The I The Cosmos



German Idealism….It makes a Good Story…But…..


Frank W. Andres

© Copyright, Frank W. Andres, 2021.

All Rights Reserved.

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Ideas can do anything! No! Whatever is doing the thinking, the building…can do anything. Thought does not parade about…by itself. All this German Idealism, German Romanticism… is hiding something here…

and at a time when the future of mankind is viewed with peril…Everything must be understood! It is important to understand what our capabilities, our potentialities are!…to realize the tremendous potentialities we possess!…What they are…How they have been neglected…How they can be developed… Unleashed!…to help build the Future!

German Idealism

It all really started with Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit…..I know… What is the most frightening prospect in the world?…Having to read even a paragraph of this great, but forbidding work. And I know Immanuel Kant really started all of Idealism stuff with his emphasis upon analytical categories…But Hegel was the one to first get people all excited. Here is a stretch of Hegel’s thinking that helped to start all the ruckus…

“Reason is the certainty of consciousness that it is all reality; thus does idealism express its Notion. Just as consciousness, that comes on the scene as Reason, possesses that certainty directly in itself, so too does idealism give direct expression to the certainty: ‘I am I’, in the sense that the ‘I’ which is an object for me is the sole object, is all reality and all that is present. Here, the ‘I’ that is object for me, is not merely an empty object in general, as it is for self-consciousness as such….” and so on…..

What in the hell…is this man talking about? Well, actually his book is very good…at least in these few paragraphs…I mean, Hegel is supposed to be reconciling the ideas of all the philosophers who came before him..into One grand synthesis…The reality though…is…that although he gives a nod here and there to Descartes, Berkeley, Plato, and Aristotle…he is primarily just ranting on about his own ideas…in which he somehow forgets to synthesize the most important things ….

But right here… in the paragraphs surrounding the quotation above…he considers something interesting…he is considering the origin of his ideas… He proposes that Idealism is most important….in his brain…

It is clear that Hegel is a right hemispheric dominant person…he scored 170 I.Q. On the Wechler-Belevue Block test…I saw the score…And Hegel is doing in his book what philosophers do without seemingly being conscious of it …they are looking at the human brain…from the inside out… And this is appropriate…for if we are animals, as DNA has now proven…should not we be looking at all these disciplines that concern man and woman….the social sciences… in a new way…a biological way? The Truth is…we have simply run out of time…We no longer have the luxury of sitting around playing with words all day…We need answers to problems now…and we need them fast…and we need them to come from all quarters….

What Hegel is addressing in the quoted passage above is this…Philosophy is basically thinking… about thinking….He never properly answers the crucial question…What the heck…is doing the thinking?….

The problem with an approach to Truth like this…is…that we are doing the thinking…and we cannot possibly know who we are..what the I is…simply by ‘looking out’ and thinking about the world about us…The active principle within us…that entity inside us which is ‘looking out’ simply has to be found another way….

Hegel’s problem is this…Obviously there is something inside our brains ‘looking out’…Exactly what is this?…It is responsible for all we do…The problem is …without empirical knowledge…that instruments can measure…we are left giving credit for thought…to thought itself…That is, just because our approach cannot…is simply unable…to pinpoint the Source of all our thinking…we are left…simply with one thing…what the I does…as if that activity somehow exhausts all that the I...might be…

The I

In this way, the practice of Idealism…as a branch of philosophy… has come to believe that thought has created everything…even itself…However, this is also saying something else…It is saying that the mind…has created everything…just as that initial great Mind…God…first created everything!…But the problem is…that the mind is brain…so it soon becomes obvious that it is the brain….that it is some part of the brain that is in charge…that that something…somehow…someway…creates everything…Well, creates all conceptual thought….

So the brain…is run…by consciousness…What runs the brain? Well, we know that the I has created all Life…all patterns of Living…[see my minibook on this] If philosophy is a first approach… then how about if we take a second approach and examine the brain from the outside in!…What do we find? Well, I have gone through all of this also elsewhere…but…Atoms create everything in a human being…also everything in the Cosmos!…Well, obviously they compose everything…but Create?… Nowadays we are left with a conception of a Cosmos totally composed of materialism….composed of things…seemingly just dedicated to one monotonous activity…that of, well, …just blowing up!….But when one thinks it all through, he or she comes up with a startling conclusion…All of this is a materialism…soaked with consciousness!…Yes!…I maintain, that every atom possesses consciousness!….

Then this must mean that Idealism…is in control. Hegel is right. Spirit is in control?

So this is a form of shamanism?…some pagan, forbidding, forbidden stuff?…It is…Yet, it is not….We are not actually talking about ghosts running things….Everything is run…by Is…what does this mean? This is the question to answer. The secret that unlocks the Power…the Energy..of the Cosmos…

Forget about Ideas…Ideas come from Is…forget about spirits…the word ‘spirit’ possesses human connotations…that come from hallucinations…The Truth is…everything is I…This is like Living in a Cosmos saturated with aliens… friendly, dumb entities…but when aggregated billions, trillions…no, countless times…these tiny microscopic things…can become…Powerful aliens….

It is not Spirit or Ideas that move the world…It is Is…How do we work with them?

Working with Is

So mind does everything. But Is are so small…did it ever occur to you that everything that is important in this Cosmos…is microscopic? Even 99 percent of Living things cannot be seen with the naked eye!…And we are so… important!? Is are so small…that it seems to us that chemical reactions are running things…The secret is…this is Will…at work!…and Will…can be Unleashed! The I…in our brain ..has been Unleashed! Streams of ions seem to have created Life…As I say, I have written much on all of this. Is one I in charge of this stream? I’s have to move…for atoms to remain ‘revealed’ to remain bereft of electrons…They have to move…if Is are to gain Power by working together in mass…Is this stream…does this stream behave as one entity…one personality?…Well, tt seems as if each atom possesses a different personality… so it seems as if one in charge…of a human being..It is possible that many ions working together could create one personality… however, it is more likely that this stream of ions is a small army with one general in charge….

I woke up in the middle of the night with these ideas in my head…

I wondered immediately how close I was to to a minibook…how close are we as a society to conducting experiments…that can shake the world?

How can we work with Is? We have to take care of Is….then they will help us take care of ourselves…What can we do for them?…We can give them a voice. This will allow them to Unleash their Power! Creativity is the thing! It is the only source of Joy and Happiness….for all!…Is can help us and increase our ability to create…

So that’s it?..Is can help us…But really!…is what Is are really all about …is what the Cosmos really working towards…is simply a feeling of Joy and Happiness?…a Happy Universe?

Well, I think Is can really, really help us…Here are just two ideas…

First, each cell in our body has a centrosome…which runs the cell…all particles entering the cell are guided to the centrosome by fibers…where a decision is made as to where the particle should be moved next…My hypothesis is that a hydrogen ion is in the centrosome making the crucial decisions….if we can somehow communicate with this entity…it might be able to look at incoming particles…identify pre-cancerous ones…and either destroy the pre-cancerous particle…or kill the entire cell itself…This would nip cancer in the bud.

A second idea…is the use of hydrogen ions in computer chips…which would obviously…well, if we can communicate with them properly…would increase efficiency of chips many times….

So there are probably many ways that hydrogen ions…that is Is…can be persuaded to help us…They can also help us increase our own creativity which in turn will increase Joy and Happiness for us…not to mention that they will increase our chances for survival…as a species….


This is not science fiction…This is science…a new science…built with a new scientific method…utilizing new kinds of experiments…because to move forward we must consider things that are either too small or are moving too fast for our instruments to measure…In the past, whatever our instruments came up with…that was the Truth…This mode of operation…is no longer acceptable….These ideas are not fantasy…they have a 99.9999 percent chance of being True…

This is not useless speculation….We can no longer accept a view of Life and Cosmos that is 100 percent Ideas…100 percent Idealism…We need something else….not Idealism…but Iism…. in one last desperate attempt to keep our species…Homo sapiens…alive….


I have always questioned the historical theses used to interpret events in Germany after 1700. The terms ‘German Idealism’ and ‘German Romanticism’ seemed to be historical constructs that attempted to rationalize, sympathize with and otherwise account for Germans falling from economic importance with the rise of the Dutch and the English….After all…Germany was world important during the sixteenth century with the Hanseatic League with its associative ‘putting out’ system which prefigured and anticipated great economic innovations to come in countries next to them…Supposedly, German Idealism and Romanticism…even Marxist theory…arose to counter the Industrial Revolution that had arisen in Britain with its emphasis upon materialism which diverted attention from religion. The thesis is that Germans fell behind the countries around them…Filled with feelings of estrangement and ressenttiment in the face of an Enlightenment that was building a new world…Germans chose to concentrate upon Culture and upon human feelings and emotions that seemed to be trampled in a rush towards riches in this new age.

The Truth is…no one desires to deprecate Industrial Revolution…I mean, come on now…man and womankind were emerging from a thousand years of darkness and death! Beethoven proclaimed a new species building with new, astonishing tools! Marx said bad things about capitalists…yet what he devised was a way …a first successful attempt…for an undeveloped country …to develop itself!…This is a schema that has been emulated by every underdeveloped country since….No…Everyone is agreed…The Dark Ages are best left behind!…

To me, Germanic history can be understood more completely if one begins with the Germanic mind…the Germanic brain…which is primarily right hemispheric dominant in a world surrounded by left hemispheric types…this would explain its political and economic faltering, its emphasis upon Culture even though its scientific contribution must not be forgotten….

When one talks of hemispheric dominance in the brain, students of history are often told to proceed with caution with such ideas…as these could be construed as referring too an inferiority of ability and culture associated with certain mental proclivities….The Truth is…that the right side of the brain is very Powerful… however, left hemispheric dominance arose because human beings met challenges that required more…To meet the needs of a frozen, dark environment half of the year in the arctic…humans developed the ability to use the left side of the brain…However, no one person possesses both…[See Paul Bahin of the University of Michigan in the 1960s…and his work with different alpha charges in the brain] It has been established that people with different hemispheric dominance are required for the two sides of the brain to work together…and create something new in the history of the world…Working together in the arctic… humans now…could create tools! …Almost immediately came the wheel, fire, use of horses, and language….innovations that first appeared in the Siberian regions of Asia…Then came the next miracle…people now possessing left hemispheric dominance in the north… began to move to the Middle East…where they could mix with right hemispheric dominant people moving in from the south….It was here…that Civilization arose!

The Truth is…the right side of the brain is very important in the tool creating process… it is responsible for, as it is the source of, all ideas that are not instinctive… for all innovations…and the eclipse of its Powers during the past century is primarily responsible for problems the world is encountering at the present time…

To reiterate…it must be always and constantly be placed before us, that all great progress is made only by people with different abilities working together…abilities must be identified at an early age, developed, and people with different abilities must have experience working together…perhaps as early as pre-school…

Much must be done fast…old ideas must give way to breakthroughs in knowledge…Now!

It seems that research into hemispheric dominance in the brain has stalled during the past 50 years because of lack of living human brains to conduct experiments on…However, there is one test that identifies people with right hemispheric dominance…the Wechsler-Bellevue Block Test..,

and I have a 230 I.Q. on the test…this is not a reason for bragging on my part…I have been treated as a sort of second class citizen most of my life scholastically…and otherwise… as I scored poorly on the Standford-Binet I.Q. Test and the SAT….Nevertheless, I had nearly straight A’s from grade 7-12…and I was the youngest Eagle Scout in the history of the organization…I did poorly at the University of California at Davis, until I found economic history which could utilized my abilities straightaway…People like me need to be studied because we know everything there is to be known about the right side of the brain…and I have extensive experience about how the two sides of the brain are able to work together….

Every right hemispheric person possesses a Synthesis in his or her mind…People who are left hemispheric dominant are not aware of this…they have no such thing…and never think to look for this phenomenon…On the other hand, right hemispheric people …like Hegel, for instance…can rant and rave…write extensively without even mentioning the thing that is most prominent in their mind… Their Synthesis!… the thing that is most responsible for their mind’s ability to help create tools….that exists in every right hemispheric dominant person’s brain!….What it is, how it is constructed, how it is expanded…how it is utilized to create ideas….Hegel never seems to get around to considering any of this at all…He must have thought that all brains are the same…He must have felt…that something as obvious as a Synthesis in one’s brain was not even interesting enough to talk about…even though it is obviously involved in every sentence that he writes! It is very disappointing that a person who was devoted to bringing all of philosophy together does not even mention that there are two abilities in philosophy…the inductive and the deductive….the analytical and the synthetic…and that these two abilities are responsible for all Laws…for all Tools…for all our human world. He should have devoted all of his efforts to tracing how these two abilities work…together…in separate individuals… to create Ideas….How does it do this! Witness!: Perception… plus Connection…plus Separation…produces…a Cosmic Explosion! See my book…Man and the Cosmos…The Science of Everything…

One more thing. I know school is boring…you seem to be learning a bunch of stuff that you will never use…but keep chugging…you must go to college…period….

Yet…there is something you can do …right now…that can really change your Life…First, determine if you are left or right hemispheric dominant… There are no simple, surefire tests…when you think, your eyes go in the opposite direction of your dominant hemisphere…yet that doesn’t always work…Do you think deductively…or do you think with common sense?

Okay, you are the Beatles…right here, right now…find a person who is opposite from you…and begin to work together….You can make a million dollars together…I mean it…this will be the beginning of great creativity…

it will be the beginning of building a Creative Cluster with a dozen or more people with both hemispheric dominance…Your Cluster will change your Life! Your Cluster will change…the World! We can help you get started!

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Phenomenology of Spirit, Translated by A.V. Miller with analysis of the text and Foreword by J.N.Findlay (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977) 595pp.

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