a tremendous amount of Power – a tremendous amount of capability when it comes to impacting the world around it. We are not aware of how much Power we actually have. Our mothers have diverted our attention to the world around us. Existentialism is a philosophy that is focused upon this tremendous potential Energy that we all possess – but are unable to access readily. That is – as we say: This is because we have been taught to think a certain way. Our mothers instinctively know: The I is dangerous. There is a slippery slope. We can easily fall into narcissism, egotism, self-preoccupation. Or worse: We may think we are a God. Better to possess a social I – then we will not be threatening to anyone.

In philosophy certain philosophers have been concerned with the Cosmic aspects brought to our Lives by the Hydrogen ion that is in charge of each of our Brains. Plato was the first to finely delineate these aspects of a person’s personality. Instinctively he understood that our psychic possesses attributes that are of Cosmic importance: Will, Love, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. But his work was largely forgotten until we got to the work of: The Existentialists. In particular: Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche was interested in the Power that the Hydrogen ion brings to our Lives but is too often overlooked and is UnderUsed. We are talking about: The Cosmic Power of the Will. Nietzsche called this: The Will to Power!

The Will has been utilized by human societies in the past – it is present in the works of the shamans who practiced a world-wide religion that began some 60,000 years ago when humans ventured far North – into Arctic regions. In this frigid clime humans who were right hemispheric dominant in their brain as their forebearers – the apes – are – in order to survive – presented the Earth with the first humans that were left hemispheric dominant. With this side of the brain came the ability to deduce, be analytical, develop written language, and invent religion. They also developed critical tools such as the wheel, fire, the horse. Their religion – shamanism – acknowledged and indeed even attempted to utilize the Powers of the I . This theology ultimately evolved into occult practices such as alchemy, the horoscope, Magic, Spirit Dreams. In a modern world such ideas have been outright banned.

In this process humans have lost the Power of the Will.

Well, we have been reading a book: Age of Anger – A History of the Present, by Pankaj Mishra. We first read this book 8 years (2017) ago. Still the ideas in this book have hung in our head all this time. Mishra’s thesis is: The 19th Century was a time of Terror. Actually this time seems to have started for him with the ‘revolutions’ of 1848. Well, of course there was the Reign of Terror which was an official phase in the sequence of events that occurred as part of the French Revolution. However, it wasn’t until 1848 that Terror became part of a wider European phenomenon. The century was half gone at that point. The thing is: Terrorist sort of actions have long been explained as examples of bizarre, irrational, neurotic – perhaps even psychotic behavior. Mr. Mishra never even considers these as possible sources for the violence that was witnessed at that time. He sees these acts as being very rational and perhaps even admirable works with a positive bent. He sees these acts as a very understandable and even natural reaction to events that were occurring at the world level at that time. Reading this book: A whole lot of different ideas came crashing together into a synthesis – in our minds.

So: 1848. Well, obviously Great Britain had experienced and then the U.S was experiencing: Industrial Revolution.

Ressentiment. Rousseau never used thIs word – however, he wrote extensively about how upper classes could provoke anger and envy among those less fortunate who have been deemed unworthy of aristocratic attention. Kierkegaard first used the term in his book, The Present Age (1846) to note that the 19th century was marked by a particular kind of envy, which is incited when people consider themselves as equals yet seek advantage over each other. Mishra feels that this word describes the main sentiment which arose throughout much of continental Europe during the last half of the 19th century. As we say: This feeling of being left behind – began in earnest in a small part of Europe – with the French Revolution when France obviously was responding to the half century of economic development which had occurred previously in Great Britain. France was immediately spurred into action – to kick off the old forms of government they had inherited from the Dark Ages – embolden by the successful revolt of the American colonies against their ruler: Great Britain. By 1848 even the fledgling U.S. could now be seen as a country ready to explode economically. Continental Europe saw itself as being left in the dust. This led supposedly to the Revolutions of 1848 when all sorts of people in various countries rose up against governments entrenched in the past. With no success. Nationalism was supposedly a necessary prerequisite for development. After these futile uprisings – continental Europe was still left in shattered pieces of the Dark Ages. These defeats led to Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche along with a host of others who began to advocate violence as the only remedy and hope for a Future in continental Europe.

We have always seen this book to be important. We just didn’t know how its ideas would fit in with our studies. Now we can see these things:

First, 1848 is not the most critical date here. 1859 is! Charles Darwin is the major reason for the violence that occurred in the second half of the nineteenth century. Reading Darwin is when Nietzsche realized that God – was Truly Dead. No God. No Morality. Violence suddenly became not only an attractive – but now an ethically, morally neutral action – and therefore now a necessary remedy for rectifying things quickly. So: There now were two impetuses for this violence: Darwin and Industrial Revolution. As we say: Mishra feels that the word ressentiment describes the main sentiment which existed in Europe during this half of the century. There definitely was a feeling of being left behind. We have suddenly realized what this minibook is really all about.

Second: An Age of Anger. As we say: It is tempting to view this period of time – this period which actually was filled with Terrorism – as some sort of mental illness. And of course such sickness Truly played a part. But there seems to be more to all of this. Something that Mr. Mishra seems to have instinctively seen to be True.

This Truth is related to: The I .

The Search for the I

The I . Again: What are we talking about?

Let us go into this subject – a little more.

Well, in each of us: There is something ‘looking out’. This is Consciousness. Consciousness is a concept that scientists are not allowed to talk about. We think the time is ripe for this prohibition to be lifted.

We took our first steps towards the I in our minibook on Existentialism. In that minibook we encountered the Social I : The I

our mothers created for us. This is to be distinguished – differentiated -from the Cosmic I that we were born with. Plato was well aware of this Cosmic Consciousness. As we say: He listed its attributes as being – as its possessing: Will, Love, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. Every particle in the universe possesses Consciousness and so possesses – these attributes – naturally – automatically – eternally.

So – it was: The Social I – began to be created at the moment of our birth – at our mother’s beast. The concepts of morality, of common sense, and especially the dynamics and rules of the Herd – were all inculcated, embedded in our primal memory in those first moments – in those first days and years – fed to us along with the nourishment of our mother’s breast milk. We in those moments, days, years were taught how to Live – that is, how to survive – in a World that is designed to Kill, slaughter, to Eat every one of us. Our mothers were not working from scratch. They were working with tiny bits of ‘truths’ that have been implanted in each of our cells. Programmed into every Blue Print of genes in every cell in our bodies is a number one fact – the number one Force of Importance: The Will to Survive. That is: The Will – for the Survival – of the Species. This fact is so very important because one other fact is very True: All Life eats each other. In this way – all Life is predicated upon – Death. The Hydrogen ions that created us – had to have a strategy therefore – If Life was to survive.

This strategy – the wherewithal that allows Life to survive – these Hydrogen ions imprinted into the Blueprints of the genes that exist in every cell in our bodies. Cosmic Truth resides in the Hydrogen ion that is in charge of our brains – but all cells in our bodies present Truths that are different – these are the Truths that our mothers start working with, start reinforcing, allowing these Truths to unfold and blossom forth to take over each of our Lives. As we say: All of this is in contradiction to a set of Cosmic – real – Truths – that reside naturally in every one of us – in our I s . Most animals are equipped with instincts which hold foremost control over their Lives. Therefore, animals do not fear Death. They are only focused upon: Survival – no matter what. Only humans possess thought processes that take one into Dangerous territories. Unto Murder: Which is the taking of Life beyond what is required for Survival. Unto Fear of Death: A Positive Striving for Survival is transformed into a Fear of the Unknown – of the Extinguishment of Life. The Extinguishment of the I. An extinguishment which is in actuality: Impossible. In the Cosmic Sphere: All particles are – Eternal

Thus: The Striving for Survival is a Striving built into our genetics – into the Blueprints that are in each cell – that provide patterns for the perpetuation of Life. There is in this way – by this means: A Striving built into our mind – to Survive – or at least for our Species – to Survive.

Yes – there are moments of Pleasure – of Seduction – Impregnation – Birth – Nourishment – and Protection. But in the end: All must die. Either be Eaten or just simply – fall apart. All Forces – All Human Will – is directed towards something greater than the individual – an Eternal Existence of a sort – well, as eternal as a Life on Earth may provide.


Freud amd Pscyhoanalytical Theory

So: Terrorism – and sickness. Was the nineteenth century a very sick century as well as very economically successful one? As we say: Mr. Mishra thinks not. It is True, however that there was enough disturbance of these types to warrant the emergence of an entirely new field affiliated with psychology: Freud and his psychoanalytical therapy. What does Freud have to say about the I ?

So: We were reading the second volume of a two volume set written by Carl Jung and his assistant: Analytical Psychology. This title is supposed to set his ideas apart from his mentor Sigmund Freud – who said that his practice was ‘psychoanalysis’. The difference seems to be the fact that Jung actually entertained ideas from the occult – although his discipline never really allowed him to officially make any declarations about this proposed relationship. He simply laid out what he found in dialogs with patients that may or not have had relevance to this relationship. He would leave further steps to people like us – who would come after him who might have the advantage of having more data from experiments. We have read many books by and about both Freud and Jung. Volume II in this set is the first time we encounter ideas concerning the occult and the Will.

As we say: We have people who are right hemispheric dominant – so we also have the advantage of being able to work with 12 disciplines at once and which means that we are working with a different discipline than most people are – which is essentially: Everything – well, it does not require absolute certainty. 99.99 percent plausibility is enough. As we say: We have use of another side of the brain – a side that academia inadvertently – screens out. .

So: Freud felt that sex was the most important part of the mind that governed all things – and thus was most important in curing or at least dealing with mental illness. Jung believed differently. He felt that there was an ‘element’ which he called ‘Power’ which was being neglected.

We have a hypothesis: We believe that every brain has a Hydrogen ion in charge. Thus every animal has two aspects: First – there is the ‘animal’ or ‘Life’ aspect which was created by gradients – that is – groups of.hydrogen ions in ocean waters 4 billion years ago. Second – There is the I – there is the Cosmic aspect – possessed by the Hydrogen ions themselves – ‘looking out’.

The fact is: Hydrogen is very scarce on Earth. These account for only 2 percent of all atoms. In the rest of the Cosmos Hydrogen atoms and Helium that it is slowly transforming into; both together account for 99.3 percent of the atoms in the universe.

Earth is Truly an anomaly! Hydrogen is found only in water – that is – the oceans and any water that may fall from the heavens onto land – and it is found – in Life. Of course this is because Life was created in the oceans. All Life possesses molecules that are encrusted with hydrogen atoms. This is to be expected: Life was created from H2O and CO2. Yes – that’s right!: All Life is composed of Sugar! – plus a little this and that. Thus: All Life is composed of two things: First, things that are Life and are made of sugar – and second, things that are Cosmic – there is always a Hydrogen ion somewhere in every cell, sometimes in charge of an entire entity – that is: Sometimes there is one Hydrogen ion in charge of many others that are located in the cells.

As we say: When hydrogen ions created Life – they did something very Powerful – they implanted a Blueprint in every living cell. A Blueprint that must be followed every time a cell reproduces itself. In the Blueprint one critical piece is always present – there is always a mechanism by which the cell, and then group of cells in an organism can work together to reproduce themselves. This mechanism is called ‘sex’.

Sigmund Freud believed that sex was not only important but that it possessed a ‘Power’ called the ‘libido’. It is able to influence an animal’s total behavior. Most animals operate with many things happening automatically – this is called ‘instinct’ Man and woman have some aspects of their Lives operating automatically – but in their case there is a wide range that is more under the control of the Hydrogen ion in charge – by means of a Power called: Consciousness. In all animals there is an I ‘looking out’. In the case of man and woman: this I is – in command: That is, there is a wide range of behavior that humans control that is not under the control of instinct. Humans are able to use their minds – to think. Humans have the ability to perceive the movement of objects external to them – and not respond in an automatic – instinctual way. Instead: Man and woman are able to perceive, think, and then act in accordance with their own decisions.

So just like other animals – in Man and Woman there are two levels: There is the body which is Life animal Earth – which is controlled by the constraints and mechanisms in the Blueprints in each cell. And there is the Hydrogen ion which brings information and Laws of its own – whose ultimate origin is from the Cosmos. Every particle in the Cosmos every spark of Energy brings an electromagnetic wave which conveys information from the Cosmos: Will, Love, Truth, Beauty, and Justice.

The sexual aspects of Life are connected to the Love parts of the Hydrogen particles waves. In an electromagnetic wave – Love is related to the magnetic, connecting power. In Life it is expressed by means of the genes in reproduction. Sex thus is a Life thing and is thus only a partial Truth. There is no sex in the rest of the Cosmos. It is an Earth thing – however, like everything in Life – it is ultimately itself plugged into Cosmic attributes – from whence all Power and initiation comes.

Analytical Psychology

So: We have this book, Analytical Psychology – which is a Xeroxed copy written by Jung and his assistant Constance E. Long. So: The first volume as we have said – well, no one ever considered copying it recently. Probably because it has all the expected stuff. We think even Jung felt the second volume somehow contained very special stuff. We were turned in this direction by James Joyce. The latter actually was very ambitious in his goals. The sad ending is: Nothing much came of his work at least in an alchemic way. It may turn out that his main contribution was to steer readers into more productive directions. Joyce – all that gibberish – in two books: ‘Ulysses’ and ‘Finnegans Wake’. Well, in alchemy you are able to make gold out of excrement. The problem with these books: Where is the Gold!? In our Music: Well we did it! We used the piano as a laboratory bench to conduct experiments and: We did it!!! We actually and physically utilized alchemic principles – and we found: Gold!

But now the next step: The I . Joyce mentions both Niettzsche and Jung. And Jung in this second volume talks a lot about Nietzsche. And Nietzsche – is the one person who really stared the I right in the face.

We forget that we are in a privileged position: Back in 1916 when Jung wrote the book we are reading: Scientists and psychologists believed – well, even the ones who are operating today for that matter – well, they still believe that the unConscious comes first and the Conscious is somehow built on top of that. Well, in a way this seems to make sense: A rock possesses no Consciousness, bacteria little, animals are a debatable matter – although for some reason even today – scientists are reluctant to give Consciousness to anyone – save – a human being. We on the other hand because of our unique position of having access to 12 disciplines at once – are able to make a synthesis from all of these perspectives and experiments combined: Well, we are simply 99.99 percent certain that every particle in the universe – possesses Consciousness. We know: Hydrogen – and Helium which the former ultimately forms – together comprise 99.3 percent of the universe. The rest of the periodic table is made from Hydrogen by means of the Higgs field. Hydrogen has more Power than it appears because there is a Black Hole in the center of each. Most atoms have a nucleus that if it were the size of a ping pong ball it would weight 32 tons! Hydrogen has most of its weight – hidden! It possesses even more. A lot more.

We know: Every brain has a Hydrogen ion in charge of it. This ion regardless of what Living thing it is a part of – possesses a tremendous amount of Consciousness. Consciousness is how we experience the Energy that exists in our I . Consciousness is Truly the first Source of movement in the universe. We know what our I is: It is a Hydrogen ion. We have no ideas what Consciousness really is. It obviously possesses Power. Well, it possesses all the Cosmic virtues of: Will, Love, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. So – in each piece of dust there exists an I . If this piece of dust is aLive – then there is also a small to large Brain augmenting that.

We think this whole second volume of Jung is actually directed toward something a True scientist is not really allowed to waste time on: The I . Our hypothesis is: This second volume is actually devoted to – Consciousness. What is it? Jung has no idea about that. He can only observe what the I does indirectly. Well, he is a psychiatrist: He can sort of aim his questions and interactions with his patients in certain directions. Well, they are deemed to be sick – so of course he is helping them. But as the volume progresses it appears to us who come from years of thinking about the I – well, we are led to believe that he is actually trying to collect empirical evidence that possibly can be used by other people in the future to find out exactly what the I is – physically in the Brain. We know a lot of stuff that he didn’t: That Consciousness is how Energy works. We know that it is of Cosmic importance and presence. Consciousness is how Energy is experienced by a self. We are ‘looking out’. Well, hydrogen ions created Life. These ions were sneaky: They used chemicals at hand – CO2 and H2O – to make sugar. This sugar has a structure that allows one hydrogen ion to be in charge and to be expressed. And it must be able to reproduce.

Okay so: Jung. He knew that for Freud – sex was most important. But Jung and we know: Sex is a Life thing. It is not a Cosmic thing. The I really doesn’t care about sex organs. So what is: Really important to the I ? The I – operating without Brain without Life: Is left with primarily what is essential to the I. A patient can be normal. He or she can be ‘sick’ to various degrees with various ailments. How does The I operate in a normal person. How is the I involved with Dreams? Well, Freud was interested in Dreams. Not so much about the I . So Jung takes another look. Forget sex as we say: The I is interested more – in what!? Well Nietzsce thought: Power! Well, the first thought that comes to us is: Well, Hydrogen ions created Life – so that must have taken Power. But it took several I sworking together to do anything – without the help of a Brain. Still just this fact leads us to other Truths”: They somehow knew that making Life was possible – they knew somehow how to do it – so things like this must be going on all the time somewhere else – right now. We shall consider these ideas in a subsequent minibook.

Well, these thought lead from what we know. Jung had no such knowledge. But what he did know – was puzzling enough for him.

What Jung did know is: There is something in our head – that is ‘looking out’. We have a tendency – no, we were carefully taught by someone probably our mother – to ignore this fact and concentrate on Living. Nietzsche dedicated his whole Life to staring this I right in the face! Jung says: ‘Well, OK but I am not a philosopher – well, he calls Nietzsche a ‘poet’. Well, what is one to do with one so crazy? So what can a psychiatrist do? Well, ask questions and write in detail the answers that are given. The important thing here is obviously: The questions asked. In the first volume evidently he asked the normal questions of all patients. In the second – he asks questions like: Is this a normal patient or not. Exactly what is his or her condition? Different conditions produce different information about the I . Normal people have Dreams. So we look at these Dreams in a way different from what Freud did. People have epileptic ‘fits’. People have hallucinations. Perhaps schizophrenia is actually a malfunctioning of the I . First off: There seems to be two ‘persons’ in a personality at all times. So multipersonalities? Well, what if this difference is actually related to the I working with brain and then the I working without brain to various degrees. People can be hypnotized. People can be on drugs. People can be asleep and dream. People can have a susceptiblity to going into ‘trances’ – that is – go into a dream state when certain things around them occur. Now we are talking about something that we know quite a lot about: Shamanism.. These ‘mystics’ – as they are called – and their practices are well known. And their ‘art’ is related to what is called ‘Magic’ – to what we call ‘occult’ – to what we call ‘alchemy’. Now: We know about all of these things – and we know that these things – including what Jung is doing – are all part of the investigation of The I . All of this is also related to Eastern religions. The Tao. All sort of things.

So in this minibook: Let us see what Jung found out.

So: Freud and Jung – let us cut to the chase: In the human Brain there are two types of unConsciousness. First: The hydrogen ion can turn off. This happens to each of us every night – so every hydrogen atom in the universe must experience the same thing. Then the human Brain – can turn off. That isn’t really right – the Brain doesn’t turn off: It just is separated physically from the hydrogen ion in a functional way – so – as far as the ion is concerned – the Brain is turned off. In sleep both are turned off. In dreaming: The hydrogen ion is on and the Brain – well, different parts of it – are off – depending. What we mean is: The ion can position itself such that it can tap into memory but not the rest of the brain. What we mean is: All perceptions and thoughts are conveyed to the I by means of neural passageways. These ‘dump’ their information for the I in the immediate vicinity of the I . The I is able to receive a prodigious amount of information in a short length of time. It normally receives information from all sources in the Brain – well, sequentially – in split seconds – at the same time. The ion can be ‘off’. The Brain can be ‘off’. What that really means is: The ion may be awake when a person’s Brain is asleep – such that it receives information only from memory. The memory seems to be always ‘next door’ – it seems to be readily and easily accessed – if an ion is around to do that. It has already been created – it doesn’t require additional Consciousness to maintain its presence. In hypnosis: The Brain is off, generally – but selected parts may be accessed in response to the hypnotist’s words and gestures. Physical experiments must be done. The hydrogen ion is in a vacant space in the Brain called the Pineal area. It can move a billionth of an inch this way or that – such that its field can receive information from different parts of the Brain via different neural highways.

So: The Consciousness in the particles in a rock are not apparent because these atoms have many electrons surrounding them – plus every particle is in a larger molecule. As a consequence – for most inanimate objects: Consciousness just doesn’t seem to exist. Hydrogen is different: First – each has only one electron. Second – In stars and in water – they tend to move in clouds of ions – with no electrons to shut off their Power. In organic molecules – which are mostly sugar – hydrogen atoms encrust them – they possess enough awareness to help identify shapes of surrounding molecules. Shape in the case of Living things is Crucial – as we say: their structures are made of the same composition – the same chemistry – Sugar! So their shape is the only way they can be identified. In this way: Hydrogen atoms are crucial to organic chemistry.

Age of Anger

What is good? Everything that heightens the feeling of Power in man, the Will to Power, Power itself. What is happiness? The feeling that Power is growing: That resistance is overcome. Not contentedness but of Power; not peace but War – not mere health – but fitness.

What is Truth for Nietzsche? What is more harmful than any vice? Active pity for all the failures and all the weak: Christianity.

Rousseau’s prickly Genevan’s alienation from the Enlightenment philosophers’ cosmopolitan salons witnesses – the outsider’s severe isolation in the world of wealth, privilege, competition and vanity that seeded Rousseau’s often contradictory ideas and solutions. These are found in many people in the past – and in people in modernity. There were the German Romantics – their intellectual, cultural, and political fecund ressentiment of France. There is the alienated young man of promise who appears in all modernizing countries speaking on behalf of a illiterate majority, the educated minority, or himself – a self that tuns out to be painfully divided. In all cases, he articulates a profound sense of inadequacy, and tries to draw an ambitious artificial – political – Blueprint to overcome it. Age of Anger simply assumes a busy background of nation-building, the uneven transformation of regional backwards and agricultural countries – into industrial and global economies, and the rise of mass politics and media. It describes a pattern of mental and emotional behavior as the landscape of modernity extended from the Atlantic West to Europe’s heartland, Russia and further East. Modern promise of equality collides with massive disparities of Power, education, status and property ownership.

People with nothing – people without Power – have been introduced to an earth-shaking Idea: Human beings can use their own Reason – to fundamentally reshape their circumstances! They have found – their I !

Nietzsche Revisited

We know what Nietzsche was talking about. We have Lived – what he is talking about – without his understanding much of what we have learned. He was right hemispheric dominant in his Brain. One of us possesses a 230 I.Q. on the only I.Q. test that tests the abilities of the right side of the Brain. Nietzsche is living a Life – and he is documenting every moment the best he can. But he does not realize that these are physiological, biological things here that he is talking about

Well, the fact is: He is talking about two things:

First – he is talking about two sides of the Brain. Well, he was not the first to talk about this. Hegel devoted his whole life to this work – without realizing what he was doing. Hegel devoted his whole Life to making a Synthesis: A Synthesis which would embrace all of Thought. This Synthesis he would call: The Absolute. It would be a Universal type of Philosophy: It simply would comprise – All – of Thought.

Well, he succeeded. To Recount: Well, he found that there were a bunch of philosophers who thought that Truth was clear and distinct and logical and then there were those who thought that there was no certainty at all – everything is relative. The first were called ‘analytical’ and the second ‘inductive.’ Hegel took their work and tried to put them together in a conceptual way. As we have described elsewhere before – we took Hegel’s books and summed them up this way: There is perception, collection and then separation. And ultimately we understood that these processes are related to physiology – to biology! He was actually talking about the two sides of the brain! Each person is dominant in one side. Originally all humans were right side of the brain as apes are. But a few ventured far to the North into the Arctic and somehow they switched from right to left – mostly – as the left side was able to survive more easily in such a challenging climate. It is tempting to say that humans simply became smarter. But they weren’t dumb to begin with. We are talking about: Two different populations with different physiologies. They are simply better at different things. And then if they work together – POW! Lennon- McCartney!

Second, Nietzsche is talking about something that all other philosophers have neglected completely. As we say: There is something inside your Brain – that is ‘looking out’. There is Consciousness. There is: The I ! As we say: Our mothers are experts at diverting our attention – getting us to look at the world outside – become preoccupied with those things – neglect the fact that there is Magic – there is a miracle inside your brain. There is Consciousness!!!! Nietzsche did not know how/what part of the Brain was doing this – he just could not shake this knowledge off. It was always there right in front of him. It was True. It was frightening – sometimes.

There is no way to know what Consciousness really is – other than it is Energy. And Consciousness is how our brain perceives Energy. This Energy has attributes: Will, Love, Truth, Beauty, justice. These attributes are Truth. Real Truth. Cosmic Truth. The rest of ‘truth’ is phony truth. It is stuff ingrained into our genes by Hydrogen ions that created us. That truth has only one purpose – only one way of looking at it and you are able to say: ‘Yep -That’s truth. That truth has only one purpose. To keep you aLive long enough to reproduce. Survival of the Species. Survival of that miracle – that Magic – that hydrogen ions somehow jimmied together. Like TinkerToys.

We are simply going to translate Nietzsche’s words – using all of the knowledge we have of physics and physiology. One-third of our population is in trouble right now. They have a disability that is as challenging as autism or Down’s Syndrome. They are being left behind. This Truly is a waste. But more importantly – do you have any idea what will happen when these people are identified, educated in the proper way, and learn to work with people with left hemispheric dominance? POW! Lennon – McCartney!

Building a Cosmic Theology

God is not Dead. Humans do need a religion. We have accomplished much of this work: We are creating a Cosmic Theology

So – let us recount: In the Beginning there was the I . We know its attributes: Will, Love, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. We know what it is: It is a Hydrogen ion. It possesses Consciousness. The Hydrogen ion possesses a Black Hole. It possesses a tremendous amount of Energy. This Energy is perceived by us – as Consciousness. This Consciousness possesses a tremendous amount of Power – a tremendous amount of capability when it comes to impacting the world around it. We are not aware of how much Power we actually have. Our mothers have diverted our attention to the world around us. Existentialism is a philosophy that is focused upon this tremendous potential Energy that we all possess – but are unable to access it readily. That is – as we say: Because we have been taught to think a certain way. Our mothers instinctively know: The I is dangerous. There is a slippery slope. We can easily fall into narcissism, egotism, self-preoccupation. Or worse: We may think we are a God. Better to possess a social I – then we will not be threatening to anyone.

So there is the I . It is also called the ‘self’, the ‘ego’, For the right side of the Brain: There is ‘Geist’ – that is, ‘spirit’. This is an ability – a Power. It is the Power of Synthesis – making connections – making ‘breakthroughs’. It is what allows Zarathrustra – Nietzche’s OverMensche to arise and take command – if only for a few seconds. As we say: This is an ability that resides only in a person who is right hemispheric dominant. It is the Lightning that Zarathustra brings to the World.

As we say: Morality is not Dead. It resides in the attributes of every particle in the universe. The Age of Nihilism – is Over! As we say: There is a piece of the Cosmos in each of our Brains. An I – is in charge! It is a Hydrogen ion. If we proceed carefully – we will be able to derive the fundamental tenets of a new Cosmic Theology. Along with this book of Anger – we are also looking at the works of James Joyce, Friedrich Nietzsche, alchemy, and shamanism. As Carl Jung realized: All of these are sources, evidence of Cosmic Truth. All of these things address the I that exists – in all of us.

There are few Hydrogen atoms on Earth right now. They are found only in water and in Life. When the Earth was formed some 4.6 billion years ago: There were many Hydrogen atoms – because things were very hot – there actually were many Hydrogen ions – in the vicinity of the Earth. This was a time when the planets were tearing themselves away from the Sun. The sun which is composed of Hydrogen ions which are slowly converting into Helium atoms in its intense heat. The Hydrogen ions in the vicinity of the Earth combined with Oxygen to form water. And because there was an abundance of Cosmic Energy always present – these ions also were able to Create Life. H2O plus CO2 in the air plus Cosmic rays of Energy were used to create sugar: Which became the basic building block of Life. Sugar molecules were attached one to another like TinkerToys to create Life. Every particle in the Cosmos possesses Consciousness – that is – every particle in the Cosmos possesses an – I . One of these I s was placed in charge of every piece of Life – which always consisted of many molecules of sugar. These molecules of sugar were encrusted with hydrogen atoms – which were always partially ‘revealed’. With only one electron and with a Black Hole at its center – each hydrogen atom was always partially ‘revealed’ and able to communicate interact with the world around it. Sugar molecules are all the same. They possess approximately the same chemical composition. So: Each of these molecules had a little of this and that added to it – such that the hydrogen atoms that encrust every organic molecule are able to ascertain which sort of molecule it is addressing by ascertaining its shape.

Somehow these Hydrogen ions knew how to Create Life: This ability obviously leads to other questions which we will address in later minibooks.

There are Laws of the Cosmos. However, there had to be different laws for Life – for it to survive on Earth. We mean of course: Particles in the Cosmos are eternal. Thus every part of Life is composed of particles that will exist forever. However, Life itself – that is, the bundles of particles that compose Life are not eternal. This is especially True because much of Life is created in such a way that it devours other Life. That is: Some Life consumes Light for/as Energy. All other Life then eats that initial Light-Energized Life. That is: Necessarily for Life – even for the Life that is consuming Light – but is eaten by all other forms of Life – there must exist the concept of – Death! Life thus on Earth is not Eternal. However, in its place must necessarily had been placed: The concept of Survival of the Species. Every speck of Life possesses a Blueprint that guides the reconstruction and replacement of every piece of Life that has been eaten – well, some Life simply discontinues because it finally just falls apart. Survival of a species becomes the one true law of Life. The Earthly law replaces – replicates in a partial manner – the Cosmic Law of eternal existence of Cosmic entities.

But some may say: A Zarathustra – an OverMensch – is one in a million. How about the rest of us? Well, all must be a part of the Creative process. Find an OverMensch and form a Creative Cluster. All are able to contribute to Moving the World!


Okay so we have told you a lot about the I and all And yes: It is very fascinating. Yes: We are supposed geniuses to be thinking about such things. But really!!: We seem to be sitting, thinking about frivolous things when the world has such important problems to be solved!

Okay so it is the concept of Hydrogen ion that has led us hither hence. The more we know about the I – the more we know about Hydrogen ions – the more we learn about how we can get Hydrogen ions to do stuff we need! Well – you must remember: Hydrogen ions are able to tap into Dark Energy. Witness: Every atom possesses electrons whirling about it – Powered by Dark Energy. So: If we can enlist the help of Hydrogen ions directly – to make stuff: We automatically have – a Source of renewable Energy. Using Dark Energy: Look Ma – no hands – no visible sources of Energy.

So: We have found Hydrogen atoms and ions to be most important items to be studying – to help build the Future. But is there not one major problem that we have overlooked in all of this? If there is a Hydrogen ion in our brain ‘looking out’ and if it is indeed eternal – there is no real fear of extinction: Then won’t this be giving crazies the license the freedom to kill anyone they want. We mean: Right now there is the fear and respect for death as being so Final – that helps keep society as polite as it is. Well. It is True that we will Live forever – however there will be a big difference between being an ion that is in charge of a human body and one that is just an atom by itself. Even if it is: Eternal.

So we have to think this through. We are going to give up this human life anyway eventually. So: If one goes about killing folks he or she should be penalized for such atrocious behavior. – although perhaps the death penalty is no longer appropriate. Still : Murder should never be condoned – so prison terms are still needed. It is just that we no longer require the fury, hell-fire- and damnation of a Church to scare us into complying with simple rules of civility.

Also when we talk about Hydrogen ions: We are 99.9 percent certain that they are source of all gravity. We are certain that they are the key to Curing Cancer!!! But Please!: First things – First!

So – what have we learned here? We have learned that two-thirds of the world has nothing. The world is not full of a lot of crazy, mentally ill people. They have just found the I !

What this means is something very simple: Things may not seem easy – in fact – they will be quite challenging. Still: It is comforting to know that we can just put our heads down and accomplish certain tasks – without worrying that the world is filled with crazy manics intent on dismantling all we are doing.

It seems that most people – this goes for all people of the world – wherever they live – would be happy – if they earned $120,000 a year. Well, that is impossible. OK – but this is the goal. Now let us see what we need to accomplish this goal. Every right wing potential dictator says – promises – his Base – that he alone is the one who will make people’s basic desires come True. Of course, he is a liar! We on the other hand – are good leaders. We are honestly and continually attempting to solve these World problems. First, Population Explosion must stop Now! What we must do is difficult enough without a moving target.

Second, We need Energy. Nuclear is OK but it will not feed the World. Electricity needs Power to generate it. AI will need three times as much Energy right away! Hydrogen is the answer. But not in the way – not in the form – that it has been addressed in the Past. We need Creative Clusters of Hydrogen ions – just like the ones that created Live way back when. Using Dark Energy which is infinite in its extent.

This is not a pipe Dream! We just need scientists using both sides of the Brain concentrating on what is most important for once. Now!

So people are asking: What now?

We need scientists to take their work now very seriously. We are talking about all scientists – in all disciplines. We can see now that all disciplines have the Power to address Hydrogen ions. Experiments of every type must be done – physics, chemistry – but also examining the Hydrogen ion in each of our Brains – by means of psychology, psychoanalysis, analytical psychiatry. Literature, philosophy. History, politics – the Spectre of Donald Trump and the Right wing in Europe – scream – for us to make scientific research relevant! Sociology can move beyond the important areas of gay and minority rights and work with Creative Clusters of thinking People. Education must work with both sides of the Brain. Now! Whatever – whichever – projects disciplines are working on – are now second in importance. All have a place in this critical work! But how about Global Warming? Well, there are only a few more days of oil left. Q.E.D.! The century of oil is over.. We must pay the environment price of our indulgences. This is regrettable – but no remedial measures are possible or necessary – now.

We need to redirect our attention now – there is a time bomb ticking here. Priorities have shifted!

It is time to start thinking about automated Cities. Of course this raises what some to consider – what would be another Spectre of sorts: Socialism. Yes, there needs to be a base salary for people which they can supplement with work on creative, intellectual, artistic innovations and breakthroughs.

So there!: It turns out that we are not wasting precious time here! Hydrogen ions – and the I – are the keys – to the Future!!!!

Let’s Go!!!



DiBernard, Barbara, Alchemy and Finnegans Wake (Albany: State

University of New York Press, 180), 163 pp.

Joyce, James, Finnegans Wake (Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions

Limited. 2012), 628 pp.

Jung, C.G., Constance E. Long, Analytical Psychology (New York: Moffat

Yard and Company, 1916), 392 pp.

Kaufmann, Walter, Editor and Translator, The Portable Nietzsche

(New York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 1968), 692 pp.

Rose, Eugene, Nihilism – The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age

(Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 2020), 124 pp.

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