The “I” Particle and Fighting Cancer

Frank W. Andres
© Copyright, Frank W. Andres, 2018. All Rights Reserved.
This is a Minibook…..Instead of expressing an idea and then blowing the number of pages up, up towards three hundred just so we can charge $25 as is currently the fashion, we are presenting the kernel of an idea….in the hopes that ideas can be transmitted more rapidly and breakthroughs can occur now, not next century. There is a fifty percent chance that humanity will not make it through this century….it is important that we make as much progress as fast as we can…so as to avoid an untimely demise.
What is an ‘I’ particle?…I believe that every atom has an ‘I’…Just as you have something ‘looking out’…I believe that every atom has a particle within it…capable of…’looking out’. Scientists are forbad contemplating such things…However, six different disciplines I have studied…point toward such a hypothesis….The fight against cancer has been throttled because crucial steps have been blocked…I believe that this fight can gain renewed vigor…if the power of the ‘I’ particle is allowed to open the way….I know this ‘I’ particle hypothesis is surprising….but science is being slowed in recent decades because of the futility of our instruments…things are either too small…or too fast to be measured correctly…or be discerned at all. I have proposed the use of an interdisciplinary approach to help overcome the inadequacies of our instruments. When we utilize such an approach…we uncover surprising things…. Let us start with philosophy and theology….In my book, Man and the Cosmos…I have a chapter entitled…’Man and a Cosmic Theology.’ This chapter begins with the following ideas… The strategy of the seventeenth century French philosopher, Rene Descartes (1596-1656), is important in organizing my book, Man and the Cosmos…He believed that one should begin with what is most ‘clear and distinct’ to his or her mind…and then proceed outwards into the world…When he considered what was most ‘clear and distinct’ to his mind…he proclaimed…’I think; therefore, I am.’ What he began with…was his mind…things in his mind were most clear…most distinct to him. Therefore, when I reexamined the social sciences…well, we know we are animals now… we look at DNA…we are 99 percent the same as a chimpanzee…so the social sciences must be redone…they must be placed on a biological base…So I utilized Descartes approach…and started with philosophy…moved out to psychology…then to anthropology, sociology, economics..out,out to theology…as I began the process of viewing humans as animals.

There is a second thing he probably meant…with the proclamation …’I think; therefore, I am’…The second thing that Descartes probably meant here was…that he was making an empirical observation!…He was making an empirical observation that sneaks up on a person…then pow!…suddenly, you realize that this observation is hard evidence…And just as he was able to deduce a whole philosophy from this one hard fact…this one sentence…this one syllogism…we too can start with it…we can write a book reworking the social sciences…and, in addition, we can hypothesize amazing things. The startling observation that Descartes made…was new…Somehow, no one had really noticed it before…Each person on earth is in a position to make this observation…we all do…yet in a sense we shrug it off and continue on our way. What he observed was…I am thinking, I am seeing, I am acting…I am inspecting the world around me. That I…is different from my ordinary I…It is an I…coupled with an idea…a revolutionary idea…The idea is: I have empirical evidence that there is a part of me…that is different from everything else around me…at least to begin with…There is a part of me that is surprisingly important…This is an idea that lives in my private thoughts…I would never share such an egotistic thought with even my closest friends…There is a part of me that can elevate me to the lofty seat of a king or queen…maybe like a small god…Gee…what is this thing?…We all could use a thing like this…that…and we all have it…Okay, what it is…is an idea…That idea is…that there is something inside of me…that is Cosmic… probably eternal. Why would I think something like this?…because ‘I’…I…dammit…am ‘looking out! I…am the center of the world…of the whole Cosmos! I am…I exist…and this is not merely an illusion caused by a collection of neurons. I am ‘looking out’…and this fact is incontrovertible. As I say…I am the center of the world. I am like a god. Such a realization obviously leads to an enthusiastic acquisition of self respect…All of this is a bit blasphemous … no, it is a whole lot blasphemous…500 years ago…I could well have been burnt at the stake for having the audacity to say such a thing. However, it appears that the whole thing is true…and, the whole thing is startling. Why are we so humble? We each think…know…that we…I…am the eyes of the universe. If we are extinguished…if all ‘I’s are extinguished…the universe would disappear…Bishop George Berkeley went through all of this…but he missed the most important part…Yes, as he said…everything is relative because our ‘I’s are all in different positions with respect to the world
around us…and all perception must be adjusted for differences in perspective..But he missed the most important thing…what Descartes saw right there…at the beginning of his philosophy…Everything is different from me…from my perspective…because I have an ‘I’…quotation marks refer to a something…a particle…that is a part of my brain…that is ‘looking out’. As I say…we are humble…but our experience tells us we should be otherwise…Well, we should be proud of ourselves…Based on that experience,,,we are certainly very special…Of course, there are things that argue …that we are not so special…We can look around, see things and make generalizations…We can conjecture that other organisms, such as our friends, may have ‘I’s also…so maybe, yes… we aren’t so special….The problem with those other organisms…we can never really be certain about them…What I mean is…I am the center of the universe…and each of my friends…feel the same way!?….This is crazy…We can never be fully in another person’s shoes…but she, he…thinks…he, she…is the center of everything, too….I would have never thought…That person!…thinks he, she, it…is as important as I…The nerve!…But it must be the case…All of these ‘I’s…and what it must mean…is inexplicable! Well, that is a conundrum we must leave alone..because like Descartes, there is only one truth we really know is true…really, really know is true…and that…is that…I…anyway, for sure…am ‘looking out’. Yes…that is for sure…The rest of you….God bless you… are on your own. Let us move on to a second point we can address more confidently…We can see that all life dies…always…so we shall, also. Thus, it appears that our ‘I’ will be annihilated…and there is nothing we can do about it. What we are forgetting is that we have empirical evidence of another possibility…another truth. We have an ‘I’…and we are the center of everything. If this ‘I’ were expanded trillions and trillions of times…that great ‘I’…would be a god. It seems that an ‘I’ is too important to be extinguished…it is a gut feeling that we have… Given the startling realization that every animal on earth has an ‘I’ like mine…’looking out’…this gives us a hunch that we can empirically verify our hypothesis…about the ‘I’…because we have reason to believe that this ‘I’ in our brain is a particle…Yes…there is a possibility that we can prove our hypothesis scientifically at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN…What do we know about this ‘I’…so that we shall know what we are looking for when we
start running experiments on particles….If we are looking at particles…then the ‘I’ is not ‘spirit’ like the shamans came up in hallucinogenic trances…What do we know about this ‘I’? Could it be …that if we learn enough about this so called ‘I’…we might know enough to solve major problems in the world…like cancer?

The ‘I’
What scientists do know…is that all of the Cosmos…everything in the Cosmos…is made of energy…and the amount of this energy is conserved… is preserved…energy is never destroyed…There always has and always will be the same amount of energy in the universe…Energy in the Cosmos is displayed in different forms…energy is expressed as matter…and as forces…In all of this, energy is encased in parcels called particles…all matter and force is composed of energy…encased in particles…Therefore, if there is something inside my head…’looking out’…it must be a particle…let’s call this an ‘I’ particle or an ‘I’ …for short. So I have an ‘I’…does all life have an ‘I’?…No…animals do and plants don’t. The change, the difference, began with bacteria…That is, at first, bacteria were plants…they floated on or beneath the sea or other bodies of water…they all were passive. Suddenly some bacteria became active…they began too search for food…they began to avoid predators…According to scientists today…bacteria such as these…that move…are not really animals…because they are not eucaryotes…however, this change from nonmovement to movement…to propelled movement was astonishing…it was the first indication that something…in the wall of the bacteria…was, is… in charge! (see my comments about the differentiation between plant and animal in the notes at the end of this minibook.) Yes, the change in behavior of bacteria that were plant-like…and boom! they became animal like…this change was astonishing. Of course, something we overlook…the fact is…that something was in charge of the internal activity
of bacteria…all along….So whatever was initiated in the cell wall…that led to a bacteria moving about…was probably accomplished by duplicating mechanisms that existed previously inside the cell…duplicating part of these mechanisms in the cell wall. This tremendous change in outward behavior occurred with little change in bacterial DNA…You would think that a phenomenon like consciousness…would require a lot of DNA…like a barrel full of DNA. But we don’t see that…whatever is in charge…must have had abilities, capabilities of its own…it must have already possessed consciousness…It had to be able to perceive, think, and act…it required only the addition of a few appendages in a bacteria to empower these innate abilities…to transform these abilities operating in a minute way in the area around the ‘I’ particle…into a way that was larger that could impact the oganism as a whole…Evolution transformed minute abilities of a particle into empowered ones…into the behavior of an organism. The ‘I’ in the cell wall of bacteria somehow ‘called forth’ …allowed the formation of…’brain’. It allowed the evolution of the brain around that minute ‘I’… it allowed plant-like things to change into animal-like things…it allowed organisms to become active aggressive…instead of passive…it increased organisms’ chances for survival. When one speaks of cognition, one says that it is like turning on a light…When one speaks of intellect…of knowledge…we say..let there be light. That is why at first it was tempting to conjecture that ‘I’s are photons. This possibility has an interesting aspect…as photons are able to combine and become one…which would allow us to jump ahead in our thinking… individual ‘I’s might combine to become god-like ‘I’s in stars and nebulae… Our heads were spinning with the possibilities that light might have..if photons were ‘I’ particles. But…photons don’t have the components necessary to perceive, think, and act…the abilities that ‘I’s impart to bacteria…It is more likely that ‘I’s are in atoms, and that every atom has one…If this is true, then atoms cannot become one larger atom…they can combine to form molecules but not one larger ‘I’…Thus, all atoms and ‘I’s…were one..only at the moment…of the Big Bang…before there were atoms….This is the conclusion you come to…when you look for a big ‘I’…for a God. So let us think this through…if a particle is to be an ‘I’ particle, then it
must do more than sit there…’looking out’…It must perceive, think, and act. Thus an ‘I’ particle must have components linked to it that can perform three functions. Perhaps quarks in an atom could perform these functions. So an atom could have a particle yet to be discovered…what we are talking about might be the ‘I’ particle we are seeking…it could be ‘looking out’…and is empowered by the three quarks that exist in every atom…The quarks…although two have similar spins…may perform different functions…thus, each atom may have the potential to do a lot…if the conditions are right. Why don’t we notice more of these powers…when we examine atoms? Well, for one thing…all of this operates at a level beneath the radar…beneath the power of our instruments…that is why quantum mechanics has not progressed very much since 1925…We have a whole lot of trouble… studying the nuclei of atoms. Scientists have made progress…They have discovered a lot of particles by using cyclotrons…that is, by smashing nucleii to pieces…we have ended up with a lot of particles…but we have no idea what these particles do in the nucleii of atoms…Could an ‘I’ particle be hiding in the debris?…or does the Cosmos require a prodigious amount of energy to produce one? Another reason we have not noticed that there is an ‘I’ particle inside of every atom…with amazing powers is…I hypothesize…that an atom cannot express itself…display and utilize its powers…if electrons are in the way. I think the nucleus of an atom can communicate with the world around it…if the electron cloud around it…is in part, or completely, removed. This leads one to consider a possible potentiality of ions…that is, atoms where electron fields have been stripped away…Such ions could have surprising impact upon the world…if they were in the right circumstances…Such stripping of electrons from a nucleus of an atom…would be easier to secure completely… in the instance of a hydrogen atom …that has only one electron to get rid of… A hydrogen ion!…immediately things come to my mind…If one is looking at a plant…a vegetable bacteria…there are already a lot of hydrogen ions at hand…primarily in the compartments and activity of photosynthesis… If one of these hydrogen ions in the photosynthesis compartments could have become ‘activated’ somehow…could have become ‘in charge’ …somehow…it would already have been connected to an ‘axon’…a column of hydrogen ions conveying energy through the modules….converted to be able to convey
information instead…This column of hydrogen ions would have already been connected to other photosynthesis light receiving areas…thus, this hydrogen ion would already possess a rudimentary ‘eye’. The conveyance of information by means of hydrogen ions in bacteria would thus predate and be precursors for the courier ions in our brain…calcium, sodium, potassium, and chloride ions… In paramecium…a spike of a brain has developed in its cell wall about what we can hypothesize to be an ‘I’ particle…From the time of paramecium on…brain continued to evolve to augment the innate powers of the ‘I’ particle…until it reached the extent of the wondrous mind of man and woman… How is an ‘I’ added to living material in an embryo to make an animal? We don’t know…but it must be relative easy to do…Witness: that each of 600 million sperm in one human emission all seem to possess an ‘I’. Do human eggs have ‘I’s? We know that human eggs can produce viable offspring without sperm…although they are barren. So each egg must have the ability to create an ‘I’ particle, if needed…although eggs do not have centrioles… which as we shall see… may be important to all of this…and they do not move by themselves. There is so much to think about here…We have reason to believe that ‘I’s are eternal and because ‘I’ particles are composed of energy…and energy is conserved…never lost…we can hypothesize that there might be conservation of ‘I’s…Wouldn’t it be wondrous if ‘I’s are never lost…They can be ‘constrained’…that is, their power limited by electron fields around the atom…or they can be ‘revealed’…when electron fields are removed…or no electrons are left at all…If an atom posseses more than one electron…things may end up in an ‘in-between’ situation…As one or more electrons are removed…some electrons may still remain…that is, the nucleus…may be partially ‘revealed’…This partial revelation may leave you with ions..such as exist in the human brain…like sodium, and potassium ions, and the like…which may result in partial ‘revelation’ of the powers of the abilities of the ‘I’. Instead of being ‘in charge’…an ion, with its associated electromagnetic wave…may still have the power…to move information… transfer, deliver…ideas…by means of their waves…These waves may become ‘entangled’…which would allow ions to move information…fast! I’ve been working on how exactly the brain can move so much information… so fast!
That is for another minibook. But back to the ‘I’…we can conjure possibilities…for example, if ions possess consciousness that is ‘revealed’…then ions in a star…can come close to being ‘one’…yet they have nuclei, therefore, they can never really be ‘one’…perhaps they can flash back and forth…from the ability to ‘look out’ as ‘one’…to individual points of consciousness… All of this is very exciting…there are so many possibilities to think about…The major thing is…If every atom possesses an ‘I’…then our entire concept of ‘materialism’…has changed.
The ‘I’ and the Cell
So the difference between plant and animal is…plants have no ‘I’ ‘looking out.’ But it appears that ‘I’s have been at work for a long time before the appearance of animal-like bacteria….When one looks at the complexity of the inside of a human cell…reactions,interactions taking place at the rate of ten per second…it is true that enzymes increase the speed of reaction and interactions by one hundred millioms of times….nevertheless, it is tempting to say that something is guiding all this…Furthermore, the study of cells directed towards a cure for cancer has been slowed in several areas…these areas are where we would expect the ‘I’ particle to reside…Oh, I know…anything we do not understand we ascribe to God…we might as well ascribe it to an ‘I’ particle. But hear me out…cancer is too important a topic…to leave possibilities out. Well, the activities of a cell are very complicated…and there is so much that is not known…but I am going to propose a model for this activity…then I shall present my hypothesis as to where an ‘I’ particle would fit in…. There are two levels of activity related to a cell…there is intracellular activity which no doubt evolved first…then there is activity in the cell wall that moves the cell towards food and away from danger…
Inside the cell…well, to begin with…if an ‘I’ particle is in charge…then we are looking for activities, for physical apparati…that can empower the ‘I’ particles’ innate abilties…that of perception, of thought, and of action…Let us see if we can trace movement of information within a cell…from perception, to thought, and finally, to action. First…perception… tiny molecules outside of the cell are identified and allowed into the cell or kept out by thousands of pores in the cell wall. This would be the first step…in a type of sensory process… Second…nervous system… these tiny molecules are then conveyed somewhere to be processed…This conveyance is accomplished by means of a viscoplastic fluid (see the bibliograhical notes for details). Such conveyance is analogous to part of a nervous system in a vertebrate. Third…thought…Where are these tiny molecules going? The answer to this might help answer the question…’Where in the heck…is the “brains” for all of this?’ These tiny molecules along with larger molecules already available in the cell…are presented the centrosome…which is located next to the nucleus of the cell… to be processed (information concerning the centrosome is given in the notes at the end of this minibook)…I hypothesize that it is the centrosome located next to the nucleus…that is in charge of assembling the proteins and producing the energy needed for cellular activity….The centrosome, I hypothesize, is able to ‘know’ the concentration…that is, the number of a given molecule or protein available in the cytosol at a certain time… Therefore, these concentrations could help determine whether certain large molecules need to be transported to different places in the cell…as well as…whether certain proteins need to be made to meet the needs of the cell… Fourth…action! If more of a certain protein is required, the centrosome places a signal transducer in a pore of the nucleus, which will transport the transducer by means of a lumen…that is, a filament in the nucleus microtubule network ,…to a place called an ‘enhancer’ on the DNA….DNA is a kind of memory for the cell…a kind of memory for the ‘brain’ of the cell…the centrosome…Transcription molecules cover the DNA virtually everywhere, ready to transcribe any genes that are ‘on’ from DNA to RNA…which is a type of ‘carbon copy’ of DNA…that can be worked with…without disturbing the original copy…It is drastically important that the original copy…the DNA…not experience very much change over time…in fact
through many generations……That is why the cell works with a copy of the DNA…and not the DNA itself… When the signal transducer ‘trips’ an enhancer place on the DNA…a gene is turned ‘on’…and a cascade of actions and reactions occur…involving DNA, RNA. and ribisomes…which arre a type of protein factory…Ribosomes ‘read’ RNA…which possesses a code for how amino acids need to be attached one after another…to form a protein… In this way a cascade of operations involving DNA, RNA, and ribosomes…becomes a sort of 3-D copying machine…to produce more of a protein that the centrosome requires…. Fifth…circulatory system…The centrosome, I hypothesize, then sends newly produced proteins to destinations where they are needed… to organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and others…and other areas in the cell where they are used to replace proteins that have been destroyed, are transformed into enzymes to produce other proteins needed in the organelle or elsewhere, or are used to produce energy for the cell. The centrosome, I hypothesize, sends proteins to their proper destinations by means of a filament network it is in control of…which is located in the cytosol….called the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is composed of micritubules which are continually being elongated or contracted as they move large molecules and prorteins about in the cell… Let us review…As I have said…the cell has a counterpart to a nervous system in a vertebrate… ‘sensory’ cell wall receptors in the cell pores identify and allow molecules and proteins into the cytosol…The centrosome… the counterpart to a ‘brain… receives this ‘sensory’ input and decides where these minute items are needed…If proteins are needed…it utilizes an ‘actuator’ system…that is, it relies on DNA as a sort of memory…to produce proteins that are needed in the cell…there are organelles in the cell that are like ‘factories’ that supplement the RNA, ribosome machinery…In evolutionary terms these organelles were once cells that were absorbed by ancestor cells and made a part of the cell metabolism…each of these organelles has its own DNA and cell walls…but they were procaryotes when absorbed…so they do not have cytosketons or centrosomes….the vascoplastic fluid in the cytosol, the cytoskeleton in the cytosol and lumen in the nucleus… operate as part of kind of prmitive nervous and distribution system…moving molecules and proteins from ‘sensing’, ‘thinking’, and ‘acting’…juat as information is
delivered through the same steps by neurons and blood vessels in the human body….. Okay…so this is a crude model of how the inside of an eucaryoyic cell works…However, things are happening simultaneously…in the cell wall…in addition to its pores being like a ‘sensory’ apparatus for the interior of the cell… Well, procaryotes as we have said…evolved the ability to move…thus acquiring the ability to move towards food…as an additional source of energy…to supplement the photosynthetic machinery that also resided in the cell wall…As we have said, this ability to move may have evolved directly from some of the photosynthetic machinery. This machinery that enables movement also relies upon pores that receive certain signal molecules and proteins from the exterior of the cell…when certain items are received…the cell wall ‘decides’ to propel the cell by means of cilia or ‘feet’ of some sort…towards molecules, proteins, or other organisms that are potential food…or away from things that might present danger… usually this movement is comprised of motion towards the surface of the ocean where more food but also more danger are present…or downwards where there is less food but more safety…. Thus, it seems that there are two areas where decisions of sorts are made…1) there are decisions concerning activities inside the cell…and 2) there are decisions concerning movement of the cell vis-a-vis items that are external to the cell.

Where are ‘I’ Particles Located in the Cell?
So if ‘I’ particles reside in a cell…where are they located? Well, given the model of cell activity above…there are two obvious places for the location of ‘I’ particles…in the centrosome, located next to the nucleus…and in the basal body, which is essentially a folded centrosome, in the wall of the cell. At the present time,the centrosomes and basal bodies are seen as basically organelles in the cell that operate with cilia and microtubules…that is, they
both generate and control the action of filaments…that’s it. However, it is obvious that it is here in the centrosomes and basal bodies that critical decisions are being made in the cell. Is it possible that ‘I’ particles are present in centrosomes and basal bodies? The precise organization of both are not now known…however, we are looking for hydrogen ions…that might be in control of acticities…There seem to be ample hydrogen ion gradients in and around both centrosomes and basal bodies…a hydrogen ion could be easily parlayed into the decision activity of both… Well, I looked at sperm and ovui…to see if I might get some confirmation regarding my hypothesis regarding ‘I’ particles and cellular activity….Both sperm and ovui have the basic things required to initiate the generation of a cell….The sperm has always impressed me…because it moves!…It seems to know where it is going…and it has a tail that can get it there….It possesses two centrioles..a centriole is an important part of a centrosome. and a basal body…There is a ‘proximal’ centriole, which sits just behind the head of a sperm….and a ‘distal’ one that directs the tail…These correspond to the one that is in a centrosome next to the nucleus that directs the activities within the cell…and to the one in the basal body… which directs movement of cilia on the outer cell wall or a ‘foot’ that moves the cell on surfaces….There is nothing in the head of the sperm that could be directing the movement of the cell…it is basically a repository for DNA…Consequently, it falls to the centriole just behind the head to be the ‘brains’ of the sperm…which is consistent with my hypothesis that the centrosome next to the cell nucleus is guiding intracellular activity. The same is true for the distal centriole that actuates the tail of the sperm…it is the counterpart to the basal body that moves cilia in the cell wall surface and propels the cell… There is one confusing aspect…The ‘I’ particle, that is, the centriole in our brain that is ‘looking out’…must be a distal one…a sort of ‘secondary’ one that governs the external movements of a cell…not a proximal one which controls the inner activities of a cell….Somehow one of those distal centrioles is really in charge…of an entire human being!
The ‘I’ Particle and Curing Cancer
Thus if we are to fight cancer more efficiently…I feel that we need to take centrosomes very seriously…We can utilize centrosomes in two ways… 1) We can zero in and destroy centrosomes in cancerous cells…in this way we would be eliminating the ‘brains’ of the cell…This would be a brutal way of fighting cancer…its effectiveness would be related to correct identification of all cells that are cancerous… and effective destruction of appropriate centrosomes…this would call for a lot of ‘hands on’ operations by scientists who would be relying on second-hand on phenomena, many times removed from the actual critical phenomena that must be monitored and in some cases eliminated…. 2) A second way to utilize centrosomes in thr fight against cancer… would be better…Wouldn’t it be the greatest thing…if the centrosomes in cells could be enlisted in the eradication of cancerous cells….Centrosomes could be armed with the ability to discern signs of cancer…and immediately cause cell death…this might lead to therapies that could totally eradicate cancer….
This is a note for both the novice with respect to cell activity and the expert… First, for the novice…Everything here is highly speculative…For one thing, I have only a beginners knowledge of biology, in general, let alone the cell…Then how is it that I have the temerity to make hypotheses about things I know little about…Well, first I have a 200 I.Q. right hemispheric dominance in the brain…with the highest score ever attained on the Wechsler-Bellevue Block Test…the only test that presently exists to measure the abilities of that
side of the brain…At the present time, these abilities are deprecated in scholarly climes, although they are an important part of creative thought… This neglect, I hypothesize, is one reason research in many areas is proceeding so slowly… An analytical mind uses deductions to find truth…An analytical person…if he were trying to cure cancer…would be thoroughly versed in general biology…then he or she would zero in on one aspect of cell activity and discern its role in developing cancer…The right side of the brain creates syntheses…I began reading extensively when I was in college during the 1960s…I have degrees in economics and economic history with a Masters in Economic History…How dare I conduct research in any other area? When an analytical person finishes one focus of study, he or she then focuses on another…The right side of the brain is different…by means of analogy, causation, conceptualization…my mind has been building one immense synthesis…I have studied philosophy, evolutionary anthropology, physics, neuroscience, theology, and biology… all of which have bearing on the topic in this minibook…The thing is…the instruments we use to examine phenomena are running into trouble…they cannot examine things too little or too fast…we can make intelligent conjectures about things we can examine… but more and more, we are heavily reliant upon circumstantial evidence…to acquire information our instruments cannot give. When it comes to circumstantial evidence, we can increase the accuracy and speed of forming hypothesis if we bring knowledge from other fields to bear on a given topic…such as cancer…. Let us recount how an interdisciplinary approach helped lead us to the hypotheses utilized in this minibook… Philosophy first gave us ideas about a possible ‘I’ particle…after all, philosophy is actually a way to examine the human brain from the inside out… Remember: ‘I think; therefore, I am’? Evolutionary anthropology allowed us to compare and contrast organisms as they evolved over time…an ‘eye’ of sorts may have evolved from phtosthenic apparati… activity in a cell is analogous to the nervous and circulatory systems in a human being…Physics gave us the idea about the hydrogen ion being a candidate for such a particle in the brain…and that all atoms probably possess such a particle! Neuroscience gave us the idea that information from sensory apparati in the brain would communicate with the ‘I’ particle not with

‘on’ and ‘off’ currents inside neurons…but instead with the analog waves that accompany flows of ions in neurons..whereby information is passed from wave to wave very rapidly by means of ‘entanglement’… not of particles …but of waves…What could possibly receve and process information like this?…The answer: there could be a particle with its electromagnetic wave in charge!…Theology makes clear that what we are looking for is something ‘looking out’…something that is eternal, once part of something ‘greater’…although these ideas were confused by shamanic hallucinations that gave an illusion of ‘spirits’…when in actuality particles were the instigators…Biology gives us a model for how the cell may operate…we need only look for gaps in the research where progress has been stymied to see if the hypothesis of an ‘I’ particle would make sense in this context…. Thus we are using a ‘Science of Everything’ which is inductive, synthetic in nature…to accelerate the pace of research…It would be helpful to this process…if all disciplines in the curriculum could utilize the same vocabulary and methodology….Now that we know that humans are animals…witness the fact that the human genome is 99 percent the same as a chimpanzee…the social sciences should be placed on a biological base as I have started to do in my book, Man and the Cosmos…When that is done, the social sciences will be able to work with the other sciences in a powerful way…With the same vocabulary and methodology as the physical and biological disciplines…the social sciences could contribute mightily to our understanding of the world…and help accomplish great things…like curing cancer! For experts in the field we are examining…a few words…The fact is…fewer than 5 percent of the estimated 10,000 proteins in a typical mammalian cell had been isolated in 1994…and of the ones known only a few had scientists been able to determine their function…It is time to face a fact…there is so much research to be done…and so few to do it…and most of those conducting research are also teaching full time….The U.S. needs new industries…Research would be a good industry to develop outside of the universities and the present commercial work that is being conducted at university level standards…There is much work that does not require professors or graduate students to do…the work can be run like an army with lots of ‘grunt’-type work done by people with high school training, supervised by effective leaders, supplemented by Ph.D.s…with ultimate supervision
performed by university professors…. In general, the use of right hemisperic dominant personnel in research must begin…At the present time, such talent is screened out of university work in general…by means of the entrance tests that are given…The fact is great work has always been done utilizing both left and right hemispheric dominant individuals in various fields…Witness: Thomas Edison, who was evidently right hemisperic dominant with his 50 helpers, who were graduates from a nearby technical school…the equivalent of a junior high school…Francis Crick and James Watson, who I maintain was a right-left hemisperic dominant duo, and, of course, John Lennon and Paul McCartney…well, the list goes on and on…I believe that utilizing both sides of the brain will accelerate research many times…Scientists who are presently experts in right-left hemispheric dominance are stymied by the lack of live severed brains to examine…when all they have to do is administer the Whechsler-Bellevue test…and examine the behavior of people…such as me…who score very high on that test…. Cancer is too important a topic to be delayed by old prejudices and procedures…I have no interest in money or awards..There is reward enough to be gained by conquering the horrid diseases and monstrous problems confronting us… When it comes to the hypothesis of the ‘I’ particle, we thought we would have to rely on the accelerator at CERN to establish the existence of such a thing….now there is the possibility that we can help cure cancer and simultaneously establish that every atom in the Cosmos…possesses an I…’looking out’..You might be a bit dubious about some of the hypotheses presented in this minibook…but the fact is…if scientists work with the ideas herein…and with ideas of right hemispheric dominant people in general…such effort could pay off handsomely…Such effort may lead to fortunes gained… by those for whom such a thing is important…and lead to an acceleration in the number of Nobel laureates. One might be you!
Bibliographical Notes
This minibook represents a culmination of my thought over 50 years..which was brought to bear on the question of the ‘I’ particle only 15 years ago…and on cancer only in April of this year…There is no way I can recount the thousands of books read in many fields over this time period…or retrace the building of various webs of thought…The general fact is…everything I have read and all ideas I have formed therefrom are consistent with the hypotheses rendered here…just the fact that so much is consistent lends a high probabilty to their being correct….What I shall do here is to cite references written recently that support ideas in this minibook…. The major work that I consulted for this minibook was…Bruce Alberts, et. al…Molecular Biology of the Cell, Third Edition (New York: Garland Publishing, 1994), 1366pp….This book is not recent…yet it is comprehensive and supplied me with a great amount of basic knowledge…In this bibliography this work will be referred to as ‘Bruce Alberts’….All items studied in this work were updated by visits to Google….
All research I have conducted on various topics has begun with a book of mine, Man and the Cosmos…The Science of Everything… which was begun while I was in college, at the University of California, Davis…19611966…During the 1970s, this book was read and enxcouraged by City Lights Books Publishing in San Francisco, CA…and by Mr. Ken McCormick, editor in chief, of Doubleday Publishing…Both advised that I publish the book myself…no matter how long it might take…It lay in various updated draft forms until 2016 when my publishing press, Fire Mountain Publishing, Pleasanton, CA, published it …that edition was reworked and updated in 2018 with the assistance of Amazon Books, where it is currently available… City Lights Books Publishing is still encouaging me… I have read many editions of Rene Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy…Google mentions one source…E.S. Hgaldane and G.R.T. Ross, Rene Descartes, The Philosophical Works…in translation (London: Dover Publications, 1955), Vol.2. For the ideas of Bishop George Berkeley, I have consulted Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous. One source for
this is Alexander Campbell Fraser, George Berkeley….(Oxford: Clarenton Press, 1871), four volumes. Revised edition, 1901. I have read a lot about shamanism…it was a world-wide religion of sorts some 30,000 years ago…their practices led to the idea of ‘spirit’ …What distorted their empirical examination of their own minds and the world about them…was their use of hallucinations…in an arctic wasteland, where shamanism emerged with some traces as long as 60,000years ago…These trances were often induced by deprivations of all sort…not difficult in an area with little food…and no light for long periods of time. One source is Daniel Merkur’s Becoming Half Hidden: Shamanism and Initiation among the Inuit, Acta Universitatis Stockholmlensis…Stockton Studies in Comparative Religion…Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell, 1985.
The ‘I’
Well, I have read a lot of books about cosmic physics… and energy in the universe…there is a lot of information at Zero-energy_universe. My use of the word ‘Cosmos’ with a capital signifies a cosmos that possesses consciousness. Concerning the ‘I’ particle and bacteria…bacteria possess plant and/or animal characteristics…although bacteria are not considered to be either plant or animal…This is because definitions are now most closely alligned to differences in DNA, and are not based on behavioral differences…I am not sure this is a wise strategy, now that we suspect there are ‘I’ particles…If an organism possesses the ability to propel itself…and not just sit in the water like a dead leaf…this is an important difference in behavior…a behavior that is peculiarly, particularly animal-like…is enough of a change, I assert…to ascribe the name ‘animal’ to it and treat it like a new organism…the problem, of course, is that the precurser to both plant and animals existing on earth today…were eucaryotes which possessed nuclei and organelles…had both photosyntheyic capabilities and motile features…thus the precursor of both plant and animal…it was a ‘bi’ sort of species… possessing both characteristics…Hence, the differentiation between bacteria and eucaryotes with respect to being plant or animal…or neither…really… based on the fact of genealogy not DNA actually….although I personally feel that the precursor for plant was actually an animal…which possessed both photosynthetic and
motile abilities…and subsequently lost motile abilities and centioles…and concentrated on the development of photosynthetic abilities….. Information concerning general attributes of bacteria and discussions about plant versus animal in the evolution of procaryote to eucaryote can be found in the following …… acteria……and… The fact is…DNA is merely memory…The major force an animal possesses is initiation…action…Will…We should be looking for areas in a cell that initiates action…this is truly an important ability…Scientists have not been looking for such ‘initiators’ because they are not allowed to look for such things…But now circumstantial evidence is piling up and I feel that progress in treating diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer has been slowed down because of these restrictive policies…It is time to at least consider such a possibility and begin conducting experiments…For a discussion of how cuurent policies in the field of biology is restricting research into ‘initiation’ on the part of organisms….see J.Scott Turner, Purpose and Desire…What Makes Something ‘Alive’ and Why Modern Darwinism Fails to Explain It… (New York: State University of New York, 2017).

The ‘I’ and the Cell
General information concerning a cell is found in Bruce Alberts…pp.3
Developing a model for activity in a cell: First, small molecules are screened and allowed onto the cytosol…or not…There must be thousands of pores in the cell wall…there are at least 200 pores in the nuclear envelope and its surface is a fraction of that of the cell surface…www.softschools,com>Science>Biology.. Concerning pores, cellsurface…..Bruce Alberts…ion channels, membrane transport, pp. 513-546; and receptor, cell surface, pp. 995999….Only very small particles are allowed into the cell by surface pores… https: eig/6105547-Determination-of the-poresize-ofcell-…Dec,21,2017. Second ,.small particles and molecules allowed in by the cell pores are
released into the cytosol…added to things already there. The cytosol makes up about 70 percent of the cell volume and is a complex mixture of cytoskeletal filaments, dissolved molecules, and water. The cytoplasm is 80 percent water and usually colorless. The physical properties of the cytosol have been contested in recent years. It remains uncertain how the varied components of the cytoplasm interact with all the movements of particles and organelles, while maintaining cell structure. Contrary to older information that disregards any notion of the cytoplasm being active…new research has shown it to be in control of movement and flow of nutrients in and out of the cell by viscoplastic behavior. The cytoplasm is like an elastic solid rather than a viscoelastic fluid. Thus, I hypothesize… the cyosol is transporting particles allowed into the cell by cell pores by means of the vascoplastic fluid/solid… to the centrosome for processing…It is also moving enzymes, fatty acids, sugars, amino acids to various destinations….thus it is supplementing the cytoskeleton in moving items within the cell… see https;// It is moving particles that are too small for the cytoskeleton to move…to the centrosome…where they are inventoried…and decisions are made as to the next step in each case. Third, the centrosome, I hy;pothesize, is the major ‘brain’ for the cell…. for general information about centrosomes,,,Bruce Alberts…pp. 807-8 08…For adduitional information about centrosome organization and the fact that folded centrosomes can become centrioles, that is, basal bodies, in the cell wall… I hypothesize that rhe centrosome identifies protein deficiencies in the cell by monitoring items in the cytosol…it then thinks…it makes decisions… Fourth…I hypothesize that the centrosome initiates ‘action’…action that leads to the production of needed proteins: transport from nuclear pores to DNA, lamin, Bruce Alberts, pp. 800-801; signal transducers…Bruce Alberts, pp. 743-752; enhancers…Bruce Alberts, pp. 422-423; gene expression., control…Bruce Alberts, pp. 401-468; chromosome, activation and replication…Bruce Alberts, pp. 360-365… Fifth, once proteins are formed utilizing RNA and ribosomes, the centrosome sends them to desired locations, such as organelles… via the cytoskeleton…For information concerning the cytoskeleton…Bruce Alberts, pp. 787-858; microtubules, Bruce Alberts, pp803-814; …and Bruce Alberts, organelles…pp. 554-560; and endoplasmic reticulum, pp. 577-594.
Where are ‘I’ Particles Located in the Cell?
So the centrosome is one candidate for the location of an ‘I’ particle…the basal body located in the cell wall which propells the cell by means of cilia or a foot…is another….For information concerning basal bodies…Bruce Alberts, pp. 818-819; cell movement …Bruce Alberts, pp. 844-846; cilia…Bruce Alberts, pp.815-820; and flagella…Bruce Alberts, pp. 816-817. A folded centrosome can become a centriole, that is, a basal body, in the cell wall…. (see above). For information concerning centrosomes and basal bodies and hydrogen ions…;; 09261-s4.xls; and 08966-s2.xls. For information concerning sperm…Bruce Alberts, pp1026-1028.
‘The fact is,,,fewer than 5 percent……’, Bruce Alberts, p. 188.

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