The Emergence Of Life

How Crowds of Hydrogen Ions Have Worked Together!


Frank W. Andres

© Copyright, Frank W. Andres, 2021.

All Rights Reserved.

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We all…and we mean you, too.!..We all need to work together in Creative Clusters to help build the Future!


I know that what we are asserting here is a bit surprising…But there seems to be about a 99.99 percent chance of much of this…being right. …being True! We are able to obtain such an assurance in the following way…We have our own Science of Everything….We have our own Scientific Method…and…We have our own way of conducting experiments….All of this is necessary…because our instruments cannot measure things that are too small or too fast. This lack of instruments has resulted in scientists coming to wrong conclusions concerning relativity and quantum mechanics. This lack of instruments is now holding back research concerning human beings,…like, curing Cancer… making even smaller computer chips….fighting Global Warming.

Human beings have been doing very well… lately….We have had Industrial Revolution for three centuries now…with grand results…but we have garnered most of the low hanging fruit…and we have ignored externalities….We have created Global Warming and other bad effects of development which now threaten our Future…..We are running out of the raw materials that Industrial society requires…, most conspicuously oil….We need to take care of everyone on this small blue planet moving in the black….We need to find new sources of Energy…and start building a whole new Life out of things that we have ignored or were too microscopic to work with in the past….We thought we were home…all bad times behind us…

Do we have to keep doing…and redoing…the impossible?

The thing is…We have a new Science…we are now 99.99 certain that every atom possesses Consciousness…Without instruments we cannot at the present time get to 100 percent certainty….However, a new rule that goes along with a new Science and Scientific Method is….if the probability of something being True is high enough….then we can assume it is True and see what progress in research we can make with it….If progress is made…and a lot of it…then this adds to the probability of the hypothesis made at the beginning being True….We also have a new way of conducting experiments that relies in a truly magnificent way…. upon interdisciplinary thinking and sometimes incorporating discarded alchemic approaches…..

Let us show how this is done.

First, let us review what we know about atoms…and the possibility of their possessing Consciousness….

Atoms and Consciousness

Fifteen years ago I first considered the idea…that every atom might possess Consciousness…This hypothesis proceeds directly from our new Science of Everything…

Our Science of Everything…It now has been proven that humans are animals…Yes…and we even know the type of animal we are…This has been proven conclusively with the delineation of human DNA and comparison of it with that of the Great Apes…We are…an exotic type of chimpanzee…our DNA is 99.3 percent the same as those friendly beings…I know we were all hoping for something a little more commanding of respect….like a gorilla or something…but no….Nevertheless, we are indeed animals…and now much work must be done…We need to construct our social sciences again….from the ground up….they all must be placed on a biological base… We have already progressed far in this endeavor….Also a new Cosmic theology is being developed to place humanity in the same Cosmic sphere as… not only other animals…but all other matter, as well….

For you see…once we start reconsidering things in the Light of our new Science…then the first thing that is apparent is….that each one of us….is ‘looking out’…..and now for the first time, we are unable to merely accept this phenomenon as a Truth that needs no further examination….No….Our ‘looking out’ is empirical knowledge….it may not be measurable but with our new Scientific method….such verification is no longer necessary….We are ‘looking out’…and this is a Truth…in fact it is Magic!…Magic that such a thing can be happening every day…every second we are awake…also Magic in that every other Living thing seems to be experiencing the same thing…each Living organism seems to be ‘looking out’…each one thinks, well, maybe not Conscious of every complete implication….but each operates as if it were the ‘center’ of the universe…

Okay…so, as I say…atoms possess Consciousness….How did I get to such a hypothesis? Well, this was how my thinking proceeded…

If we accept our perception of things as being valid empirical evidence….then a valid first step…a first hypothesis can be…. that there is something in our brains ‘looking out’…and this thing may be ..well, we know from physics that everything in the Cosmos is composed of particles…so whatever is ‘looking out’ must be a particle of some sort…that is, some sort of I particle..

So the first guess would be…well, ‘Let There Be Light!’…It might be a photon…

Well, good try, but a photon simply could not have enough ability to perceive, think, and act…or have a small memory attached to it…No, a better guess would be… that it is an atom…with quarks…with enough component parts to do stuff…

Still…why haven’t we noticed atoms doing stuff like this?…Well, the fact is…if you take a standard chemistry book…and read it from the back to the front..not in the normal way which just emphasizes the need for a student’s memorization of a million isolated facts…in a mildly comprehensible way…somehow reading things in reverse…causes evidence of Consciousness operating in these matters to leap to the eye…So sometimes evidence is right before our eyes…and we are not allowed to notice it….

The thing is…scientists are not supposed to think in this way…Matter that is not animal…simply is not allowed to possess….Will!…Intention!

And it is even worse…Animals which are not human…are not allowed to exhibit or be seen to exhibit human sort of perception, thought, or action.

To say all Life possesses certain abilities flirts with the dangers…of anthropomorphism….. Universities are in control here…New ideas are tightly under their rein….That is why great strides at least for the moment are promised mostly…by Clusters of people….like you…. working outside of the existing system….perhaps accelerating research thousands of times….Oh, yes, there will be kranks…but for the first time…unconventional ideas ..may be considered…

In addition to the concerns cited above…there is another reason why atoms haven’t been caught in the act of ‘thinking’ before…

Because most of time we are considering them…they are surrounded by electrons….which reduces their ability to interact with the world…

Other reasons are… as I have said….atoms are simply too small for our instruments…. Light is simply too fast to be examined properly….These things are a problem…as measurement is a key to scientific method nowadays… Whatever is measured is…Truth…

Well, as I say….now…there is another way…Now with our new Science of Everything…we have at hand many disciplines to address questions,.. problems…Once we place the social sciences on a biological base…using the same methodologies, and speaking the same language as the physical and biological sciences…then we suddenly have many disciplines which can examine the world and human behavior from a multitude of angles….They can talk to each other, work with each other…and where instruments are failing…they can increase the probability…of a hypothesis….being True…

We have a new Scientific Method which looks at things from several angles at once…by means of several disciplines at once…and we will receive a probability of a hypothesis being True…The goal is to reach a probability as close to 100 percent as possible…

In addition to a new Scientific Method, we also have a new way of conducting experiments…. For example, one way we tested the probability of Darwinism being 100 percent True was looking at James Joyce in his books wherein he attempted to use the principles of alchemy….that is, he utilized randomness to evoke the equivalent of gold in literary attainment….which obviously did not happen …or taking the alchemic color theories of Goethe… I related them to music theory to show that the use of those ideas of randomness also did not yield gold….Well, this should not be a surprise…Mathematically, randomness simply does not converge….which eliminates the possibility of mutations and randomness as being the sole source of variation in Life….Consciousness simply must be involved for miracles to occur.

So back to exactly which sort of Conscious entity created Life. To continue our previous thinking…Which sort of atom would be able to be stripped of its electrons the easiest?…An atom’s Consciousness would thereby be ‘revealed’ and the nucleus would be able to impact the world around it… Well, obviously…. a hydrogen atom could be relieved of its electron….the easiest….Well, there is only one….

Hmmm…a hydrogen ion…immediately other thoughts come to mind… Where in science…in biology do we encounter streams of hydrogen ions?…

Well, of course, photosynthesis!…

Right here…purely by accident…as we shall see… we have encountered a ‘relic’ left from the first moments…in the Creation of Life!….In fact, the existence of this artifact….by itself…. suddenly renders our hypothesis a high probability of being True!

So, it appears that photosynthesis is a relic from the past…showing by example the process by which Life was originally assembled….How is this True?…Well, first of all there were a lot of hydrogen ions moving about…3 billion years ago…Why is this?…Well, the atmosphere was mostly carbon dioxide…back then…And when carbon dioxide was dissolved in water….yes, there was an ocean of water in which things could be done…well, the following reaction occurred….

CO2 + H2O = H+ + HCO3

Bang!..there you have a lot of hydrogen ions right there…right away!…

And then the next step…which will appear to be…too much repeating of myself….because all of these things were reinforcing… I mean, these tiny little ions are taking the same things…and doing things a tiny bit differently…and Pow!…

` Witness! Hydrogen ions at the beginning…again… took water…yes, there was a lot of this…..and…again… CO2…;lots of that….They added Energy….well, from Light…lots of that, too…or maybe using electrons that ions always seem to have at hand…so lots of those….and Pow!…water plus carbon dioxide plus energy…equals….




Yes,…this is a bit anticlimatical….Sugar?

But the fact is…all forms of Life rose from a common ancestor….Well, there were those hydrogen ions….In a way they were the first…common ancestor…I mean….they were aLive….in the way they switched back and forth from a group of atoms which were ‘revealed’ and then not ‘revealed’…

But quickly Life manifested itself as something else…as molecules of Sugar…with a little this…and/or that…added to it…This is True! So not only is all Life related to this crucial first step…all of Life is composed of this crucial first step!….

Which means all sorts of amazing things…like… well, first of all …that every bit of Life is subject to the same Laws of physics and chemistry…. This is why scientists are amazed by the fact…..that biochemistry is such an intellectually coherent and Beautiful discipline….for underneath…lies a basic unity of Life.

Don’t tell anybody…but that basic Unity lies with… Sugar!…

Also, second… all of Life was created in the same way…and is still being Created in the same way…today!…and run by the same entities!…by crowds, clouds of hydrogen ions!…I mean…. hydrogen ions have not only been involved constantly…from the Beginning… in the process of Creating…and reCreating Life….But they are in fact…. in charge today!…running the machinery…in every piece of throbbing Life that you see!

Yes…hydrogen ions have been constantly at work…from the very first stirrings…of Life!

Just look! You can see…what they have done! In the very last pages of an organic chemistry book…there is always a long list of the molecules that you will encounter as you read through this book backwards… a kind of summing up…to help you memorize a bunch of names that probably don’t mean much to you…Well, there are hundreds of molecules utilized in the building up of Life… built by hydrogen ions! 100 of these molecules have remained the same…for 2 billion years!…they are in every little bit of Life…and as I say….there are a hundred names given to all these molecules of Life…a nightmare of burning the midnight oil… learning all of these names! But the amazing fact is…and really!…organic chemists could really make all of this much easier….to learn…to understand….Because the fact is…Right there…before your eyes…All… of these molecules are really…Sugar!….with a little this or that added to it…Yes, every single molecule of Life is this way…oil..beeswax.. Colgate white teeth!…Well, living cells just beneath teeth composed of sugar…secrete the minerals that teeth are made of……

So just forget all those fancy names….The story of Life…is really a story…about Creating…a small dictionary’s worth of different kinds…of Sugar….Sugar is… the essence….the fabric….of Life!…

So why this reliance upon Sugar?…. Well, first off…one result …was that organic chemistry would be dominated by carbon…that is, it would be a science that is dominated by molecules containing chains of C-C bonds… Carbon forms a wide variety of stable compounds containing chains of strong C-C single bonds…Also…carbon atoms are like Tinker Toys….which are easily hooked and unhooked….Also these bonds can be made double, triple…they can be made to enclose a tremendous amount of….potential Power!….

So what did these hard working ions do…with these powerful Tinker Toys?

Well, these ions were flashing back and forth from Life to non-Life…from being able to do stuff to not being able to do stuff….When they got rid of those electrons shielding them from the outside world….when they returned to a building capability… .they needed three things…

Well, first they had to have memory….What were they doing….the last time they were ‘revealed’?….where were they working?…. for what purpose…were the first things built.?.. This first memory…was a crude form of RNA…

Second, they needed a way to store energy close at hand….sugar is an ideal molecule for that purpose…

Third, they needed to create structures…of some type…perhaps with no definite objective or goal in mind when they began…but something concrete had to remain onto which more things could be added…and would remain semi-permanent in a great ocean…Sugar could serve this purpose…

As I say…it now seems certain that hydrogen ions were very active at some point and did in fact create all of Life …from the bottom up….but it is also obvious that these important steps must have occurred long ago…in a very different environment…namely a place where lots and lots of water existed….maybe not in ocean depths..but at least in tide pools where millions of experiments could take place…successful varieties could survive…and millions of mistakes could simply….be washed away….In addition, ocean water is filled with countless ions…there were ionic water molecules…. enriched and empowered with ionic salt….that is, sodium chloride…in which communication among hydrogen ions would have been facilitated….Water surrounds the charged groups and attenuates their interaction…The existence of Life depends critically on the capacity of water to dissolve a remarkable array of polar molecules that serve as fuels, building blocks, catalysts, and information carriers,….High concentrations of these polar molecules can coexist in water, where they are free to diffuse and find each other…. However, the excellence of water as a solvent poses a problem, for it also weakens interactions between certain molecules….biological systems have solved this problem by creating water-free micro-environments where certain atomic and molecular interactions can have maximal strength and specificity. Thus, one of the first things that hydrogen ions built with their sugar…some of the first structures…were lipids…that is, one of the first things that hydrogen ions built were….tiny globes of Life… Cells!…enclosed in Sugar walls….A million experiments were conducted simultaneously within these tiny spheres…Life could take off….in several directions at once…..

When we are talking about the first billion years of the emergence of Life…we are talking about immense construction going on somewhere….an enterprise equally as impressive as Egyptians building pyramids…with the requirement for an equal amount of energy, planning, organization of laborers and materials…. and leadership.

Let us picture how corporations of such atomic engineers might have conducted their work.

Crowds, Clouds of Hydrogen Ions…at Work!

So here we go…we are really addressing the first Emergence of Life!…. with crowds, clouds of hydrogen ions working together to build something of their own….We really should not be surprised by any of this… as they are doing all this before our eyes…every day…right now… if only we were looking for this…if only we were listening….properly….

Why would they do any of this?…Were they not happy the way they were?…And why were they Created with potential to do such things….in the first place?…

Okay, as I say… this is not a pipe dream!…I am 99.99 percent certain what I am saying is True…The first thing is…we have to realize that none of this is really new….That is, atoms have always been doing something….more than what chemists think they do….What I mean is this…Nine-nine percent of all atoms in the Cosmos…are hydrogen and helium ions….That is right!… Only 1 percent of all atoms comprise the rest of the elements on the chemistry periodic table of elements….What this means is…the Earth…is an anomaly…. It also means that most matter is composed of atoms stripped of electrons…such that their nuclei are ‘revealed’…that is, there is no electron cloud to wall them off…shield them… from the world around them… Hydrogen and helium ions are accustomed to talking together, interacting together….doing things together…Well, mostly blowing themselves up!…But obviously they do have the Power to impact things….perhaps even make, build things…and they certainly know how to communicate continually…with each other….they have done this…from the Beginning…from the first miicro-instants after the Big Bang….

And hydrogen doesn’t even have to be an ion, really…to participate in communication….When hydrogen is in a bond with any other atom…the electrons whirling about both…are always moving more…around the other nucleus…This means that hydrogen is always a bit ‘revealed….It is always eable to communicate with the outside, external world…So a scientist would say….this causes an atom like flourine to have a slight excess of negative charge…when bonded with hydrogen…leaving the hydrogen atom partially positive….No! It does more than that!…It leaves the hydrogen atom only partially shielded…. Hydrogen atoms thus seem to be always able to communicate with the world about them…and if they are completely stripped of electrons…they can…Pow!…Impact!…the world!….

So 100 molecules are essential to Life…they have existed for 2 billion years…all Life possesses them…other things have been added and can still be added…Phenomena that have been active in the past…are still active today… Other changes are being made all the time…but the chances of something viable resulting now…utilizing those first 100 molecules…is very high…The thing is…obviously there was a time when a million mistakes had to be endured somehow…all at once…without messing things up…There is an important point to be stressed here…this is not the product of an entirely random process…there is consciousness actively involved in this Creative process….Random mutations were not the only source for innovation…things were deliberately tried…there was….Consciousness….operating continually…. but still…there had to be a way for a million things to be tried and a million minus one or two things… be aborted and swept away… leaving only viable things…better things…. behind…These precious end products could be the result of the Darwinian survival of the fittest process…in a certain environment…but the mistakes had to die and be swept away somehow…I mean, if randomness were the only hope for change in the creation of Life…then there would be a billion mistakes in each organism today…instead what we see in an organism today is…there may be mistakes here and there like a cleft in a lip…too many freckles…but not a billion mistakes….

What seems to have happened is that for a billion years…these little hydrogen ions worked with RNA… well, precursors to that marvelous memory molecule…made cells…as we have noted…using walls made out of Sugar…made changes which resulted in globular cells with experiments within them…each cell had a chance of surviving…but there was a timing mechanism, a certain time within which a cell had a chance to prove itself worthy….if it survived then the cell survived…it it did not…the cell disintegrated and was washed away by an immense ocean…as I say…this is a mechanism which could perform one million experiments at once… a lot of things could happen… continually….and a lot of new things could happen…continually….for experiments to be made….for Life…to adjust to a changing environment….After a billion years of Life….then things stabilized….

The question remaining is how this experimentation stage was managed…it obviously was conducted by committees, ..corporations of ions…..perhaps as big as a government….Just look at one of these humungus molecules that hydrogen ions made….It would seem…that almost too many sugar molecules…well, amino acids…were simply glommed…. together….As I have said…there had to be overall coordination somehow…what was the objective in all this…why did it occur?…were nuclei bored or something…why weren’t they content to exist in certain molecules forever?…. Perhaps nuclei were just made to be active…since most spend their existence in stars and nebulae as ions that can produce action and can communicate with each other…most atoms in the Cosmos are active…always talking to each other and blowing up and stuff….as I say, only one percent of nuclei were in these new boring molecules on earth….they just had to have some excitement…so…they created Life!…

So during the first billion years of Life…there were a million experiments… Only a few survived…which were able to do the job… The rest were washed away in the immense ocean..leaving no archaeological evidence…Hey..look at this!…In the development of Life…hydrogen ions created new molecules in a way that is mimicked…as we shall see… in the way many languages have been developed…in various times and places… in the past….

What we are talking about here fpr the next few paragraphs…is the first level of aggregation performed by hydrogen ions…in Creating Life…In this first level…hydrogen ions sequenced amino acids…And they seem to have done this in a certain way….That is, they Created small differences in stringing amino acids together…and these small differences…somehow resulted in vastly different functions….

Which calls to mind how human language was formed in its first phases….For instance, take the Hindi and Urdu languages…these languages display long lists of words with almost the same letters with permutation types of shuffling which mean completely different things…These obviously evolved from an oral creation of language…

Like…you might start with one sound for the word ‘home’… ‘ummpha’…then a ‘chair’ in the home …’ummphakoh’… a ‘fireplace’ in the home… ‘ummphahey’…a ‘table’ in the home… ‘ummphahah’… and so on… When it is finally written out… it looks stupid and difficult to remember…but only when it is written down…only after written language appeared…does this approach seem to be stupid….That is, things seem stupid…only when a whole different process for developing languages….appears…one based on writing! As I say…at first, the development of language was primarily an oral phenomenon… and the phenomenon of hydrogen ions…working with RNA was similar…in its method….as it developed many organic molecules …all which were variants of sugar…with this little difference and then that one…Thus, there seems to be similarities in how Consciousness has built these two different things…language, orally…. and Life, organically!…

Then Came Organisms!

Yes!…And all of this Life is made…of Sugar!

As I say…we chide social scientists for using jargon which obfuscates and hinders interdisciplinary work….yet organic chemistry exhibits the same tendencies….

Yes, there are hundreds of names for organic molecules…but in the rush to give impressively sounding names to each and every piece of Life…

scientists have lost the fact that the origin for all of them…is the same…

Water plus Carbon Dioxide…add Energy….yields Sugar!…and every organic molecule is indeed a Sugar basic starting block with a little this or that… added along with perhaps some double and triple bonding….Sugars embellished with extra carbon and hydrogen units were the thing… for one billion years…then came amino acids… which added things like phosphorous and nitrogen to the sweet confections….Amino acids became the building blocks of a whole new level of biological behavior….larger blocks of Sugars now with new things added…became larger new blocks to build with…they became proteins…

Which allowed the rise of organisms! Ultimately proteins began to play crucial roles in nearly all biological processes…in catalysis, transport, coordinated motion, excitability, and control of growth and differentiation… all of this came from the folding of proteins into many distinctive three-dimensional structures that could bind highly diverse molecules…

Now, biology became more durable and could become aggressive in combining individual cells into more and more massive aggregations…with hydrogen ions…that is… Is…in charge….

Sugar packets with one I…in the definition of an organism….

Packets of memory made almost exclusively of Sugar now acquired bases…These memory molecules became longer and longer… now buttressed with the new elements of phosphorus and nitrogen…along with these bases…Well, eventually the hydrogen ions….after thousands of years of hard work…formed the RNA and DNA molecules….that we know…and Love… today….

As we have said…organic molecules now had three levels in the Living mass…

In the last few paragraphs we have been looking at that first level. We have traced how sequences of amino acids were strung together… as crowds of hydrogen ions worked within cells…right in the memory bank…which became a sort of three dimensional Xerox…The Is at work…could add new units to the RNA…which were translated directly into new molecules and then they would sit back and see if the new bits of Life could survive… Working in the vicinity of a precursor to RNA….hydrogen ions could experiment with various changes in the structure of molecules created…and simultaneously record the changes in memory….Carbon bonds could be easily separated and connected…using the code in the memory….Often stretches of RNA could be merely repeated several times…as part of simple experiments.

This code thing…seems a bit strange…a bit too abstract for tiny entities like hydrogen ions to be dealing with…I mean, ribosomes seem to read four bases in the DNA at a time….four different bases gives you a permutation possibility of 24 different amino acids that can be encoded…Actually there are only 20 amino acids…but you get the idea…..This still seems a bit abstract for things like ions to be dealing with…..

What scientists forget is that all particles…and molecules…possess… Waves!…Electro-magnetic communication is transmitted from and received by….all atoms and molecules… they do this…when they are ions…they do this…when they are molecules which contain…ions….or acids and bases….Consequently, if a molecule like a ribosome could read a code in RNA…using it as a recipe for placing amino acids in a proper sequence…then it could construct a certain protein…So how does a ribosome do its work? The ribosome does not have to ‘look’ at four bases in the RNA and ‘think’ well, this is the code for a certain type of amino acid…every type of which is close at hand to attach to a growing protein… No…a ribosome can be ‘listening’….to how four bases are orchestrated by means of their Waves…. ‘playing’ together….The amalgam of Waves then can register a response in the ribosome…the code is read in this way…and amino acids are grabbed one by one… and attached to the growing proteins….

So where were we?…As I say…for paragraphs now…we have been looking at how hydrogen ions assembled the first level of Life….

Then a second level appeared…a box of protein blocks could now be assembled into larger complexes….Amino acids… strung like beads in a necklace… were then woven into three dimensional sheets with folds…to provide surfaces… or helixes that could provide support for large molecules….Again… at this stage… almost any cell they fabricated had enough proven parts to survive… without having a million mistakes…

Then a third level appeared…sheets and helixes were folded into large molecules….into large three dimensional masses….

Over and over again…these hydrogen ions repeated these three steps…. trying different patterns until something worked…..Scientists chant the matra…’Shape determines Function’….when the reality is…was…from the first…a Darwinian call to arms… Yes!…actually from the first….the reverse was True…Function…that is the ability to contribute to survival… in a certain environment….determined the final Shape of a molecule…

Hydrogen Ions and Communication

How do hydrogen ions understand what is happening when they are working with carbon and oxygen and other atoms?….when they are working together…to assemble sugars, adding this and that… to finally make proteins?… Well, as I say….it seems that ions can talk to each other…as they must do constantly…in great stars and nebulae…However, there is another thing…In addition, it seems to be that the molecules they are working on… assembling….experimenting with….can ‘talk’ right back to them….All of this communication helps assure…that target landing places are identified…such that proper connections might be made….

As I said…ocean water was essential to the hydrogen ions ability to communicate with each other and with molecules they were working on…as they assembled Life…for Napoleon ions to command millions of other ions in this building process…As I said…Salt is tremendously soluble in water….the two ionic solutions work together in ocean form a powerful communication medium which hydrogen ions could utilize in their molecule building….Yes…NaCl and H2O…are both ionic materials and liquids when in sollute…only a tiny bit is NaCl in the ocean…only about 3 percent…yet enough to tend to keep all ions more at a distance allowing Waves of electro-magnetic energy to form patterns and move….thus providing a powerful communication medium that hydrogen ions could utilize to make molecules…

I got this sort of idea from my study of the human nervous system and how nerves communicate…how nerves move messages from areas of perception to the I…..It is my hypothesis that the Ca and Na ions in neurons….do not communicate information themselves by moving charges on and off like a Morse code…this is the current thought….which is unlikely…since thought is instantaneous and a type of Morse code would take many minutes to communicate very little…

Instead… I hypothesize that ions move…in confined spaces… which generates Waves which fill a corridor which are located next to the wall all around a nerve…Within this space between the inside of the nerve and wall, Waves reside and entangle… allowing messages to be swept from one side of the brain to the other in an instant…The Waves do all the work…ions are involved only indirectly…but this would prove that atoms with electron shells…. that is, even atoms which are not completely ‘revealed’ ….even though they may not be able to impact the world about them…they can participate Powerfully….in communication among atoms…

So this would mean that all communication…is two way!….Ions are in charge….but those ions that exist in the modified sugars that hydrogen ions are assembling…all those ions in the molecules that the ions are working on…can communicate right back!…telling the ions what is there, what is needed, what is being done by the molecule, what could be done…all sorts of information…

So, yes…it does seem that structure…that is, three dimensional configuration …. is a key to making molecules work…It also seems….that ionic communication is also important in protein assemblage and activity…. the interior of large molecules can be participating in the transmission of information among different binding sites….In this way particles and molecules can be in constant communication… They always seem to be working well together…Thus, proteins as a class of macro-molecules are unique in being able to recognize and interact with highly diverse molecules…

Yes, I maintain…that electrons ‘see’…they ‘feel’….nuclei ‘pull’….Concepts that in the past…. have been confined within parentheses….. I say now…. Come out now!….Come ‘out of the closet’!….There is an army…of Is…yelling at each other…working constantly together…all around us….Somehow we have been oblivious…to all of this….

Which takes us to another level of intellectual discovery!….There must be a Cosmic language that all matter innately shares!….perhaps this Cosmic Creation…..secretly….. lies at the base of all human…no, every animal… utterance…..

And as I have said…Sugar is what gets us there…well, here…Sugar is...exactly….how we got here….Because of that…this… fact….as I say, it is a fact that all of Life has been made of exactly one thing from Beginning….to this place in Cosmic history…. regardless of all the names…given to them fondly by scientists who think that they…are in control!…Kings working with stupid little pieces of dust…..names such as…cholesterol, vitamin D3, cortisol, testosterone, progesterone, estradiol, ethynodiol diacetate, and cholic acid….these eight molecules are indispensable to Life…now given such elegant names….Yet, come on now…they are all Sugar! Yep…we think of jargon as language that the social sciences use to distinguish themselves and elevate themselves up from crummy second rate disciplines up towards those great sciences in the Sky….of physics, biology, and chemistry….Yet chemistry has its obfuscating words, too…obfuscating because these words while we hear them all the time, and we think that the molecules they refer to… somehow appeared Magically in the evolution of Life…well, there is fact among the Magic…here…The fact is… that these are all Sugar…three and 5/6 hexagons of Sugar attached to each other…exactly the same!!!!! except for a little thing here…or there…it is obvious that something is taking one thing and just trying to see what a minor addition can do… attached here or there…and right there and here…There is regret here…there is tragedy here…You can see that all of Life…as I have said…is Sugar… with additions…..with meaning.. with activity which has been missed….astonishing behavior of microscopic bits of Consciousness…building a world of Life…that has reached far above, beyond them….All of this magnificent Magic….all of this Creation…all of this communication!,,,has been lost…in a mass…of elegant scientific…. jargon…

Building the Future…with Both Sides of the Brain

So we have presented here a hypothesis for how Life was Created.

As I say…many scientists have devoted their lives to this pursuit….with little progress. How can we have made so much progress in so little time?

Well, first we needed to Create new tools….Well, actually I have been working on a Synthesis that has yielded these hypotheses since 1966…for 55 years!…. so it did not happen over night….It started with a 7 page paper I submitted in a philosophy class…that astonishingly led directly to the development of new tools to work with…

What started everything…. was a paper on Hegel….The paper showed how Hegel had taken the ideas of eight different philosophers and integrated their thought… He did not ask the question as to which of these philosophers were right and which were wrong…Instead Hegel assumed that each philosopher was a genius and each viewed the world through the perspective of a faculty that was most highly developed in his mind….Thus, if one were to place the philosophies of these men in the proper order…one would have a picture of how ideas are created by the mind….

With the help of Dr. Henry Wan in the economics department at U.C. Davis…I came to understand what we were actually saying here…was that Hegel was looking at the brain…from the ‘inside out’…that is, with this paper….philosophy had collapsed into physiology…That is, philosophy which is a humanity…became part of biology. If this was the case…then of course the next step was that all the social sciences must be reworked…and placed on a biological base….When the social sciences are reworked in this way…then the social sciences cease to be a powerless, Mickey Mouse group of disciplines…they now gain Power..and are able to begin to communicate and work with the other sciences….the physical and biological sciences…All of these disciplines can now work together…in one great Science of Everything… to solve the great problems and challenges of our time…like Cancer…and how to make circuit boards even smaller…I began all of this work with my book…Man and the Cosmos…The Science of Everything...the first draft of which was written in the 1970s.

Thus, if one is to address the Creation of Life…one must have tools that most Universities do not have today….

Second…if we are going to be able to Build a great Future…we need something else…besides new Powerful tools….We will need to be able to receive contributions to science…new ideas…new hypotheses….from people who have dominance in the right side of the brain….While every person seems to be an expert on right-left hemispheric dominance in the brain….the reality is….I am one of the few who really knows what it means to be right hemispheric dominant….The ability to build a Powerful Synthesis in one’s brain is essential to addressing a question like the emergence of Life……Building the Future for Man- and Womankind…will require Creative work done with Power Syntheses…such as these… The fact is….Universities simply do not have many people with this ability… an ability that is possessed only by people who are right hemispheric dominant in their brains…..

Third…one has to be able to hypothesize things that simply are not allowed in University work today….If one has a powerful Synthetic ability,

and is able to utilize new Powerful new tools…like utilizing several of the disciplines in the Science of Everything in the formulation of hypotheses…. then one will realize early on….that when one ‘looks out’ upon the world…this perception is…empirical evidence….and that it must, as I have said… be the work of a hydrogen ion in our brains…Thus, it must be that every atom possesses Consciousness….Matter…possesses ‘Intention’….

Hypotheses such as these…are simply not allowed in University work today…Without this hypothesis, the search for how Life was formed…simply stops….

When one does have the ability called for and is able to make the correct assumptions… Well, then there is a lot of low hanging fruit….one can make progress in every direction…in a relatively short period of time…it would seem….simply because this work has been unable to be done…in the past.

So….as we are in this way emPowered…let us elaborate upon our thinking a little more…Let us move into our ‘Tesla’ mode.

I am just going to touch of a few things here…However….they are of the utmost importance….

When I wrote my first book…Man and the Cosmos…The Science of Everything.…I received only two positive responses out of 200 submittals to publishing companies….One was from Lawrence Ferlinghetti…the Beat…the other was from Mr. Ken McCormick, the editor in chief of Doubleday….Both of these men…. made it clear from the beginning….that they were there for emotional support…. for the duration!….Mr. Ferlinghetti died this past year….Mr. McCormick was very old when I submitted Whence the Tulufulu to him after he retired during the 1990s…..Both of these men made it clear from the beginning that…this was not about me…it was about the ideas….the ideas were sacred…worth the continued fight to develop them..worth the continual fight to get the ideas ‘out there’…not for profit necessarily….but because they knew that the world would need help…from ideas like these…. in the near Future…..

So let me jump to the important things…The moment I understood that every atom possessed Consciousness…I knew I had to develop a Cosmic theology…Well, much work had already been done by shamans 60,000 years ago…I know, we are in a modern age now…we are supposed to move past stupid ideas and religions from the past…religions that call for us….to respect and Love Nature, and all that….The Reason we don’t respect ideas like these is that we are caught in a world full of things, full of human Power,…. We are just too damn smart for animist ideas….for rocks to be full of Is….

So one thing we must realize right now…is that when we say every atom possesses an I...then we must realize…that every piece of Dust…is Sacred….

I know I sound like one of those crazed Lovers of Nature from the past….Lovers of the Old Way…and all of that…smoking my peyote or something…

I…. just picture Nikola Tesla…on a mountain top…..with electricity bolting out of his body… some crazed scientist…with every person around him afraid for his Life..

He was at home with Nature…He knew that he, we…are One with every piece of earth and sky around us….

When we turn on a popcorn popper….electricity flows…We are just beginning to understand what it means to say….that Everything is Energy…

Everything is composed…of Energy….All Energy possesses Consciousness… in all of its Forms….a flow of current is a River…of Is….

Immediately there is Demand…for Respect here!….Every time we turn on a Light…Consciousness…is there…is here!

So what do we do next?…As I have said…one reason that scientists are reluctant to postulate that matter may possess Consciousness is that instruments simply do not pick this up easily…this is obviously why in the past…for a Cosmic level higher…smaller?… than what humans can perceive…religion has been written to explain things…

Well, we are no longer Living in the Middle Ages…..Chemistry has come a long way, Baby!…Still…at this point…Chemistry simply does not consider the possibility of atomic Consciousness… So imagine that we had our way….Exactly how would we change things?….In a chemistry book written in our new way…how would we explain how Consciousness contributes to chemical interaction?…We would change words and emphasis…There would no longer be chemical ‘reactions’ in our book….Today students are taught that materials just react spontaneously with each other. In our book, materials would not simply collide…they would talk to each other….theywould jump towards each other… Now there ….is action and excitement!!!..Now there …is chemical interaction ….Now there…is a hypothesis…wherein Consciousness is able to utilize Will and Connection to create structure!…Right there...Chemistry has lost passive ‘reaction’…… Now there are little gods at work!…Now there... is intention!…At the present time… scientists are interested in concentrations of various chemicals… because in such liquids in which molecules are close together…collisions may occur…and in the old conception of things…passive collision among molecules in concentrations was at the Heart of chemical reaction…

Now…at the Heart of chemical interaction….in our book..would be…. Intention!….Communication!… Connection!…..Power!….. chemistry books today… the story is solely about electrons… where is the I in all of this?

Sorry..Chemists are simply not interested in nuclei of atoms…

This is obviously a mistake,…The nucleus possesses an I which makes everything happen!….

See how the right side of the brain works here?…It is obvious that University work has not suffered the experience of working with very many such people as I…in the past…A large part of this book is untold….and could be in the bibliography….Why is this?…Well, in the brain of a right hemispheric person… there is a Synthesis…This Synthesis possesses great Power! And it is only so big…only things that are conceptually related to the other are allowed in it…and every thought a right hemispheric dominant person possesses is… in…this Synthesis…and every thought he or she expresses must be expressed in Light of this Synthesis…So …you notice I always say something like ‘So…’ never ‘Therefore’…my ability is not that of deduction and analysis….it is the art of history and philosophy…the art…of story telling…So…that is what an expanded bibliography would be about…it would be composed of those parts of my Synthesis that are related to the topic at hand…but are hidden in this exposition…They were as important to the development of the ideas in this what is being presented…..Obviously including everything would add Power to this presentation…In this way, this book would become a historical document… But of course…what…that too much of that kind of stuff… can get in the way of the story at hand….One can sympathize with that great story teller…Hegel…when it came time to tell people what was on his mind…he simply saw no choice…he simply had to tell them… Everything!…all at once…all in one place….God bless him…We all have headaches….because of him…

Let us go on a little right hemispheric adventure here…just to see how that side of the brain can take the ball…and run with it….

Atoms…We think we know all about them…a small sun, the nucleus… with orbits of electrons around it…which is baloney…

There are shells of whirling electrons traveling so fast and sometimes so far…that they are like a fog with concentrations of activity here and there…We all know about steel…’Stalin’ in Russian means steel…alluding to a maniac who killed thousands of people…Yes, Steel…Strong but pliable…Although it is difficult to separate metal atoms, it is relatively easy to move them, provided the atoms stay in contact with each other….The simplest picture that explains these observations is the electron ‘sea’ model….which envisions a regular array of metal cations in a ‘sea’ of valence electrons the mobile electrons can conduct heat and electricity… and the metal ions can be easily moved around as the metal is hammered into a sheet or pulled into a wire.

A related model that gives a more detailed view of the electron energies and motions is the band model, or molecular orbital model, for metals. In this model, well, some electrons in a metal move around atomic nuclei…however, others…move quite differently…They seem to be traveling around inside the metal crystal…. in molecular orbits… formed from the electrons whirling around in the valence atomic orbits…that is, in the outermost orbits of the metal atoms. So, what is happening is…that the molecule is forming electron orbits of its own!….When many metal atoms interact, as in a metal crystal, the large number of resulting molecular orbitals become more closely spaced and finally form a virtual continuum of levels, called bands….When an electric potential is placed across a strip of metal, for current to flow, electrons must be free to move…In the band model for metals, mobile electrons are furnished when electrons in filled molecular orbitals are excited into empty ones. These conduction electrons are free to travel throughout the metal crystal as dictated by the potential imposed on the metal. Thus, you are left with a picture of metal nuclei lying in a regular array….Are they not like ions floated in a sea of electrons that wash over … in, through the metal ions….

All of this is like Tesla’s vision of how atoms were first formed…the Cosmos was a sea of energy and atoms emerged as swirling tiny nodes of concentration in this Cosmic sea…

Just as in photosynthesis we have a relic left from when Life was initially formed…Again in a metallic lattice…we have a sort of relic… one step removed from the Origin…of the Cosmos….

Now we have spotted a couple of these relics…from the far past….how many others …are just sitting there…waiting…for the finding?….Perhaps Life is just itching…and quite capable of telling…how Magic in the past…was done.

We are building the Future….and you had better believe…it will take both sides of the brain….to do it!

Deciphering the Language…of the Cosmos

So Consciousness in every atom…must exist….because particles are incapable of moving information by themselves…information must move between particles… carried by waves in a sort of Cosmic language….Waves are Created by Consciousness…which must be translated….deciphered… if we strive to put…thinking ions to work….in a human Future….Hydrogen ions and electrons are kind of the same when it comes to charge… when it comes to generating waves which can move information….

An interesting question is…..electrons are used in computer chips to move data and communication… but they work with an ‘on and off’ code…why not just use the waves associated with the electrons…like the brain does with ions?…this would accelerate speeds thousands of times…

So in the end…the proof is in the pudding…No! The proof is in an experimental proof of some sort….We need some empirical evidence…to move the probability of all of this being True…from 99.99 percent…to 100 percent…

Well, how about this?…These ions are conversing!….They had to have been able to communicate well to have Created all that they have in the past….So how about this?….Why don’t we look for evidence of ionic communication….and listen…in?….After all, our major problem is that we have not the instruments to examine carefully atoms that are smaller than what microscopes can bring into view….However, each of these tiny entities have connected to them….an electro-magnetic field which is 10,000 times larger than the particle itself!…So let us examine these waves….Let us listen in…to what these tiny things are saying…We just must understand one stupendous thing…these fields are not just positive or negative….electrically on or off…magnetic or not…No…these are the counterpart of great power-grid power lines in terms of Energy…they are power-grid..gigantic radio transmitters..communicating by means of some sort of Cosmic language…Can we crack the code? This challenge must be met if we are to confront the Future…successfully! It is more important than the codes that we broke during World War II….This is a World War…against Time…We only have so many years to confront Global Warming…the need for Global Development…to build a Future…to build a Place in which we are able to Live…on this God forsaken planet!….


So how were we able to rapidly and directly address the question of how Life was created? After all, many others have devoted their entire lives to this pursuit with little progress….A great tool… is the Science of Everything which we have been able to develop….This Science was developed originally because I quickly saw that if the social sciences are placed on a biological base as they should be…well, humans are animals, after all…then all the sciences can ‘talk’ to each other…work together to find the Truth…and build the Future. ..

But actually the concept of a Science of Everything goes far beyond animalness…The fact is… there is consciousness in every bit of dust…This is what truly unites the Cosmos…this is what truly unites the disciplines into One Science…and ultimately will give us the Power to change the world….

Chemistry books tend to have dark, rich, profoundly deeply colored covers because inside reside the materials of the world…like dirt and gas….while organic chemistry books are orange, gay, full of Life as they should be…The Truth is… regular chemistry books are about more than dirt and gas…they are filled cover to cover with Magic… with Sun Light…They are filled from end to end with…Consciousness!!! This should be remembered by students as they plow through myriads of pages of minutiae to memorize…every one of these substances has the potential to communicate…. perhaps even move the world in its own way…Yes, nuclear explosions are very…too much…impressive…in their own way….Yet their importance lies with what they tell you about a potential all materials possess…Something Cosmic…Magical… always lies within an atom…that can be released to impress…to shake the world….if allowed to do so….in its own way…

Chemical interactions are more than mere reactions, bonding, the transferring of electrons….Atoms are more than passive pawns in a chess game played by the Forces of the Cosmos….These materials are gifted with a language of their own…They may be saying things…that can move the world!

Yes, J.J. Thomson deduced that all atoms must usually possess electrons…and they must by Nature be positive in charge….He missed one thing….all atoms possess Consciousness!….The history of chemistry has been like having a ‘special’ kid in your class…a kid with Down’s syndrome has eyes, hair…but there is a lack of empathy from the other kids in the class….Surely you cannot expect intelligence or personality from a ‘special’ kid….And of course they are surprised when they actually become friends with him or her….Well, atoms are the same…there is a lot there that has been overlooked….and the kid with Down’s syndrome…has formed a rock band! And all of this…because people simply have not bothered to ‘look’….Black people have been enslaved and not treated as humans at various times in history….Well, atoms and molecules have suffered the same fate…They are utilized and exploited in every way imaginable….and they….are…’looking out’!… The most important thing about them is never considered to exist…The fact is…all energy….possesses Consciousness…There are Is….in every bit of dust and Fire…in the Cosmos!…

Only Consciousness creates order….Entropy is the Law of the Cosmos….Order tends towards disorder…always…unless Intentionality is involved….Randomness cannot converge…this can be proved mathematically …We have shown that this is True… in our own empirical experimental way…on this site!…The Cosmos can only degrade without applications of Consciousness….

Scientists say that gravity is spontaneous…Scientists very often are ignoring causation… in their writings…..Explanations are seldom given for first causes….Gravity is not ‘just is’…It is …Intentionality!….Why do particles spread out to occupy a space evenly…There must be a Conscious reason… Take a container with a partition down the middle….red balls on one side, green on the other…When the partition is removed…They mix because they become less ordered… No!….They mix because maybe things become less weird and different….maybe they can communicate more easily…Things do not just happen spontaneously…something is driving, moving… everything!

Scientists pronounce that .Nature spontaneously proceeds towards the states that have the highest probabilities of existing….That is…analysis, deduction…that is, mathematics… is the cause of everything…which drives everything…Perhaps… but what is doing the deducing and analyzing? What is conducting the probability tests?….The Truth is…mathematics… does not drive anything…We must get closer to first causes…which reside with Magic…The I.… Consciousness has driven everything from the Big Bang on….There is a physical Conscious reason for everything…A chemistry book talks about ‘driving’ forces…What does this book say…is doing the driving? It would seem that the book thinks that randomness, probability, mathematics are somehow driving everything…..Or stuff….just happens….Nature just likes to do certain things…as long as we can control something well enough to get what we need done done…then who cares about first causes….Things just happen…and we reap the profits!

The problem is…. that we have been doing too much reaping…too much raping…and so now… we are running out of resources…we are losing habitable places…We need to start afresh!…We need to start using things that are plentiful…The most plentiful things are very small and our instruments cannot interact with then….We need a different Science to deal with things that are necessary for a successful Future for man and woman….

Let us imagine what we might do…with such a new and Powerful Science!…

Witness! Here is something our Science can do!

When a new compound that will come in contact with humans is synthesized …the compound’s safety must be tested. Currently, this is done with expensive bacterial or animal tests. However, computers are now being introduced to screen new compounds… to detect those which are likely to be toxic in some way…

` Sounds great…computers are Powerful!

But Stop!….Right There!…Here is a really new way…of doing things….

There is an entity in each cell which does the same thing as that hypothetical computer could do..but it is doing these things….right now…. every second….That thing is… a centrosome….Every particle that enters a cell is carried on a filament to the centrosome….where something identifies the particle….This identification…is a type of perception….This entity then thinks…no quotation marks!….decides what to do with this bit of matter…and then acts…sends it on its way to the proper destination….

I maintain…that there is a hydrogen ion in the centrosome that is perceiving, thinking, and acting…equipped with a small memory of tis own…

What if we learn to communicate with these ions…and instruct such an ion in the centrosome…thusly….If a particle is identified to be precancerous…then the particle must be destroyed…instantly!!…or the cell must be made to commit suicide…which would nip…Cancer in the bud!

Imagine what Power a computer chip might have…if at the Heart of it…lay one hydrogen ion!…that can perceive,think and act…equipped with a tiny memory of its own!

Darkness…97 percent of the Cosmos is in Darkness…composed… it would seem… of things like Dark Matter….and Dark Energy….perhaps great castles of thought and memory?…Now that we are working with these ions….now that we are concentrating on the real actors in the universe… maybe they will be able to tell us about the 97 percent of the Cosmos we know absolutely little about….Now the story told in this minibook becomes something different than what it promised…This story is more than about some ions doing stuff….The story we have told here…promises to be….the very ….Beginning…of a bright, new Future!

The next Industrial Revolution must utilize things…we cannot see. That’s right!…99 percent of all Life…is microscopic…all matter is built of atoms that instruments cannot examine well…It is in Darkness…as far as we…are concerned….They are in a place…that we are really not aware of…And it is in precisely this place…..that the raw materials, the Energy, the Magic that all matter possesses…can be found….must be found…. tapped, and utilized…if all people on this planet are…to be taken care of…

We are on a blue planet…floating in black Space….We are alone…

There is …no one else!…We must…learn to take care of each other…

and Build..the Future…Together!


This blog is currently receiving over 100,000 hits a month. For most of the 25 years our website has existed…we have average around 70 hits a day.

We are gratified that people might want to read our little books and listen to our music…No one associated with our site is interested in fame or fortune.

Greedy, exploitive people like Bill Gates and Zukenberg betray the ‘spirit’ of the Internet…the Hippyness…the Beat complexion and concern for others that has always lain at the true Heart of the Web…..

With these numbers…we can feel people rising in their concern for the times….Our visitors at the blog are from around the world…one quarter have always been from Russia, the Ukraine, and Belarus….We are being contacted by all people…. who look to the Web for True freedom of speech and sincere Call to Action….

We are feeling your ‘spirit’…rising…We feel that people around the world would like to lend their support to changing the world for the better

…toward helping to build a bright Future for a humanity…that is now, it would seem…ever increasingly…in Trouble.

We feel there is a need for a place where people can express their views, their support for a cause which is a world concern..not just ours…a place where things can really start rolling…without someone always a threat to rip everybody off….We also feel that some people may feel unconformable just sending an email to specific people associated with our blog…but we feel that people are truly in need of a place where their views can be heard…where responses to things they may read and listen to on our site can be submitted

…and a two way conversation…may occur….

When my son was young…back in the 1980s…he wrote a series of stories about a hero he felt he needed at that time…a hero in his imagination who represented all the Good and Greatness the world really needs right now….

The series was named Zokey’s Log…the ‘Log’ referring both to the skateboard-like spacecraft Zokey whizzed about the Cosmos on…but also the patch of material…whereon he would continually inscribe his thoughts…his concerns….

In the next few weeks, we shall, first of all, place some of this series on the site…on our blog…and second…we shall have a special email address that will be a part of our communication center that people have been hesitant to use for some reason…it will be a special place where you can write, speak freely…..anonymously if need be…..We will take care to read everything submitted and think about what is said…we will respond, if it is appropriate…. Our goal is that we all…must start working together to build the Future….We shall encourage you to start a Creative Cluster of 30 to 50 people…We started the first Creative Cluster in the world just a few months ago…the State of California is starting to use Pandemic Pods to help tutor kids during this time of crisis…and the U.S. Army, as part of a military strategy…has a budget to encourage local groups like ours…and yours…to help increase World research thousands of times….

But Clusters and Pods may not be enough…there seems to be a feeling that we need some World organization that we all can be a part of…that can become a real Force in changing the world…not just a place to applaud problems….We will need your ideas about starting and equipping a Force such as this…..

For now email me at…..

We will have a special email for Zokey in the next few weeks…

You will be able to write ‘Dear Zokey’…and you can be rest assured…that Zokey will be listening….responding…and helping you anyway that is within his Power…

These are troubling times…yet they are not! There is a world of people out there…ready to rise, shout, Fight together…for Truth.!…ready to work together to Create a Future…for Humankind!…..

Lubert Stryer, Lubert, Biochemistry, Fourth Edition (New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1995) , 1064pp.

Zumdahl, Steven S., Chemistry, Third Edition (Lexingron, Massachusetts, D.C. Heath and Company, 1993), 1210pp.


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