Hegel Building The 21st Century




Frank W. Andres

© Copyright, Frank W. Andres, 2021.

All Rights Reserved.

This book is dedicated to Avalon.

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Okay…right here, right now…I do hereby promise that this introduction has something to do…with Hegel…with the development of his philosophy which embraced… a World View…that is, one that was promised to supersede, yet contain all the philosophies that had preceded it….and with how now, somehow… all of what he believed and hoped for…is finally able to lead to an exploration of mind…which is promising to lead to a world of creative explosion…all of which can be a part… of building the 21st Century!

Well, what happened was this…During the summer of 1961…between my graduation from high school and my commencement unto my matriculation at college….I took a speed reading class at what was then Chapman College in Orange, California….As it turned out, the main thrust of academic pursuit in the class was not to engender unto students more rapid assimilation of books that they might be reading…no, as it turned out it seemed that speed was the last thing on these two professors minds….Sorry, I never did catch their names….Hey…I was a kid! Well, these ladies had all sorts of apparati and strategies which were or could be employed to make one’s absorption of written material more efficient…Yet, there were to be two major focuses upon our attention during these ten weeks…and these foci… which were made clear from the onset…were, as I have said…surprisingly, not necessarily aligned…with the paroxysm of speed.

First, students were to read as much as possible during a certain expanse of time…possibly one important book…maybe even a great book…at any rate regardless of its ranking…at least one book a week…from a list of classics written in English which they handed to us the first day….Second, there was a definite procedure to be followed as we read…. one was to scan the pages of each chapter in a book before it was read…engendered by a sort of the weaving of one’s hand …palm up…back and forth, smoothly and rapidly from top to bottom of each page…quickly discerning any words that one might not be acquainted with…or as they stressed…any literary words of power that we might encounter…whether we thought we knew them or not should be included…because as they surmised with what to me seemed to be a sardonic countenance….often the meanings of words which we thought we knew…could be wildly mistaken…The instant such a word of interest was identified…as one’s hand waved abacadabrashly quickly through the pages…, one was to terminate abruptly all progress…open his or her spiral shorthand note pad… the type of notepad always utilized in those typewriter days….whose cover seemed to be composed of recycled cardboard… Then laboriously,…religiously…we were to carefully document the following precious knowledge concerning this word onto, into our pad… First we were to devote a section of the pad…to the book we were reading…Then within that space we were to list the vocabulary words encountered… we were to number the words in order…as we confronted them…one by one…, carefully writing each word with rapt attention to its spelling…next showing how each small collection of hieroglyphics is pronounced phonetically…according to the blue bound Webster’s Dictionary that we were to have on our person…at all times…. Next was recorded the definition of the utterance…We were to help inscribe this into our memories indelibly… by underlining the proper definition…in the Dictionary…that is, the definition best expressing how the word was being used in the passage we were intending to read…Yes, somehow this repetitious, intricate procedure was to lend power to our memory to recall these massive lists of words in the future…rendering unto us….a literary vocabulary…as the instructors repeatedly and proudly intoned unto us….truly a meretricious…well, I should say… meritorious… goal, in itself….Finally, the page of the book we were reading…was recorded im the notebook..in case we desired to view the word in action again at some future date…

Well, one of the books I read, was the 1,000 page tome….Tolstoy’s War and Peace...that book alone accounted for approximately one third of the stupendous pile of verbiage harvested in this modest onomasticon of a synonymicon of my making…..during this time….

So obviously….one way this class endeavored to increase our efficiency as readers… was by way of increasing our understanding of the words we were encountering…

Well, I can’t remember exactly how those class hours were filled during the week..it seems to me we were there for several hours at a time … with a ten minute break for graham crackers and orange juice…..

Well, there was a second strategy beyond reading a pile of books…involved with this instruction…Well, as it turned out…as I have said…and as one of the teachers finally admitted… enabling kids to read faster…apparently was not the most important goal of the course…Instead as I have said, reading a pile of books…coupled with increasing one’s vocabulary were all part of one focus employed….this focus actually might have something to do with increasing speed of reading…but hey…if you really were set on a racing sort of experience..I mean, there were machines…to be used I suppose…they were sitting around…at hand..that could be utilzied…

.But there was another aspect of the class that seemed to be more important to the teachers than all the rest…in fact, this second endeavor may have represented the actual reason for the existence of this instruction…in the first place. It involved a strategy that may have given the professors… grist for their research mill… perhaps a book they were writing together….

You see what happened was…we were all tested rigorously at the beginning….We were given several tests…I forget how many in all…but they were all I.Q. Tests… There was the Stanford Binet test, of course…as that is sort of the official I.Q. test that is always given…but there were several others….We were to take the tests again at the end of the course…and see if our scores differed in a significant way…Any deviation, it was proposed…. would be probably a result of our reading!…Yes, these rascals of professors were actually attempting to document whether the results from these intelligence tests they were giving were altered by any cultural influence…. after all, all these tests supposedly were measuring innate ability…not something acquired….The rest of the students never learned the results of this exercise…except for me….In my case….my mother was called in immediately…and I was never to be given the second round of tests…

Because something had occurred…right off!..As I say, my mother was called in to meet with one of the professors….there was a matter of the utmost urgency…I had taken one of the tests and had received the highest score ever obtained. on the test….perhaps on any such test….It was the Wechsler-Bellevue-Block Design Test….I asked them what sort of I.Q. this test was measuring….the professor shrugged and said that she thought that I.Q….was simply I.Q. She showed us the results…how the test scores for the block test actually went up to only 170 I.Q….but they had extrapolated to get a score of around 230 in my case….In the material they showed us…it was stated that Goethe and Hegel had both taken the test and had scored in the 160-170 range….

Well, three years later when I was attending the University of California at Davis…I did some research concerning I.Q. tests…and found the following…..It seems that the test I had done well on…is the only one that measures abilities associated with the right hemisphere in the brain…which means that Goethe and Hegel were right hemispheric dominant…and I was the same… and supposedly smarter…I certainly never felt that way…my intellectual friends liked my company…but I was more like a pet…fun to play and talk with… but come on…they were geniuses.!.. .

So I am right hemispheric dominant in my brain…what does this mean?…Well, even neural specialists seem to possess only a sketchy idea…Roger Sperry of Cal Tech examined seven patients whose brains were cut in two…the corpus collasum was cut in the hopes of helping epileptic patients…and he found that the Wechsler-Bellevue test was the only test that measures the abilities of the right side of the brain…unfortunately there have been no more live human brains to work with…one of his students is now the authority on this side of the brain and he has not been able to make any progress…but someone cannot really talk about any of this or ask why more research has not been done…because he…is the authority….The sad fact is… that universities screen out the right side of the brain when they test kids for admission ….the Scholastic Aptitude Test…the SAT… is related to the left side of the brain…and all other tests that might be given are the same… so it is highly probable that any professors that might read my stuff and be interested are left side brain people…they have no idea how the right side of brain works…why and how it is important to the creation ideas…they don’t think it is needed at all…Meanwhile one-third of the population of the United States are discriminated against…they possess special needs and abilities…that universities and educational systems in general cannot address or develop. This leads to second class sort of lives for them… but it is a tremendous loss for the country as well..because scholarship and research is slowing down because the right side of the brain is essential for new ideas….physics has made little progress beyond cyclotrons since 1926…As we move along in this minibook…supplementary information will be given in the Bibliography at the end…to maintain the flow of the story….

Even the Memory is Different

So almost everyone has heard about the two sides of the brain…but almost nothing is known about them….really!….People are either left hemispheric dominant in their brain (lhd)…or right hemispheric dominant (rhd)…Everything is known about the left side of the brain…it is mathematical..it is analytical…and we know how desperately important those abilities are to research and to world progress in general…When it comes to the right side of the brain…well…people who are rhd…seem to be intuitive, inductive, their work is in syntheses….it has never been established why these abilities might be of any importance…to anyone…for any reason… therefore,such people are never identified as such…and are not studied in detail….Well, I am definitely rhd….and supposedly a bit gifted in this respect…. Let me tell you what I know…about myself…almost any rhd person would tell you the same…if anyone bothered to ask or care about them….

So the facts are these…people are either rhd or lhd…they are not both…which one they are is indicated by an alpha charge in their brain….One important difference between lhd and rhd people has not been recognized…their memories are very different…Aswe have said…with hemispheric dominance…a person is rhd or lhd…one cannot be both…the same is true for memory…lhd and rhd people memorize things one way or the other…not both….Then the information that is stored in memory is processed differently…according to hemispheric dominance…rhd by inductive. synthetic aibilites and lhd by deductive, analytical abilities….

Examples of these two types of memories are…well, Hegel’s writing, as incomprehensible as it may seem at times…is actually already highly processed…it is already very selective….He obviously had read massive amounts of literature…but what is not noticed is that he read quickly through things and paused only when something ‘rang a bell’…that is, something corresponded with something already in his memory…..the right side of the brain operates on the basis of similarity….analogy…placing things together that are similar in nature…and considering things together if there are similarities in movement…in cause and effect….the rhd needs to move without barriers though all the disciplines to link up ideas across the board

and powerfully advance all knowledge with powerful hypotheses…many of these ‘breakthroughs’ in thinking may end up as ‘false alarms’…but the ones that survive scrutiny by the left side of the brain…advance science…advance culture in mighty ways….

The left side of the brain…when it comes to memory…think of James Joyce…what in the heck were his books all about?…Well, Ulysses and Finnigan’s Wake were actually detailed recordings of what was in Joyce’s memory…You can tell from his expression of irritation that he was angry that after thirty years of life, his memory was dominated by inputs from three major areas…the Church, information related to English institutions…and recollections related to his Irish upbringing….little of which was useful in helping to build a new world…His memory was not processed to begin with…it was a ‘spot’ memory…saved ‘as is’…a sort of a Google storage area…ready for processing by a left hemispheric analytical ability….an achievement test like the SAT that is used to select whom universities will admit…basically tests how massive the information is in a mind and assumes that such a memory is somehow a key indication of a students probable future success in academic studies.

Notice that the rhd memory is processed…to begin with…and the lhd memory is not….

Inductive and Analytical

` So rhd and lhd people have different kinds of memories….and then they operate upon these memories…each in a different manner. One uses an inductive process… the other an analytical one. One comment, of course, is made constantly….People are constantly protesting…remarking…But these two processes are not opposites…why are they not ‘inductive’ and ‘deductive’…or ‘analytical’ and ‘synthetic’…The reason is that the former pair denominates processes… and latter, products ….of thought.

First, there is the Inductive….This is a rhd person…He or she is called Inductive because…rhd thought is known for and by its process…it is an inductive, growing, developing process….the synthesis in a rhd person’s mind is always working, working, working…this work will never be finished….Things may be written…but only small portions of the total ‘Truth’, the total ‘Absolute’…. the total ‘World View’ can ever be recorded for others to see…..The ‘Masterpiece’ is always inside….

When a rhd person does finally begin to write…this ‘Masterpiece’ may look like garbage…just piles of words on words that are difficult for a reader to sort out and comprehend the meaning of…But inside…the Masterpiece rules!!! It is all there and the rhd mind runs through all its trails and highways endlessly…enjoying what he or she has created….Because it is all one Whole…all connected…all consistent…the Creator of this Masterpiece feels that he or she…can handle anything that comes before him or her…

anything that he or she might encounter…because all Truth…all Power…all

Impact…that can Change…and can Build a World…all that he or she needs……can be found…in the synthesis that resides….inside… Baby!

On the other hand…is the Analytic….As we have seen, there is only rubbish inside…just an ashcan containing every possible thing this poor person has come up against in his or her Life….This man…this woman has Power…though…You had best believe it….and his or her Power…is what he or she can do..with what is in front of him or her…If there is a light socket to be repaired…stand back!…this man or woman can just use his or her mind…to determine what is wrong…and fix it!…Yes…anything this person confronts is a challenge…that he or she feel can be dealt with his or her analytical Powers….And when such a person writes something…there is obviously a lot of thinking done upon what is before him or her…or upon the rubbish in his or her memory…but what he or she is known for…what he or she can be the most proud of…is the final work done before you…or the final written product that you may peruse at your leisure…in perfectly grammatical and analytical language….So it is the ‘Analysis’…the final Product that is important to what the lhd person has to give the world…this final product resides outside… not inside his or her mind….

Which brings us back to why Inductives have such trouble writing their stuff down…usually they can talk okay…they just bring out a splash of brilliance from the Whole, the Masterpiece inside…to amaze a person in response to something that has just been said…But writing…that is different…

writing may not really be a rhd thing at all…but it must…be done…to live in this world….sooo

Aristotle, who was rhd..showed us how….it may not be easy…but it works…and it may not be proper…but it is the best a rhd person can do…

When I say it, you will say…yeh, I know…Aristotle was always saying that…but you just didn’t know what he was referring to….What I am referring to…is the Search for the First Cause….What the…Well, the trick here is…that a person must take a Synthesis..which is multidimensional in one’s mind…and transform it somehow…into a one dimensional form…writing!…As I say, this is a form not automatically nice for a rhd person..but as you can see in my writing in this minibook… eventually a rhd person can make do….

What a rhd person has to do…is look at the portion of the Absolute…the total Synthesis one has in his or her mind…that is relevant to the subject at hand…and then just grab a piece of it…in his or her thinking…and find what comes Before…Usually when constructing the synthesis…the emphasis is upon cause and effect…you see one thing happen…then something happens afterwards…then later when you see a similar thing happen…your mind being rhd… automatically looks for what it saw before that happened after…something is automatically expected…After…..So the emphasis in the Building process in your mind…is After…

But when you are communicating that mass of subjects and causation in your mind…the emphasis is on…Before….Okay, there is this…so what comes before…then before…then before…back to what an Analytic would denominate…a ‘determinant’…well, in this case, since all of this is really really crude deduction…barely worthy of the name…we call it instead…The First Cause…which gives it an Authority related to the importance we feel the idea possesses…the reason we want to share the idea with you…

Still all of this is just a hypothesis…it is not like the eternal Truth an Analytic finds every time he or she open their damn mouths…

It should be obvious…it must be obvious…by now…that these two sides of the brain…must work…together…

The Dialectic

When one thinks of Hegel, one naturally thinks of one thing…it is almost certain that people think of this one thing…and Hegel…together…if they know very little about him….Actually, this something…is something… that Hegel never bothered with very much…The person who really worked and reworked this idea was Johann Gottlieb Fichte…. Hegel didn’t stress it…because it is so automatic, so fundamental…to the Inductive process…And anyone who links the word with Hegel…well, if they are lhd…then…in actuality…there is no way that he or she has an idea as to what the word is really referring to…But every Inductive knows!!!! although they don’t think much about it…because it happens every second in their minds…every day….

The Dialectic!…Yes, Great God Almighty…it is The…Dialectic.!!!…

So according to what we all know…in this process..or whatever it is…there is first a Thesis…then an Antithesis…and then Great God Almighty…there is…

a Synthesis! Now after all that I have written so far…might you not have a guess as to what is really going on here?…yes, Child…There is a Synthesis to begin with …in your mind…and every second you are confronted visually or by means of some other perceptual apparatus…well, you encounter Something… Anything else…and automatically, just like how your memory was installed in the first place…your mind automatically spots ‘similarity’

to something already in one’s memory…well, Goodness Gracious..that..is just like..that…or…it moves in a pattern…just like…that…If similarity is immediately apparent…the Synthesis is voracious…it absorbs what is encountered…immediately…the new…becomes part…of the old…thing…The Thesis is actually the Synthesis that existed before..in the rhd person’s mind….the Antithesis is the new thing encountered..and the Synthesis…well, we have a new one of those now…. The new thing or idea of a thing is sort of… well… eaten, digested…and assimilated…inside…the mind….

The syllogism is the basic building block of an analysis…It is also the basic working process of the Analytical mind….The Dialectic…is the basic process with which the Inductive utilizes to ‘grow’…that illustrious Synthesis…inside….

Can you see how much Inductive people have been taken for granted…

How much they have been ignored? None of this…None of it…is common knowledge.!…Even the greatest minds in the universities…are not aware of any of this…Because the right side of the brain…has been screened out…Professors have to be lhd…almost by law! And because of this…Well…Yes, Germans can become very angry….and they have become very angry…and I mean…very…very… angry… because of all of these things…But we shall come back to this….

The Science of Everything

Okay…so some things about Hegel may become clearer now…but Hegel had a religion of a sort…He felt that philosophy could be even more powerful than the institutionalized religion we are aware of…He felt that Philosophy could actually be a sort of science…in that he believed it possessed the potential Power to change the world…to Build the future….and so it does.!…think along with me…

As we have seen above….Well, we were talking about philosophy and in particular, one esteemed philosopher…but we quickly were talking about hemispheric dominance in the brain…In fact, all of this philosophy suddenly becomes very clear and very important when one realizes what we really are talking about….What we are talking about is this…Philosophy is really…the discipline that examines the human brain…from the inside out!…Yes, what has happened is that philosophy has collapsed…into physiology…into biology..and this is fittingly so…because now with the recent discoveries and uses of DNA in so many ways…we are all now aware of one fact…one Truth…that is seldom uttered in polite places….MAN AND WOMAN….ARE ANIMALS!….Yes, it is a lovely thought…and it is True!…All Life on earth is made from the same building blocks…thus, all Life must be examined in the same manner…All the sciences, social, physical, biological need to be using the same language, same methodologies …then they can all talk to each other,

then…they will be able to work together…. on everything…


One third of the population is lhd….yet these people are left bereft…with no education that is helpful for them…rhd, lhd abilities need to be identified

even in pre-school…these abilities need to developed in different ways…

But the real emphasis here…is something I haven’t even talked about yet

and it is the most important thing….Right and Left hemispheres…when they work together….have Power….they Explode!!!! And explosions such as this must begin early…and I mean, really early…kids in preschool…playing with blocks…look at them…somehow they already know…what their teachers are not even aware of….they can learn together…they can Create…together….


Research should be done in Creative Clusters….emphasizing the use of the right and left sides of the brain….together….We need to get everybody involved…rich and poor…smart and average…and not just universities…. everyone….in every neighborhood….In California, we are starting to use Creative Clusters to Move the World…and Build…the 21st Century!


The 20th Century was the richest century in the history of the world…

but only a few benefited from this wealth…Now oil is gone…we must rebuiild

…we must take care of all….We are not going to throw up our hands and say well, what can we do?….No, it is all before us…There is a giant mountain we need to climb…We are starting to do the things we need to do…and we realize one thing now…more than ever…We all…and I do mean All…must be a part of the solution….It is possible to increase research thousands of times…We must avoid violence of any kind…everywhere…We must Build…not destroy! Hegel knew that everything and anything was possible…He and Goethe knew that man- and womankind can and must…change the world….They had visions of what this new world might be…These were two of the greatest people the world has ever seen…Yet they could not envision how bad things could be… There has been Death like no one has ever seen before…War must stop now….

It is time…for us…to Build……



Some of the categories above have few words…This is because I have been writing for sixty years…and no one has been reading…Everything is available on all topics at minimal cost at/on our website….

Here are some supplemental notes to this minibook….

Right hemispheric dominant people are becoming more and more precious it would seem…as it is estimated that only one third of the world’s population is rhd…and their numbers are diminishing as they are being discriminated against….many languishing in poverty…If any countries in the Europe seem to be comprised mostly of rhd people, it would be Germany and Holland…One can trace the economic development of Europe by moving from South to North…through countries that have a high density of rhd people…this does not mean that the right side of the brain gives a country an advantage economically….What it means is…rhd people are concentrated in this line moving from Italy, to Switzerland, to Germany, to Holland…to England….left hemispheric dominant people are spread evenly across all…of Europe….so the countries up the middle have both abilities….and both abilities together invite explosions in progress and culture…think of the Beatles…think of Francis Crick and James Watson…

In the Beginning…humans were right hemispheric dominant…like all apes…except for the bonono…which somehow scientists know are both lhd and rhd…this latter fact seems to indiicate that lhd abilities have always lain latent and waiting in human DNA….so the successive waves of Homo erectus, Neanterthal, and then Homo sapiens were all rhd…..until something happened…During the last ice age, as Homo sapiens moved northwards from Africa some 100,000 years ago…most moved into what is now Europe…this was an easily available geographical area with a mild climate…At some point Homo sapiens were forced or just were inclined to move northwards…way way northward towards the Arctic Circle… above where Siberia is today…As I say, it was an ice age…these adventurers did not have to move very far north until they were in very harsh conditions…it was in this forbidding northern area where in certain parts of the year there was little available food and little available light….in this dietary and sensory deprived environment…lhd people seemed to have first emerged….It was here that the first language and religion appeared…I maintain, that this occurred not because one side of the brain is superior to the other…but here for the first time both abilities existed…together…side by side..actually mixed thoroughly….and an explosion occurred in the development of Homo sapiens….

In time the numbers of lhd people increased quickly and spread south into China and India and Indonesia…some swept into Europe from time to time…as they would do for centuries… in deadly raids upon rhd people…. Most importantly they spread into the deserts of the Middle East where rhd people moving from the south mixed with the lhd peoples moving from the north…and Civilization…was born….This is all my hypothesis…but then all new hypotheses come from the right side of the brain…the new…can come from nowhere else…the left side of the brain is mostly mathematics…and mathematics is built out of zero….the left side of the brain is all form…with no ability to create content….This is the reason that research has stagnated in the U.S. since 1900 as universities have screened out rhd people with the SAT test and are left with piles and piles of books..with less and less new stuff in them…We have an Internet which is wonderful…but it is all form, all computer, all infrastructure…with little increase in content….little progress in culture….

Michael Gazzanaga worked with Professor Sperry studying the hemispheres of the brain…He subsequently has been recognized as thee authority on hemispheric dominance in the human brain…However, as I understand things, there are no longer any scholars able to study hemispheric dominance…as there are no new fresh live human brains…to examine…

Kaufman, Walter, Hegel…A Reinterpretation (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1978), 404pp.

Hegel, Georg, Wilhelm, Friedrich, Phenomenology of Spirit, translated by A.V. Miller, analysis and foreword by J.N. Findlay (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977), 595pp


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