Atoms Are Talking!


A Cosmic Language to Empower Chemistry


Frank W. Andres

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So, we have been excited for some time because using our new Science of Everything, our new Scientific Method, and our new way of conducting experiments, we were very surprised to understand with a great deal of certainty – that each atom in the cosmos possesses: Consciousness. However, in our last minibook there was a new surprise which has cleared up a lot of questions concerning: 1) why atoms in general have not shown a tendency to show their Consciousness; and 2) where in the heck gravity might be – in all of this. The answer to this second puzzle is: Black Holes! As is above, so is it: below. It appears that at the time of the Big Bang there was sufficient heat and pressure to fill that first blast of energy – with Consciousness. Consciousness was shattered – into countless tiny Black Holes – formerly thought to be as small as the size of atoms, but now we think they were probably even smaller. These tiny Black Holes – these ‘I– particles’ were placed in the first atoms ever created – which were hydrogen atoms. These hydrogen atoms were endowed with mass, electrons, and electromagnetic fields at that time. It now appears that no more atoms have been created with Consciousness since then. Well, that is not strictly true. Helium atoms possess Consciousness – yet they were formed from hydrogen atoms. Thus helium atoms possess two – yes – two Black Holes – evidently rotating around each other in an eternal emabrace of two Is. All other elements have been created since the Big Bang. They do not possess Consciousness – and the fact that they have mass seems to have come courtesy of the Higgs Boson.

So this minibook originally was to be about all the elements in the periodic table – how they all possess Consciousness – how we may be able to talk to them – and hopefully persuade them somehow – to help create a new world – or at least one which humanity will be able to inhabit for a little while longer. Instead – we find ourselves writing a different book.

Okay – so not that different – as unlikely as that prospect might be. The fact is: 99.3 percent of all atoms in the cosmos are either hydrogen atoms (70 percent) or helium atoms ( 29.3 percent) – so there we are! : 99.3 percent of the atoms in the cosmos possess Consciousness – we were off by 0.7 percent.

Sorry. It is just that things seem a lot different now with these new ideas – that is: Only 2 elements possess consciousness, not 109 of the natural elements that we proposed before. So obviously strategies for working with atoms must change now – somehow – in different ways. Well, this is an introduction – and we do really seem to go on a bit. So let us leave the rest of the talking to the rest of the minibook – well, to the atoms who are the focus of our concern.

Atoms are Talking

In our minibook on Plato, we saw where Plato and other Greeks understood that there were cosmic ‘virtues’ that guide man and woman’s actions – and these are Will, Beauty, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. We assert that these ‘virtues’ are actually cosmic attributes displayed by every particle in the universe. We are going to look at all of these attributes and see how they.might relate to communication among particles.

But first let us look at these attributes in a more generalized way: we are going to use our Science of Everything to examine aspects of electromagnetic waves and how atomic nuclei are using them to impact and communicate with everything around them. We are going to look at atomic fields and see how they empower atoms and allow nuclei to change the world. Of course – as we have done many times in minibooks to this point: We can learn much from the hydrogen ion, the I, in our own brain. If we think about it – if we really focus our attention upon it – we can become fully aware of what our I is doing, and how it is doing it. [And now – we realize that we are viewing the world – from the perspective of the center of a Black Hole!] Our I is the nucleus of an atom – so the I-particle in our brain can actually – really – tell us a lot about things we have never considered before.- that instruments cannot describe, examine or measure – as the cosmos is composed entirely of entities that are too small, and are moving too fast for the instruments that we have to examine them – let alone measure in any way.

What do fields like electromagnetic fields have to do with communciation? Well, electromagnetic waves have a wide range of frequencies. Some are utilized by organisms for vision, and hearing – as well as specialized abilites of some to perceive higher or lower frequencies than most other animals do. Streams of electromagnetic energy are used by humans to broadcast radio programs – so the ability of these waves to transmit information is well known. The question is: why are particles attached to such waves? Do they use them to send messages of their own? What messages are sent, to whom, and in what language? If we can intercept such messages we may be able to decipher what their messges are about and perhaps we can learn to use such a cosmic language ourselves to encourage atoms to do what we want.

But first – more about the physical nature of these waves: Streams of electrons and streams of photons both generate electromagnetic waves which attend the movement of these particles. Nuclei of atoms possess such waves also – but nuclei normally do not stream – they just sit there – or move a bit to activate their waves. Even in the brain – ions move some but not much – their waves move into a vacant area next to the circumference edge of a neuron where waves overlap and information is able to flow at great speeds from one side of the brain to the other. It is the information that is moving in the brain mostly – little else!

As we say: electromagnetic waves accompany all three particles that compose an atom and convey energy from one place to another. The nucleus, the electrons that swarm about the nuclei, and light – that is, the photon – which is the energy-conveying boson in chemical activity – all three of these particles possess electromagnetic fields. The ‘electro’ part of the name ‘electromagnetic’ was conferred upon this wave before the particle – well, the electron – was found. Thus the name ‘electro’ must be considered carefully in order to discern exactly what its propeties actually are. We shall consider the magnetic part of the wave in a moment. As we say: For all three particles there is the particle, and there is a wave that is attendant to the particle – a particle establishes where the field will be located and not vice versa – because the wave is always attached to the particle, and thus is always surrounding the particle, and the particle must move before the wave can unfold and establish itself.

So we must halt right here – right now – and address some issues that have been ignored for centuries of physics and chemistry – when it comes to atoms with the nuclei, electrons, and photons: Exactly what generates what? Are particles generating the fields that are attached to them? Hydrogen atoms were created at the time of the Big Bang. It seems that waves were created and attached to these atoms when the latter were created – although photons are created many years after the Big Bang so probably they and their fields are created by something pretty powerful – probably the nucleus from where, whence, and whither – they are sent. As we say: Most nuclei and electrons were created at the time of the Big Bang, so their fields seem to have been established then. We shall consider what, where, and which fields are from whom and which – later on in the notes at the end of this minibook – under the heading of the ‘Higgs Boson’.

As we have said: In addition to the ‘electro’ part of the wave – which may have nothing to do with electrons – there is the magnetic part of the wave – which is indeed an important generator itself – of magnetic forces – although it appears that there is no magnetic particle that generates these – it seems that when the hydrogen nuclei, electrons, or photons move.- both the electro and magnetic waves are activated. The ‘electro’ part of the wave and the magnetic part are at a 90 degree angle to each other. .

So what are these waves doing? Well, atoms do not have hands. The beams move – they have ‘legs’ – of a sort. They seem to yearn to do more. They need – a pair (?) of hands – or the like, to impact the world around them.. Atoms are able to utilize fields to do this. The field around the nucleus can be used to move electrons from here to there – as atoms form combinations with other atoms. The fields around the electrons working with the nuclei enable for these combinations to be completed. Beams of photons are utilized by nuclei to move energy from one place to another. In this way, fields are a type of hand that nuclei can use to impact the world around them.

Then there is communication: fields may provide a type of ‘voice’ – a medium for communication which nuclei may be using without our being aware of it. So let us now attempt to discern how and where cosmic messages between particles may be in the process of being sent right before our eyes – right now – in a way that they is not easily detected. More likely we have just not thought to look for such cosmic messages as messages – we just consider waves to be waves that we mighty humans can use – without a thought as to why these waves might exist to begin with.

We think that a word should be inserted right here – on a periodic table’s worth of particles behalf: Particles, atoms, ions – all of these things have been utilized sometimes at the rate of quadtrillions per second like slaves – without a thought of what might be most beneficial for those whose services we are using – much as Egyptiians used millions of slaves to build all – just leaving the dead behind as they proceeded to greatness. So are we not guilty as they? We might wish to reconsider such things as we move into an enchanted world of cosmic conversations and activity.

So if a photon particle and its fields exude the five attributes of cosmic intention – first, what does this mean – why would a particle possess things like this: Well, as below – so above. Humans possess a brain, they must survive – so they perceive the world around them, they think of what they

must do, they have a memory filled with experiences or innate knowledge to assist them make decisions as to what must be done to survive – when such a decision has been made, then action can be taken to impact the world around them – and so they are able to live another day. Most atoms exist forever. Life is different. Most life feasts on, only exists because of, Death. Life is wonderful: Dogs eat dogs! Atoms have the same abilities, yet not the same desperation.

A hydrogen ion in a star far away – is creating helium atoms by means of fusion – in this way keeping the star ablaze in heat and explosion – for whatever reason a hydrogen ion might be inclined to do such. [The odds are these ions are doing more than our telescopes can see. In places that we have not thought to look.] These ions are doing much – and they, for whatever reason, have, feel(?) a reason to share their experience, share their knowledge, ask for help (?). For whatever reason, they are sending messages through the universe with some hope of a response from somewhere, somehow (there must be some evidence of success in this or they would not continue to do so?) such responses that might be vital to their activity will somehow make their way back over billions and billions of light years – back to from whence the messages were sent. (All of this is evidence that there is far more going on in our universe than what we are aware of!) Thus, every particle is just like us – we are able to think – but what good is this – if we cannot impact? As we say: A particle has legs – it often can move in a stream – but once it thinks, it must have hands – it must be able to utilize its Will – to impact, create – it must also be able to communicate on a drum, with a ‘voice’, with a flag, with anything, in any way possible – to communicate with the universe around it. A field empowers a particle – it gives it ‘hands’ and now: a ‘voice’.

So pretend we are a particle on the move – ah, a gedanken exercise! – we are a beam of light speeding across the universe – what, wherein, part of the particle and the wave are the five attributes located? In the next section we will examine attributes in particles and waves – that might be related to language and cmmunication – and see if we can find clues as to how to crack the code, translate the language, learn what are they doing during a normal light year’s worth of work, and then figure a way to persuade these talented things to do what we want them to do.

So what are the five basic attributes that a particle exhibits and what do they do? :

Well, as we say: First there is Will – obviously this is the particle itself with legs speeding forth to conquer – or whatever it might desire to do – hurling thusly through space. Love – this obviously is the magnetic part of the particles field – it is at a 90 degree angle with respect to the ‘electro’ wave clinging in an alternating manner wth respect to it – next to a nucleus or along a beam of electrons or photons. The electro and magnetic waves possess this configuration – in order that they might overlap with themselves separately – without contaminating – rendering static to – the electro- field or magnetic fields alternating next to it. Overlap is crucial – such an ‘entanglement’ allows messages to move on their own along the beam – at a much faster speed than particle or field can speed. Information is the component of the beam that is moving at the speed of light. The movement of such information is impossible to measure correctly. In this way, it is language itself that is propelled along the length of the beam moving faster than the beam itself. However, come to think of it: the difficulty of measuring the movement of information along a beam may be only part of the problem of examining this phenomena. Perhaps scientists have simply not looked for information. Perhaps it is as simple as Alexander Grahm Bell having his assistant say something and he listens. If scientists today were like him, they certainly would be able to conjure a guess as to how fast such a message might be moving upon the wires. In this way, Love has the ability to connect, it is undeniably not moving from negative to positive in its charges – but instead it is looping, looping, embracing, connecting all that is within its reach.

Truth -Beauty: These seem to be attributes of the electro part of the electromagnetic field. What in the heck is this all about? Well, there is a clue that Newton gives us. When he talks about light, he goes on and on about color. Which seems to be beside the point – we are talking about serious things here – we don’t have time for stupid things like color! Then it hits us: Perhaps the electro part of the field is the part related to communcaation – and color is a part of this – and maybe Beauty, too. We shall look at this more closely in the next section.

Lastly, there is Justice : A beam of light innately knows how to deal equally and fairly with other beams it might encounter. Such considerations such as this must reside in the particles themselves – in memory, located in a nucleus near to where thinking and deciding are taking place. [This leads us to realize that it is unlikely that electrons and photons are doing any serious type of thinking. When we stop and think about these things, it seems probable that the nuclei are the entities that are doing most of the perceiving, thinking, acting, and communicating – like the captain of a destroyer protecting a fleet – the light that sends messages only does so much – there is a captain who has a brain and the power to do stuff! So too is not the nucleus the logical entity with whom we should be most kindly towards? – as he or she is probably the one we should be doing most of the interacting with – when we get to the bottom of things. (There is no sex in the rest of the cosmos – yet, there may be something like it.)

So it is time for another sermon: Yes, we are humans – and of course we are so great – so we just grab a bunch of electrons, or photons – and make them work for us. Without a thought as to what these beams might themselves be up to – what these particles themselves might desrie – what messages are in there already – and for what reason – what destinations they may be directed toward. There is Consciousness all around us – and we have not a moment to consider any of this. As we say: perhaps we should be working with nuclei instead – they are the ones with the power – located where Consciousness is most concentrated – in their Black Holes. Perhaps they might be persuaded to do our bidding – without feelings of being exploited – if we might only do the respectful thing: We can just ask them what they might wish in exchange – a bargain might be reached – and we might reap a bountiful world – midst the rollicking joy and laughter of a happy cosmic choir of actors and collaborators.

For now, the question is this: If we are truly serious about working with these brilliant capable talented pieces of dust – then we need to do first things first and stop working with naive, baby talk of off-and-on messaging. We are talking about talking with nuclei who/which possess real power to act and real capability to converse.. As we say: If we can talk to them – these empowered nuclei can bring thousands of times more ability and savvy – than a mere flow of electrons can. Which brings us to the possibility of: a cosmic language.

We have work to do. Let us begin.

The Cosmic Language

So where in the sphere of particles and waves is language located? As we have said: Attached to every paticle and its wave – there are the cosmic attrributes. Which of these are related to communication?

Let us review: Well, first there is Will – obviously this is related to the particle itself with energetic legs speeding forth to conquer – or whatever it might desire to do in this manner – hurling through space. Love has the ability to connect, it is undeniably moving not from negative to positive – but instead it is looping, looping, embracing, connecting all that is within its reach. Truth, – is, as we have said: When Newton talked about light he was fixated upon color. Which is disappointing to us who are most interested in what these beams are doing – we are miffed that we have to be distracted by talk about desultory, frivolous things like: color. Then as we say: It hits us. This is what this part of the beam – is all about! There are two aspects to this part of the field: There is the electro part which is partly dedicated to Truth and along with an aspect related to Beauty – both of these are dedicatedto the dissemination of ideas, of knowledge to something, for some reason. Truth is half of the message: Truth is dynamics, the space between thoughts – in hmans it is music; Beauty is a second part of the message – it is form – in humans it is the analtyical processes in the brain . Both are utilized by the electro part of the field to convey messages – so both color; and music, that is, pitch with its overtones, and thus chords – both are communicated by means of frequencies in the fields; they are keys to the cosmic language!

Let us think, think, think: A mother sings to her baby – to his or her I-particle – perhaps she should use colors, too. When scientists are attempting to persuade stubborn atoms to do things they have no intention of doing – they should use color and music. Color seems momentary, stationary – filled with form and logic – it is rationality, thought, the result of decision, considered, measured thought – ideas with an objective in mind. As we say: Music is first of all pitch but pitch has overtones and there is the space between the sounding of the pitches – there is interval – wherein ‘time’ does reside. Music is dynamic – it is flow. As we say: It is the dimension of time. Thus, there are two elements to this communication: there is color – with its three dimensions of space – extension of a thing in the moment – and there is time – music – there is a chorus of people – in a jungle – hand on the drum – sex, passion in the bushes.

How Can the Cosmic Language Be Found and Used?

Well, the first draft of this minibook found us trying to ‘talk’ to a jar full of chemicals. Now we know that only hydrogen atoms are the ones we must interact with. Helium atoms have Consciousness – but Consciousness is too tightly locked away therein to communicate with anything – locked away in the embrace of two Black Holes revolving around each other inside. No, hydrogen ions are the ones that we should strive to communicate with. They have shown us what they can do: Well, they are blowing everything up for some reason in the heavens – every day! We can witness that! And they created Life! Maybe we need to grab a jar of these and just start listening – well, maybe we also need to start squawking, singing, painting, gyrating, well, whatever a mother does with a newborn – since every newborn has yet to learn how to use his or her brain – and is using mostly the I-particle, the hydrogen ion in his or her brain – that he or she was born with. However, as we shall soon see – there are problems utilizing hydrogen to solve humanities problems.

There have been a lot of problems developing nuclear fusion from hydrogen – and now we think we know why. Well, as we have said above: only two elements possess Consciousness – hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen was created at the time of the Big Bang – and helium is created routinely in stars from the fusion of hydrogen atoms. The source of this Consciousness seems to be the same as the source for all gravity in the cosmos: from tiny Black Holes in hydrogen ions. When hydrogen atoms fuse – two Black Holes end up revolving around each other. The presence of Black Holes makes hydrogen fusion extremely difficult to make happen.

Okay, so there may be unsurmountable problems related to using hydrogen fusion to create energy – but hydrogen possesses Consciousness – is there any way to utilize this tremendous capability?

Well, hydrogen ions have created stuff before. It is all placed before us in the archaeological record. Crowds, clouds of hydrogen ions have created Life! And now we know why all of this first occurred – in the oceans of the world. The oceans possess almost all of the hydrogen in the world – combined as it is with oxygen. That is why Life possesses most of the rest of it – hydrogen, that is! This also why Life possesses: Consciousness! When hydrogen ions were creating Life – they chose to use sugar – and only sugar – to make things – because carbon atoms are like Tinker Toys and can be assembled and disassembled at will, and quickly. The thing is: what we need is for hydrogen ions to be enticed to disassemble water – into hydrogen and oxyvgen without imparting massive disruption to their surroundings – well, without great explosions!. Then we would have 70 percent of the volume of the surface of the earth at our disposal to convert into energy!

But there is a problem with this: If hydrogen and helium are the only sources of gravity in the cosmos – where/how does the earth acquire its gravity? There is very little free hydrogen or helium gas present anywhere on earth. It must be that gravity generating properities of hydrogen are able to be expressed in/ by means of combination – by means of molecular compounds. 70 percent of the volume of the surface of the earth is covered by water. The gravity generated by the hydrogen in water must be able to be expressed through the earth to the other side allowing all of the earth to experience gravity.

In this way the ‘gravity’ particle has been found. The Standard Model is now complete (see below in the notes at the end of the minibook). This ‘gravity’ particle may never be verified empirically as it is safely buried – just as Consciousness is – safe from all nuclear annihilation – in its Black Hole.

So very simply, one strategy for generating energy would be related to the cosmic language we were talking about. If we can decipher that language with the help of a Rosetta Stone of some type – we could just talk to the hydrogen in water – make a deal that intelligent cultured nuclei are able to consummate – and we may be able to entice them to separate from the oxygen and help us generate some energy! How? Stock options? Floozy harem ions?

However, now we see that there is a major problem with using hydrogen ions to disassemble water molecules in the attempt to produce energy: As we use up the earth’s water, its oceans – we would be simultaneously be subtracting from the earth’s gravity. Oh my – if it isn’t one problem – it is another!



What is Mass?

Mass. What is this? This seems simple enough when we begin thinking about it. But in the end it is not so simple. In the end such a question may be part of our working our way towards a new science – of Consciousness! It seems as if this mass thing is kind of an inside joke with physicists – because as it turns out: they do not have any idea what mass is – but – they maintain this ignorance is not important! – they can live without such a definition. They know what mass is not: it is not energy. It is not weight – as the latter is the result of the application of gravity unto mass. Yet mass is always expressed as a weight! Always in milligrams or the like. But the fact that they do so – is hidden: In the Encyclopedia Brittanica what the International Bureau of Weights and Measures has done is spelled out in detail. The confession only takes a few words. Physicists say: That what they do is fairly clever if they do say so themselves – whenever they talk about mass or calculate the mass of an object they do not use units of weight – but instead they use what is called: a ‘mass unit’. And what is a chemical mass unit? By definition it is one-sixteenth of the atomic weight of oxygen! Which is nice except that oxygen has isotopes so a weighted average seemed to be in order – and one was made – but then rounded of to 16 to make things easier!

So how does the use of this mass unit clarify anything related to the concept of mass – or have anything to do with it? Well, physicits maintain that it gives them enough information about a substance such that they can work with it. So let us see exactly what information about a substance they are actually receiving from this procedure. Well, they take oxygen and hydrogen and assume that the weight of one unit of water is 16 + 1 + 1 mass units since the mass unit for oxygen is 16 and that of hydrogen is one-sixteenth of that. So you take a certain quantity of water and an identical quantity for the substance – and you measure their respective weights – exactly! And Pow! You have knowledge concerning the substance. And exactly what knowledge have you reaped from this process? Well, the following equations will show you exactly what you know:

The volume of the substance divided by the force of gravity


the exact same volume of water divided by the force of gravity

the gravities cancel out and you are left with two volumes: one of substance and one of water – if the volume of the first is five time the second then you know that whatever mass is – the mass of the former is five times more than the mass of water – which is very helpful. It gives one an idea of what he or she is doing. Except!: you have dodged the whole question of what mass is in the first place! We assert that at this point in the history of humanity – the definition of mass is crucial! We simply have to do better!

It is when we get to the Higgs Boson that we begin to see what mass really is – because that boson creates it in some instances. What exactly – is it creating?

The Higgs Boson

There was no need for mass in electromagnetic theory – but now there is a problem: Experimentally it has been found that parity does not possess symmetry when the weak force is involved. The weak interactions involve new particles, called W+, W-, and Z0 between matter particles these are bosons like photons but they are different in that they are very heavy. This heaviness suppresses their jumping back and forth between particles that have weak charges, so the weak forces become very weak. The nuclei, with their electrons, were all created at the time of the Big Bang. Thus, the nucleus has the power to create photons as required to move bundles of energy from one place to another – to move information from one place to another.

We hypothesize that the Higgs boson does not create mass for all particles – but just for a hundred or so! – just for the ones that have emerged since the Big Bang – created by supernovae – or as a result of collisions – that is, incidents that create the need for new particles to emerge – to carry off the detritrus when a nucleus is smashed to pieces – either by cosmic rays – or deliberately by scientiests who are seeking to discover what a nucleus is composed of. In this way, the Higgs boson does not just create mass – it is in fact creating new particles – just for a moment – that are required to clean up the mess of such an incident. As we say: The masses that existed initially were all created at the time of the Big Bang and are eternal – the Higgs boson creates particles that exist for millionths of a billionth of a second. In this way, the Higgs boson is actually creating mass.

So what is this mass – that it is creating? Well, in previous minibooks we were talking about Tesla’s ocean of energy – how at the time of the Big Bang this ocean was created within which vortices arose which became atoms of concentrated energy. The Higgs boson thus is taking energy that is generated by an incident, bundles it up in a structure, which forms a particle – and moves it to a place where it may be disposed of in a way that normalcy may be restored. Therefore, mass is structure – it is energy wrapped up in a package. Mass is structure – which possesses no weight – only an inertial presence that can be moved by force in this case by the three weak forces the weak bosons W+ W- and Y0. When the Higgs boson creates these structures filled with energy – these new particles may have no relationship to what this energy was doing in the particles that have been destroyed by an accelerator. We have learned nothing about the particles that were originally in the nucleus – or the activity they were involved. We just have the remnants – of a car crash – wherein all bodies and their organs – were reduced to tiny bits of flesh.

The Cyclotron Like a Microscope?

Thus powerful accelerators and their detectors are obviously not like microscopes – as scientists maintain they are. They say: Like a microscope, accelerators have the following things: 1) a particle beam; 2) a target; and 3) a detector that collects 4) data.

We say ‘no’ to this: We maintain that there is a significant difference between the two – a microscope enlarges what it is examinng without damaging or in any way altering anything of importance in/of the target. An accelerator aims particles at each other and attempts to completely destroy them. Scientists maintain that there is Truth – in the debris! Consider if you did that to a bacteria you were examining: how much would you understand deducing or otherwise considering the detritus of a collision – from this trainwreck of a process – about bacteria, in this instance, that you might be examining. In this debris – which parts, former structures – of the bacteria are you are looking at? What activities was this debris involved in when the bacteria was alive and kicking? Some of the managerie of particles that cyclotrons have given us to this point may be just that: damage – train wreck – and nothing else.

The Standard Model

By the early 1970s theoretical physicists had sewn all the available data from a century of research together into one theory – much of it coming from data produced at high-energy accelerators. At this point they had developed a remarkable descriptive and predictive theory that has come to be known as the “Standard Model.” One of the great achievements of the Standard Model is that it united three of the known forces in nature into one entity. These three forces are: Electromagnetism, the force associated with ordinary electrcity, light, and magnetism; the strong force, that is, the gluons that generate the force that holds the quarks inside the strongly interacting particles; and finally, the weak force – a very feeble force – so feeble that it wasn’t even noticed until the 1890s. Though this last force is ‘weak,’ without it the sun could not shine and we would not exist.

The electromagnetic force is associated with particles, called photons, that are the particles of light. Likewise, the Standard Model predicted that the weak force must be associated with three previously unseen particles, called the W+, W-, and Z0. These are called the ‘weak bosons’. ‘Bosons’ are defined to be energy conveying particles In this way these weak bosons joined the panoply of elementary particles and entered the list of bosons, like the gluon, photon and graviton.

So do particles generate the fields that are connected to them? – fields are 10,000 times larger than the particles they are a part of. No, something powerful is needed to create particles like photons and their fields, move information, and impact the world around it. Nuclei and electrons and their electromagnetic fields were created at the time of the Big Bang. The Big Bang possessed tremendous energy and pressure. What it created – is eternal. Nuclei are able to create photons which may exist for a moment or for an eternity as they move through space – they are used to deliver energy and information to other nuclei and particles – the electromagnetic field of the nucleus and its electrons with their fields are utilized by nuclei to impact the world around them.

When a Higgs boson creates a particle it renders unto it a field which attends the particle during its brief existence – things like symmetry can be violated with these transitory particles – but a disaster has occurred or these particles would not be required – so the regular rules apparently do not apply. We have found the source for/of gravity in the Black Holes in hydrogen and helium atoms – so there is no need for a spacetime contiuum. And as luck would have it – such a thing – doesn’t seem to exist anyway! We have written so much about this elsewhere. Nevertheless, another book addressing the entire issue of the space-time continuum is on its way.


Al-Khalili, Jim, Black Holes, Wormholes, and Time Machines, Second Edition (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2012) 184 pp.

Arcand, Kimberly, and Megan Watzke, Light – The Visible Spectrum and Beyond (New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2015), 208pp.

Ball, Philip, Beyond Weird – Why Everything You Thought about Quantum Physics is Different, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2018), 377 pp.

Bovelli, Carlo, The Order of Time (New York: Riverhead Books, 2018) 240 pp.

Cox, Brian, and Jeff Forshaw, Why Does E=mc^2? (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2009), 249 pp.

Eckstut, Joann, and Arielle Eckstut, The Secret language of Color (New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2013), 240pp.

Hawking, Stephen W., et. al., The Future of Spacetime (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 2002) 218 pp.

Lederman, Leon, Beyond the God Particle (New York: Prometheus Books, 2013), 325pp.

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