Every Atom has an I!?
Frank W. Andres

The scientists is proud of his objectivity…his reliance upon meticulous empirical verification
to obtain Truth…But who is doing the validating?  Who is scrutinizing the data?
The answer to this takes us to the mysticism and magic of the shaman.
The I.     The Science of the I.    The Power and Connection…of the I.

© Copyright, Frank W. Andres, 2019. All Rights Reserved.

This is a Minibook…..Instead of expressing an idea and then blowing the number of pages up, up towards three hundred just so we can charge $25 as is currently the fashion, we are presenting the kernel of an idea….in the hopes that ideas can be transmitted more rapidly and breakthroughs can occur now, not next century. There is a fifty percent chance that humanity will not make it through this century….it is important that we make as much progress as fast as we can…so as to avoid an untimely demise.

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Introduction 1

The Great Unknowns

This is the first of three minibooks that I am putting on our blog on our website….one at a time…during this year of pendemic…Most of what is in these minibooks has been presented elsewhere…in other minibooks or several of my longer books…I am presenting these ideas again here for a new audience…because I just read a fabulous book written by Marcus Du Sautoy… The Great Unknowns… Seven Journeys to the Frontiers of Space ( 2016). Du Sautoy is a professor of mathematics and the Simonyl Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford. Du Sautoy has found seven great problems in the curriculum…which must be confronted and conquered…if humanity is to progress satisfactorily in, into the future. …I would say…they must be confronted and conquered…if man and woman…are to survive this century. These seven great problems are the following….

Chaos...How can we really really know something?…and in particular the emergence of Life….In some models the chance for the emergence of Life is like throwing dice…and having them land on a six…36 times in a row…The emergence of Life seems to be of upmost importance to Du Sautoy…as far as the problem of chaos is concerned…..I have a hypothesis that addresses this the emergence of Life….that can be found in a minibook, available on this website..on this topic…Actually, this problem of the emergence of Life…collapses into another problem on his list…Consciousness….Because of this…this minibook on Consciousness pretty much addresses everything that concerns Du Sautoy…when it comes to what is really important…about chaos.

Matter...Will we ever know what quarks and electrons are made of?

I think we can use my Science of Everything to help answer that question…I will tell you about my new Science…The Science of Everything…in this minibook…as well, as my new Scientific Method…What is the Science of Everything…Well, because man and woman are now officially recognized as being animals…then the social sciences and the humanities…must be now placed on a biological base…Fro example…when philosophy is placed on a biological base…we realize that this discipline… is actually the examination of the brain… from the inside out…Philosophy becomes…an empirical Science!…As we shall see…my hypothesis is… that our I is a hydrogen ion… ‘looking out’…So we are ‘looking out’ from the center of an atom…What do we see?…I see only energy…no strings attached!… ho ho…No particles within particles….

Quantum Physics,..I’ll come back to this…

The Universe…Du Sautoy is concerned here with the study of the Cosmos and considerations concerning the beginning of Time…I think we have a pretty good idea of how and when the universe was created….How, why and what came before …we shall never know…so this is probably a True unknowable…. However, I am not certain that answering this conundrum…is actually vital to the survival…of our species….So for me…this is a non-problem…to be solved.

Time…This problem is actually part of our consideration of relativity…I’ll come back to this one…

Consciousness.….I’ll come back to this one….

Infinity.…This great problem is actually part of the consideration of The Universe again….The universe is finite…. but expanding…into god knows what or where….into an infinity we shall never know…this is the same question as to what came before the universe…same question, same conclusion… The search for an answer to this problem…is not essential for us.

So we are really left with three questions we can deal with…that we need…to deal with….Quantum Physics… Time… that is, Relativity,…, and Consciousness….…These are problems that must be solved now…if humanity is to survive this century…During the past fifty-five years, I have come up with some ideas in these three areas…As I have said…I am now going to put three minibooks on these topics…on this site on this blog one at a time…beginning with this one on Consciousness…that sum up what I have come up with …thinking about these challenges…as of this date…I agree with Du Sautoy…these are three of the most important problems to be solved…right now…We must all work on these and try to solve them as fast as possible….There has been little progress for the past 100 years. This effort will take both sides of the brain….not just the mathematical side. It is important for all us working in Creative Clusters to confront these problems ourselves….Universities simply do not have the funds to do the requisite research….All of us working together… can increase research thousands of times…Let’s go!

Introduction 2


As I have said…in the 1970s I wrote a book, Man and the Cosmos…. an updated version was published in 2018…in which I placed the social sciences on a biological base…When I wrote this book…suddenly we had many new sciences concerning man and woman…that could talk to each other… and could address problems encountered in the physical and biological sciences as well. When I addressed the problems related to relativity from the perspective of my new Science of Everything… to scientists back in the 1970s…they just said… ‘Sorry but we are just at the beginning of things here…just give us a little time and everything will become clear.’…People said that my ideas …were ahead of their time…Well, it has been 55 years now and science has not moved an inch…in these vital areas….We are stuck in a morass… and cannot move forward….We are running out of time…it is said that humanity only has a fifty percent chance of surviving the 21st century…and twenty years are already gone in this new century! Yes, great things have been done in the recent past… yet we must understand that all of this modernity that humans are so proud of…and have been taking for granted…. is very, very new…great music has been written only in the last 300 years…Scientists at commencement celebrations… still wear the robes of the clergy….

Okay, so I have given science 55 years to show me where I am wrong when it comes to the question of relativity…and in the past 15 years I have come up with ideas concerning Consciousness and quantum mechanics…The book by Du Sautoy presents the State of the State… of Confusion…when it comes to these three great questions… I am sorry to say….He simply has to throw up his hands throughout the book…Everywhere you look…when we attempt to build the 21st century… it appears that we are still on square one…As far as Consciousness is concerned…some people in the neural sciences are attempting to duplicate the human brain using computers…there has been no progress attempting to create consciousness…

Science cannot progress until we clear the black-white board and start in a new direction…with all the colors!…In this book I am looking at Consciousness…As I have said…I made breakthroughs in my thinking on this subject…fifteen years ago…..In 1900 we thought we were in a completely new world…that Industrial Revolution had given us…So naturally writers, philosophers…and scientists thought… Yes! A new world!…now we can move from Newton… to Stravinsky, Joyce, Einstein, Heisenberg out into the new…Instead we took a wrong turn…We are seemingly left in the void…of Outer Space…A survey of people around the globe…has revealed…that most people feel…that the development of the atomic bomb…was a tremendous mistake! Industrial Revolution…the glorious mantel of Newtonian science gave us two disastrous wars…that consumed oil that should have lasted centuries, gave us horrendous death and destruction…and an utopian post-war suburban world that has polluted and threatened the future of humanity on this blue sphere… moving in black space…all alone…

So, Consciousness….I have presented what immediately follows…. several times before in other places…but for some of you this is the first time…so let us review…For others…you may skip to new sections of this minibook…

So…what is an I particle?…I believe that every atom has an I…Just as you have something ‘looking out’….I believe that every atom has a particle within it…capable of…’looking out’. Scientists are forbad contemplating such things….However, as I have said elsewhere…six different disciplines and areas of thought I have studied…point toward such a hypothesis….The fight against cancer has been throttled because crucial steps have been blocked…I believe that this fight can gain renewed vigor…if the power of the I … is allowed to open the way….I know this hypothesis concerning the I…is surprising ….but science is being slowed in recent decades because of the futility of our instruments….things are either too small….or too fast to be measured correctly….or be discerned at all. I have proposed the use of an interdisciplinary approach to overcome the inadequacies of our instruments. We need a new Science…and we need a new Scientific Method….When we utilize these new tools….we uncover surprising things!

A Cosmic Theology and The Science of Everything

When we are thinking about consciousness…let us begin with philosophy and theology….In my book, Man and the Cosmos.…I have a chapter entitled…’Man, Woman, and a Cosmic Theology.’ That chapter begins with the following ideas…

The strategy of the seventeenth century French philosopher, René Descartes (1596-1656), was important in my organizing Man and the Cosmos …He believed that one should begin with what is most ‘clear and distinct’ to his or her mind…and then proceed outwards into the world…When he considered what was most ‘clear and distinct’ to his mind…he proclaimed…’I think; therefore, I am.’ What he began with…was his mind…That is,…things in his mind …were more clear…and distinct to him… compared to things external to it. Therefore, when I reexamined the social sciences…well, we know we are animals now… we look at DNA…we can see that humans are 99.3 percent identical to chimpanzees. If this is True…and it is…regardless of what Donald Trump might say…then the social sciences must be restudied and placed on a biological base. Such an empowered Science of Man and Woman is urgently needed in a century in which there is a fifty percent chance that human civilization as we know it…may be extinguished.

As I say…utilizing the Science of Everything…we have come up with an astonishing hypothesis….It appears that every atom in the Cosmos…possesses Consciousness!…If there is theological precursor for our ideas…then it is shamanism…a world-wide religion that existed 30,000 years ago. That theology held the belief…that Consciousness exists in all Living things…That primitive Cosmic theology was confused by the practice of utilizing hallucinations brought about by food and sensory deprivation in the arctic regions where that theology arose…These practices spread worldwide, utilizing the application of drugs in warmer areas to induce hallucinations. This religion was based on the concept of ‘spirits,’ which were seen in hallucinatory trances…which led to the religions found world-wide today. Shamanism is consistent with our Cosmic theology in that it believes that Consciousness exists in all things…It is different because it believes that much of the ‘plant-animal’ world goes to a ‘spirit world’ after death…A shaman in a trance…often has a spirit guide animal who helps him…or her!… traverse the spirit world…to heal sickness, control the weather, or influence the hunt…and visit relatives and friends of those in a community… Shamanism seems to deal mainly with fear that exists in a hostile environment in which people may Live…and with the fear of Death and loss of Loved ones….

A Cosmic theology such as ours…is similar to shamanism in another way,…it also identifies two spheres….the plant/animal sphere….and the Cosmic sphere….However, we see one sphere built up out of the other….The Cosmic sphere is composed of particles… well, a Sea of Energy…that can form vortexes of confined waves of energy…called particles….That sphere of Energy confined within particles….possesses its own basic Laws and principles such as Equality of entities, Truth, Beauty, Will, and Love….The plant-animal sphere built from these particles represents a second level…with its own priorities such as survival of the fittest and avoidance of Death in general….Entities in the Cosmic world are eternal…Death is not an issue….As abhorrent as Death is to the plant-animal world… that world actually is rife with Death…much of it in fact is built upon it….There is only one sun…as far as our plant-animal world is concerned…All Energy in plant-animal Life comes from it…so if entities do not convert sun into energy, they must eat each other to obtain that Energy…In shamanism the difference between these two spheres is blurred…in the hopes of ameliorating the fear of Death…Shamans have constructed a theology that allows the plant-animal Life to continue in a way…somewhere else…after Death….

In our conception of things…the plant-animal sphere and the Cosmic spheres intersect every day…in that many of the concepts from the Cosmic world, such as Equality, Truth, Beauty, Will and Love…are valid and Powerful when utilized in the plant-animal world in relationships among people and nations….They intersect also in the fact that it seems that one priority of the plant-animal world is to find one other individual…to Connect closely with… This close intimate association with another individual is usually in a sexual relationship that produces offspring…A close Connection between two entities in the plant-animal world is usually indispensable in meeting the needs of plant-animal life based upon replication….Plant-animal Life is transient…a species must reproduce to survive….Such a deep, close sexual connection in the plant-animal world…is actually similar to the Cosmic conception of Love….Will is Cosmic Power which propels Cosmic activity….Love is Cosmic Connection which unites Cosmic activity in Law…Love is Form which contains, restrains Will and Power….Close relationships on earth, even if they are momentary for some animals…might provide Connection between I‘s that is so close and tight…that the binding of these particles and entities may continue after plant-animal Death… Consciousness never Dies in the Cosmic world…yet what occurs on earth may impact what happens to entities after plant-animal Death….Close, intimate Connections on earth…might allow I‘s to remain in the Light…in active parts of the universe in a Cosmic eternity….and not be condemned to remain in realms of dark energy and dark matter in the universe…condemned to darkness and restricted activity…forever….

As we say…our hypothesis concerning the I.…that is, concerning the Cosmic sphere…that all atoms possess Consciousness… rises from a Science of Everything…in which the disciplines concerning man and woman are placed on a biological base and become one with the physical and biological sciences…In this way all disciplines can work together, talk to each other…

When we possess such a Science…we can then utilize a new Scientific Method..that can supplement, assist the existing Scientific Method which emphasizes empirical verification of hypotheses…to obtain Truth.. When our instruments are too weak to examine things that are too small..or too fast…then we can reach a probability of Truth….utilizing several disciplines at once….a curriculum of disciplines that has now been expanded with our new Science…The social sciences…that is, the science of man and woman…are no longer…’Mickey Mouse’…that is, they are no longer relatively impotent… when it comes to solving the great problems…that are confronting us….When the probability of something being True reaches about 85 percent…then experiments can be made which might cost millions of dollars which might be justified to provide circumstantial evidence that can raise the probability of something being True…even higher…Then a new hypothesis might be used so get things done…and success in this might actually confirm the hypothesis itself…

When our new Science…and new Scientific Method are utilized…then there are several disciplines and areas of thought that can speak to the possibility of the existence of the I in all Living things…these disciplines include….philosophy, evolutionary biology, the cosmology of physics, neurological science, the biology of the cell, and Cosmic theology. When I utilize the word ‘cosmos’ with a capital ‘C’…I am referring to a cosmos…filled…with consciousness. When I capitalize other words…I am referring to ideas that a part of that Cosmic sphere…Life is capitalized because it possesses a sphere of its own…Death is capitalized because it is so feared and abhorrent to human beings….Scientists are reluctant to pursue research that may be contaminated by the ideas of a mediaeval Church much less a viewpoint that is pantheistic, animistic in nature. However, it would be tragic, no, way more than tragic…if a cure for cancer were to be long delayed because of things right before them…that they are not allowed to touch. With this in mind…let us consider Consciousness…what it is…how is it possible for the I in me….to be ‘looking out’.

As I say….we think of ourselves as being so thoroughly modern… yet there is Truth in ideas that have been discarded…I know…we are trying to move out from a Dark Age…there are so many ideas and institutions that have placed a stranglehold on pulses of Energy towards progress, towards a bright future for man and womankind…and those negative forces still abound …There is Creationism, there is Donald Trump…the world seems to be bolting off at full speed into the beautiful blue of the future…yet so many ideas and practices are still there..slowing progress….A large part of modern society is seemingly being left further and further behind with archaic ideas….This is tearing the fabric of society apart…It would be easier to get everyone on board if science were moving smoothly…but ideas that we proudly champion as being modern have encountered obstacles…new breakthroughs are needed and ironically we must not let our deprecation of certain ideas from the past… hold us back…perhaps we should take a second and review things…perhaps some things we have thrown on the junk pile actually may possess diamonds of thought that can help us break through and fly into the future….

We have Power that most scientists do not have. We have the Science of Everything…in which all the social sciences and humanities have been placed on a biological base….When it comes to philosophy, we see that such an esoteric body of thought, is actually just looking at the brain…from the inside out!…We have an I….We have empirical knowledge about that I...just from our ‘looking out’…What can we learn..from this new!? perspective? Where will this new knowledge…lead us?

The I

The seventeenth century French philosopher, Rene Descartes (1596-1656) wrote…’I think; therefore, I am.’ Well, I am not the first person who has gone through all of this …What Descartes probably meant was…that he was making an empirical observation…he was looking…at his brain…from the inside out!…And he came up with an empirical observation that sneaks up on a person…then you realize that it is hard evidence…And just as he was able to deduce a whole philosophy from this one hard fact…this one sentence…this one syllogism…we too can start with it…and hypothesize amazing things.

The startling observation that Descartes made…was new…somehow, no one had really noticed it before…Each person on earth is in a position to make this observation…and we all do…yet in a sense we just shrug it off and continue on our way. What he observed was...I am thinking, I am seeing, I am acting…I am inspecting the world around me. That I is different from my ordinary I…it is an I coupled with an idea…a revolutionary idea…That idea is ….that I have empirical evidence that there is a part of me…that is different from everything else around me…at least to begin with…There is a part or me that is surprisingly important…an idea that Lives in my private thoughts….I would never share such an egotistic thought with even my closest friends….There is a part of me that can elevate me to the lofty seat of a king or queen…maybe like a small god….Gee…what is this thing?… We all could use a thing like that…and we all have it….Okay,, what it is…is an idea…that there is something inside of me…that is Cosmic… probably eternal. Why would I think something like this?…because I…I…dammit…am ‘looking out! the center of the world…I…am the center…of the whole damn Cosmos!

I am…I exist…and this is not merely a illusion caused by some motley collection of neurons. I am ‘looking out’…and this fact is incontrovertible. As I say…I am the center of the world. I am like a god. Such a realization obviously leads to an enthusiastic acquisition of self respect….All of this is a bit blasphemous … no, it is a whole lot blasphemous!…600 years ago…I could well have been burnt at the stake for having the audacity to say such a thing.

However, it appears that the whole thing is True…and, the whole thing is startling! Why are we so humble? We each think…know…that we…I…am the eyes…that we…are the I‘s… of the universe. If we are extinguished…if all I‘s are extinguished…the universe would disappear…Bishop George Berkeley has worked through all of this….But he missed the most important part…Yes, as he said…everything is relative because our I‘s are all in different positions with respect to the world around us…and all perception must be adjusted for differences in perspective….But he missed the most important thing…what Descartes saw right there…at the beginning of his philosophy…Everything is different from me…from my perspective….because I have an I….that is ‘looking out’.

We are humble, because our experience is…well, we have experience… we can look around and make generalizations…First, we conjecture that other organisms, such as our friends…well;, some of these seem to be more like animals than others…yet I do digress…Other organisms, may have I‘s also…though we can never be completely certain….What I mean is…I am the center of the universe…Is it True…that each of my friends…feels the same way!?….This is crazy…We can never be fully in another person’s shoes…yet it would appear that each he and she…possesses an I just like mine…Therefore each she, he…must think…that he, she…is the center of everything, too….I would have never thought…That person!…thinks he, she, it…is as important as I…the nerve!…But it must be the case…all of these I‘s…And what it must mean…is inexplicable!

Well, that is a conundrum we must leave alone..because like Descartes, there is only one Truth we really know is True…really, really know is True…and that…is that…I…anyway, for sure…am ‘looking out’. Yes…that is for sure…The rest of you….God bless you… are on your own.

Let us move on to a second point we can address more confidently…We can see that all Life Dies…always…so we shall, also. Thus, it appears that our I will be annihilated…and there is nothing we can do about it. What we are forgetting is that we have empirical evidence of another possibility…another Truth. We have an I...and we are the center of everything. If this I were expanded trillions and trillions of times…that great I…would be a god. It seems that an I….is too important to be extinguished…it is a gut feeling that we have…We shall come back to this.

Given the startling realization that every animal on earth has an I like mine…’looking out’…this gives us a hunch that we can empirically verify our hypothesis…about the I…because we have reason to believe that this I in our brain… is a particle….Yes…and if the indeed a particle …then there is a possibility that we can prove our hypothesis scientifically at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN…..What do we know about this I…so that we shall know what we are looking for when we start running experiments on particles?….Well, if we are looking at particles…then the I is not ‘spirit’ like the shamans came up in hallucinogenic trances…what do we know about this I?

The I and Will

So I have an I….Does all Life …when I refer to organisms in the plant/animal sphere….Does all Life…have an I….No…Well, animals do… and plants don’t. Well, that is not quite right…but we’ll come back to this…The change, the difference between plants and animals began with plankton…probably tininnadae …That is, at first, planktons were plants…they floated on or beneath the sea…they all were passive. Suddenly some plankton became active…Well, they seem to have kept both abilities…for a while…For a time…they possessed the ability to obtain energy from the sun…and also in a new way….obtain energy indirectly from the sun….by eating other things…So plants…began to move!…they began too search for food…they began to avoid predators…this tremendous change in behavior occurred with little change in plankton DNA…Something was added that was of major significance in itself…A plant suddenly acquired the ability…to impact the Ocean world around it….A plant suddenly…acquired….Will!…. What was added physiologically to the plankton…must have had abilities capabilities of its own….it had to be able to perceive, think, and act…it required only the addition of a few appendages in a plankton to empower these innate abilities…to transform these abilities operating in a minute way into a way that was larger….probably not a whole lot larger to begin with….Evolution transformed these minute abilities into empowered ones..into ‘behavior’… of an organism. The I in plankton somehow ‘called forth’…allowed the formation of….brain. It allowed the evolution of the brain around that minute I….It allowed plants to change into full fledged animals… It allowed organisms to become active, aggressive…instead of passive…It increased organisms’ chances for survival.

When one speaks of cognition, one says that it is like turning on a Light…when one speaks of intellect…of knowledge…we say..let there be Light. That is why at first it was tempting to conjecture that I‘s are photons. This possibility is even more interesting…as photons are able to combine and become One…which would allow us to jump ahead in our thinking… individual I’s might combine to become god-like I‘s in stars and nebulae… Our heads were spinning with the possibilities that Light might have..if photons were I particles. We’ll come back to these ideas.

But at this point we were thinking…but .photons don’t have the components necessary to perceive, think, and act…the abilities that I‘s impart to plankton….so it is more likely that fully enabled I‘s are in atoms, and that every atom has one. Suddenly, it dawned on me that this I particle could be a hydrogen ion….because if an atom loses its electrons, that is, it becomes an ion…then its nucleus is ‘revealed’…and it would be able to interact with the external world….A hydrogen ion is able to lose its one electron the easiest… and traces of streams of hydrogen ions …working in a seemingly almost Conscious manner…can be seen working…way back to the origins of Life…The processes involved in the emergence of Life…seem to have been captured in this modern age as artifacts…as relics…in the leaves of plants as photosynthesis….

So let us think this through….If a particle is to be a fully empowered I particle… then it must do more than just sit there…’looking out’…It must perceive, think, and act. Thus an I particle must have components linked to it that can perform these functions. Perhaps quarks in an atom could perform these functions. So an atom could have a particle yet to be discovered… maybe like a p particle…that could be ‘looking out’…and is empowered by the three quarks that exist in every atom…The quarks…although two have similar spins…may perform different functions…thus, each atom may have the potential to do a lot…if the conditions are right. Why don’t we notice more of these Powers…when we examine atoms?

Well, for one thing…all of this operates at a level beneath the radar… beneath the power of our instruments…that is why quantum mechanics has not progressed much since 1925…We have a whole lot of trouble… studying the nuclei of atoms. During the twentieth century, the cyclotron was developed to study the nuclei of atoms…and a menagerie of particles was discovered which was organized brilliantly as there seemed to be a correspondence between particles found… and patterns of logic found in higher mathematics…Still… the fact is…cyclotrons blast atoms apart…and scientists are left sorting through debris…the interaction, dynamics…the function of these disparate pieces of encapsuled energy are still an enigma…beyond the grasp of our most powerful instruments..

So if one is looking at a plant…a vegetable plankton…there are already a lot of hydrogen ions at hand…..primarily, as I say… in the compartments and activity of photosynthesis… if one of these hydrogen ions in the photosynthesis compartments could have become ‘activated’ somehow…could have become ‘in charge’ …somehow…it would already have been connected to an ‘axon’…a column of hydrogen ions conveying energy through the modules….Converted to convey information instead…this column of hydrogen ions would have already been connected to photosynthesis Light receiving areas…thus, this hydrogen ion would already possess a rudimentary ‘eye’. The conveyance of information by means of hydrogen ions in plankton would thus predate and be precursors for the courier ions in our brain… calcium, sodium, potassium, and chloride ions…

In paramecium…a spike of a brain has developed about what we can hypothesize to be an I particle….From the time of paramecium on….brain has continued to evolve, to augment the innate powers of this I particle…until it has reached the extent of the wondrous mind of man and woman…

How is an I added to Living material to make an animal? We don’t know…but it must be relative easy to do…Witness: that each of 600 million sperm in one human emission all seem to possess an I. Do human eggs have I‘s? We know that human eggs can produce viable offspring without sperm…although they are barren. So each egg must possess an I. Therefore, the sperm and egg must both have I‘s….Why doesn’t the baby have two I‘s? Perhaps the two I’s combine to become a single I at an early state…which would have problems empirically…because two atoms cannot become one…More likely, one I is eliminated…by giving it an electron.

There is so much to think about…We have reason to believe that I‘s are eternal and that there is such a thing as conservation of I‘s…We shall return to these ideas later…but it would seem…that I‘s are never lost…As I have said…atoms can be ‘constrained’…that is, their power to impact the external world…the world around it…is limited when there is an electron field around the atom…or they can be ‘revealed’…when electrons are removed…or no electrons are left at all…If an atom has more than one electron…things may be end up in an ‘in-between’ situation, here…where when one or more electrons are removed…some electrons may still the way… the nucleus…can be partially ‘revealed’…This partial ‘revelation’ may leave you with ions…such as exist in the human brain…like sodium, and potassium ions, and the like…which may result in partial ‘revelation’ of the powers of the abilities of the I. Instead of being ‘in charge’…an ion, with its associated electromagnetic waves…may have the power…to move information…transfer, deliver… perceptions…. ideas.

All of this is very exciting….there are so many possibilities to think about….The major thing is…If every atom possesses an I…then our entire concept of ‘materialism’…has changed.

The I and Love

What is Love? A god created all that there is….she gave herself and mothered the universe…a piece of herself resides…in each mote of dust…This dust is not Dead…’perchance to dream’!!…Creation is what we are talking about here… The Great God Woman…was the ineffably Great Creator…of everything!… There is a piece of God in each of us…and as a consequence…each of us possesses the capability to create…and somehow creativity is rewarded here on earth…with the greatest rewards…of joy and happiness…Well, there is physical creativity…having children…and here the Cosmic meets the plant/animal….we must reproduce for Life to continue to exist…all Life has this capability…For humans, there is also intellectual and Cosmic creativity…there are ideas…intellectual creativity…and then ideas are made manifest…in tools…Tools allow ideas…to impact the world…tools are the Connection…between mind…and matter…between mind…and the external world…All Life is built upon Death…yet there is the capability for Connection, for Love…for creativity, for Will…In a Cosmos filled with darkness….there is the capacity for Light…

For all animals…Connection…is a form of Love…Connection leads to mating and reproduction….For man and woman…the same is True…But Love of the band, the tribe…leads to inspiration, to songs sung, to crying to the heavens…to fashioning of weapons for hunt…for warmth, for food….For the band…if there is no Love…there is no Struggle…if there is no Struggle there is no Will…no creation of tools. When strangers meet, there is the potential for Love…yet on earth, the first steps are always in darkness…In the stranger, we must be able to see ourselves…before there may be Love…before there is capability to work together in the Struggle…before Will does appear…before creation may occur…creation of babies, tools, a new world….Love gives us the greatest rewards on earth…as it leads to Connection…to joy and happiness….Love, if pursued vigorously…in the end…may yield the greatest Cosmic reward…an eternity…in the Light.

I‘s come to earth for Connection…Sex is where plant and Cosmic meet. Plant/animal is compelled to reproduce…sex is the engine of reproduction…yet sex is intimacy…intimacy means the possibility of very close Connection…close enough for the possibility for eternal Light…One man and one woman are bonded by sex…they are close…Now the challenge comes…for them to feel compelled to become ever closer every day…Sex is dangerous…it can be selfish…the two must be equal in their couple…they must strive to become the same I... ‘looking out’…a couple should strive to be one trillion times closer…than marriage…for the possibility of Cosmic Connection to occur…

Closeness in a couple is made possible by means of the female sex organ…it is the organ of intimacy…the male organ is irrelevant in this…When man and woman are naked…without the sex act…it is the female organ that bonds both into one…intimately, psychologically…and simultaneously… Cosmically…as man and woman strive to be actually, extremely One…the female organ must always be nearby…In primitive cultures…the female organ is always accessible…he desiring every two minutes…she making accessible…every two minutes…not for sex…instead, for intimacy…for Oneness….sex becomes Love… becomes Light…In the darkness before a fire, a community filled with real, extreme Love of couple…becomes a community of Love…of Connection…of Light…becomes a community that may exist together forever…in the Light of the Cosmos…

There exists a theology of Love….It was developed…created by one of the most important authors in this new century…It will remain one of the most important books ever written…Wild Mercy…Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics (2019) Mirabai Starr… …This great lady recounts how the beliefs of the shaman led to the profoundly feminine understanding of ‘panentheism’…that is, that all the particles of the universe are infused with the substance of the Divine…that God both interpenetrates the universe and is greater than all that is…As I have said…there is a piece of God, an I, in each of us… but also somehow the Cosmos is able to think and interact at various times…with our Lives…that is, women pray to a God…a piece of whom…is actually inside each woman’s mind.

The High Priestess…now speaks…

‘The nations now believe…that the feminine theology challenges women to reclaim one’s wild creativity. ..that ability to learn so much and formulate a whole world of ideas and tools that every child displays during the first three years of life…. With a bit of aging…one becomes cautious…it can be dangerous when one allows herself to become a conduit for primordial Cosmic Energy…when one stops learning by rote and instead absorbs all, yet simultaneously builds her own world…the ability to create the new enters like Light and everything becomes illuminated….’

In my words…There is a vital connection between creativity and mysticism. By mysticism the proud Powerful priestess means to learn to engage the inherent Powers of the I...when an atom is stripped of electrons…it is a point of creativity…it is a potent spark of Will…that can fabricate ideas….make tools…these Powers come directly from the Cosmos and are not part of the plant/animal instinctual package that most Life possesses…to engage with the creative impulse is to agree to take a voyage into the Heart of the Mystery…moving to that point of Will embedded within the base of a brain…. In this way…creativity bypasses the discursive mind and delivers us to the Source of our Being. When we allow ourselves to be a conduit for creative energy, we experience direct apprehension of that Energy. We become a channel for Grace…that is, women rise above the vagaries of plant/animal pettiness and self interest and become One with the pulses of the Cosmos with eternal perspective.

The Priestess speaks….

‘To make art is to make Love with the Sacred. It is a naked encounter, authentic and risky, vulnerable and erotically charged….art reflects the dance of Energy within us…it is able to impart Truth instantly I to I...Like a tree in winter whose roots are doing important work deep inside the earth, the creative process needs fallow time. We have to incubate inspiration. We need empty spaces for musing and preparing. We need empty spaces for musing and preparing, experimenting and reflecting. The society of the twentieth century did not value its artists, partly because of the apparent lack of productivity that comes with the creative Life. This societal emphasis on goods and services was an artifact of the male drive to erect and protect, to engineer and execute, to produce and control…

‘Art begins with receptivity…with direct communion with the pulses of Energy in the universe. Every artist, in a way, is feminine, just as every artist is a mystic…and works continually with the I…. Making art can be a subversive act, an act of resistance against the deadening lure of consumption, an act of unbridled peacemaking disguised as a poem or a song or an abstract rendering of an aspen leaf swirling in a stream. True science and art can be next-door neighbors…as long as the search for Truth is unsullied by profit or self-serving attraction of favor from others…Science must and should be creative…and the creative process feels the same whether its Power is directed toward science or art…Art should possess ideas and science should be always seeking the new which is the child of creativity…The most intelligent people on earth…have their day jobs..yet somehow they can also be artists and musicians. Their finely tuned minds are always grappling with some creative conundrum, trying to find ways to translate the music they hear in the concert hall of their heads into some intelligible form that others can grasp and appreciate.’

I would say…It is time for the world…to move into Creative Clusters of Entertainment, Education, and Research…People becoming family…becoming One in Creativity…Clusters…Engines of Culture…and Progress…

The Priestess continues…

“An artist is an I on fire…inflamed by an unquenchable urge to create. Each of the creative arts is a different language with which to praise the Divine or communicate important Truths to society… and all are interConnected.

‘If one spends a Life in reading…and thinking…one quickly sees the creativity is not really a matter of logic or the utility of ideas….One is drawn to Cosmic Beauty in a creative process that the Cosmos itself expresses itself…occupies itself…somewhere…somehow…every moment…It is as if one is participating in a sacred act…When an insight one has reaped from years of hard work comes…it is astonishing how this advancement in ideas flows from one’s heart with passion and literary power…one’s whole body becomes One with the delivery of what should be inert, objective findings…One receives joy from performing the highest of callings!’

The Cosmic priestess, Mirabaie Starr..recounts in her works…that her mother when moved by a coyote drinking from her garden fountain or jolted by news of a vast network of Mayan city-states discovered in Guatemala…her mother’s response was to compose poetry, short stories, lyrical essays…Yes, creativity begets more creativity…joy overflows…the creative Heart. Her parents belonged to the cult of Dostoevsky, who proclaimed that Beauty would save the world.

She says…’Forgiveness. The Act of Mercy. Sympathy for the stance in the world..of others…Constantly, saying to one’s self….I am not angry…I am not angry…for example…Saying to others…I’m sorry I interpreted your rejection as rejection, rather than as a cry for Love that it really was.

‘As for the twentieth century…I forgive you for putting profits ahead of people, technology ahead of clean air and water, head ahead of Heart.

‘Forgiving you was the best thing I ever did. Forgiving you set the bird of my heart winding through the universe. One must possess sympathy…one must extinguish anger…one must be filled with Mercy..before creativity is able to flow…’

The High Priestess emphasizes that one must repeat over and over…’All will be well and all will be well and every kind of thing will be well’….The Nature of the Divine is Loving-kindness, and the Divine wants us to absorb this into every fiber of our Being. This is a phrase that females should repeat over and over…like Hail Marys with a rosary…just as males should repeat Emile Cou’s phrase… ‘Every day in every respect, I am getting better and better’…although this will help females too….it’s like you form tapes in your head that keep playing and playing if you refresh them by saying them every day.

What is sin?…Well, it is something that causes a negative impact upon society…it does not really affect the Cosmic world…although you may alienate people and not end up in the Light….and it does cause pain on earth.

In the end…the theology of Love is simply the following…

‘We honor the Hindu teaching of namaste...“The Light in me honors the Light in you.” Like Martin Buber…the I in me recognizes and honors the I in you. ..that is…the Thou…in you… The scientist in each of us has to accept the fact that there exists this reciprocity between I and I…we only have empirical proof of our own I. The priestess jumps immediately to belief in the I in another…as she recognizes immediately…in the person in front of her…the existence…the presence of… Love!

‘With the female Cosmic perspective…a deathbed feels like a birthbed…Like the universe is taking a big inhale, recalibrating, and exhaling a new reality…a new adventure…

‘With a Cosmic perspective…you can feel your grip loosening on your ambitions, orgasms are no longer the main goal of Lovemaking…or a major reason for Living…It is easier to sit beside a pond and do nothing but follow the trajectory of a dragonfly’s journey with your eyes. .

` ‘There are women mystics from all branches of the I family…Hinduism, Buddhiism, Taoism, Judiasm, Christiianity, Islam, and in every indigenous way…the priestess is constantly contemplating Union with the great I and a better Life for people. The great Heart and wisdom of the divine feminine is that…one’s Life is filled with poetry, prose, practices, prayer…Spiritual/ Inner-Being…You feel the beating wings of mercy and the flowering Heart of forgiveness…the Heart’s story of divine Love…You hear the cries of the world…feminine ferocity…Powerful and compassionate…fearless and commanding…you accept the decisive challenge of existence…you are in the lap of the Great Mother…you drink deeply from the well of wholeness and hope…the priestess gathers the flowers of various mystical traditions from all around the world into a bouquet of Beauty…of Connection with all aspects of ourselves, and of the interConnectedness of all beings.’

I‘s Everywhere

So there is an I in our bodies…’looking out’…But the fact is…many one-celled organisms can move on their own…ninety-nine percent of Life…is microscopic…and as I have said…it appears that they too…all animal Life possesses….an I… ‘looking out,’ Now an interesting aspect of things is that our bodies are composed of billions of cells…that are unified into One body….In the history of evolution…these cells were originally independent, individual organisms…each possessing an I….these organisms were ‘captured’ to be part of one organism….they began to interact closely to the extent that eventually their DNA incorporated coding for inter-cellular behavior….as in sponges… They were individual organisms working together…each with an I...without an overall I…in charge…

Eventually one I took command of the multicellular organism…yet the complex organism structure and activity at the lower level…still remains…In the human body…each cell has thousands of components…and there are millions of interactions that take place in each cell…every second! Not only that…but each cell is filled with ions…some of these ions are hydrogen ions …some of these ions are fully ‘revealed’…some ions are partially ‘revealed’ like potassium and sodium….Working together, these ions guide the activities of the cell…When a biologist examines the activity within a human cell…he or she is flabbergasted. How can so much activity, millions of interactions each second, occur like that? I mean, these are just chemicals interacting….I mean, there are catalysts…but this is ridiculous…it is as if something, or some things …are in charge in specified areas, or are sharing information…guiding all of this activity…

Each atom in the Cosmos has an I…As I have said..this is like the shamanic theology that existed in the past…wherein all Nature was imbued with ‘spirit’. And we have gotten to this thinking using ideas from biology, philosophy, neuroscience, physics…using the Science of Everything…using as many disciplines as possible…to look at things from different perspectives… to come up with hypotheses…..Now we are thinking of cells that are run by or whose activities are facilitated by ions fully or partially ‘revealed’….Every atom has a piece of God in it…Modern man and woman…has forgotten where we are in relation to exploding stars and mighty trees…..We wander the streets…looking for the next Jack in the Box….Why not just stop…and look at the moon…the moon is dead!…or is it? Life is plant/animal….Life is a repeating cycle of chemical reactions…yet ions are involved…Any time we see ions now…we become suspicious….There seems to be more here…than meets the eye…

Either there is great meaning to Life…or there isn’t…We shall consider the meaning of Life in more detail later on….But you really can’t add meaning to things…a genius cannot just sit back and induce great meaning in all things ….Meaning had to have been there…at the moment of the Big Bang…Animals have no meaning…Really? There is only instinct…only the struggle for survival…which is innate…However, now we know that with all Living things …there is Connection…which is related to Love…which for us…is related to ‘smooth’ particle waves and the chance for an eternity in the Light…Plants have no meaning…but now we realize that each cell in a leaf has had ions in it all along…plants possess photosynthesis that is rife with ions…plants have all sorts of I‘s…fully or partially ‘revealed’ …just like us…each leaf…the entire tree… possesses cells with two I‘s in charge…somehow all are all talking to each other…some in charge…guiding cellular activity…guiding plant growth and metabolism… In my minibook on fighting Cancer…I show how the centrosome in each human cell seems to be identifying every particle that is moved towards it by means of filaments… and is sending it on to a organelle or to DNA for processing or to some other destination….One I...seems to be there…another seems to be in the cell wall…coordinating intercellular acitivity…a hold over from when one-celled organisms had an I in the cell wall…equipped with a flagellum…to whip the cell around….an I in the centrosome is in a position to identify pre-cancerous cells and cancerous cells…and either eliminate them…or kill the cell…thus stopping cancer…in its tracks….

When you look through a microscope, you see, well, countless of tiny organisms…eating each other...I‘s everywhere.!…Every second, countless things are eating something else…Life itself cannot be that important…when there is so much eating…going on….Plants eat Light…all other Life eats one another…Death is essential to Life….the magnificent edifice of Life…is built on a foundation of Death…a constant transformation of chemicals….yet through all…I‘s are conserved…I’s exist…forever…

The shaman speaks with the stars, with the wind, with the sky…The drum incessant…the voice singing for the tribe…When a tree is destroyed… you can smell, feel the Death…the sadness of it…because it is aLive…as birds are…Because they are saturated with I’s…She, he paints himself, herself…stands before the fire in the darkness in the freezing void and performs rituals that let man and woman experience their natural Oneness with the Cosmos…a Cosmos consisting only…of I’s. Energy…is …I

The drum…the song…Nature is sacred…saturated with I‘s…pieces of God….The Cosmos behaves according to Law…implacable Law..yet there is Love…Connection… in the Light…

The I and the Emergence of Life

So we have a hypothesis…that every atom possesses an I…The I …when it is ‘revealed’…desires to impact the world…It is able to realize this impact by the use of physiological tools that are a part of a body that it is in charge of…or it may create tools…from objects around it…Thus it is…that consciousness sometimes leaves artifacts in its wake…These relics are tools…that are left behind…Artifacts… that is, past creation of tools that are left behind… are evidence that the I...has been at work… Whenever we see photosynthesis at work…you are looking at evidence of the I… working in the past…when the I...was beginning an astounding work…The creation of Life!…

The Emergence of Life….Let us see if we can see evidence of the I at work…at the very beginning..of Life…First…what are we looking for? First, we are looking for hydrogen ions. The early atmosphere was made up mostly of carbon dioxide, along with tiny amounts of methane, ammonia, nitrogen, and water vapor.. And of course, there was the Ocean…there was water…lots of water…

So this we know…4 billion years ago there was a plenitude of two things on earth….there was a lot of Ocean and a lot of atmosphere…the former of course was composed mostly of H20…and the latter was composed mainly of CO2…It just so happens that when water and air are combined we reaped the following…

H2O + CO2 yields HCO3- + H+

We see this reaction everyday nowadays…this reaction is initiated, accelerated, and proliferated millions maybe trillions of times by the action of enzymes in our bodies every day to acquire hydrogen ions necessary for performing important functions in our bodies….Of course this reaction occurred at a much slower pace at the beginning of Life….It is the first thing we were looking for…a gas in the air plus water yields a potent source for a surfeit of hydrogen ions.

Then there is a second thing…once hydrogen ions are generated in water, of course there is a propensity for these ions to immediately combine with other hydrogen ions and create hydrogen gas…However, H2 when it is produced in water is never stabilized…it readily dissociates into an electron plus a proton (that is, e– + H+). In this way in the Ocean…hydrogen gas alternates with hydrogen ions in perpetual vacillation… back and forth…a pattern replicated over and over…As we have said…Life in its essence…is replication…and in the ocean this was the earliest form of chemical replication…this was the earliest form of Life!…Hydrogen ions vacillating back and forth between H2 and H+ plus an electron…would have formed gradients with concentrations of H+ appearing in isolated contained areas….as I say, this flashing back and forth from H2 to H+ was a rudimentary sort of Life…a pattern replicated…with consciousness embedded within it!

However, for replication to take place in a more predictable manner… structures had to be formed to help guide this flow of chemical reactions….to help I‘s come back and commence where they might have left off before…in their creativity…in their tool making…It appears that the first structures that hydrogen ions created to assist in this replication were….sugars…

We saw that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plus water gives us a wealth of hydrogen ions….Well, carbon dioxide plus water…plus Light… gives us…sugar!


CO2 + H2O + photons yields [CH2O] + O2

carbohydrate oxygen

From the same folks that gave us hydrogen ions… with the help of Light they gave us sugars…Sugars give us building blocks to aid replication of chemical reactions… plus sugars can store and move energy from one place to another …there is a problem with the breakdown of sugars to obtain energy …as glycolysis takes a great amount of time without enzymes…thus there would have been great pressure for hydrogen ions to create amino acids and proteins to create enzymes…that is, catalysts that could accelerate biological interactions and reactions many many times…thus there was a need for nitrogen and phosphorous…to form enzymes…or rudimentary nucleotides could have been made…because RNA can act as an enzyme…

Perhaps one recognizes this pattern…this creation of structures and movement of energy…why, it is the essence of a process rife on our planet filled with Life today…it is photosynthesis….yes, it appears photosynthesis was there at the very beginning of creation of Life…Yes, Light indeed… did help create Life!

Sugars! The reason that molecules are ‘organic’ is that they have carbon as an important part of their composition…often part of their backbones… Carbon is ionic and can easily break apart and combine again… often in long chains…called ‘polymers’…Polymers are the secret to Life…molecules can build to immense size then collapse quickly…chains of reactions can occur quite quickly and easily….

So… the Ocean was filled with H+ 3 billion years ago!…which is what we were looking for….In addition, photosynthesis seems to have been there at the very beginning,…Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms…some organisms have processes which seem to be closer to what was happening at the very beginning…photosynthesis is used to convert Light energy into chemical energy…By Light is meant any frequency of radiation from infrared to ultraviolet…most photosynthesis on earth is now performed with the assistance of Light that we can see …however, some organisms use infrared radiation….Half of the radiation that hits the earth is infrared Light…so it is reasonable to think that the first Life used infrared Light….this chemical energy was stored in the sugar molecules that photosynthesis created, then transported to other areas to be released later to perpetuate replication at first…later to feed an organisms’ activities…As we have said…at this very very very early stage…breaking sugars down to obtain energy would have taken long periods of time…prompting the initiation of action for hydrogen ions to really change things..obtaining nitrogen and phosphorous to build amino acids, proteins, and ultimately enzymes to move the energy process faster…..

All of this means that Life had to have first occurred near air in the ocean where water and CO2 could combine to produce hydrogen ions and sugars…however, since the breaking down of sugars was necessary to obtain energy to accomplish things…it is possible that once Life was begun it may have moved to the bottom of the sea near vents that exuded gases from the center of the earth… where nitrogen and phosphorus could be obtained…

Our model then, simply…is…hydrogen ions arising naturally from a reaction between water and carbon dioxide…followed by a process called carbon fixation which produced a three-carbon sugar product…which in turn provided structures and means to move energy…obtaining energy from sugar molecules was a slow process…which led to the push to create molecules like amino acids which could be used to build proteins that could speed processes and eventually replace the rudimentary structures made of sugar with stronger longer lasting structrues made of proteins….The first evidence of the use of such proteins does not appear until approximately 1 billion years after Life seems to have been initiated….

God and an Ocean of ‘I’s

God and an Ocean of ‘eyes.’ One must pause here…if there are I particles and every atom possesses an I...all of this would mean…that we are not Living in a Dead universe. All particles have innate abilities, Powers.

…personalities…primitive and imperceptible to us as they may be…As I say, we were looking for Life in other galaxies…there may be ‘existence’ all around us…there may be consciousness, I‘s…all around us…Thinking this through now…it would seem that we are not Living in a meaningless universe. The universe can think…there is meaning. It also means that a part of us is eternal…Perhaps learning occurs here on earth…learning that we can carry back to where we came from…

Let us think through all these ideas…for a Cosmic perspective on things.

The Cosmic Ocean of I‘s…is an Ocean of Energy…in which vortexes have formed to become particles…which become atoms and molecules… There is consciousness at every level…perhaps consciousness is more defuse when it is Cosmic Ocean…however every drop has the potential of becoming a concentrated I...a personality..a Source of Form and Power…If every atom has an I …inside…then what is the relationship between our individual I‘s and God. Well, at the moment of the Big Bang, there were no atoms…all I‘s were One…In the beginning there was a God…the Big I… who in her great Love gave birth to a universe of multitudinous I‘s….gave of herself such that the Cosmos could have Form, Power…and meaning…and worship her creation. .. as an act of Love….

The Cosmos then is an Ocean of Love, Will, and Beauty…Humans emulate their Creator…as they, themselves…are first-rate creators…not just creating children…as all Life does…but creating tools…ideas…and then these ideas are fabricated..with which the world can be impacted and used to create a magnificent new world…in which they may Live in peace and harmony… or not! Creation emerges not just from Connection among beings…but from the Struggle in which they face the perilous unknown…Thus Love leads to Struggle which leads to Will…to creation…Will is Energy harnessed…but Energy can form vortexes which are not defuse…energy is released in patterns called Law…Socrates talked of Equality, Truth, Beauty…these are ideas from the I which a Cosmic voyager is imbued with…with concepts from that loftier realm. Will is Power,… masculine… utilizing energy to move, to impact…like the right side of the brain…Beauty is Form…female… mathematics, law, determinants…patterns that Force is induced to conform to…inducements like what the left side of the brain utilizes to discern Truth…

Love, of course, is a plant thing also…sex and reproduction…but there is a higher Love that predates that…There are Cosmic Oceans of Love…As I have said…the Cosmos is an Ocean, as Nikola Tesla thought…wherein atoms arise as vortexes in a Sea of defuse I’s…the Ocean is a brain in which ion waves are carrying information …an Ocean in which ions do not have electrons completely stripped away…but there is one ion in charge in a cluster…that runs the show…wherein Cosmic Powers are ‘revealed’… unleashed to move the rest…The Oceans on earth, themselves, are filled with sodium and chlorine ions…and water itself…is semi-ionic…hydrogen and oxygen ions may be able to Power…Connect…to inform…The Oceans on earth…may be One large 300 million cubic miles of potential brain…

Joy and happiness on earth comes from creativity….physical, intellectual….and when the intellectual is emPowered by means of tools…creativity is able to impact the universe around it… creativity, at the highest level… becomes Cosmic… Creation emanates from pulses of Love as we have outlines before…Love, Struggle, Will, Creativity, Tools…All animals receive joy and happiness from the reproductive act…for some reason humans receive the same reward for intellectual and Cosmic creativity… creativity is the only source of joy and happiness here on earth…

a Cosmic reward is received from familial, couple, and friendship bonding…which is of Cosmic importance…intense bonding can earn I’s… an eternity in the Light…Man and woman who become One on earth… immediately desire to Die and go somewhere else…The only way their Oneness can bring happiness on earth is by having children or creating ideas and products together…that is why their exertion to remain One is so arduous here on earth…because the impulses from this Love lead to distractions from this Union… expenditures of energy that detract from the Union itself…

Okay, but what are the stars doing…that is so great…so creative? Every day the same old, same old…blowing up…and moving out, out, out…Is there Cosmic memory? Cosmic knowledge?…We are on earth for a purpose… for Connection…but also to climb mountains….Each of us has a mountain to climb even if it is to merely survive and have children….What is the purpose of the Cosmos?…The Cosmos just seems to be…a bunch of stuff…doing Powerful stuff…but doesn’t it all seem…rather pointless? Perhaps Cosmic creativity is turning shadow…into Light.

The I and the Cosmos

First, there is the Source of all things. There is the energy from which all matter is made, which produces all movement, which is the Source of Consciousness. Evidence of this energy is seen in the fire which has been shattered into countless pieces and scattered across the heavens. For in the beginning…there was the Source…from which the entire Cosmos was built…there is a piece of the Source in each piece of the Cosmos…there is a piece of the Source…in each one of us….

But Energy does not just shower randomly throughout the universe. Energy conforms to patterns observed Time and again. The Source is converted into the entire spectrum of matter and is the author of all movement of matter in a manner which is regular and predictable. Thus, the Source conforms to regularities which are called Divine Law.

Now since all that is in the universe is or has been transformed from Energy… from the Source… all things must conform to Divine Law. In the variations of matter, the Law is observed to operate differently, yet a basic conformance to the Law must always exist.

For man and woman, the Law is manifested on two levels of existence. There is the Law of Love and Connection which pertains to the world of the body and matter… and there is the Law of the Will…that pertains to the world of the mind. This duality comes from the Source… In the beginning was Love… That is, there was creator which has invested all particles with an I… The I is a miracle… there is no explanation for it… It just is… and it was given by the Forces of Love… Wherever there is an I, there is Love…imbued from the Source…Yet wherever there is an I, there is also Will… emPowered by the Source…emPowered by Will…the I can perceive, think and act… So in each of us…there reside…Love and Will…In humans this duality is expressed by the phenomena of body and mind…of woman and man…Of course, women are intelligent and are equal to men in every important way….yet women often are devoted to more important things….

The Cosmos is filled with Will and Love…where there is Will, there is fire…there is substance…yet there is Form…An atom with its electrons is in equilibrium, at peace, in concordance with harmony and Connection…content in a realm of Love…Will and Power at that point…is focused upon attending to the electrons moving rapidly about the nucleus…When electrons are stripped from it..there comes a Force, a Power… there appears… Consciousness which was hidden…which is now ‘revealed’…The I... at that point…then possesses Will… which is able to impact the world abut the atom…the Will then is able to create tools…This impact is not blind explosion,,,The Source was an explosion that filled the Cosmos with sparks of fire…sparks of consciousness…the stars spread across the universe…are the tools that are its legacy…The Source resulted in an explosion that expressed both Will and Love…fire and pattern…which has resulted in a hierarchy of atoms, molecules, and organisms which has increased in complexity while minimizing expenditures of energy per unit of mass. This interaction between Will and Love has resulted on earth…in a stream of plant and animal species, performing the dance of evolution…nay, with consciousness, a dance of development and initiation…into an array of forms… from simple to complex…which at any period in Time has changed to conform to a changing world environment….all of these things are artifacts…evidence of a Consciouness…at work!

Thus all matter and the Forces which move matter were initially One. Everything in the Cosmos is composed of Energy…Energy was never created and will never be diminished…Energy is eternal…Energy is imbued with consciousness…thus Energy possesses Will and Love…and all three things are eternal…and are a part of everything in the Cosmos….Individual particles in their configurations and interactions… appeared as the universe expanded and cooled. It is natural for individuals to exalt in self… express Will which is inclined to Power matter into Connection…then conflict and Separation… the right, then the left sides of the brain…in different individuals…at work… developing tools….As consciousness progresses, Powers forth…by virtue of the Will that is imbued in Cosmic energy… in accordance with True principles, there is another force within consciousness…another Power….the Power of Love, which can be expressed in opposition to forces outwards….This is Love…which Connects…reunites bodies, matter, and energies into combinations…into Cosmic entities… smaller duplications, reflections, emulations of that initial One.

As we have said…on earth there are two spheres…the plant/animal sphere that is arrayed about us…and the Cosmic sphere possessing Truth from where we have all come… In the plant/animal world, the processes of reproduction are fundamental and crucial to the perpetuation of species. Because of this, on earth…reproduction is given high priority in the observance of the Law. Because reproduction is important, the rewards for successful acts are great. As a result of physical creativity… that is, successful reproduction… man and woman receive the joy and happiness which is reaped from Love between male and female, Love among members of a primal community, and from offspring themselves.

It is just that we are not certain as to where our particular I will be located… at any particular moment…in the future….An eternity is a long time… You don’t want your I to be somewhere lonely… or somewhere nasty… or somewhere dark… All of this…just makes us all try hard… to be Good! … very, very Good…just to be sure….

However, all of this is but half of the story…there is the other thing…the I

As we have said…within each of us…is a piece…of the Cosmos…and that piece…brings with it Truth, Will, Love, Justice…and yes. …Beauty…It is a Beauty which is allied with mathematics, morality, and that which is exquisite in the colors and configuration of elements in paintings….How can the human mind possess innate knowledge of eternal Law?…of a Beauty that resides in the lofty realms of the Cosmos?…It is because everything in the Cosmos obeys Law…everything possesses Beauty… including the structures which are embedded within the left hemisphere of an A-type’s brain….Plato was aware of such a Beauty…and knew…that it was of another sphere….Again one’s attention is drawn to that special subject…that of the I…from which our knowledge of Cosmic Truths arises.

‘When one focuses on what is..we use our brain, obviously…to build tools…to impact the world… Truth, that is formed from hypotheses and mathematics are the bag of tools man and woman have created to impact the world. Does Truth like this come to us because of Truth inherent in the human condition…from what works empirically in the plant/animal world?….or does such Truth come to us from the I‘s are that embedded in each person’s mind…an I which has come filled with the Cosmic Truth of the heavens….Another question is…when we find Love in the human condition…and Love is what we will be fighting for…is this Love plant/animal Love or Cosmic Love?….Is this Love a sexual, reproductive based sort of Love…or a more abstract Love related to the I within us…that is, is it related to Cosmic Connection? As the Cosmic Goddess has pointed out…there exists another paradox…You want to worship God yet there is a piece of God inside of you…if both are True…then there is God in here and also out there…, this is called a ‘nondualist’ position and a dualist position held simultaneously…In a way you are praying to yourself…The fact is…God existed before the Big Bang..and now permeates all things… all atoms possess an I...a piece of God…yet the Cosmos seems to influence things…we can pray and really feel that someone, some thing is listening…Is this because the Cosmos is like one large brain?.

When we ask questions such as these…God feels so very far away, and we long for God…Not because we believe that God and self are ultimately existentially separate… but because here in the midst of our mundane animal tooth and claw reality, our I’s long to return to where we come from…to a sphere of Absolute Love.

Love is with all and yet Love is with One…flashing back and forth, we think to be like the nondualistic experiences that women have with God…As we have said…women pray to a God…yet there is a god within each of them…I mean we flash back and forth like a star filled with ions…filled with plasma…If there are a million I‘s in a star..well, there are many more than that… there is the possibility that consciousness flashes back and forth from one I to many I‘s…back and forth…forming a God of sorts… and then reverting back to many personalities….The same is True in a family…and in a Creative Cluster of people…we have grown so close that Love…like consciousness…has two levels…There is the One of the couple…There is the One of the band…a strong fist…a Loving embrace…in the face…of the Jungle!…Yes, there is indeed …the closeness….that special fragrance…of the chimpanzee!…

Life is a like a game. On one level Life is of no more importance than that of a butterfly, or the existence of a rock for that matter. However, one must take the game seriously if he or she is to receive a return that is worth the horrendous effort it takes merely to survive. Life is pain. Life is sensation and all sensation is on a continuum with pain. Life is an exhausting process as it is based upon the oxidation, that is, of the combustion of organic material… The body is consumed in the very act of its replenishment. The only reward in Life worth the effort is joy and happiness. And true joy is reaped from two sources…from the Will…which has the capability of impacting the world about it…with creativity… physical, intellectual, and Cosmic creativity. Physical creativity is reproduction, family and cluster…Intellectual creativity is the creation of ideas…Cosmic creativity is the taking of ideas and making physical tools that can impact the world…Joy and happiness also comes from Love…another Cosmic aspect…one of Connection and community…Therefore…creativity in the embrace of community within the primal band…extends to a person…the possibility of the greatest joy and happiness. One must take the game of Life seriously in order to gain this joy and, thus, receive enough benefit to justify continuing the game. When Death is imminent and inevitable, then the game is over. One can then sit back and calmly say… ‘My Life means no more than the flutter of ashes upon the ground.’

Yet there is another way to think about these things, a way to revise this statement and its content be just as True. ‘My Life means just as much as all matter, and that is very much indeed.’ For Life in its essence consists only of matter combined with Energy. The significance of Life must be related to the amount of Energy which flows over a basic structure of matter, for it is this flowing of Energy over this particular structure that is all that distinguishes Life from all other matter. However, then one realizes that such significance is on a continuum and is not unique to humans, animals, or plants alone. Is not matter itself quanta, bits of energy? All matter possesses Energy within the atoms of its composition. And all matter is born of Energy….an Ocean…of Energy. Thus, all that exists in the universe is Energy. However, all that possesses Energy is significant, for that which does not embrace Energy is void. Energy is eternal although its forms are ever changeable and reversible. Energy is the miracle of the heavens for without it the universe would be nothing, not even void, for void gains meaning only in the absence of matter and Energy. Thus, if no matter or energy existed, there would be no void, only nothing, a concept without Space, Time, or meaning. Thus, Life is meaningful, because matter, is composed of Energy…and all Energy possesses….consciousness…Will…and Love…Power and Connection.

Yes…Energy is consciousness and the latter is known by its Will…which unleashes its Power upon the Cosmos by means of tools..However, the impact that tools are able to impart upon the universe around meaningless without Connection…without purpose…without a reason for a building up of capability….However, without man and woman, there is no significance; there is no meaning…in the plant/animal sphere. Man and woman are matter reflecting upon itself. Among the particles and clusters of particles of matter, man and woman possess great significance in that he and she represent the furthest striving of matter toward the Light, a closure of energy funneled upon itself. Only in man and woman’s eyes does matter gain significance on earth and thus all Life basks in the radiance of meaning that the exaltation of man and woman have conferred upon it. The loss of a human is a loss to Nature. However, in the Cosmic sphere…there must always reside meaning…and this is the great Cosmic mystery…

The Cosmos is permeated with consciousness and thereby must be imbued with thought…and the impact of thought made possible by tools… The Cosmos is composed of the great works of one immense I.…artifacts left by an I…when it was shattered into countless pieces…each piece of which possesses a personality of its own…Thus, that grand necessity must have embraced all personality…all Being.. at the beginning of time.

` Yet in a way that great I is still throbbing…still impacting all about it…because all that fire…all those globs of swirling power of I’s….exploding,

coalescing throughout the Cosmos…may actually be a great brain of sorts…where thought occurs…Truth is created…preserved somehow in a great Cosmic memory somewhere…Man and woman…created in the image…of that great I...whose artifacts fill the void with Truth, Justice, Will… Love…. Beauty….

` God knows…what is in that ninety-seven percent of the universe…that we cannot see…exactly what is going on…in that abyss of Darkness.

Perhaps one of the most important things being done…in places we cannot see…is to give meaning to all that can see…give meaning to the monotonous, reoccurrring explosions and implosions…which gives meaning for us…for our Lives…also….

Yes…. It is appearing to scientists now that the universe is filled with ‘existence,’ that is, consciousness. Yes… in the end,…it appears that we are on a continuum with all other matter and we are not apart. Consciousness is on a continuum with all sparks in the universe… from the Energy of the atom, to the wiggle of DNA, to the brain of the mammals. When we Die we revert to lower levels of Energy; we are not annihilated. The I particle in a person’s brain, that is, the I…is eternal and indestructible. And Death will be welcome and its familiarity will be recalled the instant we are reintroduced to it. That is, the instant we die we shall say, ‘Oh, yes,’ and the disintegrating primal brain will recall a peace, a lower level of combustion which the dust of man has previously known. For before conception, we were otherwise, and otherwise we shall be again. When death approaches, we will welcome the time to lay our bones down and pass onto lower levels of Energy. We shall be at peace. We shall be at Home. At rest. No sensation. No pain…in an eternal Present…an eternal Connection…until electrons are stripped again…and consciousness is induced…to reach out…again…to impact…to impart…to express Power and Will….and Love.

However, until then….the passion, the throb, that is man and woman… must unfold and spread out upon the Land. The mind of man and woman must thrust humans ever upwards. The Light of man and woman must e’re be worthy of the obsequious and worshipful matter at their feet. One day the many sparks will be united into one blinding inferno with the consciousness of a nebula. If we are valiant…fight our way up the steps of the Aracna…in the pursuit of Truth and Justice…in the embrace of the Love of the Cosmic Priestess…(see my book, Omicron Blue}…we will have fought our way…towards to the Light…with others….until at last we may bask for an eternity…together…in that Light…

The Meaning of Life

Most Life does not think about the meaning of Life…yet it seems to be important to humans…it seems that they have to have some conception of a theology…as rudimentary and artificial as it may be…to move on the highest arc in Life that is possible for them. When I was a leader at a Boy Scout summer camp in Southern California…I was employed for the entire summer… the leaders created their own theology for the campers to consider…..which, as I can scarcely remember, seems to have involved a single arrow fired by some god who lived in the sky…This arrow, which was the only physical thing that spoke to the existence of this mighty celestial warrior….stood stuck in the ground…..with rocks carefully placed in a formation of adoration around it… Suddenly, we realized…that there was a great warrior in the heavens above us….who was nigh and caring….and the safety of the boys was increased by his ethereal presence…..and we realized that this week together…..well, there were twelve weeks of camp…with different boys each week…each week could possess the highest Cosmic purpose….and protection…The exercise was met with a greater positive response from the boys than we had ever imagined…

Why are humans like this…when no other animals are? You can’t just say that other animals are just too busy trying to survive to have Time to consider what their existence…. means. Other animals, of course…just are not smart enough to be bothered by nonsense such as this….Why don’t apes consider such things…they are 90 percent or more the same as we…The last layer of brain tissue differentiating humans humans from apes is so thin…it is like sprinkling pepper over the surface of the brain…This tiny layer of cerebral material…seems to account for great differences in behavior…among us ‘apes’.

This last layer in our brains…allowed humans to develop tools…..How is the meaning of Life…a tool…that us important for the survival of our species? It seems to be only one more worry we have to deal with…Are the gods happy with me? How will my actions now…influence my eternal Cosmic progress.?…Have I been good enough to earn the right to remain in the Light for an eternity….and not be left alone….forever….in darkness?….Such questioning is all part of a search for Cosmic happiness that human beings naturally undertake…

So, why do humans need a theology? And if they need one, how would the concept of an I…an eternal I…help build a Cosmic theology?…We shall start addressing these questions…by considering….the meaning of Life.

The meaning of Life…as I say, only humans care about this…It is the real reason they develop religions…..Well, there were goals that primitive peroples wanted to obtain… like survive….like, eat….like, stay warm…So you look out in the darkness, around a fire with other humans…whom you Love…whom you are Struggling along side of…Struggling to survive with….Naturally, in such a situation…you look to the heavens and ask for favors….Come on, it doesn’t hurt…to do such things…just in case…But then a Loved one dies…one you are bonded with….either by birth or coupling…many animals are sad when this happens…but they don’t seem to be sad for long…and they don’t seem to create religions to cope with such a loss…For humans, something is required for a longer period of time…because we never forget our mothers and fathers…and we never forget one big fact in Life…that we all are going to Die…So primitive religion sprang forth somehow….We know that there were primitive ways to chant and call upon the sky…or call upon something…in the sky…maybe call upon that great warrior who shoots arrows into the ground…

Archaeologists have found traces in the rocks…that show…that about sixty thousand years ago, a serious religion began to arise to the north…in arctic expanses… that is… where ice was everywhere….People forget that only thirty thousand years ago, ice was as far south as Kansas City… as far south as France…The problem with ice is that there is no food for long periods of the year…And as you head north, to the arctic, there is no Light for extended periods of time…In such environments, of food and Light deprivation… hallucinations arose and led to a religion now called ‘shamanism’. Hallucinations led to visions of ‘spirits’…..this is where the concept of ‘spirit’, utilized by the five major religion, came from….There may have been primitive ways to chant and call upon someone….somewhere….to help the tribe with the hunt….but now shamans had ‘spirit’, to help with the real buggaboo…Death….As I have said…Death is capitalized in this book…because it has such outsize importance to us ‘thinking’ animals….. Other animals fight to survive….because of instinct…to preserve the species…They are not afraid of Death….

So, other animals do not care about the meaning of Life…If other animals don’t care…why should we? They are as much Cosmic creatures as we are… if they can Live in a world, a Cosmos, without caring what the meaning all of this has for Living things…and still attain all that Cosmic creatures can attain… then…What?…We worry? But humans need meaning. Primitive man and woman saw Loved ones die….Death is the end that humans are supposedly striving for?…Why strive?…unless you Live after Death!… Hey, that would be something!…And this is how visions of ‘spirits’ Livened things up a bit…Hey, if there are beings, floating around that are not of this Life…then there must be a ‘spirit’ place…out there…somewhere…So religion arose…to say…’Just be good’…’Live the best Life you can’…’You will be okay…somewhere else….later’….If you are progressing to a spiritual land after Death….If you are going to end up in a nice place… somewhere else…when you die…then that confers meaning to Life.

However, there immediately was another question…See…humans are never satisfied. We immediately wondered…. If there is a spiritual world out there…somewhere…can we communicate with ‘spirits’…now?…and can we communicate with Loved ones who have Died? Well, shamans were plenty busy as a result of that question….going to Dead people in hallucinations… proceeding cautiously through psychic territories….where Dead loved ones might be viewed…maybe even talked to….

So…let us think about things…concerning the meaning of Life…When one is growing up, meaning for Life is found in the company of family, friends, neighbors….then later, meaning is found….from being part of the activities of a primitive band….In such a group of people, consisting of some thirty to fifty families…each member had a role to play….hunting, gathering, raising children….singing around a fire in the night. Life is a circle… in a modern life…it is work, family, sleep, weekends, summer cottage…always back…to more work…on and on….That seems to be all…At first, it seems that family and work are enough….they can give meaning to Life….you are contributing to something…In a primitive world, work is not separated from product, from the creation of your hands…’I made this’…’ I came up with a new idea…that was great!’ “I am important…this gives my Life meaning’… But sooner or later, we need something more…we need a ‘real’ meaning for Life….Wise people are always thinking on these higher levels…these kinds of geniuses can be a nuisance, explaining things to us…exhorting us to be Good…for this reason or that…But thank Goodness someone is thinking all of this through… We, the ordinary people, are just too busy….to create answers to these questions…

So, looking at things from a higher level…in our every day Life, the average person is not thinking about ‘spirit’ worlds…too often….Life is filled, given meaning by creativity….that is, having children, creating tools…raising children, using the tools to survive….Each one in the primitive band has a part to play which he or she feels that she or he can execute. In Life, there are things you can change and things you can’t…Humans fashion tools to change more things, have more impact on things around them. So humans have evolved with greater intellect and tools, which has allowed them to come down from trees where food is abundant…to live on the ground where they have no business being…to survive in a vulnerable place…Somehow we have developed an intellect…an intellect that can create tools…we are the ‘tool-bearing’ ape…which, if you think about it…means that we are the ‘tool-creating’ ape…We have evolved to a place where we are now totally dependent upon our intellect and our tools to survive in a hostile world. Well, part of that world is hostile and would eat us…but a vast part of that world…is

simply indifferent to our needs…which can be just as bad. So it is…that humans Live by virtue of our tools…and for some reason, one tool we ultimately must have…is…meaning…it just seems that…just creating children and creating tools…is not enough…to give us the meaning that we must have…there must be more to all of this…

There can be meaning to this Life beyond the momentary rewards of creating something new, right now…We can have an impact…that might last a while…We can leave a legacy here, on earth… people can think of us after we Die…Unless a man or woman creates something outside him- or herself…like a child…or a tool…the meaning of his or her Life will vanish immediately after his or her Death…For humans, there is creation that goes beyond having children…through discussion and working with others, we can accomplish things…there is enterprise that we can participate in…We are like other animals…we can enter into a conflict with other people or we can destroy other species…but there are activities that are different from other animals…that only humans may enter into…There is that supreme, sacred community activity when we hold hands, look up at the stars…and chant…First, there must be Love…then humans can undertake the Struggle…which leads to Creativity…to Tools…to impact the world about them…to survive…to be in control of their Lives…

When we create new things…we are an important part of our tribe’s Life…and we may be remembered for centuries afterwards….Our tools are developed ….our stories and cyclotrons are as significant….as diamonds, gold, or water buffalo….Life gives us its Cosmic award of joy and happiness when a person is able to make something or discover something that is new…it may be only a couple of chords on the piano…a few words in a book…or an image of an ordinary object that is suddenly seen as an important piece in a puzzle that one has been working on…working on for a long time…Yes, we work hard in this way and we derive great satisfaction…from a job well done. We can create things that will Live long a after we are gone….We can earn a fame that can endure on earth…for a long time….This can give meaning to our lives…

But here we go again…Again…this does not seem to be enough!….We need something more…something more Cosmic in nature…How can the discovery of the us with this conundrum?

If there is an I particle inside my head…’looking out’…and it is part of an atom…then it is eternal…This is because all matter in the Cosmos is made of Energy….and Law of the Conservation of Energy demands that Energy is eternal….always exists in some form…somewhere…Forever!…and Ever!… Halleluja!….The I is a particle….thus it is composed of energy….thus it too…is eternal!….And all of this relieves us of a major concern we have had in the past…Will a part of us really survive Death and exist forever…after

that?…The answer is Yes…But again…it is not enough…Again, we humans have to have more…and more…We need more…We really feel we have to have…meaning…. for our existence…..We need something that goes beyond the normal trials and tribulations…and triumphs of this earthly Life….To feel really good about ourselves…we need some sort of meaning….that will enable us to strive to Live the best Lives we can…to do things that can better our position in Life on earth…to make the world….a better place…Is there meaning that will be True motivation to do Good things on earth…that will give us confidence that we are doing things…that will result in the best conditions for ourselves after Death? To derive such meaning….we must develop a Cosmic understanding of things…This where the concept of the I…can help…To approach a Cosmic understanding of things…we must first understand the part Life plays in the Cosmos….We must understand the relationship between two spheres…’plant/animal’ and the Cosmos…The Cosmic level of existence is where the ‘I‘ has dwelt forever….When it comes to earth…it brings with it Truths from that sphere.. The Cosmos has been operating really fine for billions of years…without Life. Life is merely plant and animal….which is merely cycles of chemical reactions repeating, repeating, and then creating duplicated cycles that all repeat and repeat…Life could be an accident..although, as I have said… the probability of its occurrence…is something like throwing a six on a die…36 times in a row….It seems more likely that there was some sort of ‘intension’ involved in all of this…In Cosmic terms…that there was Will…involved in all of this…that is…that there were I’s…involved….There seem to be all kinds of cycles of chain reactions on earth…that you wouldn’t call Life…certain kinds of rocks go through certain cycles of lava, hardening, burying, heating, liquifying, lava, hardening, burying…on and on….This repetition possesses as much Life…as a plant does…However, some of these cycles seem to be more aLive to us…than others…As I have said…the ones we recognize as Life…we designate with a capital L…This repeating…this replication, which is the Heart of Life…has evolved over millions of years…Scientists now claim…that all of this has happened without I‘s in charge…without something yelling at the rest in the brain…at least, at the top level…at the level that leadership controls our whole body…’Get the lead out…Let’s be better!…Let’s do…better!’

Why Are We Really Here?

Well, there seem to be plenty of reasons for one to feel that there is meaning to, for our Lives…But are these ideas sufficient reason to continue Living? I think we need more…

Why are we really here…on earth?…The reasons we are here do not seem to be related to Will…the first cause seems to be related to Connection.. .to Love…Will is utilzed to accomplish…a Cosmic purpose…Hear me out….

We are here for Connection…For example…alone…an I does not know it exists…it takes two I‘s for either to know that ‘looking out’ is special…so finally another I appears and confers meaning…

So how can we use the concept of an I to establish why we are really here on earth? As we have said…it does not appear that family, fame, and fortune are not enough to establish such a reason…So using the concept of the I…let us consider two ways Life might gain justification for subjecting an I to such pain and exhaustion…

First, considering ‘I’s, we might conjecture that I‘s may acquire knowledge while they are here on earth…and may use this experience, this learning to contribute to Cosmic ‘thinking’ when they return…that is, the universe is a Cosmic brain of some sort…and somehow experience we gain on earth can help learning at the Cosmic level…

Truth is a tool used to accomplish things…Why would Truth be important to the Cosmos? I particles may combine inside one big star or nebula…they can become sort of a big I…hydrogen and helium ions can never be like photons and be one big I…but they can communicate with each other without hindrance…In the same way, the Cosmos cannot become One great I again as it was at the beginning…the Cosmos could, however, be an even greater brain…with stars and nebulae communicating with each other like neurons…like one immense Mind…In this way, there may be great ideas, knowledge, memory…in the Cosmos…As we have said…perhaps I’s came to earth to Connect with other particles…and thus stay in the Light…but they also may come for experience and ideas that can later be used in building Cosmic Truth in the Mind of the universe….

The human brain may emulate the Cosmos…or at least, a great star. That is…one I has capability…but it is only when it is with many other I’s in a star that it can obtain great Power…of ideas…of action…One I equipped with a brain can do wondrous things, too…equivalent to many I‘s working together….

If there is Good or bad in the Cosmos…then there must be memory…otherwise, how can assignments of Light and dark…be made?… There must be Time…Time measures movement…and is useful in discovering Truth…But I‘s are eternal…thus only the present is important to them… zapping their Love partner every two seconds…occupies most of their


Clouds of gas can create more stars. This is action, creativity of the greatest kind. Perhaps, as we have said…the suns, stars are communicating with each other like neurons in a brain…It is not like stars are immanating some Light to contact other celestial bodies…They are raining forth the entire spectrum of electromagnetic energy from Comic to radio waves…Perhaps the brain of an animal mirrors this celestial interaction…What sort of Cosmic ideas would be conjured? …constructed by such an astronomically, Cosmic sized… large brain? Perhaps a brain that large…is required to consider properly such considerations such as Love, Truth, Beauty…Woman.

A second reason for an ‘I’ to come to earth…is that Connectiveness can happen on earth…this Connectiveness can make it possible for us to Connect

with other I‘s…after Death…and Connectiveness might be a prerequisite for remaining in the Light…and not in darkness…In this way do we gain great reason for being here…We understand now that what we do on earth can contribute to where we will be in the eternities ahead…

Let us look at this Connectiveness idea first…it would appear that I‘s can establish Connectiveness without Life…because there is so little Life in the Cosmos…Life may facilitate Connectiveness, thus becoming a part of Life is desirable…but it probably is not essential…

When it comes to Connectiveness …do I‘s have personalities? One would think that an atom is just an atom…if one is to find another person on earth to be One with…and this Connection will lead to an eternal couple… then there must be differences among I‘s…that would compel one to become completely One with another…

When one looks at a particle…wherever in the world would personality be found?…Each I particle is like every other particle in the universe…it is a particle moving at the speed of light…within a space…with an associated electromagnetic wave that the particle generates…there are oscillations, patterns in the wave associated with the particle…it is these oscillations, patterns in electro-magnetic waves…that communicate with other particles…

The wave of an I particle can be complex. It can carry, it can convey…information…it can possess a personality…I particles may be smooth or warped…good or bad…

So, the Cosmos is filled with Light and darkness…each filled with particles. I particles strive for the Light. Fields can be warped and become unable to combine with other particles…The dark particles fall, alone, eternally into the darkness…although there is always a chance for betterment, as well as further declination…Therefore, part of the memory of the Cosmos may be related to roughness or smoothness of particle waves…Good and bad… the division or particles into…the Power and the Collection of Light…which are related to Good…and the dark and the dispersion of Light, which are related to badness and evil…in accordance with…Cosmic Law.

So in this conception…the I became part of the evolution of Life on earth…which gave plants and animals an advantage…in the survival game…But actually, the atoms may have a strategy of their own..They may be attempting to establish Connectiveness in order that they may reside in the Light forever…

If the animals in which I‘s reside…are Good…which would seem to be the case for most animals…then the fields of their particles would be rendered ‘smooth’ …and particles would be able to Connect with other particles easily after Death…

Bonding is an animal phenomenon…among family, couples…perhaps even friends if serious creative work is shared among them…Bonding is probably required if I particles are to be united forever…perhaps what is required is what I would call ‘extreme’ bonding….not just a couple being together, in a Loving, habitual coupling…it probably has to be an intense coupling to make wave surfaces unique enough to recognize and join after Death….

So we have good reason for being here on earth…What can we do to make our stay here fruitful and more pleasant?

The I and the Future

If the I exists…that is, if every atom possesses consciousness…then there is meaning in the universe….there is probably reason for us…to be here on earth. We are not Living in a meaningless universe…Meaningless…makes a Hitler possible…In face of these facts…armed with a Cosmic theology…now Hitler is really dead! We now know…that we have good reason to be here…therefore we must begin to repair what would appear to be a broken world…We have to make this world habitable…for centuries to come…Well, the fact is…right now…actually this world is far from broken…the world is in very good shape because of two Industrial Revolutions in Britain and the United States…it is because these economic revolutions have been so successful…that we are running into trouble….there is still two-thirds of the world that needs to benefit from this revolutionary time …This is the major reason for terrorism….people are left behind….not sharing in all the Good things a modern world can provide…So, much work must be done fast…somehow…And we are fouling our nest….the sky is filled with pollution and the Oceans filled with plastic…both remnants of a century of oil….that benefited a few…most were left out….But this just means that we have to accept these challenges…and create more tools, Powerful tools…tools of great, great Power…to take the next step…towards a prosperous and peaceful world. The Messiah was supposed to come…Unfortunately…we are She.

I think…therefore I am…Yes, this sentence has set us on a great path of adventure…Unfortunately this great sentence has…throughout the history of mankind become another…It has become…We fight; therefore, we are! There are five major religions…Communism is a sixth major one…I think there are some 4,500 religions, in all. These are religions of the plant/animal sphere. These are religions of War… they do not necessarily cause wars.. although they have done so in the past….but they certainly don’t stop it. We need a Cosmic religion that transcends the plant/animal sphere…to step in when the major religions are Powerless.

There seems to be some supreme, universal design for the universe…Let us see if we can discern it.

To impact the world..Let’s see….’impact’ means…to make a difference…A person’s presence on earth remains longest when we earn a place in history…To do so…there must be a major Connection with others….We must not think only of ourselves…but of others….A few people rise above fulfilling their minimum needs….they then have a responsibility to improve the conditions of Life around them…Prestige should be of no concern. If a person feels hubris…a supreme satisfaction with oneself…then the Power to create is lost…One can feel this loss of capability immediately…the loss of the ability to create as a result of hubris… leads to Death…think Michael Jackson.

Humans have two aspects…the plant/animal and the Cosmic. This means we are able to choose among various options…There are different pathways we can take in Life…we can eat drink, and make merry…or we can concentrate upon Cosmic things….We have free Will…but usually only when we reach a fork in the road….Once a decision is made…consequences usually fall in line with a degree of inevitability. All creativity comes from the Cosmic spark within us.

Before we can consider the future properly…we must confront Time… which is a tool of the mind…Time does not exist ‘out there’…and it is not important for I‘s that are eternal…We can learn from the Cosmos in this regard…We can learn to Live more…in the present. Life, for example, cannot survive in Time that flows…Thought occurs only…when Time stands still… although the mind operates continually… Eternity is Cosmic…Time is plant/animal.., earth, brain. Eternity is present…a place where Time stops….When you think….when you use your brain…Time stops…you touch eternity….Life survives only in the present….So much of what is wrong with Life…is looking to.., looking for… tomorrow.

How is it that I am aLive now? The odds against this are so great, given the infinity of Time….Given the infinity of Time…existence…at this moment… is impossible. Unless…I have existence…an existence that has existed for an eternity in the past and is set to endure another eternity…in the future….This is an existence that is important…because that is who I am…and eternal…

We know this Truth…intuitively….We have received this information from the Cosmos…We know how we should interact with other people. As I say, we received this information from another realm…it is an ethical realm…Cosmic Law rules there… On earth, the individual religions have their rules…but a world government needs a Cosmic theology… based on Truth, Beauty, and Cosmic Law. We need the philosophy that Descartes believed in…what the United States’ Declaration of Independence was based on…We need the ideas received from the Deists…great ideas like Equality, Justice… these Cosmic ideas lead to democracy politically…wherein people must be treated equally…All people have an I...and each I is different…like snowflakes… like fingerprints…Yet each…is a piece of God…all are a piece of that original…great I…Thus, each of us are basically the same in importance… each of us…’looks out’…and this fact is awesome…this ‘looking out’…elevates each person…all persons…everywhere…of every type and flavor…to equality.. and to an importance… of kings…

There is a fifty percent chance that humanity will not make it through this century…The major religions are okay…they calm most people down… yet in the face of terrorism…these religions are tools…that are useless…

We need new ideas for an entirely different, new world…a peaceful world…an united world.

A secular theology will not do…We are tempted to say…’As far as the meaning of Life…we live in an intrinsic void.’ As I say…secular thoughts like this…lead to Hitler…In a world of meaningless, one must start with the individual…well, I go to the mall…this is important to me…so it must be important to the universe…Life is meaningless….Life is chemicals…so bring on Hitler…No…there is existence within us!…all around us..there is meaning for the Cosmos, in the Cosmos….meaning all around us! everything…that exists!.

The essence of Life on earth…that is, plant/animal life…is the search for joy and happiness….which only comes from Love….that results in Will, creativity, tools….To realize this end..we must become One…We must Connect…with the human family…We must Connect with Nature…and we shall have earned our place in the Light….For too many people, a world free of violence, oppression, exploitation, inequality….a world free of these ugly, immoral things…is just a dream. The uniting of plant/animal plus Cosmic… will make our dream…which is a Dream of Dust…our great human task on earth…come true. The I… is a Dream of Dust…It is matter…’looking out’…thinking, dreaming. We must utilize Cosmic Power…we must use an I conception of humankind…to subdue ideologues… racial, religious, and national conflicts. All the monumental pushes in humanity against destructive and exploitative forces….have been led by the I armed with Law from the Cosmos…Uniting our world into One great Force of Cosmic Truth, Law, Will, Justice….of Love.

Many of the ideas in this book may be called ‘speculations’ …as they have little empirical support…Yet scientists talk every day of ‘strings’ and ’11 dimensions’…which they say…must be True…that is, they must refer to an empirical reality…that will one day be found…They must be True… because of mathematical calculation…That is, the left side of the brain has tools of analysis and deduction that may take us to Truth…with a minimum of evidence…Well, the right side of the brain…utilizes synthesis and induction to create startling hypotheses also…These hypotheses are as valid as those found by deduction..and speculation such as this…can allow man and woman to skip ahead…and find real Truth much faster than without such speculation… The trick is to attempt to test these speculations…sometimes in an indirect way…To make speculation real Truth…we must use the Power of both sides of the brain…We must utilize the Power of both sides of the brain…which are found in different individuals…to find Truth in an accelerated fashion….

The thing is…I believe that the ideas I have presented here…have a healthy probability…of being True…Whereas I do not think that ideas concerning ‘strings’, 11 dimensions and multiverses are True…I mean, our I’s are in the center of atoms…’looking out’…we are in an advantaged location to discern what the basic building blocks of the Cosmos are…and we do not see ‘strings’…we do not see 11 dimensions…What we do see is….Energy…

Energy…how do electrons whirl about nuclei for billions of years without inputs of more Energy?…How can every person possess an I that is the center of the universe?…Together we can answer challenging questions like these…Our world is full of the magic, the Power…the Love…to make a great prosperous future…a reality…..

Bibliographical Notes

So if consciousness was there when Life was first formed…we should look for hydrogen ions…and we should look for chemicals that can be formed easily from gases in the air that can be absorbed by the ocean and water in the ocean itself…well, it is a great help for a scientists to know what he or she is looking for…for decades answers may sit right before our eyes without progress because scientists are not asking the right questions…We know… what we are looking for….

The major sources we used for information were texts all of which are no doubt out of print now…which are no doubt replaced with newer editions and selections….Our hypothesis here was built not from ideas found in original pieces of work by other investigators….they were built from facts found in any basic textbook in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry and cellular investigation….what has led our investigation are not new facts per se although new things are being discovered every day…It is more what the investigator is looking for…things that have been there all along…if one were looking for them…if one were allowed to look for them…

Some of the sources that were used in this minibook were the following…

For general information the following were essential…

Marcus Du Sautoy… The Great Unknowns… Seven Journeys to the Frontiers of Space (2016).

Wild Mercy…Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mirabai Starr (2019).

Molecular Biology of the Cell…Third Bruce Alberts, et al…(New York: Garland Publishing, 1994)….

Biochemistry, Fourth Edition by Lubert Stryer….(New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1995)

Chemistry…Third Edition, by Steven S. Zumdahl (Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath and Company, 1993)

For information concerning specific items and areas concerning cell activity and documented evidence concerning early manifestations of life, the following were used….

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