Quantum Mechanics And The I




Placing Physics on a Biological Base.


Frank W. Andres

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We all…and we mean you, too.!..We all need to work together in Creative Clusters to help build the Future!


There is an old joke:

A visitor is lost in the rural hinterlands of Ireland.

He asks a passerby for directions:

‘How may I get to Dublin?’

The old man rubs his bewhiskered chin

and replies:

‘Well –

I wouldn’t start from here!’

Of course this joke speaks to a major conundrum facing humanity today: Quantum Theory.

It is a theory with no possibility for understanding.

Perhaps it would be better – if we just started over.

We propose one place to start – is with just one word :





A Century of. Quantum Mechanics

Throughout most of the 19th century, Newtonian mechanical theory – as adjusted and extended by Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell – was taught in the universities as if it were received from god, herself. However, as investigations into phenomena involving radiation began to be performed – anomalies between the results of experiments – and that theory – began to appear. There were ‘relativistic’ deviations – which at first were deemed to be due to differences in individual’s perpectives upon phenomena – however, ultimatetly were seen for what they were: The movement of particles change in a physical manner as the speed of particles approach the speed of light. There was confusion from the first between two concepts concerning the letter c – between its use as a cipher – related to the concept of time – as the letter t – is used in the equation: s = at – and the letter c – which stands for the speed of light.

A second adjustment to the Newtonian equations had to be made because of the discovery that nuclei, electrons, and photons each possessed waves which were attached to them – which confused conceptualization – and necessrily elaborated mathematical descriptions and analysis of physical phenomena.

So a new physics was required – and a new one was supplied. Yes, the 20th century started out with a Big Bang – theoretically speaking: With Quantum Physics! Well, it was so great – so unexpected. Then, of course, everyone began to expect so much: Why not a revolution in energy? The whole world would be changed! Instead, what the world received was a revolution in information. Like the Iphone. Which was nice. Even kind of spectacular. Yet all the old problems of dwindling resources such as oil – and whole-scale pollution of the planet – seemed to remain.

What happened? What do we need instead – to ensure the survival of the human species – upon this planet? The clock is ticking – so to Einstein- speak.

So what happened is: Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell’s amazing advancements in physics – were primarily with electricity. Sir Isaac Newton’s F = ma – was already in place – and pretty much took care of everything else. Electricity naturally evolved into electronics and information. But now we need more! Yes, scientists are now extremely clever in developing novel energy-storage systems, but ultimately they can’t change the motion of atoms. Information requires only a medium to preserve ideas – and an artificial intelligence to interpret them. Yes, advances in content storage and transmission was made possible by working with atoms. All of this – would seem to be a step in the right direction. However, we would submit that scientists did not work with, collaborate with, atoms enough! Indeed, there was: The development of semiconductor devices, such as the transistor and the diode – these certainly were made as a conseqence of quantum-sort of breakthroughs. As we say: All of this did involve atoms, of course. For instance: This most recent progress that was made – was related to what physicists call ‘spin’ with respect to an atom. That is, the field of solid-state physics is related to the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei and atoms, which is an intrinsically quantum mechanical phenomena. More on this below. There were other astonishing additions to gadgets and displays – all the result of quantum mechanics: The laser, light-emitting diodes, key-chain memory sticks – there was the appearance of strange phenomea including superconductivity and the Bose-Einsein condensation. Yet all of this accomplishment was accompanied by a reputation for ‘weirdness’ and incomprehensibility in the theory. Fundamental questions are still being argued among scientists because instruments are unable to examine, describe, and measure things that are too small or move too fast. And when measurements are able to be made – it seems that the very act of measuring – often influences the result.

All of this – and the fact is – we were so counting on physics – because again, the fact is: All the disciplines rely upon the fundamental discoveries of physics in order for them to do their job. And as we say – the fact is: humanity is in a desperate struggle for survival. There are only thirty years of oil left. We are polluting the earth, creating a threatening environment and climate – which are endangering all Life. And physics has basically stood still for one hundred years. Yes, the 20th century was the richest time in the history of the world – and United States was the richest country – But!

There has been world population explosion. Two-thirds of the world was in poverty or near-poverty throughout all of this time.

So yes! We have had three hundred years of Industrial Revolution. This has been asrounding! Humanity should be proud! But the accolades have quickly subsided. We have been intelligent, we have been bold – but we have been reckless. Now we are in danger of falling quickly back into a Dark Age.

Science is our only hope. And science now – is in complete disarray.

Well, we must do somthing about all of this!

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